单词 | 霸权主义 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 霸权主义 —hegemonySee also:霸权 n—hegemonies pl 霸主—overlord • hegemon • a powerful chief of the princes of the Spring and Autumn Period (770-476 BC) 主义 n—nationalism n • socialist n • imperialism n • militarism n 主义—ideology • -ism
正是基 于这些原则,中国批评前苏联干预东欧事务以及以美国为首的 [...] 北约干预前南斯拉夫内政的做法,对此,中国谴责其为 “ 霸权主 义”。 crisisgroup.org | These principles were central to critiques of Soviet intervention in Eastern Europe [...] and continued through to the U.S.-led NATO intervention in the former Yugoslavia, which [...] China denounced as “hegemonist”. crisisgroup.org |
在批评前苏联干涉东欧内政时就是其中心理论,后来又 [...] 经历了美国领导的北约干涉前南斯拉夫内政,也就是中 国所称的“霸权主义”。 crisisgroup.org | They were central to critiques of Soviet interventions in Eastern [...] Europe and continued through the U.S.-led NATO intervention in the former Yugoslavia, which [...] China denounced as “hegemonist”. crisisgroup.org |
尊重文化的多样性能够丰富不同 文明之间的对话,因此会战胜企图挫败别国文明的 霸权主义企图。 daccess-ods.un.org | Respect for cultural diversity, which enriched the dialogue between civilizations, should [...] prevail over any hegemonic attempt to annihilate others. daccess-ods.un.org |
一项对全世界千百万人具有无 法估量影响的灾难性决定,又一次让干涉 主 义 和 霸权 主义逻辑占了上风。 daccess-ods.un.org | Once again, the logic of [...] interventionism and hegemony has prevailed through [...]a disastrous decision with incalculable potential [...]consequences for tens of millions of individuals worldwide. daccess-ods.un.org |
联合声明中对伊朗伊斯兰共和国提出的指控是其篡改事实真相的又一事例, 为某些政治和经济权力集团的利益,在中东地区扩大 其 霸权主义 政 策,并转移美 国公民对国内和外交层面许多无效和失败政策的注意力而采取的又一骗术。 daccess-ods.un.org | Those accusatory allegations raised against the Islamic Republic of Iran in the joint statement are yet another example of misrepresentation of the realities on the ground in [...] the interest of [...] certain circles of political and economic power to further their hegemonic policies in [...]the Middle East region, [...]and also a deception tactic to avert the attention of United States citizens from many unfruitful and failed policies at the domestic and foreign levels. daccess-ods.un.org |
在这方面,我最后要强调,只有我们一劳永逸地 认识到干预主义和霸权主义的逻 辑决不能成为新世 界秩序——在其中占主导地位的是所有人享有真正 的正义,没有双重标准或双重道德——的基础时,全 球和平才能得到维护。 daccess-ods.un.org | In that respect, I would like to end my statement by emphasizing that global peace can be maintained only if it is understood once and for all that the logic of interventionism and hegemony can never be the basis for a new world order in which true justice for all, free of double standards or double morals, prevails. daccess-ods.un.org |
实际上,制裁的主要特征结果是在 促进国际和平与安全的幌子下将某些大国 的 霸权主 义意图强加给其他国家和民众。 daccess-ods.un.org | Indeed, the main feature of sanctions [...] turns out to be a tool to [...] impose the hegemonic intentions of some big Powers on other nations and populations, under the pretext of spurring international peace and security. daccess-ods.un.org |
马上面临的挑战包括维持多边贸易体制及抵 制霸 权主义和保 护主义倾向;完成多哈回合并取得平衡的结果,包括使所有最不发达 [...] 国家及其货物获得免关税和免配额限制的市场准入;解决商品问题,首要例子是 棉花问题。 daccess-ods.un.org | Immediate challenges included sustaining the multilateral trading system [...] and resisting hegemonic and protectionist [...]tendencies; concluding the Doha round with [...]a balanced outcome, including tarifffree and quota-free market access for all least developed countries and their goods; and resolving the commodities issue, the cotton issue being the prime example. daccess-ods.un.org |
这是美国政府 的供状:它正在利用这一封锁将它的 霸权主义 愿 景强 加给古巴人民。 daccess-ods.un.org | This is a confession by the Government of the United States that it is using the [...] blockade to impose its hegemonic vision on the Cuban people. daccess-ods.un.org |
武器开支的增加与各国从销售自然资源获得的 收入的增加有关,有时涉及过去时代 的 霸权主义诱 惑。 daccess-ods.un.org | The increased expenditures on weapons are related to increased [...] income in States from the sale of natural resources and, sometimes, [...] relates to the hegemonic temptations of [...]a past era. daccess-ods.un.org |
不能通过霸权主义达成共识,而是应在尊重 国家主权的基础上,通过负责、客观的对话达成共 识。 daccess-ods.un.org | Consensus could be [...] gained not through hegemony, but rather through [...]responsible, objective dialogue on the basis of respect for national sovereignty. daccess-ods.un.org |
关于叙利亚,显然有人企图挑动教派敏感情绪和 煽动宗派紧张和分裂,这是霸权主义 政 权 采取的众所 周知伎俩。 daccess-ods.un.org | On Syria, there have evidently been [...] attempts to incite sectarian sensitivities and denominational tensions and [...] divisions, a known tactic of hegemonic regimes. daccess-ods.un.org |
这个问题,因为在大会,我们所有人都有发言权和投 票权,并且地位平等,而且,在这里没 有 霸权主义的 容身之处。 daccess-ods.un.org | To conclude, I would like to stress that the consideration of this issue should continue in the framework of the General [...] Assembly, where we all have a [...] voice and the right to vote and are on an equal footing, and where there is no place for hegemony. daccess-ods.un.org |
实 现这一目标的唯一途径是振兴大会的领导作用,使大 会成为联合国唯一不为霸权主义提供 立足之地的机 构;在这样的机构里,我们都有话语权和投票权,而 [...] 且不合时宜的否决权不复存在。 daccess-ods.un.org | That can only be achieved by revitalizing the leading role of the General Assembly as the [...] only United Nations body in which there [...] is no place for hegemonies, where we all have [...]a voice and a vote and where the obsolete right of veto does not exist. daccess-ods.un.org |
简言之,他们的发展权成了安理 会某些决议所反映的霸权主义大国 的完全敌对意志 的无端打击目标。 daccess-ods.un.org | Briefly, their right to development is being targeted unjustifiably by the wholly antagonistic will of the hegemonic Powers, as [...] reflected in some of the Council’s resolutions. daccess-ods.un.org |
无论是在西班 牙国内战争与洛尔迦一起,还是在阿叶德的智利,他都与独裁统治和压迫作斗争,他反对社 [...] 会排斥、种族排斥、社会不公和经济剥削,以及昔日和今日 的 霸权主义 破 坏 文化遗产和具有 特性的遗产,不论其是十五世纪欧洲征服时的种族屠杀还是二十世纪开采和殖民主义留下的 [...]痛苦痕迹。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Both in Civil War Spain, alongside Federico García Lorca, and in Salvador Allende’s Chile, he fought dictatorship and oppression, social and racial exclusion, injustice and economic exploitation, and the destruction of [...] the heritage of civilizations and [...] identity by the hegemonic imperialists of yesterday [...]and today, notably the bitter legacy [...]of the genocides perpetrated during the European conquest in the fifteenth century, and exploitation and colonialism in the twentieth century. unesdoc.unesco.org |
国际社会绝不能允许好战的占领国为了满足其贪得无厌的殖 民 主义 、 霸权主 义和欺 压百姓的欲望,以区域命运与和平前景作为要挟。 daccess-ods.un.org | The international community must not allow a belligerent occupying Power to hold the [...] fate of a region and the prospects for peace hostage to its insatiable [...] appetite for colonization, hegemony and oppression. daccess-ods.un.org |
这种不 幸的情况必须成为一个机会,使联合国的所有成员国 [...] 国家都能向海地表示声援,提供慷慨支持,同时把对 政治和军事控制的罪恶霸权主义主张 放在一边。 daccess-ods.un.org | This terrible situation must be a chance for every one of the countries that make up the United Nations [...] to give Haiti its solidarity and generous support, [...] putting aside evil hegemonic claims to political [...]and military control. daccess-ods.un.org |
安全理事会某些成员国促进貌似保护平民的决 议,但它们真正寻求的是统治南方国家 的 霸权主义 的立足点。 daccess-ods.un.org | Some Member States of the Security Council [...] promote resolutions seemingly to protect civilians, but what [...] they seek is a hegemonic foothold over countries [...]of the South. daccess-ods.un.org |
但由于每个人的目的各有不同,对于一些想直接下载资料的朋友来说,IE的这种 “ 霸权主义 ” 毕 竟还是平添了不少麻烦,而且,由于每个文件的大小各有不同,服务器的带宽也不一样,在线浏览的速度一般也不如那些用多线程下载工具下载完后再浏览的速度快。 oapdf.com | However, the purpose of each person are different, some would [...] like to download data directly to a [...] friend who, IE this "hegemony", after all, added [...]to a lot of trouble, and, because the [...]size of each file are different, the server not the same bandwidth, the speed of online browsing, such as those who are generally not multi-threaded downloading tool with a downloaded after browsing speed. oapdf.com |
中国依据和平共处五项原则批判前苏联在冷战中对 东欧的干涉以及以美国为首的北约对前南斯拉夫的干涉 为霸权主义行径.中国对通过非军事行动来干涉他国内政 的做法也常表示反感,但近年来,中国的实际行动曾多 次偏离互不干涉的政策。见危机组织报告《中国的石油 [...] [...] 问题》及《中国在联合国维和发挥着越来越重要的作 用》,均引用如前。 crisisgroup.org | Crisis Group Reports, China’s Thirst for Oil and China’s Growing Role in UN Peacekeeping, both op. cit. crisisgroup.org |
诗人、剧作家、政治家艾梅·塞泽尔(1913--2008 年)为后辈留下的财富,全都是论 述反对“内容贫乏的普遍性”的 霸权主义 偏 移,并强调指出“有两种消失的方法:封闭在特 殊性中孤立起来,或是融化于统一性中”以及“我的普遍性观念是包括特殊性,所有特殊 [...] 性,深入研究所有特殊性及其共存的观念2”。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Aimé Césaire (1913-2008), poet, [...] playwright and politician, [...] left a legacy devoted exclusively to fighting the drift towards a hegemony of “fleshless [...]universalism”, pointing [...]out that “there are two ways to lose oneself: through segregation, being immured in the particular, or through dilution in the universal”, and adding that “I have a different idea of a universal. unesdoc.unesco.org |
而这一原则自中国五十年代推出和 平共处五项原则后就成为中国外交的主题思想。中国依据和平共 处五项原则批判前苏联在冷战中对东欧的干涉以及以美国为首的 北约对前南斯拉夫的干涉为霸权主义 行 径 .见危机组织报告《中国 的石油问题》及《中国在联合国维和中日益重要的角色》,均引用 如前;及亚洲报告 N177,《中国的缅甸难题》[China’s Myanmar Dilemma],2009 年 9 月 14 日。 crisisgroup.org | They are also seen as a serious violation of the principle of non-interference, which has long been a key theme of China’s foreign relations since the “Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence” ( 和平共处五项原则) of the 1950s which were central to critiques of Soviet intervention in Eastern Europe during the Cold War and of the U.S.led NATO intervention in the former Yugoslavia, which China denounced as “hegemonist”. crisisgroup.org |
在这方面,索马里的情况还揭示了几个世纪来使 非洲处于其霸权之下的殖民主义思维 造成的深深创 伤。 daccess-ods.un.org | In that respect, the situation in Somalia has [...] also revealed the deep wounds inflicted by the [...] colonialist mentality that kept Africa under its hegemony for centuries. daccess-ods.un.org |
联合国和人权理事会不应当用所谓的人 道主 义问题 作为干涉叙利亚内政的借口,这样只会为侵略叙利亚和在这一地区实现西 方和以色列的霸权计划找借口。 daccess-ods.un.org | However, so-called humanitarian problems should not be used by the United Nations and the Human Rights Council as grounds for interference in Syrian affairs, which would only serve to justify aggression against Syria and plans for a Western and Israeli hegemony in the region. daccess-ods.un.org |
在目前的经济现况和财政紧缩的大背景下,“单语制”趋势远没有减少,一种 语言即英语凌驾其他五种联合国语文的 “ 霸权 地 位 ”仍然盛行,可能是出于实 用主 义的缘故。 daccess-ods.un.org | In the context of economic realities and financial constraints, the trend towards [...] “monolingualism” is far from [...] decreasing, with the “hegemonic” use of one language, English, over the other five United Nations languages, for the sake of pragmatism. daccess-ods.un.org |
这些令人不安的起因包括:对世界霸权 的追 求、贫穷、人为的贸易障碍、仇外心理、狂 热主义以及 强加单一发展模式并忽视各国人民 选择自身发展道路的权利的做法。 daccess-ods.un.org | The disturbing list of those causes include aspirations to world supremacy, poverty, artificial barriers to trade, xenophobia, fanaticism and ignoring the right of peoples to chose their own path to development while imposing a single model of development. daccess-ods.un.org |