

单词 霍尔姆斯

See also:


Hall (name)

External sources (not reviewed)

这幅 19
[...] 世纪晚期的  儿童版副本属于美国 最高法院法官奥利弗·温德尔· 霍尔姆斯 所 有
This copy of a late-19th century children’s edition belonged to U.S. Supreme
[...] Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes.
2011 年 12 月 29 日,六个小组前往大马士革霍姆斯 、 里 弗 霍姆斯 、伊 德利布、德拉和哈马。
On 29 December 2011, six groups travelled to Damascus, Homs, Rif Homs, Idlib, Deraa and Hama.
以下与会者作了发言:大韩民国教育、科学和技术部第一副部长薛东健 (Dong-Kun Sul) 先生,喀麦隆科学研究和创新部部长玛德兰·春特女士阁下,埃 及科学研究和技术部部长姆尔·伊 扎 特·萨拉姆先生阁下,马耳他科学和技术 理事会总裁尼古斯·萨马 特先生,黑山科学部部长萨尼娅·维 霍 维 奇 女士阁 下,巴斯坦联 邦科学和技术部部长厄尔凡·南迪穆·赛义德先生,菲律宾科学 技术部副部长福图纳托·德拉佩尼亚先生,津巴布韦科学和技术发展部部长亨 利·季诺提维伊先生阁下,加纳环境、科学和技术部部长谢丽·阿伊泰女士。
Presentations were made by the following participants: Mr. Dong-Kun Sul, First Vice-Minister of Education, Science and Technology of the Republic of Korea; H.E. Ms. Madeleine Tchuinte, Minister of
Scientific Research
[...] and Innovation of Cameroon; H.E. Mr. Amr Ezzat Salama, Minister of Scientific Research and Technology of Egypt; Mr. Nicholas Sammut, CEO, Council for Science and Technology of Malta; H.E. Ms. Sanja Viahović, Minister [...]
of Science of Montenegro; Mr. Irfan Nadeem Sayeed, Federal Secretary, Ministry of Science and Technology of Pakistan; Mr. Fortunato T. De la Peña,
Undersecretary, Department of Science and Technology of the Philippines; H.E. Mr. Henry Dzinotyiweyi, Minister of Science and Technology Development of Zimbabwe; and Ms. Shery Ayittey, Minister of Environment, Science and Technology of Ghana.
我们对于全世界的武装冲突、包 霍姆斯 副 秘书 长详细提到的阿富汗、伊拉克、尔 富 尔 、 刚 果民主 共和国、索马里和斯里兰卡等国武装冲突中脆弱的平 民的严重处境深感关切。
We are gravely concerned about the dire situation of
vulnerable civilians
[...] in armed conflict worldwide, including in Afghanistan, Iraq, Darfur, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, [...]
Somalia and Sri
Lanka, as Under-Secretary-General Holmes pointed out in detail.
主席(以法语发言):我现在霍姆斯 先 生 回答讨 论中提出的问题并回应有关评论。
The President( spoke in French ): I now give
[...] the floor to Mr. Holmes to respond to questions [...]
and comments raised during the discussion.
8 时 40 分,一个武装恐怖团体在 Mayadin 灌溉站附近设置了一个路障,停 止两辆属于政府全资拥有的 Al Furat
[...] 油料公司的 Isuzu 汽车,并绑架了前霍 姆斯省、塔尔图斯 省、拉塔基亚省和哈马省和 Salamiyah [...]
的 39 名员工。
At 0840 hours, an armed terrorist group set up a roadblock near the irrigation station in Mayadin, stopped two Government-owned Isuzu vehicles belonging to the
Al-Furat Oil Company and abducted 39
[...] employees on their way to Homs, Tartus, Ladhiqiyah, and [...]
Hama governorates and Salamiyah.
作为一名身在华盛顿的年轻女子,她结交了很多有影响力的政客,包括 姆斯 · 布 坎 南总统和南卡罗来纳州参议员约翰·C·尔霍恩,卡尔霍恩在 促使她为南方做贡献上发挥了作用。
As a young woman in Washington, she befriended many influential politicians, including President James Buchanan and South Carolina Senator John C. Calhoun, who played a role in shaping her dedication to the South.
此外,丹尼瑟·科格兰代表诺尔奖 共 同得主国际禁止地雷运动和朱迪·威姆斯致辞
In addition, a message was delivered by Denise Coghlan on behalf of the Nobel Peace Prize co-laureates the International Campaign to Ban Landmines and Jody Williams.
委员会决定建议一个工作组,由玛丽·索莱达·西斯特 斯 · 雷耶 斯 (主 席 ) 、茨韦托·乌尔希奇和卢特菲·本·拉 霍姆 组 成 ,以对海地的情况以及全 世界其它类似灾难采取后续行动。
The Committee decided to establish a working group to follow up the situation in Haiti and other similar disasters around the world, made up of Maria Soledad Cisternas Reyes (Chair), Cveti Ursic, and Lofti Ben Lallahom.
委员会下列委员参加了本来文的审议:阿姆娜·阿里·苏韦迪、穆罕默德·塔拉瓦奈、曼苏 尔·艾哈迈德·乔杜里、玛丽·索莱达·西斯特纳斯、特蕾西娅·德格纳、加 尔 · 贡布 斯、法 谛哈·哈吉-萨拉赫、金亨植、卢特菲·本·拉 霍姆 、 施 蒂格·朗瓦德、埃达 赫·万盖奇·马伊纳、罗纳德·麦卡 姆 、 安 娜·佩 斯 · 纳 瓦 埃 斯 、 西 尔 维 娅 ·朱迪 思·光-张、卡洛斯·里奥斯·埃斯皮诺萨、达米扬·塔蒂奇,赫尔曼·哈维尔·托雷 斯·科雷亚和杨佳。
The following members of the Committee participated in the examination of the present communication: Amna Ali Al-Suwaidi, Mohammed
[...] [...] Al-Tarawneh, Monsur Ahmed Chowdhury, Maria Soledad Cisternas Reyes, Theresia Degener, Gábor Gombos, Fatiha Hadj-Salah, Hyung Shik Kim, Lofti ben Lallahom, Stig Langvald, Edah Wangechi Maina, Ronald McCallum, Ana Pelaez Narvaez, Silvia Judith Quan-Chang, [...]
Carlos Rios Espinosa, Damjan Tatic,
Germán Xavier Torres Correa and Jia Yang.
由上所述,刚果反对封锁的治外性质以及 尔姆斯 - 伯 顿 法和托里切利法案 等最新措施和法律;这些都加重加深了古巴人民的痛苦。
In the light of the above, the Congo objects to the extraterritorial nature of that
embargo and to recent measures and
[...] legislation such as the Helms-Burton and Torricelli [...]
acts, which only compound the suffering of the Cuban people.
根据该决议,我已任命以下五位知名人士:前常务副秘书长和加拿大政府前 国防部副部长路斯·弗雷 谢特(主席)、约旦常驻联合国代表扎伊德·拉阿德·扎 伊德·侯赛因、秘书长驻利比里亚特别代表埃伦·洛伊(丹麦)、前驻 尔 富 尔副 联 合特别代表和前联合国卢旺达援助团部队副指挥官亨利·阿尼 霍 ( 加 纳 )、前 联合国驻海地稳定特派团部队指挥官和现任巴西陆军地面作战副司令卡 斯 ·艾 伯特·多斯桑托斯·克鲁斯(巴西)。
Pursuant to the resolution, I have appointed the following five eminent persons: Louise Fréchette, former Deputy Secretary-General and former Deputy Minister of National Defence for Canada (Chair); Zeid Ra’ad Zeid Al-Hussein,
Permanent Representative
[...] of Jordan; Ellen Løj (Denmark), Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Liberia; Henry Anyidoho (Ghana), former Deputy Joint Special Representative in Darfur and former Deputy Force Commander of the United Nations Assistance Mission for Rwanda; and Carlos Alberto dos Santos Cruz (Brazil), former Force Commander of the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti and currently Deputy Commander of Ground Operations for the Brazilian Army.
应指出的是,观察团霍姆斯发来 的报告表明,该名法国记者 遭反对派迫击炮弹打死。
It should be noted that
[...] Mission reports from Homs indicate that the [...]
French journalist was killed by opposition mortar shells.
名士兵被杀死。阿拉伯国家联盟在其报告中指出,霍 姆斯和达拉省,武装团体对政府部队采取了暴力行动,造成人员伤亡。
In its report, the League of Arab States
[...] indicated that, in Homs and Dar‟a, armed [...]
groups committed acts of violence against
Government forces, resulting in death and injury.
我们也谨感霍姆斯 副秘书长今天提供的信息。
We also wish to thank
[...] Under-Secretary-General Holmes for the information [...]
he provided today.
我们还要指出霍姆斯省、 阿勒颇省和大马士革农村省的 25 家制药厂被迫 完全停止生产当地所用药物,因为这些药厂及其工作人员受到了武装团伙的直接 [...]
We should also like to note that 25 pharmaceutical factories in the
[...] governorates of Homs, Aleppo and Rif [...]
Dimashq have been forced to completely
cease production of local medications because they and their staff have been directly targeted by the armed groups.
在 4 月 12 日第 4 次会议上,约霍普金斯大学 布隆伯格公共健康学院教授 兼尔和梅 林达盖茨人口和生殖健康研究所主任 Amy Tsui 女士作为主旨发言人, 就“改善计划生育服务以实现人人生殖健康”这一主题在委员会发了言,并回答 [...]
At the 4th meeting, on 12 April, the keynote
[...] speaker, Amy Tsui, Professor at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and Director [...]
of the Bill and
Melinda Gates Institute for Population and Reproductive Health, addressed the Commission on the theme “Improving family planning services to achieve universal reproductive health” and responded to questions raised by the representatives of Indonesia, the Islamic Republic of Iran, Kenya, Malaysia, the United States of America and the Netherlands and by the observers for Norway, Denmark and the Gambia.
应指出,1996 年 11 月,欧洲联盟理事会通过一项条例和一项联合行动,保
[...] 护欧洲联盟自然人或法人居民的利益不受《 尔姆斯 - 伯 顿 法》的域外效力的影 响,禁止遵守这项法律。
It should be underlined that, in November 1996, the Council of Ministers of the European Union adopted a regulation and a joint action to protect the interests of natural or legal persons resident in the
European Union against the extraterritorial
[...] effects of the Helms-Burton legislation, [...]
which prohibits compliance with that legislation.
2009 年 9 月 27 日在委内瑞拉 Margarita
[...] 脑会议,发表“支持古巴反对美利坚合众国政府施加的经济、商业和金 融封锁、包括尔姆斯-伯 顿法的公报”(应指出,虽然这发生在 [...]
2009 年 10 月 28 日通过第 64/6 号决议之前,但第二届南美-非洲首脑会议 是在提出去年的报告之后举行的)。
“Communiqué of solidarity with Cuba against the economic, commercial and financial embargo imposed by the
Government of the United States of America,
[...] including the Helms-Burton Act” on 27 [...]
September 2009, at the second Africa-South
America Summit, held on Margarita Island, Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.
他们的住房由族长在1914年(安迪·沃 霍尔 的 父 亲同年 斯 洛 伐 克迁居匹兹堡)建成,一楼是家族用来做生意的门面,曾经改装成百货店和肉铺;二楼有两间卧室。
Built by the family patriarch in 1914 (the same
[...] year Andy Warhol’s father moved to Pittsburgh from Slovakia), the home [...]
had a ground floor that
doubled as the family business, once a grocery store and butcher shop, and an upper level two-bedroom home.
2012年5月26日,武装恐怖团体从瓦尚(Warshah)区 霍姆斯 纳 扎(Nazhah) 和哈达拉(Hadarah)区发射了六枚迫击炮弹,造成哑巴平民 [...]
Jeanette Mikha'il 身亡,在该袭击中还打伤了其他平民。
On 26 May 2012, armed terrorist groups fired six mortar shells from
the Warshah quarter into the Nazhah and
[...] Hadarah quarters of Homs, killing Jeanette [...]
Mikha'il, a civilian who was mute, and
wounding other civilians in that attack.
在同一次会议上,以下小组成员 做了发言:弗朗西斯科·桑斯·卡尔 德 、 胡安·索马维亚、马丁·伊霍埃格希 安·乌霍莫伊比、马丁·霍尔和伊 雷娜·汗。
At the same meeting, the following panellists made statements: Francisco Santos Calderón, Juan Somavía, Martin Ihoeghian Uhomoibhi, Martin Khor and Irene Khan.
然而,美国从 2009 年 8 月起推迟 6 个月实施暂缓美国公民由于在古巴
[...] 的财产国有化而起诉古巴的案件条例,这是 1996 年古巴自由和民主团结法(赫尔 姆斯-伯顿法)第三章所设想的。
However, the United States postponed for six months, starting in August 2009, a regulation that suspends cases being brought against Cuba by citizens of the United States for properties nationalized on the
island, which is contemplated in title III of the Cuban Liberty and Democratic
[...] Solidarity Act of 1996 (Helms-Burton Act).
托里切利法和尔姆斯伯顿 法的效力及其域外适用,继续阻碍古巴与美国 公司在第三国的子公司开展贸易,威胁并处罚要在古巴投资的企业家,增加古 [...]
巴和第三国之间海上货运的难度和成本,禁止在古巴港口停靠或为古巴运输货 物的船舶在 6 个月内进入美国港口,阻碍悬挂第三国国旗载有古巴船员的船只 靠港。
The fact that the Torricelli
[...] Act and the Helms-Burton Act remain [...]
in force and are applied extraterritorially continues to
prevent Cuba from trading with the subsidiaries of United States companies in third countries. Businesses wishing to invest in Cuba are threatened with and subjected to sanctions, while the provisions of those Acts also hamper, and increase the cost of, the maritime transportation of goods between Cuba and third countries, since any vessel that enters a Cuban port or carries goods on behalf of Cuba is prohibited from entering United States ports for six months following its departure from Cuba, and access is denied to vessels with Cuban crews even when they are sailing under the flag of a third country.
早在1960年当美国国家航空和宇宙航行局(NASA)对登月舱要求的方案时 (实际上太空飞船尔·阿姆斯特朗 在月球上着陆) ,格鲁曼希望获得合同,但是他看到可靠性的规格上的困难。
When NASA asked for proposals for the
Lunar Module (the space ship that
[...] actually landed Neil Armstrong on the moon) in [...]
the early 1960's, Grumman wanted the contract
but saw a trap in the reliability specifications.
2009 年 9 月 22 日至 27 日,在第二次南美-非洲首脑会议上,南美国家联 盟和非洲联盟的国家元首和政府首脑聚首委内瑞拉玻利瓦尔共和国玛格 丽塔岛,发表了声援古巴反对美利坚合众国政府施加的经济,商业和金融 封锁、包括尔姆斯伯顿法的公报,重申“最坚决反对封锁以及实施尔 姆斯伯顿法等违反国际法的法律和措施”,并敦促美国政府停止实施。
At the second Africa-South America Summit, held in Margarita Island in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela from 22 to 27 September 2009, the Heads of State and Government of the countries of the South American Union of Nations and the African Union issued a communiqué of solidarity with Cuba and against the economic, commercial and financial embargo imposed by the Government of the United
States of America,
[...] including the Helms-Burton Act, in which they reiterated their strongest rejection of the embargo and the application of laws and measures, such as the Helms-Burton Act, that [...]
are contrary to international
law, and urged the Government of the United States to end its application.




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