单词 | 零星 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 零星—sporadicless common: fragmentary random bits and pieces 零星noun—piecemealn零零星星adjective—oddadj零零星星—piecemeal fragmentary Examples:零星的adj—sporadicadj See also:星n—satelliten starn saturnn
虽然目前刚果民主共和国东部地区的局势比较 稳定,但零星的暴力继续存在,人道主义需要仍然很 [...] 大,进出仍然非常有限。 daccess-ods.un.org | Though the situation in the east of the [...] Democratic Republic of the Congo is now somewhat [...] more stable,sporadic violence continues [...]and humanitarian needs are great, while [...]access remains extremely limited. daccess-ods.un.org |
国内和边界的零星武装冲突导致侵犯人权。 daccess-ods.un.org | The sporadic armedconflicts within [...] the country and at its borders had caused human rights violations. daccess-ods.un.org |
3.8 CERP提供者、联合赞助者或指定的教育合作夥伴,必须依CERP提供者的书面政策与程序,来 直接支付给予教师或作者的任何酬金或零星开支。 iblce.edu.au | 3.8 The CERP Provider, the joint sponsor, or designated educational partner must pay directly any teacher or author [...] honoraria or reimbursement of out-of-pocket expenses in compliance with the CERP [...] Provider's written policies and [...]procedures. iblce.edu.au |
零星的间接火力攻击继续发生,目标是许多伊拉克政府官员和外交使团居 [...] 住的巴格达国际区,以及巴格达国际机场大楼。 daccess-ods.un.org | Sporadic indirectfire attacks [...] continued, targeting the Baghdad International Zone, where many Iraqi Government officials [...]and diplomatic missions reside, and the Baghdad International Airport complex. daccess-ods.un.org |
本《议定书》不适用于内部局势紧张和动 乱,诸如骚乱、孤立零星的暴力行为或类似现 unesdoc.unesco.org | This Protocol shall not apply to situations of [...] internal disturbances and tensions, such as [...] riots, isolated and sporadic acts of violence [...]and other acts of a similar nature. unesdoc.unesco.org |
这一重新调整促使最大限度地集中了这些领域 的活动,集中人力和现有的预算资源开展了几项行动,而没有用较少的资金去搞零零星星的小型活动。 unesdoc.unesco.org | This realignment is providing critical mass in these areas, concentrating staff and available budget resources around a few actions, instead of a sprinkling of small activities with relatively small allocations. unesdoc.unesco.org |
全面评估亚美尼亚共和国对阿塞拜疆共和国发动侵略战争的原因和悲剧性 [...] 后果,可绝对清楚地看出蓄意屠杀霍贾里镇平民和保卫者,不是一个孤立或零星的行为,而是埃里温官方广泛而有系统的暴行政策和做法,其核心是种族优越感、 [...]族裔分化以及族裔仇恨的可憎理念。 daccess-ods.un.org | The overall assessment of the causes and tragic consequences of the war unleashed by the Republic of Armenia against the Republic of Azerbaijan makes it absolutely clear that the intentional slaughter of the [...] Khojaly town civilians and defenders was [...] not an isolatedorsporadic act, butwas part [...]of the official Yerevan widespread and [...]systematic policy and practice of atrocities, at the core of which are odious ideas of racial superiority, ethnic differentiation and hatred. daccess-ods.un.org |
此外,将企业作为经 营中企业出售可能比零星出售资产速度更快、费用更低。 daccess-ods.un.org | In addition, selling a business as a going concern can be more expeditious and less costly [...] than selling the assetspiecemeal. daccess-ods.un.org |
总的说来,地方当局提供的支持是非常 有限的和零星的,尤其是那些不被认为是处境最困难的人。 daccess-ods.un.org | In general, support provided by local authorities is [...] highly limited andsporadic,especially for [...]persons who are not considered to be in [...]the most difficult situations. daccess-ods.un.org |
相比之下,如果这些武器是从非法市场的不同来源零星获得,则要问为何 序列号都以相同方式被擦掉。 daccess-ods.un.org | By contrast, if these weapons had [...] been acquired piecemeal from different [...]sources on the illicit market, it poses the question [...]as to why should the serial numbers have been removed by identical forms of grinding. daccess-ods.un.org |
首先是科特迪瓦局势,我们仍然感到关切的是, 有报告说,那里支持巴博的民兵同共和国部队之间仍 发生零星战斗,造成平民伤亡,包括在阿比让的约普 贡区,星期五联合国科特迪瓦行动人权司在该区的几 处乱葬坑中发现了 68 具尸体。 daccess-ods.un.org | The first is Côte d’Ivoire, [...] where we remain [...] concerned aboutreportsofsporadic fighting between pro-Gbagbo militias and the Forces Républicaines and of associated civilian casualties, including in the Yopougon district of Abidjan, whereon Friday thehuman rights [...]division of the United [...]Nations Operation in Côte d’Ivoire found 68 bodies in several mass graves. daccess-ods.un.org |
3.7 CERP提供者必须有书面政策与程序,来管理给予规画者、教师与作者的酬金与零星开支的给付。 iblce.edu.au | 3.7 The CERP Provider must have written policies and procedures governing honoraria and reimbursement of out-of-pocketexpenses for planners, teachers and authors. iblce.edu.au |
未安装该项目前,露台只有一个小遮篷搭在门上,加上几把零星的太阳伞,限制了春季和夏季的露台使用。 glenraven.com | Before the project, the patio had only a small awning over the door and market umbrellas, which limited the use of the patio to spring and summer months. glenraven.com |
全面评估亚美尼亚对阿塞拜疆发动战争的原因及其悲惨后果表明,最 近 对 阿 [...] 塞拜疆平民的袭击,包括杀害儿童,不是孤立或零星行为,而是亚美尼亚普遍和 系统的残暴政策和实践的典型证据。 daccess-ods.un.org | The overall assessment of the causes and tragic consequences of the war unleashed by Armenia against Azerbaijan makes it clear that the recent attacks on Azerbaijani civilians, [...] including the killing of children, were [...] not isolatedorsporadic acts, but were the [...]illustrative evidence of Armenia’s [...]widespread and systematic policy and practice of atrocities. daccess-ods.un.org |
印尼需要及时从2010年地方选举中发生的零星暴力事件中吸取经验教训,因为有证据显示,这些可以轻易避免的事件自那时以来发生的频率有所增加。 crisisgroup.org | Indonesia needs to learn promptly the [...] lessons from the sporadic violencewitnessed [...]in its local elections during 2010 as [...]there is some evidence these easily preventable incidents could be increasing in frequency since the last cycle. crisisgroup.org |
大会和委 员会对预算编制采取个别处理的零星方式曾多次表 示关注。 daccess-ods.un.org | The General Assembly and the Committee had repeatedly expressed concern [...] regarding a piecemealapproach to [...]budgeting. daccess-ods.un.org |
不过,近期有体外 研究指出,多溴联苯醚会诱发氧分子活化,可能破坏脱氧核糖核酸。2在 缺乏人体数据的情况下,加上只有零星证据证明这类物质会令动物患 癌,世界衞生组织辖下的国际癌症研究机构於 1999 年把十溴联苯醚列为 第 3 类物质( 即在会否令人类患癌方面未能分类的物质),但并没有就五溴 联苯醚和八溴联苯醚的致癌性进行评估。 cfs.gov.hk | But recent in vitro studies indicated that PBDEs can cause DNA damage through the induction of reactive oxygen species.2 Based on the lack of human data and the limited evidence of carcinogenicity in animals, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) of the World Health Organization in 1999 classified DecaBDE in Group 3 (i.e. not classifiable as to its carcinogenicity to humans). cfs.gov.hk |
有,但是,典故,虽然他们只是零星的,这表明的halakah和哈加达都致力于写作,为份,如在个别学者,谁是偶尔批评为拥有他们拥有被描述。 mb-soft.com | There are, however, allusions, [...] although theyare only sporadic, which show that [...]the Halakah and the Haggadah were committed [...]to writing; for copies were described as being in the possession of individual scholars, who were occasionally criticized for owning them. mb-soft.com |
过去涉及零星和中等程度数据交换的电信手段正在被更成熟的系统所取 代。 daccess-ods.un.org | The historical processes of [...] telecommunication involvingsporadic and modest levels [...]of data exchange are being supplanted [...]by more sophisticated systems. daccess-ods.un.org |
自那时起,尽管由于国家 某些地区出现的安全紧张局势导致零星的中断,但项目没有停止发挥作用。 multilateralfund.org | Since that time, despite sporadicinterruptions that [...] have occurred due to the tense security situation in some areas of [...]the country, the project has not ceased working. multilateralfund.org |
2009 年美国国务院报告称,当局只是零星地实行禁 止,而尽管法律上仍可判处死刑,但自塔利班政权跨台之后,就未再下达过死刑 [...] 判决。 daccess-ods.un.org | The US Department of State 2009 report states that the [...] authorities only sporadicallyenforce the [...]prohibition, and no death sentences have [...]been handed out since the end of Taliban rule, although it is still technically possible. daccess-ods.un.org |
但 他 们 的 起 事 只是零 星事件﹐ 对 革 命 的 出 现 没 有 太 大 作 用 。 hkahe.com | But their revolts and rising were sporadical and could not have much impact on the revolution. hkahe.com |
这些议程项目是指乍得和阿拉伯利比亚民众国1978年至1987年之间为争夺奥祖地带的控制权发生的零星事件;奥祖地带指两国边境地带的土地。 un.org | These agenda items refer to sporadic incidents between Chad and the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya from 1978 to 1987 over the control of the Aouzou Strip, a strip of land at the border between the two countries. un.org |
现有微量营养素的施用与实际的需求相比可以忽略不计,并且局限于锌在水稻中的施用以及零星的锌在土豆和柑橘中、硼在棉花和水稻中、铁的西奎斯特林螯合物在苹果和柑橘中的应 用。 fertilizer.org | The current micronutrient use is negligible compared to the [...] actual requirement, and, is limited to Zn [...] use in rice, and sporadicuse of Znin potato [...]and citrus, B in cotton and rice, and [...]Fe-Sequestrene in apple and citrus. fertilizer.org |
但可以注意到的几个要素,与联合国秘书长在条 约方面行使保存人职能的相关实践经验并不矛盾;恰恰相反,这一零星做法似乎 确认了关于维持被继承国所提保留的一般性推定。 daccess-ods.un.org | However, the few elements that can be identified do not tend to contradict the lessons that can be drawn from the practice in relation to treaties for which the United Nations Secretary-General serves as depositary; on the contrary, the practice of these various depositaries seems to confirm the general presumption in favour of the maintenance of the predecessor State’s reservations. daccess-ods.un.org |
投资者谁想要得到大量利润和只包含轻微的和零星的损失,需要一定时间的学习,通过书籍和课程,定义它的方法,根据你所看到的在图上,并应用最大 [...] 技术分析也就是说,以利润最大化和减少损失,发现曾经,根据图形分析(技术分析),进入和退出的细微之处。 zh-cn.iniciantenabolsa.com | The investor who wants to get significant profits and contained [...] only minor and sporadic losses, need a [...]certain period of learning (through books [...]and courses), define its methodology, operate according to just what you see on the graph, and apply the maximum analysis Technically, that is, to maximize profit and minimize the damage, finding ever, according to graphical analysis (technical analysis), the finer points of entry and exit. en.iniciantenabolsa.com |
根据所进行的具体活动,用于采矿的环境许可证可包括下列许可,即 :通道占用许可、 [...] 废水排放许可、地下水许可、地表水许可、零星林木使用许可、伐木许可、森林使用、 [...]排放许可、钻井勘探许可、地下水钻探许可、林业许可等。 uria.com | Depending on the particular activities to be carried out, the environmental licence for exploitation may cover some of the following: permits for occupation of channels, discharge waste permits, underground water concessions, surface water concessions, authorisation for use of [...] isolated trees, authorisation for tree [...] logging, authorisation for forest use, emissions [...]permit, exploration of wells permit, [...]exploration of subterranean water permit, forestry permit. uria.com |