

单词 霍乱菌苗

See also:

霍乱 pl

measles pl

菌苗 n

vaccine n

External sources (not reviewed)

使用 Gadyen Dlo,只需进行几分钟的处理,便可杀死引 霍乱 的 细 菌。
Cholera is caused by a bacterium that Gadyen Dlo kills [...]
with just a few minutes’ worth of treatment.
近年来还采取了 B(乙)型流感嗜血菌疫苗和非 细胞百日咳疫苗(非细胞疫 苗)。
The HIB (haemofilus influenza) vaccine and acellular [...]
whooping cough vaccine (instead of a cellular vaccine) have been taken into use in the recent years.
联海稳 定团在爆霍乱疫情 后采取的一系列措施将继续落实,包括在分配各种水净化设 [...]
The series of measures taken by
[...] MINUSTAH following the cholera outbreak will continue, [...]
including in the areas of distribution
of various water purification devices/plants, and the establishment of community projects to mitigate the impact of the outbreak.
世卫组织还在其针对特定疾病的方案中利用地球空间信息,如里 夫特裂谷热、脑膜炎、黄热病霍乱 、 瘟 疫和细螺旋体病,以开发决策支助工 具,并为当前的苗战略 提供信息依据。
WHO also uses geospatial information in its programmes for specific diseases, such as Rift
Valley fever, meningitis,
[...] yellow fever, cholera, the plague and leptospirosis to develop a decision-support tool and inform the current vaccination strategies.
舉例說,我們是否要進行無限次心臟移植手術,而實際㆖進行這類手術㆒次的 成本,足以為本港㆔分之㆒㆚型肝炎 菌 者 提供 疫 苗?
Are we going to do an unlimited number of heart
transplantation for example where the cost of one may be
[...] enough to provide for vaccine for a third of our [...]
Hepatitis B population?
我 們早前委託了 香 港 一 所 大學進行 研 究,檢討 將 數 種 新 疫 苗 或 混 合 疫 苗 ( 包括肺炎菌 結 合 疫 苗 、 水 痘 疫 苗 、 甲 型 肝炎疫 苗 和 乙 型 流感嗜 血菌疫 苗 ) 納 入 本地兒童免疫 接 種 計 劃 的成本效益, 而 有 關 的 研 究 報告將於短 期內 完 成。
A university of Hong Kong was commissioned earlier to study the cost-effectiveness of the inclusion of several new vaccines or combined vaccine (including the pneumococcal vaccine, chickenpox vaccine, hepatitis A vaccine and haemophilus influenza B vaccine) in the local Childhood Immunization Programme.
在 2008 年和 2009 年,人道协调厅分别对 56 个和 43
[...] 个新的紧急情况做出反应,其中包括自然灾害、武装冲突和其他事件(如 2008 年津巴布韦境内爆发霍乱疫情)。
In 2008 and 2009, OCHA responded to 56 and 43 new emergencies,
respectively, which included natural disasters, armed conflict and other
[...] events, such the cholera outbreak in Zimbabwe [...]
in 2008.
And as the cholera epidemic continues [...]
to take lives in Haiti, community clinics and other health facilities still rely on
UNICEF deliveries of nutritional supplements such as Plumpy’nut, a highly nutritious peanut-based paste containing multiple vitamins and minerals.
所 以 , 我覺得政 府應 立 即 公 布 有 關將肺炎鏈球 菌 、 水 痘 、 甲 型 肝炎和 乙 型 流感嗜 血菌等 疫 苗 納 入 兒童免疫 接 種 計 劃 的成本效益的 研 究 報告, 盡 早制訂新的 疫 苗 政 策 。
Therefore, I think the Government should immediately release the report of the study on the cost-effectiveness of including the pneumococcal vaccine, chickenpox vaccine, hepatitis A vaccine and haemophilus influenza B vaccine in the Childhood Immunization Programme, and formulate a new vaccination policy as soon as possible.
[...] 任何另外病例。但有明显迹象表明,存在诸如志贺氏 菌 和 霍乱 等 更 严重腹泻病 再次爆发的持久危险。
Intense epidemiological surveillance was unable to find any additional cases, but this
is a clear indication of persisting threat of reemergence of more serious
[...] diarrhoeal disease like shigella and cholera.
因此,在 2012/13 年期间,速效项目将依然是应对以下问题的一个独特手
[...] 段:满足人们最迫切的需求,支持海地各机构和民间社会组织应 霍乱 , 改 善公 共服务的提供,加强当地政府主管部门的能力,支持获得诉诸公正的司法系统的 [...]
In this context, for the 2012/13 period, quick-impact projects will continue to be a unique tool in addressing the most urgent needs of the population, in supporting Haitian institutions
and civil society organizations in the
[...] response against cholera, improving the delivery [...]
of public services, reinforcing
the capabilities of local government authorities, supporting access to a fair justice system, rehabilitating basic public infrastructures and addressing existing gaps in the recovery and reconstruction of the country.
(c) 采取行动制止对被指控施巫霍乱患 者 的私刑,进行调查并将肇事者 [...]
(c) Action should be taken to put a stop to
[...] lynchings of cholera victims and people [...]
accused of witchcraft, by launching investigations
and bringing the perpetrators to justice.
首先,我们必须正视气候变化 和全球变暖持续不断的威胁、因全球金融危机而现在 变得愈发严重的全球粮食危机以及甲型 H1N1 流感、
[...] 艾滋病毒/艾滋病、疟疾、肺结核 霍乱 等 横 行各国 的疾病带来的各种威胁。
And together we must confront, first, the continuing threats of climate change and global warming, the global food crisis now compounded by the global financial
crisis, and the threats of diseases that know no borders, such as H1N1, HIV/AIDS,
[...] malaria, tuberculosis, cholera, et cetera.
我们还支持为疫区使用口霍乱疫苗 提 供 基于证据的政策指导以及更好的数据收集,从而为霍乱流行地区使 霍乱 疫 苗 提 供 案例指导。
We also support development of
[...] evidence-based policy guidelines for OCV use in outbreak settings as well as better data collection to build a case for use of cholera vaccines in endemic areas.
抗脑膜炎和肺炎菌的疫苗,需 向你们的儿科医生或接种中心咨询,了解在不同阶段和减少剂量次数的免疫可能 性。
For the anti-pneumococcus and anti-menincococcus vaccinations get information from your paediatrician or from the vaccination centre re the possibility of immunization at different times and in reduced doses.
此外,衞生署亦聘請了30 名合約護士(當中25名已到任),協助肺炎 菌 疫 苗 補 種 計劃 的有期限工作。
The DH has also employed 30 contract nurses (25 of whom
have already reported duty) to assist in the time-limited work related to the
[...] pneumococcal vaccination catch-up programme.
(三) 鑒於除了上述計劃建議的疫苗外,衞生署表示個別私家醫生可能 會為兒童接種其他有需要自費注射的疫苗(包括肺炎 菌 疫 苗、 流 行性感冒疫苗、水痘疫苗、甲型肝炎疫苗、腦膜炎雙 菌 疫 苗、 日本腦炎疫苗及乙型流感嗜血菌疫 苗 ) , 政府會否考慮在未來 3 年內將部分該等疫苗納入上述計劃;若會,將會納入何種疫苗 及何時實行;若否,原因為何?
(c) given that the DH has indicated that apart from the vaccines recommended in the CIP, some private doctors may inoculate children with other self-financed vaccines (including pneumococcal vaccine, influenza vaccine,
chickenpox vaccine,
[...] hepatitis A vaccine, meningococcal vaccine, Japanese encephalitis vaccine and Haemophilus influenzae type B vaccine), whether the Government will consider including some of those vaccines [...]
in the CIP within
the next three years; if it will, of the vaccines to be included and the time for implementation; if not, the reasons for that?
(g) 長者疫苗資助計劃使 65
[...] 歲或以上的長者可獲資助接受由私 家醫生( 包括長者的家庭醫生) 提供的季節性流感和肺炎菌 疫苗注射;以及
(g) the Elderly Vaccination Subsidy Scheme in which elders aged 65 years or above
can receive subsidised seasonal
[...] influenza and pneumococcal vaccinations provided by [...]
private doctors, including family doctors of the elders; and
近期,有藥 廠 及民間
[...] 組 織 要 求 政 府 把 肺炎鏈菌 等 多苗 納 入 兒童免疫 接 種 計 劃 ,民主黨 [...]
瞭 解兒童免疫 接 種 計 劃 應 包括哪 些 疫 苗 ,是十分涉 及 科 學 判 斷 ,民主黨 作 為 負責任
的政治 團體, 避免以 政 治 及商業決 定 影 響 科 學 判 斷 , 認 同 由 疫 苗 可預防疾 病 科 學 委 員會根據科 學 研 究 及 其他專 業 資料, 來 判 斷 這 是 否合理,以 及是否 把這些疫 苗 納 入 兒童免疫 接 種 計 劃 內 。
The Democratic Party understands that
[...] the inclusion of new vaccines in the Childhood Immunization [...]
Programme very much depends
on scientific judgment. As a responsible political party, the Democratic Party subscribes to the view that in order to prevent scientific judgment from being influenced by political and commercial decisions, it should be left to the Scientific Committee on Vaccine Preventable Diseases to judge in accordance with scientific research and other professional information whether this proposal is reasonable and whether these vaccines should be included in the Childhood Immunization Programme.
根據香 港大學最 近 進 行的一 項 研究,為長者注 射肺炎菌疫苗及季 節性流感疫苗,可有效減低患上肺炎和 住院的機 會。
A recent study by the University of Hong Kong also showed that pneumococcal and seasonal flu vaccinations in elderly people were effective in reducing pneumonia and hospital admissions.
此外,我们还 通过儿童疫苗接种普及方案预防疾病,为 98%以上儿 童接种 15 种疫苗,其中包括抗肺炎菌疫苗和 抗轮 状病毒疫苗。
In addition, we prevent disease through a universal programme of vaccination for
children, which provides more than 98 per cent of
[...] children with 15 vaccines, including against pneumococcus and rotavirus.
必须用足够剂量的氯剂给水消毒以根除微生物,例如引 霍乱 和 伤寒 的菌。
To disinfect the water, a sufficient quantity of chlorine must be added to eliminate microorganisms such as
[...] those that cause cholera and typhoid fever.
海地代表感谢儿基会在该国开展的工作,特别是 2010
[...] 年海地遭受地震和飓 风托马斯袭击以及最近爆霍乱后, 儿基会小组不顾环境艰苦在实地开展的不懈 [...]
The representative of Haiti thanked UNICEF for its involvement in the country, particularly the tireless efforts of the team on the ground, working under difficult
circumstances following the earthquake, Hurricane Thomas
[...] and the recent cholera outbreak, all of [...]
which took place in 2010.
霍乱暴发 ,为媒体专业人员提供了 培训和知识讲座,并制作了短小的动画片,提醒年轻人基本的预防方法。
In response to the cholera outbreak, training [...]
and information sessions were given to media professionals, and short animation
clips were created to alert youth to basic prevention methods.
我 知 道 政 府早前 已 委託大學,研 究 將 肺炎菌 疫 苗 、 甲 型 肝菌 疫 苗 、 水 痘 疫 苗 及 乙 型 流感嗜 血菌疫 苗 納 入 接 種 計 劃 。
I am aware that the Government commissioned earlier a university to study the inclusion of the pneumococcal vaccine, hepatitis A vaccine, chickenpox vaccine and haemophilus influenza type B vaccine in the Programme.
医疗卫生领域的三项此 种举措已经出台:(a)国际药品采购机制和机票团结税;(b)国际免疫融资机 制/全球疫苗和免疫联盟;(c)肺炎 菌 疫 苗 的 预 先市场承诺。
Three such initiatives are already functioning in the area of health: (a) UNITAID and the solidarity contributions on airline tickets; (b) the International Finance Facility for Immunization (IFFIm)/Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunisation (GAVI); and (c) the Advance Market Commitment for pneumococcal vaccines (AMC-PV).
在第 277 号政府决定(2003 年 3 月 13
[...] 日通过)批准的 2003-2010 年国家预防 和抗霍乱等严 重腹泻疾病计划的实施方面,摩尔多瓦共和国组织了一系列关于 [...]
With regard to the implementation
[...] of the National Cholera prophylaxis and [...]
fight Programme and of other serious diarrhoea
diseases (SDD) fro years 2003–2010, approved by means of Government Decision No. 277 from 13.03.2003, training courses have been organised on the supervision of the quality of the drinking water and the diseases with water transmission capabilities.
尽管古代的麻 风病、白喉、疟疾霍乱和肺 结核等灾难性疾病已通过检疫、防疫和抗生素的使 [...]
用而基本绝迹,但近年来又出现了新的致命性病毒性疾病,旧的瘟疫和流行病也 在世界各地重新出现。
Although the ancient scourges of leprosy,
[...] diphtheria, malaria, cholera and tuberculosis [...]
have been largely overcome through quarantine,
vaccination and the use of antibiotics, recent times have seen the emergence of new and deadly viral diseases and the re-emergence of old plagues and pandemics in different parts of the world.




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