

单词 零售点

See also:

零售 pl

retailers pl

零售 adj

retail adj


sell individually or in small quantities

External sources (not reviewed)

[...] 措施提供便利,例如手机银行,以及利用邮政和其 零售点 的 更广泛的无分行银 行业务。
Loan guarantees to microcredit institutions and other measures to decentralize access to finance, such as
mobile phone banking and, more broadly, branchless banking using
[...] postal and other retail outlets, should [...]
be facilitated.
z 完善音像制品固定销售终端体制,即完善经过合法注册的具有音像制品经营范围的零 售店零售点,提高音像制品的售前、售后服务质量 。
processes, and expand the effective supply of the country’s movie market. z Perfect the system of fixed distribution terminals for audiovisual products, i.e. identify and regulate those legally registered retail
stores or points whose
[...] business scope include sales of audio and visual [...]
products, and improve the quality of pre-sale and after-sale services associated
with audiovisual products. z Perfect the movie censorship system, creating conditions to permit the
以下列途径供应大众的软件: a. 由不受限制零售点销售的库存品,交货方式如下: ㈠ 柜台交易
Generally available to the public by being: a. Sold from
[...] stock at retail selling points without restriction, [...]
by means of: i. Over-the-counter transactions; ii.
更好地向零售商供应产品:人工配送中心向零售商频繁地递送小批量 产品,使零售点能够 在以现金交易为主的环境中保持较少的库存。
Improved availability of products to retailer: MDCs make small, frequent deliveries of products to retailers enabling outlets to carry less inventory in primarily cash-driven environments.
根据技术合作伙伴计划协议,戴尔提供各种认证,例如但不限于系统管理服务器和客户端、存储空间、联网、企业客户端、A IM 、 零售点 、 自 动保修续保服务、数字取证、eDiscovery、电信传媒娱乐、桌面虚拟化。
Dell offers a variety of certifications under the Technology Partner program umbrella, such as but not limited to Systems Management server and
client, Storage, Networking,
[...] Business Client, AIM, Retail –Point of Sale, Auto Warranty Renewal [...]
Services, Digital Forensics,
EDiscovery, Telecom Media Entertainment, Desktop Virtualization.
本隐私声明适用于 Microsoft 通过其
Microsoft 商店收集的数据,Microsoft 商店包括明确提及本隐私声明的 Microsoft
[...] 商店网站(以下简称“站点”或“网站”)以及明确提及本隐私声明的 Microsoft 商零售点(以 下简称“商店”),统称 Microsoft 商店。
This privacy statement applies to the data collected by Microsoft through its Microsoft Stores, including the Microsoft Store websites that specifically point to this privacy statement (the
“Site” or “Website”) and its
[...] Microsoft Store retail locations that specifically point to this privacy [...]
statement (the “Store”)(collectively, the “Microsoft Stores”).
我们关注的范围从医疗保健领域的直接参与——其中,Emerson 的一大业务平台将信息系统和患者护理联系起来——到监测食 零售点 以 确 保食品安全和质量。
These focus areas span direct involvement in the field of healthcare – where a significant Emerson business
platform links information systems to patient care – to
[...] monitoring food retailing sites to ensure food [...]
safety and quality.
本集團主要從事:(1)中成藥的製造與銷售;(2)西藥、中藥和醫療器械的批發 零售 和 進 出口業 務;及(3)天然藥物和生物醫藥的研究開發。
The Group is principally engaged in (1) the manufacture
and sales of Chinese patent medicine; (2)
[...] the wholesale, retail, import and export [...]
of western and Chinese pharmaceutical
products and medical apparatus; and (3) the research and development of natural medicine and biological medicine.
用推挽控制时,像左图一样置零点, 向两边的电磁线圈同时通电,以提高 反应性。
As shown in the figure to the left, push-pull control aims at
[...] increasing response at the zero point by simultaneously [...]
energizing both solenoids.
准则是由质量管理、食品安全、食品监管、食品加工、农业生 产系统、食零售、食 品分销领域的专家协助,并根据危害分析和关键控点 (HACCP) 指南编制。
It was prepared with the assistance of Primary Producers and experts in quality management, food safety, food regulation, food
processing, agriculture
[...] production systems, food retailing, food distribution and the Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) Guidelines.
[...] 4芯片具有两个完全独立的天线端口,消除了标签 点 , 极 大提升 零售 、 行 李处理和资产追踪等难以控制标签定位的实际应用中的读写可靠性。
All Monza 4 chips have two fully independent antenna ports,
[...] eliminating tags' blind spots and significantly increasing [...]
read and write reliability in
real-world applications where tag orientation is hard to control, such as in retail, baggage handling and asset tracking.
工作人员工会针对支助措施提出了以下建议:a)通过与联合国支助中心签署协定或聘 用安居公司提供服务(查找住处和学校;处理文件;提供有关保安、医生、汽 零售 商 等 信 息),确保提供具有竞争性和可靠的安居服务;b)就工作 点 所 在 国家的工作证事宜进行 协商,加入联合国的“双重职业和人员流动”计划等,为配偶/伴侣就业提供便利;c)如果 [...]
STU has put forward a number of suggestions on support measures such as: (a) ensuring competitive and reliable relocation services either by developing agreements with United Nations support centres or hiring the services of a relocation company (to take care of finding
accommodation, schools,
[...] processing paperwork, providing advice on security, doctors, car retailers, etc.); (b) facilitating spouse/partner employment by negotiating [...]
work permits
in all countries where duty stations are located, joining the United Nations “Double career and staff mobility” programme, etc.; and (c) in cases where a staff member’s rotation entails the spouse’s/partner’s loss of gainful employment, provision for reasonable compensation, at least during the first year.
此外,該法律公告廢除 6項現行調查令,分別爲《普查及統計(工業生產按年調查)令》(第 316A章 )、《普查及統計(批發零售、進 口與出口貿易、食肆及 酒店按年調查)令》(第 316C章 )、《普查及統計(屋宇建築、建造及 地產業按年調查)令》(第 [...]
316E章 )、《普查及統計(銀行、接受存款 公司、有限制牌照銀行及外地銀行代表辦事處按年調查)
令》( 第 316H章 )、《普查及統計(倉庫、通訊、財務、保險及商用服務按 年調查)令》(第 316I章 ),以及《普查及統計(運輸及有關服務按年 調查)令》(第 316J章 )。
It also repeals the six existing survey orders, namely, Census and
Statistics (Annual Survey of
[...] Industrial Production) Order (Cap. 316A), Census and Statistics (Annual Survey of Wholesale, Retail and Import and Export [...]
Trades, Restaurants
and Hotels) Order (Cap. 316C), Census and Statistics (Annual Survey of Building, Construction and Real Estate Sectors) Order (Cap. 316E), Census and Statistics (Annual Survey of Banks, Deposit-taking Companies, restricted Licence Banks and Representative Offices of Foreign Banks) Order (Cap. 316H), Census and Statistics (Annual Survey of Storage, Communication, Financing, Insurance and Business Services) Order (Cap. 316I) and Census and Statistics (Annual Survey of Transport and Related Services) Order (Cap. 316J).
[...] 件,同时也培训企业家和供应链合伙人(包括进口商、分销商、 点零售 商 、 流动企业家和小 额信贷组织)如何使用这些灯具,了解其影响,以及如何与最需要这些产品的社区取得联系。
As well as supplying components, Barefoot Power also trains micro- entrepreneurs and supply
chain partners (including importers,
[...] distributors, static retailers, mobile entrepreneurs [...]
and micro-finance organisations)
on the use and impact of the lamps, as well as ways to reach the communities that need them most.
[...] 化反映出渔业价值链的日益全球化趋势,且国际销售渠道的增长已掌控在大零 售商的手中。
These changes reflect the increasing
globalization of the fisheries value
[...] chain, with large retailers controlling [...]
the growth of international distribution channels.
从图书馆去朋友家中的路上随便 点零 食 填 填肚子,这种做法或许很方便,但长此以往,就会弊大于利。
Grabbing a snack on your way from the library to your friend's house may be convenient, but over time it will do you more harm than good.
有关材料的完整资料,请向材料分销商 零售 商 索要材料安全数据表 (MSDS)。
For complete information about your material, request
[...] MSDS from distributor or retailer.
[...] 提交的兩份指引,內容分別是針對食物業界 零售 點 和消費者的有關預防甲型及戊型肝 炎的食物衞生守則。
Finally, he briefed the meeting about the content of the two tabled guides on practising
food hygiene to prevent hepatitis A and hepatitis E for
[...] food service and retail outlets and for [...]
consumers respectively.
监测走访还应包括对制冷剂售点的 定 期调查,以便核查市场实际淘汰的各类 氟氯化碳;以及监督在维修工场和制冷剂供应商中建立的回收和再利用网络的措施。
The monitoring visits should also include a regular
[...] survey of refrigerant points of sales in order to verify [...]
that CFCs are effectively out of
the market; as well as measures to overview the network of recovery and recycling established amongst the servicing workshops and refrigerant suppliers.
教科文组织之家”还可提供多种服务,如起教科 文组织信息和参考资料中心的作用;承办教科文组织的各种巡回展览;成为教科文组织出版 物售点和新 闻传递以及与媒体联系的中继站;负责传播本组织职位招聘信息及其颁发奖学 金和奖项的信息等。
The Houses also provide a variety of services: centres for information and references concerning UNESCO, exhibit
space for UNESCO travelling
[...] exhibitions, sales outlets for UNESCO publications, press and media relations point, diffusion of [...]
the Organization’s offers
of employment and of information on UNESCO fellowships and prizes.
Eftpos (Electronic
[...] Funds Transfer at Point of Sale) is a convenient [...]
service that many Australian businesses have embraced.
鑒於本地的石油產品價格經常加快減慢及各油商調整價格 的步伐趨於一致,而石油產零售價 格 往往又未能真確地反 映入口成本價,本會促請政府積極考慮在石油行業引入公平 競爭法及其他有效措施,包括要求競爭政策諮詢委員會關注 本港石油市場可能出現的不公平競爭模式,並委託該委員會 就有關情況作出監察和研究,以增加石油行業的競爭性和提 高產品價格的透明度,從而避免寡頭壟斷,促進公平競爭和 保障商戶及市民免受高油價之苦。
That, as the adjustments of local oil product prices are always quick in going up but slow in coming down and the pace of price adjustments by various oil companies tends to be synchronized, while oil product pump prices often fail to truly reflect import costs, this Council urges the Government to actively consider introducing a fair competition law and other effective measures for the oil industries, including requesting the Competition Policy Advisory Group to take heed of any unfair mode of competition that may emerge in the local oil market, and entrusting the Group to monitor and study the situation, with a view to increasing competition in the oil industries and enhancing the transparency of product prices, thereby avoiding oligopoly, promoting fair competition and safeguarding commercial clients and the public against high oil prices.
(c) 2011 年,全零点运动 在哥伦比亚特区华盛顿和伦敦召集政府高级官员 [...]
(c) The Global Zero campaign held meetings [...]
in 2011 in Washington, D.C. and London, bringing together high-level Government
officials with prominent political, military and civil society leaders to discuss the elimination of nuclear weapons
禁售期滿後,(i)除非經另一方同意,否則本公司及Alliance BMP均不得將其於醫藥公司的
[...] 全部或任何股權,轉讓予因從事醫藥產品批發 零售 業 務而與醫藥公司構成競爭的任何第 三方或該第三方的任何關聯公司;及(ii)本公司及Alliance [...]
Upon expiry of the Lock-up Period, (i) unless consent is obtained from the other party, neither the Company nor Alliance BMP shall transfer all or any of its equity interest in GP Corp. to any third party which is competing
with GP Corp. by engaging in the business
[...] of wholesale and retail distribution of pharmaceutical [...]
products or to any Affiliates
of such third party; and (ii) each of the Company and Alliance BMP shall have a pre-emptive right to acquire such equity interest of the other party on the same terms as those offered by a bona fide third party (other than any Affiliate of the other party).
(m) 於全球任何地方經營進出口商、一般貿易商、佣金代理、訂貨代理、運 輸代理、寶石商人、珠寶商、金器匠、銀器匠、鐘錶製造商、電鍍商、 禮物袋製造商、運輸商、旅行社及承辦商、倉庫管理人、煙草商及雪茄
商、劇院票房代理、廣告承辦商及代理及展覽主辦單位的全部或任何業 務,並買賣、進出口、製造、運用、利用及為市場籌備,以及處置各類
[...] 貨品、物品、材料供應、農產品、商品、日用品、物質、物件及動產(批 發零售), 以及進行各類代理業務及從事製造商代表業務。
(m) To carry on in any part of the world all or any of the businesses of importers, exporters, general traders, commission agents, indent agents, forwarding agents, gem merchants, jewellers, goldsmiths, silversmiths, watch and clock makers, electro-platers, dressing-bag makers, carriers, tourist agents and contractors, warehousemen, tobacco and cigar merchants, agents for theatrical and opera box office, advertising contractors and agents, and holders of exhibition, and to buy, sell, import, export, manufacture, manipulate, turn to account and prepare for market, and deal in goods, wares, materials provisions, produce, merchandise, commodities,
substances, articles and chattels of all kinds,
[...] both wholesale and retail, and to transact [...]
every kind of agency business and to undertake
the business of manufacturers’ representatives.
食典委同意在新鲜水果和蔬菜食典标准全文中删除第 1 节—产品定义和 7.2 节—零售容器 关于通知接受的脚注,以便与其关于在程序手册中取消接受程序的 先前决定相一致(见第 32-36 段)。
The Commission agreed to delete the footnotes to Sections 1 - Definition of produce and 7.2 - Nonretail containers on the notification of acceptance throughout Codex standards for fresh fruits and vegetables, for consistency with its previous decision to abolish the Acceptance Procedure in the Procedural Manual (see paras. 32-36).
同一系列的其他刊物包括《屋宇建築、建造及地產業的業務表現及營運特色的主要統計數字》、《進出口貿易、批發 零售 業 以及住宿及膳食服務業的業務表現及營運特色的主要統計數字》、《運輸、倉庫及速遞服務業的業務表現及營運特色的主要統計數字》和《資訊及通訊、金融及保險、專業及商用服務業的業務表現及營運特色的主要統計數字》。
Other reports in the same series include: Key Statistics on Business Performance and Operating Characteristics of the Building, Construction and Real Estate Sectors; Key Statistics on Business Performance and
Operating Characteristics of the
[...] Import/Export, Wholesale and Retail Trades, and Accommodation [...]
and Food Services Sectors; Key
Statistics on Business Performance and Operating Characteristics of the Transportation, Storage and Courier Services Sector; and Key Statistics on Business Performance and Operating Characteristics of the Information and Communications, Financing and Insurance, Professional and Business Services Sectors.
国家饮酒政策的主要问题是,酒类因为价格低廉而易得, 售点 众 多 ,酒 类销售时间限制只在一些地方当局适用(允许饮酒旅游),酒后驾车事故数量增 加。
The main problem in the state’s alcohol policy is the availability of alcohol due
to cheap price, a large number
[...] of sales outlets, and time restrictions on sale of alcohol applicable [...]
only in some local authorities
(allowing for alcohol tourism), as well as increased number of incidents of drunken driving.
不论您为售点市场 开发一个简单的Windows应用程序、一个互动对话亭或是触屏应用程序,3D Button API都会为您提供一个出色用户界面,并快速将您的应用程序及时推向市场。
Whether you are developing a simple Windows application, a kiosk application or a touch screen application for the POS market, 3D Button API will enhance your user interface with an outstanding look and will give you speed your applications time-to-market.




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