









External sources (not reviewed)

这样做并没有让受影响的人们参与和征得他们知情的同意,这又是一个权力 基础往往随心所欲,横实例。
This was done without the participation and informed consent
of the people affected, and was another
[...] example of the overbearing natureof the [...]
power base which often acts at its own whim and arbitrarily.
[...] 各种使用方变化多端,从小罪犯到装扮成为夺取权力 的革命者和人权卫士的冒险家,还有劫匪
This enriches traffickers who are frequently invisible and users of all sorts, from petty criminals to adventurers
posing as revolutionaries and defenders of human rights to seize power, as
[...] well asroad blockers andother [...]
highway bandits.
人们重点谈到需要进一步研究的问题,包括为何有些群体在全球海洋生境中何浮游生境和海底生境中各群体的结构有不同,分类最多的群类在数量 上是否也是最多的,哪些类别的分类群类与动植物有关,在何种程度上它们对每 一个物种具有独特性(另见上文第 19 段)。
A number of questions for further research were highlighted, including why some groups dominate marine habitats globally, why there is a division between the community structure of pelagic and benthic habitats, whether the most diverse taxa are also the most numerically abundant, what kinds of taxa are associated with plants and animals and to what extent they are unique to each species (see also para. 19 above).
因为美国政府是全世界 电脑的最大买家,所以这项行政命令导致市场的全面转变,到 1990
[...] 年代结束时, Energy Star 的电脑器材
The Government of the United States being the largest purchaser of computers worldwide, the Executive Order
led to a complete market transformation, and by the end of the 1990s, Energy Star computer
[...] equipment dominated the market.
Recent events which have eroded the government's popularity include that of illegal housing structures, Jeremy
Godfrey, foul start of CE election campaigns, disputes
[...] over"realestate hegemony", minimumwage, [...]
Budget follow-ups, and so on.
马上面临的挑战包括维持多边贸易体制及抵义和保护主义倾向;完成多哈回合并取得平衡的结果,包括使所有最不发达 [...]
国家及其货物获得免关税和免配额限制的市场准入;解决商品问题,首要例子是 棉花问题。
Immediate challenges included sustaining the multilateral trading system
[...] and resisting hegemonic and protectionist [...]
tendencies; concluding the Doha round
with a balanced outcome, including tarifffree and quota-free market access for all least developed countries and their goods; and resolving the commodities issue, the cotton issue being the prime example.
[...] 为某些政治和经济权力集团的利益,在中东地区扩大义政策,并转移美 国公民对国内和外交层面许多无效和失败政策的注意力而采取的又一骗术。
Those accusatory allegations raised against the Islamic Republic of Iran in the joint statement are yet another example of misrepresentation of the realities on the ground in the interest of certain
circles of political and economic power to
[...] furthertheir hegemonicpolicies in [...]
the Middle East region, and also a deception
tactic to avert the attention of United States citizens from many unfruitful and failed policies at the domestic and foreign levels.
安全理事会绝不能重蹈覆辙,就象在 2003 年 2
[...] 月那样,仅凭美国国务卿鲍 威尔的单方面谎言,即沦为美国强权工具,为其武装入侵伊拉克提供合 法外衣。
It is imperative for the Security Council not to step into the same situation in
which it was once misused as a tool of
[...] high-handedness andhegemony of the United States [...]
by giving legitimacy to its armed
invasion into Iraq, based on a single word of lies of Powell, United States Secretary of State, in February 2003.
地区组织和论坛应鼓励在地区之间和地区内部建立由大容量的地区骨干网络支持的网 络,在一个全球网络中将所有国家联接起来。
Regional organizations and forums should encourage the establishment of inter- and intraregional networks powered by high capacity regional backbones to connect each country within a global network in which none dominates connectivity.
但是,我们所说的“大鳄”  地及金地产及金有的公司,以及电 这司对消费者的 隐瞒、误导及欺骗的行为,却 基於可能会受到条例草案附件4所列出 的各项条例规管,而让其很多售卖服务及营商的手法,未必包括在这 项 条例草案之内。
However, for the
[...] "predators" ― the real estate hegemony andfinancialhegemony,companies owned by real estate hegemony and finance hegemony, as well as telecommunication [...]
― the practices of concealing, misleading and deceiving adopted by these companies may not necessarily be covered by this Bill, for these trades may be subject to the regulation of the various ordinances set out in Schedule 4 to the Bill.
正是基 于这些原则,中国批评前苏联干预东欧事务以及以美国为首的
[...] 北约干预前南斯拉夫内政的做法,对此,中国谴责其为义”。
These principles were central to critiques of Soviet intervention in Eastern Europe
and continued through to the U.S.-led NATO intervention in the former Yugoslavia, which
[...] China denouncedas “hegemonist”.
单是2003 年,即第一个关于朝鲜民主主义人民共和国的“决议”强行通过 那年,美国及其西方盟国就横企图以核问题为借口扼杀朝鲜民主主义人 民共和国,并且作为这些伎俩的扩张,甚至在人权委员会第五十九届会议上提出 并强行通过了关于朝鲜民主主义人民共和国人权状况的“决议”。
In 2003 alone, when the adoption of the first “resolution” on the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea was enforced, the United States and its western allies had been running amok to stifle the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea with the pretext of a nuclear problem and, as an extension of these manoeuvres, went so far as to initiate and enforce the adoption of the “resolution” on the human rights situation in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea at the fifty-ninth session of the Commission on Human Rights.
最近为了㆟权大会得以顺利召开,第㆔世界国家分别通过 ㆔个宣言,将㆟权理论提升到㆒个新的层面,其特点就是生存权及发展权越来越受到 重视,而利用㆟权攻击、干涉或遏制他国为,愈来愈不得㆟心。
Most recently, to prepare for the conference on human rights, countries of the Third World passed three separate declarations, raising the notion of human rights to a new level. A special point of the declarations is that the right to life and the right to development have gained increasing recognition and that the despotic use of the human rights issues to attack or constrain other countries or to interfere in their internal affairs has become increasingly unpopular.
Although political
[...] affairs are overbearing, citizens [...]
can still have the ability to fight against it.
国际学术合作伙伴 正在编写这一最有希望的跨学科课程。REGGEN—教科文组织教席(全球经济可持续发展, 尼泰罗伊,巴西)于 2003 年 8
[...] 月 18—22 日在里约热内卢举办了一期主题为全球化在地区化进程中的限制”的国际研讨会,由此开始了旨在建立“国际关系虚拟学 [...]
The REGGEN-UNESCO Chair (Global Economic and Sustainable Development, Niteroi, Brazil) launched an important initiative to establish a “Virtual Institute of International
Relations”, by holding an international
[...] seminar onHegemony andCounter-hegemony, the Globalization [...]
Constraints in Regionalization
Processes”, in Rio de Janeiro, from 18 to 22 August 2003.
虽然终身学习模式已无新意,7 但是最近科学技术发展不断加快,就业市 场动荡加剧,教育迅猛发展,教育规模巨增,其性质快速变化,老师、教授、专 家等知识传统来源的逐步受到侵蚀,新的职业及其所需技术需求的预测 难度日益加大,所有这些使终身教育重新具有重要意义。
Although the lifelong learning paradigm is not new,7 recent developments in terms of the continuously quickening pace of technological and scientific development, an increasingly volatile job market, the exponential growth and changing nature of education, the gradual erosion of the monopoly of authority by traditional sources of knowledge, such as teachers, professors, specialists and the increasingly challenging task of forecasting the emergence of new professions and associated skills needs are all reinvigorating the relevance of lifelong education.
[...] 经历了美国领导的北约干涉前南斯拉夫内政,也就是中 国所称的义”。
They were central to critiques of Soviet interventions in Eastern
Europe and continued through the U.S.-led NATO intervention in the former Yugoslavia, which
[...] China denounced ashegemonist.
在这方面,我最后要强调,只有我们一劳永逸地 认识到干预主义义的逻辑决不能成为新世 界秩序——在其中占主导地位的是所有人享有真正 的正义,没有双重标准或双重道德——的基础时,全 球和平才能得到维护。
In that respect, I would like to end my statement by emphasizing that global peace can be maintained only if it is understood once and for all that the logic of interventionism and hegemony can never be the basis for a new world order in which true justice for all, free of double standards or double morals, prevails.
Edgar Davids曾征战74场国际比赛,曾为阿贾克斯、AC米兰、尤文图斯、巴塞罗那俱乐部、国际米兰、托特纳姆热刺等球队效力,他表示:“最近四个月的经历与众不同,我在虎牌啤酒街头球王亲眼目睹了最为精彩的‘现场’街头足球比赛,也与如此多才华横溢的球员进行了交流。
Edgar Davids, who has 74 international caps to his name and has played for renowned teams including AFC Ajax, AC Milan, Juventus, FC Barcelona, Inter Milan and Tottenham Hotspur, said, "The last four months have been an exceptional experience as I have seen first-hand some of the most exciting 'live' street football action at Tiger Street Football competitions and interacted with so many talented players.
尊重文化的多样性能够丰富不同 文明之间的对话,因此会战胜企图挫败别国文明义企图。
Respect for cultural diversity, which enriched the dialogue between civilizations, should
[...] prevail over any hegemonicattempt to [...]
annihilate others.
[...] Schwarz」、「幻月之歌」(DIVINA)、尚未曝光的「」、「Soul Captor」、「Tiara [...]
The eight in-house online games displayed were Project Core, Reign of Assassins Online, a game with the same name as the Chinese-language film, online-versioned Langrisser Schwarz which is based on Japan’s famous
standalone machine Langrisser, Divina,
[...] Warrior ofDragon, which has not been disclosed, [...]
Soul Captor, Tiara Concerto, and
HERO: 108 Online, an online game based on the cartoon of the same name.
侵略给非洲之角带来的这些痛苦、破坏和危机的责任不能完全由 索马里和厄立特里亚人民来承担。
The responsibility to redress the sufferings, destruction and crisis that is besetting the Horn of Africa as a result of domination and invasion does not lie on the shoulders of the Somali and Eritrean peoples alone.
一 个 半 世 纪 以 来 , 俄 国 一 直 坚 持 三 个 目 标 : 在 黑 海 沿 岸 建 立 海 军 及 商寻 找 通 往 地 中 海 的 出 口 及 令 土 耳 其 政 府 承 认 俄 国 为 苏 丹 辖 下 所 有 基 督 徒 子 民 的 在 政 治 及 宗 教 上 的 领 袖 。
For a century and a half she had pursued with singular consistency three main objectives: to establish her naval and commercial supremacy on the waters and coasts of the Black Sea; to secure a free outlet to the Mediterranean and to obtain from the Porte an acknowledgement of her position as champion of the liberties, political and ecclesiastical, of the Christian subjects of the Sultan.
However, the purpose of each person are different, some would
like to download data directly to a
[...] friend who,IE this"hegemony",after all, added [...]
to a lot of trouble, and, because the
size of each file are different, the server not the same bandwidth, the speed of online browsing, such as those who are generally not multi-threaded downloading tool with a downloaded after browsing speed.
He is also a co-author of The Blinded Eye: 500 Years of Christopher
Columbus and Creating a Nationality;
[...] editor ofScience, Hegemony and Violence and [...]
The Secret Politics of our Desires; and
co-editor The Multiverse of Democracy, The Future of Knowledge and Culture, and Fingerprinting Popular Culture.
比赛模式方面,添加了有「南美自由杯」之称的南美洲联赛冠军盃 (Copa Libertadores de America),旧有的欧洲联赛冠军盃 (UEFA Champions League)和(UEFA Europa League)则取得大量球队的正式使用授权,包括拜仁慕尼黑、巴塞隆拿、皇家马德里和国际米兰等,资料终能如实呈现。
Copa Libertadores de America is now added to the game, as well as UEFA Champions League and UEFA Europa League (including FC Bayern Munich, FC Barcelona, Real Madrid C.F. and F.C. Internazionale Milano), as they received approvals from most of the football teams involved.
委员会还关切 的是,日益频繁和严重,特别是针对来自外国学生的这种行为,以及利 用移动电话和互联网欺侮人的行为。
The Committee is also concerned at the increasing severity and frequency of bullying, particularly against children of foreign origin, and the use of mobile telephones and the internet in carrying out such bullying.
本次活动特别邀请到德国VDA-QMC中国区总经理 MR ROBERT FRANK,由他本人亲自对VDA6.2 的最佳实践及在中国的前景展望作了介绍; TÜV南德意志集团南中国区VDA项目经理蔡志勇先生讲解了如何提升汽车服务业的质量管理系统VDA6.2;来自香港生产力促进局制造科技部顾问周汉荣先生深入分析了借鉴VDA 6.2汽车服务业标准提升深圳汽车服务业专业水平;最后特别邀请到了香港汽车工业学会理事长、香港酷车库公司负责人李耀培先生及上海器材有限公司董事长杨伟麟先生分享标准实施的成果。
Mr. Robert Frank, General Manager of Germany VDA-QMC China, introduced the best practices and the prospect of VDA6.2 in China; Mr. Cai Zhiyong, TÜV SÜD China VDA project manager, explained how to improve the quality of automotive service management system VDA6.2; Mr. Zhou Hanrong, Manufacturing Technology Advisor from Hong Kong Productivity Council gave deep analysis on how to upgrade the professionalism level of Shenzhen car services with reference to VDA 6.2 standards.




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