单词 | 雪糕 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 雪糕 —ice creamSee also:雪—snowfall • have the appearance of snow • surname Xue • wipe away, off or out 糕 n—cake n • cakes pl 糕 pl—chocolates pl
有幾名成員提議豁免包括紀律部隊在內,提供 [...] 緊急服務的車輛,以及有實際運作需要的商業車輛,如凍櫃車 和雪糕車等。 forum.gov.hk | A few members suggested exempting emergency vehicles including those of [...] disciplinary forces and commercial vehicles with genuine operational [...] needs, e.g. refrigerator trucks, ice-cream [...]vans, etc. forum.gov.hk |
由於推 出新的綜合食物牌照/許可證的目的是利便食物業,他質疑為何不將 軟雪糕納入批准食物項目清單內。 legco.gov.hk | He queried why soft ice-cream was not included in the approved list of food items given that the new composite food licence/permit was introduced to facilitate the food trade. legco.gov.hk |
这个冰淇淋制造商研发了一种新的技术,可以在他们 的 雪糕 中 填充液态巧克力。 ba-repsasia.com | The ice cream maker has developed a new technology to put liquid-filled chocolates in their ice cream bars. ba-repsasia.com |
例如你店舖主力是賣漢堡包的, [...] 最好不要再大力宣傳其他食品如炸雞 、 雪糕 等 小 食,以免喧賓奪主,令自己店舖的定位模糊。 gemconsortium.org | If your shop majors in selling hamburgers, you’d better not promote the other food, [...] say fried chicken and ice-cream, strongly. gemconsortium.org |
Deli全新推出的八月限定巨型雪糕曲奇,兩塊巨大的巧克力曲奇夾著8球Häagen -D a z s 雪糕 , 令 您在炎炎夏日中感受不一樣的涼快。 hongkong.langhamhotels.com.hk | Visit Main St. Deli for the month of August and take on the [...] Cookie Monster, two giant chocolate chip cookies with eight scoops of Häagen-Dazs ice-cream in the middle. hongkong.langhamhotels.com |
將有機楓樹糖漿加進甜品、雪糕、水 果沙律或煎餅作調味。 sfgourmet.com | Usage: organic maple syrup added to desserts, ice cream, fruit salad or pancakes for seasoning. sfgourmet.com |
带上您自己制作 的野餐到岩石公园露天平台 上坐一坐,或者在冰淇淋售 卖亭买上一支芬兰雪糕,瞭 望大海,梦想未来。 visithelsinki.fi | Enjoy a picnic atop the hill in the park, a drink on the terrace by the rug washing piers, or an ice cream from one of the kiosks. visithelsinki.fi |
Made in土佐的雪糕系列包括米飯、鹽、黑糖、煎茶、紅茶和雞蛋共六種選擇,全以雲呢 拿 雪糕 為 基本味道——米 飯 雪糕 在 細味下,可嚐到一顆顆以日本高知縣出產的二期作白米,口感黏韌,米味濃郁;以日本土佐黑潮町的海鹽製成的鹽 味 雪糕 , 保 留了海鹽的礦物質成份,入口初段甘甜,最後才滲出陣陣鹹味,配以米 飯 雪糕 同 吃鹹味更濃;紅 茶 雪糕 亦 即 是奶茶,吃時就像呷著一杯冰凍奶茶;煎 茶 雪糕 用 上 來自池川的綠茶調製,茶味甘濃;雞 蛋 雪糕 每 口都是強烈的蛋香和奶香融和,卻不會太甜;黑 糖 雪糕 則 從 邊緣已可看見密佈的小顆黑糖結晶。 think-silly.com | Kochi-Ice’s ‘Made in土佐’ ice cream flavours stretch from rice, salt, brown sugar, Sencha, English tea to egg, with vanilla as a ‘base’. Rice grown locally in Kochi-ken is used in its rice ice cream, adding a touch of sticky texture; sea salt from Kuroshio-cho gives a punch of saltiness to the sweet flavour, with health enhancing minerals – even more so when eaten with rice ice cream; English tea ice cream is like chewing (or sipping, depending on your habit) through an iced white tea; Sencha sourced from Ikegawa has a bitter undertone; protein-packed egg flavour is a layering of milk and egg, and not too sweet; brown sugar ice cream is scattered with crystalised sugar pieces. think-silly.com |
這項研究未能涵蓋同一類別的各款食物,例如連筒或不連筒 的雪 糕,以及加牛油或不加牛油的班戟。 cfs.gov.hk | The study could not cover all variations of food items among the same type of food, e.g. ice-cream served with or without cone, pancake served with or without butter. cfs.gov.hk |
除主餐(早、午、晚)外,吃下午茶的人士有56%,吃宵夜人士佔40%,飯後吃甜 品 / 雪糕 佔 47 %,更有高達82%有吃零食及89%有飯後吃水果的習慣。 hkupop.hku.hk | In addition to breakfast, lunch and dinner, 56% have afternoon tea, 40% eat supper, 47% eat dessert/ice-cream after meals. hkupop.hku.hk |
其他例子包括雪糕(可能 含有全脂奶、脫 脂奶製品、忌廉或牛油、糖、植物油、蛋製品、水果、可可或咖啡的冷凍 甜品)、ice milk(以減脂奶、脫脂奶或無脂奶製成 與 雪糕 類 似 的製品)、jellied milk、冷凍的調味酸乳酪、junket(在調味奶中加入凝乳酶,待凝結後製成的 吉士類甜品),dulce de leche(在奶中加糖及其他配料例如椰子或朱古力,烹 調而成的製品)、牛油硬糖布甸,以及朱古力慕絲。 cfs.gov.hk | Other examples include: ice cream (frozen dessert that may contain whole milk, skim milk products, cream or butter, sugar, vegetable oil, egg products, and fruit, cocoa, or coffee), ice milk (product similar to ice cream with reduced [...] whole or skim milk content, [...]or made with nonfat milk), jellied milk, frozen flavoured yoghurt, junket (sweet custard-like dessert made from flavoured milk set with rennet), dulce de leche (cooked milk with sugar and added ingredients such as coconut or chocolate), butterscotch pudding and chocolate mousse. cfs.gov.hk |
她現在五嵗了, 當她和其他使用示意動作的孩子們在一起時, 或當她母 親就是不明白她只要一個雪糕時, 為了加以強調, 她偶爾會用示意動作。 downsyndromensw.org.au | Hep signs appear occasionally now, at age 5, when she is with other signing children, and to add extra emphasis, when her mother simply can't understand, that she needs an ice cream! downsyndromensw.org.au |
当停止呕吐后,就应进食温和及容易消化的食物,如粥或米糊等;避免进食奶类制品和糖份食物, 如 雪糕 、 汽 水和糖,这样会令肚泻的情况更为严重。 hsbc.com.hk | When vomiting has stopped, introduce bland, easy-to-digest foods, such as congee and soft rice. hsbc.com.hk |
我們從食環署得知,他們作出這項決定是考 慮到該小販是一名新持牌人,可能沒有充分理解該署發出的行政通告, 即使食環署已將該行政通告發給所有當時持有牌照 的 雪糕 小 販 ,並上載 到食環署的網頁。 legco.gov.hk | We understand from the FEHD that the decision was taken after considering that the hawker was a new licensee and had probably not fully apprehended the contents of the FEHD's administrative guidelines although those guidelines had been issued to all existing licensed ice-cream vendors and also uploaded on FEHD's website for the trade's information. legco.gov.hk |
雪糕 sbestfood.com | Ice Cream sbestfood.com |
不可進食牛、羊或山羊的奶;芝士;乳製的甜品 、 雪糕 、 牛 油和乳酪。 unileverfoodsolutions.hk | Cow’s, Sheep, Goat’s (mammals) milk, some cheeses, dairy desserts, ice cream, butter, cheese, yogurt unileverfoodsolutions.hk |
而定價為每佔澳門幣1288元的晚膳套餐則包括開胃小點、生蠔燴龍蝦伴青蘋果白醋汁、黑松露芝士雲吞亞枝竹湯、燒多寶魚配咖喱香檳汁、慢煮黃麖肉伴紅加侖子汁及黑松露、法國特級芝士拼盤、創新聖誕蛋糕及鹹 味 雪糕 以 法 式小甜點。 yp.mo | On the other hand, the dinner menu offers mouth-watering dishes including Amuse Bouche, Canadian Lobsterwith Tasmanian Oyster in Nage,Green Apple and White Balsamic Dressing, Artichoke Soup with Soumaintrain Cheese Ravioli, French Winter Truffle, Turbot BBQ Style, Curry Champagne Sauce, Mediterrancan Vegetables, European Venison Cooked Sous Vide, Redcurrant Sauce, Black Truffle Shavings with [...] Pumpkin Mash, Cheese from Mr. Hervé Mons, [...] Modern Christmas Cake, Salted Caramel [...]Ice-cream and Petit Fours Coffee or Tea. yp.mo |
秋炳性格粗枝大葉,掙一餐過一餐,每天就開著自己 的 雪糕 車 到 處走,生活平凡而無味。 dddhouse.com | Love in Time is a love story where the ordinary Bosco falls in love with Stephy Tang, who plays his cousin from Taiwan that happens to need a place to stay. dddhouse.com |
标准配置:交通雪糕筒4只,叉车专用垫板一个,遥控桌面叉车一辆,多弁钼局挂驮@个,小纸箱一个 套壑@∶交通雪糕筒4只 ,叉车专用垫板一个,遥控桌面叉车一辆,多弁钼局挂驮@个,小纸箱一个,9V电池一个(遥控器使用) 小巧精致的桌面起重机,具有非比寻常的操控性能,能帮你拿名片,手机,名片等。 a-shop.hk | Standard configuration: [...] four traffic cones, dedicated forklift pallets a forklift one of the remote desktop, multi-Bian the molybdenum 局 hanging pack @ a set of small cardboard box sink @ 4: Traffic cones, forklift [...]special plate, remote [...]desktop forklift a multi - functional molybdenum 局 hanging pack @ a small cardboard box, 9V battery a (remote control) compact desktop crane, with extraordinary handling characteristics, can help you with your business card, cell phone, business cards, etc. . a-shop.hk |
同场更设有30多个摊位,售卖不同美食及饮品,包括: 台式饮品、雪糕、沙 冰、串烧、南国小食、北方饺子、炭烧鸡、龙须糖等。 industry.macautourism.gov.mo | Over 30 food stalls will be located at the venue, which sell Taiwanese drinks, ice-cream, BBQ, traditional Asian and South East Asian snacks etc. industry.macautourism.gov.mo |
最後來一個雲呢拿櫻桃鳥結雪糕配牛 奶麵包,沾著肉桂忌廉和蜜糖香料泡沫同吃,完美句號就這麼簡單。 ilovelkf.hk | The sweet endings include vanilla braised cherries with ice nougat and Leche Bread – cinnamon cream and spiced honey espuma. ilovelkf.hk |
公司产品主要有冰淇淋,冰淇淋机,冰淇淋自动售卖机,澳大利亚进口诺华酸奶冰淇淋粉,酸奶冰淇淋粉,冰淇淋酸奶粉,酸奶粉,冰淇淋粉,全自动冰淇淋机,投币冰淇淋机,硬冰淇淋机,软冰淇淋机,酸奶冰淇淋机,冰激凌机,绿豆沙冰机,冰淇淋暴风雪机,暴风雪机,康美冰淇淋机,蛋筒式披萨机,回转披萨烤炉,披萨展示 柜 , 雪糕 机 ,披萨机,雪蓉机,冰棒机,甘蔗榨汁机,橙汁机,冰淇淋展示柜等。 expofinefood.com | The main products include ice cream, ice cream machine, ice cream vending machines, frozen yogurt powder, frozen yogurt, ice cream, ice cream powder, automatic ice cream machine, coin-operated ice cream machine, hard ice cream machine, soft-ice cream machine, green bean ice machine, ice cream blizzard machine, cone pizza machine, rotary pizza oven, pizza display cabinets, ice cream machines, pizza machine, sugar cane juicer, orange juice machine, ice cream display cabinets. expofinefood.com |
今次Diesel團隊引用Heartsrevolution近年穿越紐約、LA街頭的粉 紅 雪糕 車 為主題,於香港銅鑼灣展開名為Diesel‧Heartschallenger Pop-Up Store為期一個月的期間限定店,限量發售一系列時計、飾物,以及Diesel‧Heartschallenger的別注單品。 think-silly.com | With Heartsrevolution’s pink ice-cream van as its theme (which has been travelling between New York and LA), the Diesel‧Heartschallenger pop-up store in Hong Kong is going to be opened for a month, complete with watches, accessories and special Diesel‧Heartschallenger limited edition items. think-silly.com |
其次,QQ空间为品牌提供了极大的弹性:页面高度个性化,结合多媒体内容和应用,品牌甚至可以创造完全个性化的微型网站,如近期雀巢为宣传“笨娜 娜 雪糕 ” 所 建的网页。 labbrand.com | Then, Qzone offers extraordinary flexibility for brands: pages are highly customizable, integrate multimedia content and applications and brands can even create fully customizable microsites like Nestle recently did to promote its Ben Na Na ice cream. labbrand.com |
套餐更包括甜品,顧客可撰擇熱朱古力 配 雪糕 、 鮮雜果沙律配熱情果汁或香檳青檸雪芭伴凍士多啤梨配熱情果汁。 yp.mo | The lunch set also offers a selection of seasonal desserts, customers can choose from Bunuelos of Warm Chocolate with Ice Creams , Seasonal Fruit salad with passion Fruit Sauce and Copa of Strawberries Emulsion of Passion Fruit Lemon. yp.mo |
出现糟糕的选 择性捕鱼时,导致误捕 其他鱼类物种和无脊椎动物,其中可能包括生态重要的和/或有经济价值物种的 幼体。 fao.org | When poorly selective fishing occurs, it leads to the incidental catch of fish and invertebrates, part of which may consist of juveniles of ecologically important and/or economically valuable species. fao.org |
(b) 在近日發生因進食含雪卡毒 素的魚類而中毒的事故 中,雖然我們已立即根據進口商提供的資料追查問題 [...] 魚貨的來源,但無法即時強制回收和禁售有問題的魚 貨,也無法檢取和處置同一批次或來自同一供應商的 魚貨。 legco.gov.hk | (b) In the [...] recent cases of ciguatera fish poisoning, [...]while we have taken immediate actions to trace the source of the problematic [...]fish identified by the responsible importer, we do not have any immediate and mandatory means to recall the problematic fish from sale or to seize the fish from the same batch or the same supplier for disposal. legco.gov.hk |
根據豁免項目第10項,如果未經烹煮、包裝在並無載有其他配料的容器內和並 無添加其他配料,下列食品屬於肉類及海產:鹿筋/鹿尾羓/鹿鞭 、 雪 蛤 膏 、鱷魚肉、 海參(遼參/禿參)、海龍、海馬、螺頭、螺片、花膠、元貝、鮑魚、魚翅和魚翅骨。 cfs.gov.hk | Under Exemption No. 10, items belonged to meat and marine products if they were in a raw state, packed in a container which contained no other ingredient and to which no other ingredient had been added: Deer tendon, ‘Luk Mei Ba’, Lubian, Hasma, Crocodile meat, Sea cucumber, Sea dragon, Sea horse, Whelk, Sliced whelk, Fish belly, Scallop, Abalone, Shark fin and Shark fin bone. cfs.gov.hk |
尽管在入学率方面有所进展,但是教育系统仍面临重大挑战:向被排斥在教 育系统之外的人们提供支持;内部效率低下,导致难以把儿童留在学校;教学质 量低下;行政和教学管理糟糕,导 致人力、物力、财力的分配与各项目标不符, 将这些投入转化为成果的能力较弱;对学校、校长、教师的监督不足,原因是学 校和教师的人数急剧增加,而学校督导员的人数几乎没有增加;专业培训和学习 及扫盲计划的提供方法不明确。 daccess-ods.un.org | Despite gains in enrolment, the education system continues to face major challenges: support for those who are excluded from the system; poor internal efficiency, which leads to difficulty in keeping children in school; poor quality of instruction; unsatisfactory administrative and instructional management, resulting in an allocation of human, material and financial resources that is inconsistent with goals and relatively weak capacity to transform those inputs into results; inadequate oversight of schools, principals and teachers owing to a dramatic increase in the number of schools and teachers coupled with virtually no increase in the number of school inspectors; and ill-defined approaches to the provision of professional training and learning and literacy programmes. daccess-ods.un.org |
没有得到 维护和整修、经费不足的寄宿学校会危害健康 , 因为儿童会因种种原因而受到伤害 : 如寒冷、 潮湿或是煤烟 , 食品不足 , 教师不够精心 , 以 及低质量的教学环境和不良的社会环境所导致 的糟糕的教育状况。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Under-funded boarding schools that are not maintained and repaired can compromise health as children suffer from cold, dampness or coal smoke fumes; insufficient or inadequate food; poor attendance of teachers; and low quality teaching/a poor social environment that leads to a poor education. unesdoc.unesco.org |