

单词 霍然而愈

See also:

霍然 adv

suddenly adv



然而 adv

nevertheless adv
still adv
nonetheless adv

External sources (not reviewed)

然地震后所做的 人道主义努力可能会减少而且应对 霍 乱 的 国际资金也会减少,但国际社会已资 助若干项目,以实现海地重建。
While the humanitarian efforts that followed the earthquake are likely to be reduced, and international funding for the response to cholera is decreasing, [...]
the international community
has funded a number of projects for the reconstruction of Haiti.
從香港的歷史和唐英年議員剛才 所引用的數字,顯示出香港然是 「富 者 愈 富 」,但不是「貧 愈 貧 」 , 而 是 「 貧者漸 富」,這是好事。
The history of Hong Kong and the figures quoted by the Honourable Henry
TANG just now show that "the rich is
[...] getting richer", yet "the poor is not getting poorer" but rather "the poor is getting rich".
然霍乱病例因大雨等原而出现激增,但全国死亡率却有所下降,平 均死亡率为 1.4%。
Despite the resurgence in cholera cases, mainly attributed [...]
to heavy rains, mortality rates have been declining throughout
the country, reaching a nationwide rate of 1.4 per cent.
然而在科霍戈, 前总统洛朗·巴博身体虚弱,他很遗憾不能跟家人和朋友 [...]
However, in Korhogo former president [...]
Laurent Gbagbo, who was in a physically weakened state, complained that he was unable
to communicate with his family and friends and that it was impossible to exercise in the prison courtyard.
另㆒方面,副主席先生,基層健康是預防疾病的第㆒步,對老 而 言 愈 早 加 強身體 扺抗疾病的能力,然愈好。
On the other hand, Mr Deputy President, provision of primary health care is the first step to prevent illness, as
[...] [...] far as the old people are concerned, certainly the earlier their invulnerability [...]
against illness is enhanced, the better.
[...] 2010 年 1 月 12 日海地地震一周年会议并没有忽略该国 然 存在 的挑战而霍乱疫 情爆发使这些挑战更加艰巨。
We are pleased that our meeting today to mark the first anniversary of the devastating earthquake in Haiti on 12 January 2010 has not ignored the
overall challenges that still exist in the country, which have
[...] been made worse by the outbreak of the cholera epidemic.
2000年10月15 日,发生冲突的两个族群签署了《汤斯维尔和平协定》 然而 2 0 0 0至 2003年 间,霍尼亚 拉及其周边区域,混乱无序的状态仍然持续了很久。
The Townsville Peace Agreement was signed on 15 October 2000
between the two ethnic
[...] warring groups; however a protracted period of lawlessness followed within Honiara and its surroundings [...]
between 2000 and 2003.
然愈來愈多已 婚婦女走出家庭到社會就業 而 當 局甚至在勞工短缺時 鼓勵她們就業,但當局從沒有考慮為她們解決照顧子女的問題,甚至在 小學方面仍維持㆖、㆘午班制。
(1) Although more and more married women are working instead of staying at home, [...]
and the Government has even encouraged
them to be employed at times of labour shortage, the Government has never considered helping them tackle the problem of their having to take care of their children, and even in primary schools, the system of morning and afternoon sessions in still being maintained.
然,市 場的運愈是令㆟滿意,我們便愈不願意作出干預。
Of course, the more satisfactorily a market is working, the less inclined we are to intervene.
房屋署只設 1 個總工程師職位,實在不足以 應付這些職責及復建居屋方面的新增工作,以及其他房屋措施和日趨 複雜的公營房屋規劃及發展工作帶來的額外工作量,包括:高樓齡屋 邨重建;工程可行性研究不斷增加;積極參與公眾諮詢;基本工程儲 備基金總目 711 項下的支援項愈來愈多;更多基建改善工程及合約 管理工作;為符合新的環保及工程規 而 進 行 的工程發展和標準研究 與日俱增;以及提升土地測量服務水平。
One CE post is grossly insufficient to cope with these duties together with the additional workload due to resumption of HOS as well as those arising from other housing initiatives and the increased complexity in public housing planning and development works, such as the redevelopment of aged estates; increasing number of engineering feasibility studies; active participation in public consultations; increasing number of supporting projects under CWRF Head 711; more infrastructure improvement works and contract administration works; increasing number of engineering researches on development and standard to meet new environmental and engineering requirements; and enhancement of land surveying services.
以描写保罗·霍根而出名 的系列电影<<鄂鱼邓迪>>受到全世界观众的欢迎,就是因为其中描绘了那种对澳大利亚国家形象的感知。
The Crocodile Dundee movie series featuring Paul Hogan was popular with worldwide audiences for its portrayal of perceptions about Australia's national identity.
我还注意到,作为欧洲 联盟(欧盟)成员的安全理事会成员 然 感 谢 霍 扎伊先生澄清欧盟与塞尔维亚之间的关系及其对收到布 鲁塞尔这方面指示的说法。
I also note that members of the Security Council
that are members of the
[...] European Union (EU) were certainly grateful for Mr. Hoxhaj’s clarification [...]
with regard to relations
between the EU and Serbia, and for his formulation of the instructions received from Brussels in that regard.
根据大赦国际、人权观察,欧洲执法机构和其他 国际组织——其中有些我已在今天先前发言中引述
[...] ——在人权和安全方面,科索沃排名接近最低 而非 霍查先生在反驳我的发言时所称的那样,科索沃是一 [...]
According to Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, the European Law Enforcement Agency and other international organizations, some of which I quoted in my statement earlier today, Kosovo is at the bottom of lists
when it comes to human rights and
[...] security, contrary to Mr. Hoxhaj’s claims, in [...]
rebuttal to my statement, that it is a young,
dynamic, developing democracy.
鑑於目前老 年撫養比率然偏低,計愈早推 行會有助滾存較多盈餘, 而 提 高 計劃的可持 續性。
As the dependency ratio is now still low, the scheme can obtain accumulated surplus to safeguarding its sustainability.
宗教往往还唤醒人的精神,保护生命, 赋予弱者力量,把理想转变为行动,净化制度,帮助 解决经济和非经济的不平等现象,激励领导人超越正 常职责的要求,并且使人们能够更充分地实现其然 潜力,并通过和解、建设和平进程以 愈 合 不 公正带 来的记忆创伤来度过冲突局势。
They also tend to raise the human spirit, protect life, empower the weak, translate ideals into action, purify institutions, contribute to resolving economic and non-economic inequalities, inspire their leaders to go beyond the normal call of duty, and permit people to
attain a fuller
[...] realization of their natural potential and traverse situations of conflict through reconciliation, peacebuilding processes and the healing of memories scarred [...]
by injustice.
加入世贸组织、贸易便利化、贸易援 助以及运输和基础设施等问题然十 分 重要,尤其是在发展中国家由于全球危而变得愈加脆弱的情况下。
Issues of accession to the WTO, trade facilitation, aid for trade, transport and infrastructure, continue to be of great importance, especially in light of the increased vulnerability of developing countries as a result of the global crisis.
然而,气胸痊愈可能 需时,有些医生会建议在胸腔内置入针或管道,抽走肺部和胸腔之间的空气。
However, since a collapsed lung may take time to heal on its own, some [...]
doctors may recommend putting a needle or chest tube
into the chest to remove the air between the the lung and the chest wall.
农业是使用淡水的主要部门,占全球取水量的近 70%。18 但是,农业、城市 和工业用水之愈演愈烈的 淡水之争已成为日益严重的问题(见图十),在 城乡间 造成紧张局面,并且可能威胁到区域或国家的粮食保障,这种局面因气候变而 更加恶化(见方框 6)。
Agriculture is the major user of freshwater, accounting for almost 70 per cent of water withdrawal globally.18 However, a growing problem is the increasing competition for freshwater between agriculture, urban and industrial uses (see figure X), causing tension between rural and urban areas and possibly threatening regional or national food security, a situation which is exacerbated by climate change (see box 6).
然剛才布政霍德先 生說現 時有很多職位已由本㆞㆟員擔任,但我要告訴各位,首長級 [...]
B1 至司級官員的比率,仍 然是 2:1,即是兩個本㆞公務員就有㆒個外籍公務員。
Although the Chief Secretary, Sir David [...]
FORD, has said just now that many posts have been filled by locals, I have to tell
Members that the ratio of locals to expatriates from Directorate Staff Grade B up to Secretary level is still 2:1, that is, for every two local officers there is one expatriate.
而导致的“每愈下的 恶性循环”,致使航运 服务在定期性、可靠性和廉宜性方面不断恶化。
This results in a ―vicious downward spiral‖ as the regularity, reliability and affordability of services deteriorates.
这类程序可以采取多种形式,其中包括:旨在防止 霍 和 浪 费 而 不 是 旨在 清算或重整破产财产的程序;旨在防止损害投资者而不是损害所有债权人的程 [...]
序(在这种情形下,程序还可能不是一个集体程序);或者赋予外国破产管理人 的权利和使他们承担的责任与清算或重整中通常所附的权利或责任相比更为有
They may take various forms, including
proceedings that are designed to prevent
[...] dissipation and waste, rather than to liquidate [...]
or reorganize the insolvency estate;
proceedings designed to prevent detriment to investors rather than to all creditors (in which case the proceeding is also likely not to be a collective proceeding); or proceedings in which the powers conferred and the duties imposed upon the foreign representative are more limited than the powers or duties typically associated with liquidation or reorganization, for example, the power to do no more than preserve assets.
我想提醒大家,然愈早退 休,供款額 愈 少 , 而 負 擔 則愈重。
May I remind Members that the earlier the retirement, the smaller the size of the contributions and the heavier the burden on the community.
霍金 先然是一 位肌肉萎縮症的病患者,但他有機會接受高等教育,所以,他 [...]
Although Prof HAWKING is suffering [...]
from muscular dystrophy, he had the chance to receive higher education, so his development
was different from kids who are suffering from muscular dystrophy in Hong Kong.
在這個盛行小核心家庭及㆟類壽命愈來愈長的年代,社會㆖ 然 會 有 愈 來 愈 多 的老 ㆟,由於某些原而無法 獲得家㆟充分的照顧,這是㆒個我們必須接受的事實。
In an age of small nuclear families and increasing longevity, we have to accept that there will be an ever larger number of elderly people who for one reason or another cannot be cared for adequately by their families.
2011 年 9 月,联科行动综合禁运监察股手持 Fofié签署的通行证,却然无法进入霍戈的武器库。
In September 2011, the UNOCI Integrated Embargo
Monitoring Unit was again unable to
[...] access the sites in Korhogo despite being in possession [...]
of an authorization signed by Mr. Fofié.
大家都知道香港政府希望盡快興建這個機場,大家都知道機場愈遲動工,費用然會愈高昂,而日後的特別行政區政府將不可以那麼快便享受到㆒個成功建成的機場 [...]
Everybody knows that the Hong Kong Government would like to achieve that sooner
rather than later, everyone knows that
[...] if it is later it is inevitably going to be more costly [...]
and that the future SAR Government
will not enjoy the economic benefits as soon as it would like of a successfully completed airport.
2012 年,在中國大力發展然氣的大環境下,集團抓緊機遇,不單在能源領域的發展前 愈 趨 亮麗 , 而且 在 環境保護、社會公益、企業管治等範疇也取得卓越的成績。
In 2012, the Group capitalised on
[...] [...] opportunities presented by the vigorous development of the natural gas industry in China to embrace ever brighter business prospects [...]
in the energy sector. In addition, we also excelled
in our environmental protection, community welfare and corporate governance achievements.
近年来,中国的能源需求使之在国际市场上 的角愈发突出,而导致 了国际社会对中国的 种种担忧,例如中国对其他国家能源安全以及对 全球和地区安全的潜在影响。
China’s energy needs have led it to play a more prominent role in international markets in recent years.
根据1月Matthys,受洗成霍夫曼弟子 然 后 在扬凡莱登,谁抓住Matthys功率死亡,明斯特市在革命的Melchiorites了一种政治和社会表达霍夫曼的终结-时间的王国。
Under Jan Matthys, baptized as a
[...] disciple of Hofmann, and then under Jan van Leiden, [...]
who seized power at the death of Matthys,
the revolutionary Melchiorites in the city of Munster gave a political and social expression to Hofmann's end - time kingdom.
我 覺 得 經濟滑坡有時跟感冒 頗 為 相似,當 患 者 為 過 濾 性 病 毒 入 侵 , 感 冒 病 發,康 復 須 一
[...] 段 時日, 藥 物只可起到 紓緩的作用, 並霍 然 而 癒 這 回 事。
Nevertheless, the Government seems to lack [...]
a new way of thinking in this area.




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