

单词 霸王别姬

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External sources (not reviewed)

姬認為 ,平等機會委員會面對的困擾並未 王 見 秋 辭職而結束。
Tong believed that the
[...] trouble faced by the EOC would not end with Michael Wong Kin-chow's resignation.
尊重文化的多样性能够丰富不同 文明之间的对话,因此会战胜企图挫 别 国 文霸权主义企图。
Respect for cultural diversity, which enriched the dialogue between civilizations,
[...] should prevail over any hegemonic attempt to annihilate others.
多啦A梦和大雄抢来拯救他们和所有五个必须面对被吃掉了一只凶猛 霸王 龙。
Doraemon and Nobita rush to save them and all five have to face being eaten by
[...] a ferocious Tyrannosaurus rex.
问以来的首次来自联合国的高别访 问 。尽管他会见了全国民主同盟秘书长昂山姬,但是却无法确保她的获释。
While he was able to meet with National League for Democracy (NLD) General Secretary, Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, he was unable to secure her release.
王見秋 昨日宣佈辭去平等機會委員會主席一職;香港大學政治與公共行政學系助理教授湯 姬 將 於 明日在《港大民意網站》發表題為「汲取教訓,三思而行」的專欄文章,評論平機會現行的委任制度及提供相關的建議。
Yesterday, Michael Wong Kin-chow resigned from his post as the Chairman of Equal Opportunities Commission. Irene L.K. Tong, Assistant Professor [...]
of the Politics
and Public Administration Department of the University of Hong Kong, will publish in the "HKU POP SITE" an article entitled "(Another) 'Learning from Experience'", discussing the existing appointment regime of EOC.
人们重点谈到需要进一步研究的问题,包括为何有些群体在全球海洋生境中霸,为 何浮游生境和海底生境中各群体的结构有不同,分类最多的群类在数量 上是否也是最多的,哪些别的分 类群类与动植物有关,在何种程度上它们对每 一个物种具有独特性(另见上文第 19 段)。
A number of questions for further research were highlighted, including why some groups dominate marine habitats globally, why there is a division between the community structure of pelagic and benthic habitats, whether the most diverse taxa are also the most numerically abundant, what kinds of taxa are associated with plants and animals and to what extent they are unique to each species (see also para. 19 above).
如果與行政機關的關係要改善,首先要做的就是行政當局不 要強行而來,經常霸王硬上弓”。
To improve the relationship with the executive, the first thing the Administration must do is not to do anything by force and force its way through the Council.
除这些承诺之外,最近的一些举措让 别 报 告 员感到鼓舞,诸如颁布新的投 资法;于 2011 年 5 月再一次举办关于农村发展和减贫的全国研讨会,以及制订 关于这一问题的行动计划(2011 年至 2015 年);由政府和亚洲及太平洋经济社会 委员会于 2011 年 6 月联合举办的第三次发展伙伴关系论坛;2011 年 8 月举行关 于经济改革和经济发展的国家级研讨会,昂山 姬 受 到 邀请。
In addition to these
[...] commitments, the Special Rapporteur is encouraged to note recent initiatives, such as the enactment of new investment legislation; the holding of another national workshop on rural development and poverty alleviation, in May 2011, and the development of an action plan (covering the period 2011 to 2015) on this issue; the Third Development Partnership Forum, held in June 2011, jointly organized by the Government and the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific; and a national-level workshop on economic reform and economic development, held [...]
in August 2011, to which Daw Aung San Suu Kyi was invited.
一切回復平靜,不過正如各位所見,街道並非各位想像般無趣,我也可以掀起一場戰役,因為我是街 霸王 , 哈 哈哈」。
So yeah, it’s all quiet for now, but as you can see being a street is not as boring as you might think.
財委會 在 1996 年批准一筆為數
140,000,000 元的承擔額( 有關承擔額在 1997 年 及 1998 年分別增加 493,000 元及 500,000 元 ) ,供政府飛行服務隊購置
[...] 現有兩架 J-41 定翼機及相關的設備,在 1999 年取代兩架超級空霸王 定翼機。
In 1996, FC approved a commitment of $140,000,000 (with increases in commitment of $493,000 in 1997 and $500,000 in 1998) for the procurement of the
two existing J-41fixed-wing aircraft, together with associated equipment, to
[...] replace two Super King Air aircraft in 1999.
還是政府會依靠足夠的票數霸王硬 上 弓”呢?
Or, will the Government simply bulldoze it through, thinking that it will obtain enough supporting votes?
這可謂霸王硬上 弓”,罔顧程序公義,企圖透過 建制派在立法會佔大多數的優勢,在缺乏社會諮詢、討論及共識之 下,不理反對意見,強行通過立法。
This could be described as "hijacking" at the expense of procedural justice, attempting to seize the majority advantage of the pro-establishment camp to force through the legislation, with no regard to the opposing views, and without any public consultation, discussion or consensus.
至於當局在現有兩架 J-41 定翼機於
[...] 1999 年投入服務 後,出售兩架超級空霸王定翼機及相關的零件和設備,所得的收入 [...]
為 2,648,000 美元(20,654,400 港元) 。
As regards the disposal
[...] of the two Super King Air and the associated [...]
spares and equipment in 1999 after the two existing
J-41 fixed-wing aircraft were commissioned into service, the revenue generated was US$2,648,000 (HK$20,654,400).
這樣會有助委員會討論如何設計普選制度以符合《基 本法》姬鵬飛主任所提四項原則。
This would facilitate discussion on how a universal suffrage system might be designed which would be in compliance with the Basic Law and the four principles mentioned by Director Ji.
在这一国际机构的努力下,布哈拉、希瓦和Shahrizabz等世界闻名的城市、 乌别克斯 坦科学院的东方学研究所的东方手稿集和独一无二的奥斯曼古兰经 被列入人类遗产的名录;该名录包括 690 多处世界古迹和历史遗迹,如法国凡尔 赛宫、意大利威尼斯和佛罗伦萨城、埃及金字塔和印度 姬 陵。
The efforts of this international organization have led to the inclusion on the World Heritage List of the world-renowned cities of Bukhara, Khiva and Shahrisabz; the collection of oriental manuscripts of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan; and the unique Uthman Quran.
这种立法为以下任何罪行或罪行组合规定了普遍管辖权: (a) 严重违反日内瓦四公约及其《第一附加议定书》的行为(主要是英联邦成员 国);(b) 1954 年《海牙公约》《第二号议定书》和《保护所有人免遭强迫失踪国 际公约》别规定 的犯罪(例如塞浦路斯、日本和荷兰);(c) 没有条约规定普遍 管辖权的其他违反国际人道主义法行为,如在非国际武装冲突中实施的战争罪 (比利时、加拿大、新西兰和菲律宾)以及违反禁止或管制使用某种武器的行为(南 非);(d) 《罗马规约》第 8 条所列的战争罪(比利时、加拿大、德国、新西兰和 联王国)。
This legislation provides for universal jurisdiction over any or a combination of the following: (a) grave breaches of the Geneva Conventions and Additional Protocol I thereto (primarily States members of the Commonwealth); (b) crimes specified under the Second Protocol to the 1954 Hague Convention and the International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance (for example, Cyprus, Japan and the Netherlands); (c)
other violations of
[...] international humanitarian law where no treaty requires universal jurisdiction, such as war crimes committed in non-international armed conflict (Belgium, Canada, New Zealand and the Philippines) and violations of treaties that either prohibit or regulate the use of certain weapons (South Africa); (d) the war crimes list contained in article 8 of the Rome Statute (Belgium, Canada, Germany, New Zealand and the United Kingdom).
我要别赞扬荷兰王国常 驻联合国代表弗兰 克·马约尔大使及其尽忠职守的团队不懈地努力和持 续地致力于执行《塞拉利昂建设和平合作框架》,特 别是在建设和平委员会介入塞拉利昂的充满挑战的 头两年。
I would like to pay special tribute to the Permanent Representative of the Kingdom of the Netherlands [...]
to the United Nations,
Ambassador Frank Majoor, and his dedicated team for their untiring efforts and sustained commitment to implementing the Sierra Leone Peacebuilding Cooperation Framework, particularly, during the two challenging formative years of the Peacebuilding Commission’s engagement with Sierra Leone.
(e) 必须利用联王国和美国别在 2 007 年和 2008 年举行的纪念活动,保持国际年 (2004 年)所出现的势头,在相关国家发起有可能筹到资金和动员合作伙伴的各 [...]
(e) the need to capitalize on the
commemorations of 2007 and 2008
[...] by the United Kingdom and the United States of America respectively to maintain [...]
the momentum generated
by the International Year (2004) and initiate activities that are likely to mobilize funds and partnerships in the countries concerned
因為我覺得在整個過程中,政府和地鐵公司所採取的態度,實在便 是我所說的霸王硬上 弓”,是硬來的,是無視了我們立法會的功能和角 色。
Because I think that in the whole process on this occasion,
the attitude taken by the Government and the
[...] MTRCL is so overbearing that they are [...]
bent on imposing their will and they are
forcing their way through things.
這是源姬鵬飛 主任 1990 年 3 月 28 日向人大提交《基本法》草案時所作的說明。
This can be traced back to the explanation given by Mr JI Pengfei on 28 March 1990 in presenting the draft Basic Law to the NPC.
潘基文访问缅甸后,2009 年 8 月 5 日他与秘书长缅甸之友小组会面,之后,潘基文称,“小 组在关注缅甸政府近期所采取举措的同时,还进一步鼓励缅甸 加强与联合国斡旋办公室的合作,并更加积极做出应对,解决 国际社会担忧的重要问题,尤其是释放昂山 姬 等 政治犯,并 在政府和反对党之间启动具有包容性的对话。
After meeting with the Group of Friends on 5 August 2009 following his visit to Myanmar, Ban Ki-moon stated: “While noting the recent actions taken by the Government of Myanmar, members of the Group also further encouraged it to work more closely with and respond more positively with the United Nations good offices to address key issues of concern to the international community, especially the release of prisoners, including Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, and the initiation of an all-inclusive dialogue between the Government and the opposition”.
这个发面煎饺是用小香菇姬松茸 和新鲜小蘑菇做馅,味美极了,饺子皮下面焦香上面暄软,很受欢迎。
These delicious mushroom meat pan fried dumplings [...]
are made with leavened dough, soft on the top and crunchy on the bottom.
[...] 布以来通过的各项非殖民化决议的执行情况”的秘书长报告(A/64/70),其中别指出,联王国对 海外领土的政策建立在由每个领土的人民来决定是否希望保 [...]
持与联合王国关系的基础之上,联合王国政府无意违背有关人民的意志而强加独 立。
Information provided by the United Kingdom for inclusion in the report of the Secretary-General entitled “Implementation of decolonization resolutions adopted since the declaration of the First and Second International Decades for the
Eradication of Colonialism” (A/64/70),
[...] stated, inter alia, that the United Kingdom’s policy towards [...]
the Overseas Territories rested
on the basis that it is the people of each Territory who determine whether they wish to stay linked to the United Kingdom or not and that the United Kingdom had no intention of imposing independence against the will of the people concerned.
秘书长的报告“第一和第二个铲除殖民主义国际十年宣布以来通过的各项非 殖民化决议的执行情况”(A/64/70)中所列的联 王 国 提 供的资料 别 指 出 ,联王国海 外领土政策以各领土人民是否愿意与联合王国保持联系为基石。
Information provided by the United Kingdom for inclusion in the report of the Secretary-General on the implementation of decolonization resolutions adopted since the declaration of the First and Second International Decades for the
Eradication of Colonialism
[...] (A/64/70), inter alia stated that the policy of the United Kingdom towards the [...]
Overseas Territories rested
on the basis that it was the people of each Territory who would determine whether they wished to stay linked to the United Kingdom.
王国特别关切 的 是不具约束力的题为“建议的做法”的第 19 条,该条可能破坏一个国家就是否 [...]
It is particularly concerned that [...]
the non-binding article 19, entitled “Recommended practice”, risks undermining the absolute
discretion of a State to decide whether or not to exercise diplomatic protection, and is thus not suitable for inclusion in a convention.
2002 年 度“教科文组织马登吉特·辛格宣扬宽 容和非暴力奖”授予了昂山姬,以表 彰促进宽容和相互理解理想的行动。
Actions in favour of promoting the ideals of tolerance and mutual understanding were also acknowledged through the awarding of the UNESCO-Madanjeet Singh Prize for the Promotion of Tolerance and NonViolence to Aung San Suu Kyi, in 2002.




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