单词 | 露出 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 露出verb—exposevless common: showv 出露—emerge露露noun—LulunExamples:显露出v—appearv 流露出...表情v—wearv 显露出—come out in the open See also:露v—exposev revealv showv 露—nectar betray surname Lu outdoors (not under cover) 露n—dewn syrupn gelsn
缺 乏这一机制,则由各国自行决定,而保留的无效性质只有在与认为保留无效的国 家的关系中才显露出来。 daccess-ods.un.org | Absent such a mechanism, it was for each State to [...] decide for itself, and the nullity of a [...] reservation would be revealed onlyin relation [...]to States that considered it null and void. daccess-ods.un.org |
取下模块背后的两个螺丝以露出电池。 graco.com | Remove two screws on back of module to access battery. graco.com |
抓住分纸滚筒护盖的凹洞部分,并取下护盖以 露出分纸 滚筒。 graphics.kodak.com | Grasp the indent section of the separation roller cover and remove [...] the coverto exposetheseparation roller. graphics.kodak.com |
其次讨论了与计划/项目周期管理更直接相关的问题,先是介绍在收集情况过程 中发现的问题,后是介绍对各种捐助进行审查期间暴 露出来的 问题。 unesdoc.unesco.org | It then addresses the more programme/project cycle management-related issues, starting with those that emerged as a result of [...] the information collection process, and [...] finally thosethat emerged during the examination [...]of the various contributions. unesdoc.unesco.org |
重要的是,所有实际或潜 在的冲突都应被披露出来,从而可以预见和避免任何问题。 chemtrend.com | It is important that all actual or potential [...] conflicts aredisclosed so thatany issues [...]can be anticipated and avoided. chemtrend.com |
从中获得的重要经验是(i)在教育领域,总体的人道主义响应显露 出重要 的空白区,这属于教科文组织的任务范畴:即中等教育以及职业技术教育与培训、高 等教育、教育危机计划编制和管理;(ii)在保护领域,对于冲突期间和冲突后媒体安全和 [...] 保护的重要性有了越来越深入的认识,教科文组织能够在这些领域提供协助。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Key lessons learnt from this [...] experience were that: (i) in the field of education, the overall humanitarian response shows important [...]gap areas, where UNESCO [...]has a mandate: namely secondary and TVET education, higher education, educational crisis planning and management; (ii) in the field of protection, there is increased awareness on the importance of media safety and protection during and after conflicts, and UNESCO is expected to assist in these areas. unesdoc.unesco.org |
虽然大多数分析人士拒绝承认这一看 法实质上在南海建立了中国版的门罗主义,但他们的言 论与分析不断流露出认为 中国在南海享有自然权利与特 权的观点。 crisisgroup.org | While most analysts refuse to acknowledge that this sentiment effectively creates a Chinese version of the Monroe Doctrine in the South China Sea, their statements and analysis are continually infused with the belief that China enjoys natural rights and privileges in the South China Sea. crisisgroup.org |
防止酷刑小组委员会对大多数儿童和青少 年表露出害怕遭到报复极为关切。 daccess-ods.un.org | The SPT was very concerned at the fears of reprisals expressed by most children and adolescents. daccess-ods.un.org |
有人指出,第 3 款的含义不很清楚,会引起问题;该款的强制语气与特别 报告员在其报告中透露出的怀疑语气不相称。 daccess-ods.un.org | It was noted that the meaning of paragraph 3 was not entirely clear and was question begging; its mandatory language did not correspond to the doubts that the Special Rapporteur expresses in his report. daccess-ods.un.org |
这些事态发展暴露出过度依赖这些不稳定收入来源 所产生的风险,甚至使一些已获得债务减免的国家的债务可持续能力受到威胁。 daccess-ods.un.org | These developments exposed the riskof overdependence [...] on these volatile sources of revenue and even threatened debt sustainability [...]of some countries that had already received debt relief. daccess-ods.un.org |
份小礼物可以是友好的代表;一次商务晚宴也许能够提 供一次进一步了解客户或供应商的机会,但是不恰当的 礼品可能会为业务交易带来不良影响,并流 露出透过非 法方式开展业务的意图。 lds-france.com | A small gift can be a gesture of goodwill; a business dinner may provide an opportunity to get to know a customer or supplier better but an inappropriate gift may suggest improper influence in business transactions and indicate attempts to conduct business using illegitimate tactics. lds-france.com |
边界形同虚设,执法机构能力有限,暴 露出利比里亚在继续对该次区域的稳 定构成威胁的毒品贩运活动面前的脆弱性。 daccess-ods.un.org | Porous borders and the limited capacity of law enforcement agenciesexpose Liberia’s vulnerability to drug trafficking, which continues to pose a threat to the stability of the subregion. daccess-ods.un.org |
其它处于水下、只有在低潮时露 出海平面,或人工修建部分露出大潮 水面的海上标志只 能拥有 500 米的安全区。 crisisgroup.org | Other features that are submerged, only above sea-level at low tide, or that are artificially built up above the tide are only entitled to a 500-metre safety zone. crisisgroup.org |
此后,傀儡部队有计划地闯入朝鲜民主主义人民共和国海上警戒线的行径逐 年愈演愈烈,并于 [...] 2009 年触发了西海第三次小规模冲突,结果却暴 露出他们力 图以延坪岛周围水域为前进基地对朝鲜民主主义人民共和国煽动战争。 daccess-ods.un.org | In the subsequent period, the puppet forces annually escalated the intrusions into the maritime guard line of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea side in a planned way and [...] triggered the third West Sea [...] skirmish in 2009, only to disclosethat they sought to [...]use the waters around Yonphyong Island [...]as an advance base for provoking a war against the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. daccess-ods.un.org |
此外,维和行动的数量、范围和规模以及对这种 行动的需求急剧上升,也暴露出各种问题,例如如何 更好地进行调和,使地方维持和平、预防和解决冲突、 [...] 预防性外交、缔造和平与建设和平融汇于防止冲突再 次爆发和确保向持久和平、安全与可持续发展顺利过 渡的集体框架。 daccess-ods.un.org | Furthermore, the abrupt surge in the number, scope and size of [...] peacekeeping operations and in the demand for [...] them has also exposed questions such [...]as how to better reconcile the confluence [...]of local peacekeeping and conflict prevention and resolution, preventive diplomacy, peacemaking and peacebuilding within the collective framework of preventing the recurrence of conflict and ensuring a smooth transition to durable peace, security and sustainable development. daccess-ods.un.org |
日常使用:上述信息的日常使用包括向联邦调查局披露以索取 你的犯罪记录;向提供有关安全威胁审查服务的运输安全管理局合同单位或其他机构披露;出于取 得许可、执法或安全目的向有 关政府部门披露;或者出于国家安全考虑而披露;依据法律和国际协议向外国政府和国际政府机构披露。 twicinformation.com | Routine Use(s): Routine uses of this information include disclosure to the FBI to retrieve your criminal history record; to TSA contractors or other agents who are providing services relating to the security threat assessments; to appropriate governmental agencies for licensing, law enforcement, or securitypurposes;or in the interests of national security; and to foreign and international governmental authorities in accordance with law and international agreement. twicinformation.com |
注意底板在分接开关头中的正确位置 (必须将红色 标记平面露出来)。 highvolt.de | Make sure that the base plate is in its proper position within the on-load tap-changer head (the red marked areas must be left free). highvolt.de |
因此很快地,Ulrich Herzog锁定日本,定期前往洽商,并且从中惊讶地发现日本人对于他们所钟爱的机械表,流 露出如此浓厚的兴趣与高度的热情。 oris.ch | Very soon Ulrich Herzog is regularly travelling to Japan, surprised by the great interest and passion for mechanical watches the Japanese clients have. oris.ch |
复合材料部件对比: 在未采用添加剂的左侧部件上可以清楚地看到有纤维外 露出来。 wacker.com | Comparison of composite parts: If no additives are used, the composite parte shows noticeablefiber print-through (left side). wacker.com |
此时,一个标准化得神经网络将往往将所有的样本分类为非癌症患者,因此其有99%的准确率,而事实上,其目的应该是检测到存在的癌症患者,因此这暴 露出了问题。 evget.com | A standard neural network would most often train itself to classify all exemplars as non-cancerous so that it would be 99% correct. Since the goal is to detect the existence of cancer, this is a problem. evget.com |
耳机小巧轻便,弧形设计能与耳朵形状完美吻合,适合全天候佩戴,相信佩戴这款耳机的您定会为它的舒适感 露出舒心的笑容。 jabra.cn | You can wear it and smile, all day long, with the headset’s light and curvy design that fits comfortably to the shape of your ear. jabra.com |
委员会力求通过其一般性意见,向所有缔约国介绍迄今审查缔约国报告所 [...] 取得的经验,协助和促使它们进一步执行《公约》;提请缔约国注意许多报告暴露出来的不足;建议如何改进报告程序;并鼓励缔约国、有关国际组织及专门机 [...]构开展活动,逐步并切实地全面落实《公约》中确认的权利。 daccess-ods.un.org | Through its general comments, the Committee endeavours to make the experience gained through the examination of States’ reports available for the benefit of all States parties in order to assist and promote their further implementation of the Covenant; to draw [...] the attention of the States [...] parties to insufficiencies disclosed by alarge number of [...]reports; to suggest improvements in [...]the reporting procedures; and to stimulate the activities of the States parties, international organizations and the specialized agencies concerned in achieving progressively and effectively the full realization of the rights recognized in the Covenant. daccess-ods.un.org |
因为壶腹三羊开泰图已经出现缁色的太阳,颈部的荼白色半圆形的斑纹肯定不是代表太阳的;大概不过是石头里的暗色岩脉支配了切除余料的角度以後,主要图案以上的斑纹就自然而然地 露出,而颈部的曲率也不容许多少调整。 e-yaji.com | The sun here is very clearly represented by a circular brown disk in the stone, suggesting that the white-on-brown half-circle at the neck is not meant to represent the sun, or indeed anything else; once the plane of darker colour across the main face of the bottle dictated the angle at which the stone would be cut, whatever [...] areas of colour were present above the main [...] designwould be exposedina pattern determined [...]by the curvature of the neck, not amenable to much editing. e-yaji.com |
美 国和一些欧洲国家威胁,假果巴勒斯坦人提出正式 加入联合国的合法申请,就切断对巴勒斯坦人的援 助,这种威胁证实了相关提案国对于叙利亚的敌意 [...] 及其迫使叙利亚改变本国战略性政治选择的企图, 并且暴露出这项决议有着赤裸裸的政治目的。 daccess-ods.un.org | The threat of the United States and some European countries to cut off aid to Palestinians if they submitted their legitimate request for full membership in the United Nations attested to the ill will of the sponsors towards his country and their desire to [...] pressure it into changing its strategic [...] political choices, and exposed the aim of the [...]resolution as a patently political one. daccess-ods.un.org |
2010 年3 月,加拿大魁北克省通过了立法,规定穆斯林妇女在进行有关魁 北克政府服务事务时或当其为省级雇员时必须 露出其面容。 daccess-ods.un.org | In March 2010, the province of Quebec, Canada, adopted legislation which stipulates that Muslim women will need to uncover their faces when dealing with Quebec Government services or when they are provincial employees. daccess-ods.un.org |
一份小礼物可以是友好的代表;一次商务晚宴也许能够 提供一次进一步了解客户或供应商的机会,但是不恰当 的礼品可能会为业务交易带来不良影响,并流 露出通过非法方式开展业务的意图。 bkvibro.com | A small gift can be a gesture of goodwill; a business dinner may provide an opportunity to get to know a customer or supplier better but an inappropriate gift may suggest improper influence in business transactions and indicate attempts to conduct business using illegitimate tactics. bkvibro.com |