单词 | 雪白 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 雪白 —snow white白雪 noun —snow nExamples:白雪公主—Snow White 白雪皑皑—brilliant white snow cover (esp. of distant peaks) See also:雪—snowfall • have the appearance of snow • wipe away, off or out • surname Xue
BenQ家用投影機雪白的機身具有時尚的輪廓與精緻的外觀,可完美搭配任何現代日常生活空間的設計。 benq.com.hk | Snow-white and exquisitely finished [...] with a stylish contour, the BenQ home projectors are perfect compliments to any contemporary living space. benq.us |
當打開窗口的那一刻,見到雪白的山 在你的前方,我覺得那是最幸福的一件事。 4tern.com | I enjoy looking out of the [...] window, and watch the snowy mountain in front of me. 4tern.com |
我们在设计之时就将在 BeoVision 11 后部从雪白墙壁上反射过来的每一条光线纳入考量之中,以此确保您的最佳观赏体验。 bang-olufsen.com | Even light reflected off white walls behind your [...] BeoVision 11 is taken into account to ensure your optimal viewing pleasure. bang-olufsen.com |
游客可观赏海豚,可在红树林中漫步,亦可 在 雪白 洁 净 的沙滩上舒展身心。 shangri-la.com | Travellers in Abu Dhabi can choose either a half day safari or a full day safari depending on their itinerary. shangri-la.com |
為什麼會有如此碧藍的海和雪白的山? 4tern.com | It is a land with [...] a blue ocean and snow mountain. 4tern.com |
有些人希 望自己永遠頭戴光環,永遠保持雪白 的 羽 毛,永遠戴着鮮艷的袋巾,但現代 政治的高透明度又豈可讓他們蒙蔽公眾呢? legco.gov.hk | Some people always want to keep a halo above their heads, always have immaculate feathers, always fashion a sharp, colourful pocket handkerchief in his breast pocket, but given the high degree of transparency in modern politics, how can these people be allowed to deceive the public? legco.gov.hk |
其實,一個綠色團體“消費者力量”採購了一批 [...] 100%環保紙 ─ 完全以再造紙製造,供消費者大規模訂購,用以代替那些非 常 雪白 的 影印 紙,有助減少砍伐樹木。 legco.gov.hk | A green organization, the Power of Consumers, has procured some quantity of 100% environmentally-friendly paper ― made from recycled [...] paper and available for larger orders, [...] to take the place of snow-white photocopy paper and [...]help reduce felling of trees. legco.gov.hk |
單是站在門外觀看,已被雪白天花 下的水晶吊燈所吸引,推開玻璃大門,寬敞空間鋪上淺灰色調的石材地板和地毯,配合柔和通明的燈光,從客廳、飯廳走到臥室,四道活動式的隔牆劃分出鮮明格局,置以一系列椅子、圓桌、屏封和層架等木製家具,細緻如食具器皿、銀飾刀叉和水晶杯瓶也沒遺漏,儼如進入了巴黎左岸一個私人家居。 think-silly.com | Entering the store through the glass door, you will discover it is a wide space that is covered with stone floor and carpet with a light gray tone, coupled with a soft but brightly lit lighting and is divided into four distinct partitions by four movable walls, which are the living room, dining room and bedrooms respectively. think-silly.com |
台北 , 台灣- 2012年5月24日 [...] - 繼2011年推出經典商品Toughpower [...] XT白金牌和金牌系列電源供應器後,曜越持續秉持「致力於創造完美的使用者經驗」的信念,集結頂尖科技設計及創新特色,於今年春天鄭重推出「Toughpower XT 1275W 白金牌雪白版」。 thermaltakecorp.com | Taipei, Taiwan -May 24, 2012-Thermaltake, an award winning state of art PC power supplies, the leader and pioneer in PC thermal solutions, a worldwide designer and supplier of high-performance components to the PC gaming hardware market, with “delivering the perfect user experiences” as our mission, today [...] announced the new Toughpower XT 1275W [...] Platinum Snow Edition, a white color scheme of the [...]series, defining the performance and [...]style of power supply unit for enthusiasts. thermaltakecorp.com |
但是,近年赫尔辛基的雪来得愈来愈早 , 白雪 经 常 在圣诞季节降临这芬兰首都。 visitfinland.com | But in recent years the snow has arrived early and snow nearly always [...] falls at some time over the festive season. visitfinland.com |
她更準備好雪鏟及雪橇等待白雪來臨。 priceless.com.hk | Mini Lalaloopsy Mittens Bundles Up comes with a mini sleigh and shovel. priceless.com.hk |
接著的〈Lost in Wonderland〉是旋律優美的Post-Rock音樂,如落幕的奏鳴曲,纏繞著 如 白雪 公 主 那樣,倒臥在公路盡頭、冒著白煙的車子裡的Barði。 think-silly.com | The post-rock ‘Lost in Wonderland’ is a closing sonata, lingering on Jóhannsson’s body lying in a crashed car at the end of the highway. think-silly.com |
这是五月中旬,当我再早上6点起床,我发现一夜的暴风雪在我们营地上用松软 的 白雪 铺 上了十厘米的地毯。 cers.org.hk | It is in the middle of May, but [...] when I awoke at 6 am, I found an overnight storm had deposited a 10-centimeter [...] carpet of fluffy white snow on our campsite. cers.org.hk |
在白雪天地 里进行雪鞋健行,是何等的欢乐。 visitfinland.com | Snow shoes are the ideal way to travel through a snowy landscape. visitfinland.com |
今早四处被白雪覆盖着-不幸的是高速公路上也有积雪…好吧,这也正兴起了我开始搜索圣诞礼物的兴致,lol。 iontime.ch | The landscape was covered with white powder this morning [...] – unfortunately the highways too… Anyway, that’s what I needed [...]to get in the mood to start hunting for Christmas gifts, lol. iontime.ch |
影片的部分在挪威北部的寒冷冬季中 被 白雪 覆 盖 的群山环抱下拍摄。 norway.org.cn | Parts of the film were shot in cold winter [...] conditions surrounded by snow covered mountains [...]in Northern Norway. norway.cn |
U2009国际铀研讨会将于2009年5月9日至13日在Keystone科罗拉多度假村及会议中心举行,该会议中心位于洛矶山风景区,距离丹佛国际机场2个小时的车程,附近有许多滑雪场和湖泊,以 及 白雪 皑 皑 的群山。 tipschina.gov.cn | The U2009 Global Uranium Symposium will be held May 9-13, 2009 at the Keystone, Colorado Resort & Conference located in the scenic Rocky [...] Mountains, a two-hour drive from Denver International Airport and near [...] several other ski resorts, lakes and snowcapped mountains. tipschina.gov.cn |
於戶外湖畔區,大家可與穿上冬日新裝 的 白雪 皇 后 、胡桃夾子兵團、氣球藝人、立像舞者、藝玩人員和魔術師等拍照。 yp.mo | Guests will be able to [...] meet up with the Snow Queen, Nutcracker [...]soldiers, balloon artists, dancing statues, contortionists [...]and magicians, all dressed in winter costumes and waiting to take Christmas photos with guests. yp.mo |
但是,仅仅因为张涛需要有自由去与人交通,并满足他们的需要,这是否就意味 着 白雪 必须 肩负起其它所有的责任呢? sallee.info | But just because Mirek needed to [...] be free to talk to people and help with their needs, did [...] that mean that Anicka had to pick up [...]all the rest of the duties? sallee.info |
挪威的冬季可为游客提供诸多乐趣,如皑 皑 白雪 、 高 山大川、峡湾美景和萨米民族的独特文化。 norway.org.cn | Norway has much to offer tourists [...] in the winter: snow, mountains, fjords [...]and the unique culture of the Sámi people. norway.cn |
高度防晒及特殊美白護理雙重功效,它獨有四倍NTP份子精華,能對抗污染,紫外線和控制自由基對肌膚的侵襲,在表皮能形成透明不油光的保護膜,使肌膚整天顯現明亮光澤 , 白雪 無 暇 ,平撫皺紋,光彩煥發。 aster.com.hk | The Benefit comes from the ability of rose water to stimulate the skin, help boost skin's natural elasticity for a visibly smoother, firmer appearance, restoring the vitalty and moisture balance of the skin on the face. aster.com.hk |
这座高达5,596公尺、覆满白雪的高 山耸立在古镇丽江的上方。 amccsm.org | This 5,596-metre snow-capped mountain [...] towers over the ancient town of Lijiang. amccsm.org |
白雪并不怨恨这点:其他人渐渐认 识到她早已经知道的一个事实,即张涛有牧羊的心志。 sallee.info | Anicka didn't resent that: [...] other people were realizing what she already knew—that Mirek had a shepherd's heart. sallee.info |
从富有异国情调的度假村到标志性酒店;从温暖的海滩 到 白雪 皑 皑 的山峰;从 18 洞球场到大堂酒廊或世界级水疗中心,费尔蒙酒店及度假村可以满足每个人的各种所需。 fairmont.cn | From exotic resorts to iconic hotels; [...] warm beaches to snow-covered peaks; [...]the 18th green to a lobby lounge or world class [...]spa, Fairmont Hotels & Resorts has something for everyone. fairmont.com |
Walt Disney 公司首次利用 [...] Cineon 系统修复 1937 年拍摄的电影《白雪公主和 7 个小矮人》 以恢复原片本来的光彩。 motion.kodak.com | Walt Disney Studios made the first use of the Cineon system in restoring the [...] 1937 film classic Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs [...]to its original splendor. motion.kodak.com |
事實上,這是在1937年,盛大的創始人的兒子,保羅 - [...] 安德烈·蕭邦(Chopard),決定離開 白雪 皚 皚 的汝拉山谷到其車間安裝在日內瓦的城市蓬勃發展的經濟。 zh.horloger-paris.com | Indeed, it was in 1937 that Paul-André Chopard, grand-son of the founder, [...] decided to leave the snowy valleys of the [...]Jura to install its workshops in Geneva city was booming economy. en.horloger-paris.com |
在黎巴嫩东部巴勒贝克(Baalbeck)附近的这个定居点,山 峰 白雪 皑 皑 ,风景如画。 unicef.org | While the snow-capped mountain peaks make a picturesque background to this settlement near Baalbeck, in eastern Lebanon, the state of these Syrian children and their makeshift dwellings bears witness to the ugly reality. unicef.org |