单词 | 露齿 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 露齿 —grinExamples:露齿而笑—grin 咬人狗儿不露齿—lit. the dog that bites does not show its fangs [idiom.] • fig. You can't tell the really dangerous enemy from his external appearance. See also:露 v—reveal v • expose v • show v 露—nectar • betray • outdoors (not under cover) • surname Lu 露 n—dew n • syrup n • gels n
巴尔托进入并赢了,但被取消资格时,斯蒂尔在musher让他意外地 袒 露 他 的 牙 齿。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Balto enters and wins, however is disqualified when [...] Steele makes him accidentally bare his teeth at the musher. seekcartoon.com |
现在可以 测出暴露出的齿面与鼓形齿 中心的距离。 renk.biz | The backlash [...] between the exposed tooth flanks to the curved tooth center is [...]then measured. renk.biz |
对此,间距显露他有婴儿牙齿,并 威胁要杀死她,除非杰克放弃他的权力的来源,他的员工。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | In response, Pitch reveals he has Baby-Tooth and threatens to [...] kill her unless Jack relinquishes the source of his power, his staff. seekcartoon.com |
在两餐之间进食含糖食品会对您的牙齿造成损害,因为这样增加了您的 牙 齿 暴 露 在 糖 里的时间。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | Consuming sugary foods between meals can be harmful [...] for your teeth because it increases the time your teeth are exposed to the sugar. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
齿轮箱 输出轴和连 杆体现出虚拟凸轮轴的效果,当压力下降时加速 (泵的 [...] 下缸体处于转换位置时),当压力增加时降速 (两个下 缸体都在填料时)。 graco.com | The output [...] shaft of the gearbox and the connecting [...]rods experience the effect of the imaginary camshaft by speeding up when [...]the pressure drops (pump lower is at a changeover) and slowing down when pressure increases (both lowers are pumping). graco.com |
齿轮组 可留在电动机的前端盖内,也可留 在驱动室内。 graco.com | Gear cluster may stay engaged [...] in motor front end bell or drive housing. graco.com |
由於會計政策的 變動只導致需要作出額外披露,故 此對每股盈利並無影響。 asiasat.com | As the change in accounting policy only results [...] in additional disclosures, there is no [...]impact on earnings per share. asiasat.com |
另外还备有车螺纹或滚齿加工 等支持功 能,可有效支持用车床进行的各种加工。 moriseiki.com | There are also other options for [...] threading and hobbing, providing powerful [...]support for many lathe users. moriseiki.com |
但如果伴随着更高的燃料效率,例如 通过改进船体、螺旋桨和齿轮设 计,这类投资会很快被补偿。 fao.org | However, if accompanied by greater fuel efficiency, e.g. through improved [...] hull, propeller and gear design, this investment [...]could quickly be recouped. fao.org |
伞齿轮箱 的水平轴端必须与有载分接开关头上 的 齿轮 箱的轴端在一直线上。 highvolt.de | The horizontal shaft [...] end of the bevel gear must be in proper alignment with the shaft end of the upper gear unit on the tap-changer head. highvolt.de |
除上文披露者外 ,於最後可行日期,董事並不知悉任何其他人士於本公司的股份或 相關股份中擁有權益或淡倉,而該等權益或淡倉根據證券及期貨條例第XV部第2及第 3分部的條文須向本公司作出披露,或 直接或間接擁有面值10%或以上任何類別股本 權益(或與該等股本有關的購股權),而該等股本附有權利可於任何情況下在本集團 任何其他成員公司的股東大會上投票。 equitynet.com.hk | Save as disclosed above, as at the Latest Practical Date, the Directors are not aware of any other person who had an interest or short position in the Shares or underlying Shares of the Company which would fall to be disclosed to the Company under the provisions of Divisions [...] 2 and 3 of Part XV of the SFO, or who was, directly or indirectly, interested in 10% or more of the nominal value [...]of any class of share capital, or options in respect of such capital, carrying rights to vote in all circumstances at general meetings of any other member of the Group. equitynet.com.hk |
除上文所披露者外 ,於最後可行日期,本公司董事、監事及高級管理人員及彼等的 [...] 聯繫人概無於本公司或其任何相聯法團(定義見證券及期貨條例第XV部)的股份、相 關股份或債券中擁有任何個人、家族、公司或其他權益或淡倉,而該等權益根據證 券及期貨條例第XV部第7及第8分部須知會本公司及聯交所(包括根據證券及期貨條 [...]例的條文,被當作或視為擁有的權益或淡倉);或根據證券及期貨條例第352條須記 入該條例所指的登記冊中;或根據標準守則須知會本公司及聯交所。 equitynet.com.hk | Save as disclosed above, as at [...] the Latest Practicable Date, none of the Directors, supervisors and senior management of [...]the Company and their associates had any personal, family, corporate or other interests or short positions in the shares, underlying shares or debentures of the Company or any of its associated corporations (within the meaning of Part XV of the SFO) which would have to be notified to the Company and the Stock Exchange pursuant to Divisions 7 and 8 of Part XV of the SFO (including interests or short positions which they are taken or deemed to have under such provisions of the SFO), or which were required, pursuant to section 352 of the SFO, to be recorded in the register referred therein, or which were required, pursuant to the Model Code, to be notified to the Company and the Stock Exchange. equitynet.com.hk |
如證人引 用 [...] "基於公眾利益而獲豁免"的理由,要求享有可獲豁免作供或 披露 證據 的特權,則須依循附錄I的立法會決議所載的程序;該決議的 [...]內容關乎就" 基於公眾利益而享有特權" 的要求作出裁定的常習及 慣例。 legco.gov.hk | If the witness claims [...] privilege from disclosure of evidence on [...]grounds of public interest immunity, the procedure as set [...]out in the Council's resolution concerning the usage and practice in regard to the determination of claims of public interest privilege in Appendix I will be followed. legco.gov.hk |
(o) 如私穩專員本可就第㆒太平銀行違反或被指稱違反《個㆟資料(私 隱)條例》(第 486 章)或保障資料原則㆒事而在緊接指定日期之前 根據該條例就第㆒太平銀行行使任何權力,則自指定日期起,他可就 東亞銀行行使該權力;但根據本條例將第㆒太平銀行的業務移轉及轉 歸東亞銀行,以及因預期或由於進行㆖述移轉及轉歸而向東亞銀行所 作出的任何信息披露,並 不屬違反第㆒太平銀行在緊接該指定日期前 所負有的保密責任,而東亞銀行或第㆒太平銀行亦不屬違反《個㆟資 料(私隱)條例》(第 486 章)或保障資料原則。 legco.gov.hk | (l) The Privacy Commissioner may, on and from the appointed day, exercise in respect of Bank of East Asia any power under the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Cap. 486) which he could have immediately before the appointed day exercised in respect of First Pacific Bank in respect of a breach or alleged breach by First Pacific Bank of that Ordinance or the data protection principles; but the transfer to, and vesting in, Bank of East Asia by this Ordinance of the undertaking of First Pacific Bank and any disclosure to Bank of East Asia of any information in contemplation or as a result thereof shall not amount to a breach of any duty of confidentiality to which First Pacific Bank is subject immediately before the appointed day or to a contravention by Bank of East Asia or First Pacific Bank of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Cap. 486) or the data protection principles. legco.gov.hk |