单词 | 雪梨 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 雪梨 —Sydney, capital of New South Wales, Australialess common: snow pear (pyrus nivalis) See also:雪—snowfall • have the appearance of snow • surname Xue • wipe away, off or out 梨 n—pear n • pears pl
據 我 所知, 雪 梨 大 學已經 與他劃 清 界 線 。 legco.gov.hk | As far as I know, the Sydney University has already made a clean break with him. legco.gov.hk |
其中包括雪梨大學、新南威爾斯大學及麥克里大學。 seagate.com | These include the University of Sydney, The University of NSW and Macquarie University. seagate.com |
雪梨對於 高等教育的推廣,可謂不遺餘力 , 雪梨 的 北 部、南部及人口密集區均設有世界級大學。 seagate.com | Tertiary education is highly encouraged in Sydney, with world class universities located within Sydney's North, South and Inner suburbs. seagate.com |
雪梨是澳 洲最大、歷史最悠久的城市,素以充滿活力的大都會名聞遐邇,兼俱傑出的商業與教育機構及多采多姿的休閒娛樂。 seagate.com | The oldest and largest city in Australia, Sydney is renowned as a dynamic and cosmopolitan city, combining excellent business and education facilities with great leisure opportunities. seagate.com |
文化╳建築」系列文章著重於亞洲建築與都會設計,由澳 洲 雪梨 Z o uk Architects建築事務所贊助。 thisbigcity.net | Archiculture is a series of posts focussing on Asian architecture and urban design, and is supported by Zouk Architects – a boutique architectural practice based in Sydney, Australia. thisbigcity.net |
此外,雪梨亦獲 「2007 年世界競爭力年報」評鑑為亞太地區生活品質最佳城市。 seagate.com | Sydney was also ranked first in the Asia-Pacific region for quality of life by the IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook 2007. seagate.com |
Tod 的作品曾在紐約、柏林、東京、巴黎、米蘭 、 雪梨 、 舊 金山、芝加哥、邁阿密、大眾當代藝術館及費城藝術聯盟等地舉辦的攝影個展和聯展中展出。 seagate.com | Tod has exhibited work in solo and group shows in New York, Berlin, Tokyo, Paris, Milan, Sydney, San Francisco, Chicago, Miami and at Mass MoCA and the Philadelphia Art Alliance. seagate.com |
若您因接受 Seagate 為您提供的工作而需前往澳洲雪梨, 您 可查 詢 雪梨 在 地生活的諸多面向,或查詢澳洲,取得整體資訊。 seagate.com | If your job with Seagate takes you to Sydney Australia, you can look at the many aspects to life in Sydney at or Australia overall. seagate.com |
我能够安排一位暂休工作者来我的家照顾我的儿子,让我可以 去 雪梨 出 席 朋友的婚礼。 carersouth.org.au | I was able to arrange for a respite worker to stay with my son at our place while I went to Sydney for a friend’s wedding. carersouth.org.au |
縱然主辦相當成功,雪梨奧運留下的影響相對較小,尚未開幕,預算便已超支近三倍 , 雪梨 在 會 後付出更大代價,當屆奧運前主要規劃者哈樂黛(Sue Holliday)認為,市政府當初應該多思考後續問題。 thisbigcity.net | The budget almost tripled before the Games had even begun, and Sydney paid an even bigger price post-Games, with former chief planner for the Sydney Games, Sue Holliday, stating that the host city should have focused more on its legacy program. thisbigcity.net |
东亚分部(不包括中国)的第 47 号工作文件介绍 2009 年 9 月在澳大利亚雪梨 举行的第十五届海洋名称国际讨论会和 2010 年 8 月在海牙举行的第 16 届讨论会。 daccess-ods.un.org | Working paper No. 47 from the Asia East Division (other than China) provided information on the fifteenth International Seminar on Sea Names, held in Sydney, Australia, in September 2009, and on the sixteenth Seminar held in The Hague in August 2010. daccess-ods.un.org |
雪梨氣候晴朗溫和,造就雪梨人悠 閒自在的生活格調,以及酷愛戶外活動的特質。 seagate.com | The city has a sunny, moderate climate, which contributes to Sydneysiders' relaxed lifestyle and love of the great outdoors. seagate.com |
雪梨最近由美國旅遊雜誌 (Travel & Leisure 及 Conde Nast Traveler) 的讀者票選為「全球最佳城市」。 seagate.com | Sydney was recently voted "world's best city" by readers of US travel magazines Travel & Leisure and Conde Nast Traveler. seagate.com |
这个比赛将会慢慢的扩张到全球,澳 洲 雪梨 将 会 是这场比赛开始的第一站。 ttesports.com.cn | This challenge will be rolled out in phases worldwide, with Australia being the first of the mark. ttesports.de |
雪梨--(美 國商業資訊)--投資、資產與財產管理專用房地產軟體的領先開發商之一Yardi Systems宣佈,隨著該公司的Yardi Voyager™平臺在澳洲和紐西蘭繼續被快速採用,該公司 在 雪梨 開 設 了一個全新的資料中心。 businesswirechina.com | SYDNEY--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Yardi Systems, one of the leading developers of real estate software for investment, asset and property management, has announced the opening of a new data centre in Sydney as the company continues to see rapid adoption of the Yardi Voyager™ platform in Australia and New Zealand. businesswirechina.com |
雪梨各級學校因優質的課程及創新的教學而享譽國際。 seagate.com | Schools in Sydney have an international reputation for high quality curricula and innovative teaching. seagate.com |
雪梨有四百三十萬人口,「雪梨港灣 大橋」與 「 雪梨 歌 劇 院」等都 是 雪梨 人 引以為傲的象徵性地標,大橋與劇院四周環繞著洋溢原始風貌的海灘、波光粼粼的港灣景緻及風光旖旎的國家公園。 seagate.com | With a population of 4.3 million, Sydney boasts iconic landmarks such as the Sydney Harbour Bridge and Sydney Opera House, while being surrounded by pristine beaches, sparkling harbours and beautiful national parks. seagate.com |
雪梨的藝 術與文化生氣勃勃,只要參觀當地博物館 (例如:澳洲博物館) 舉辦的展覽,或欣賞雪梨舞蹈團和 雪梨 劇 團 舉世聞名的表演,便能感 受 雪梨 的 藝 文活力。 seagate.com | Sydney has a dynamic arts and cultural scene, which can be experienced by visiting one of the many exhibitions held at museums such as The Australian Museum, or watching an internationally acclaimed performance by Sydney Dance Company [...] and Sydney Theatre Company. seagate.com |
澳洲雪梨科技 大學永續未來研究所衛生專家阿倍蘇里亞(Kumi Abeysuriya)指出,「這個構想既有趣又創新,尤其是藉由廣告增加營收」,不過她批評這項設計仍需使用現有供水及污水系統,若當地並無既成設施,就得需要其他方案處理污泥,並提供淨水洗手,尤其後者對維護健康極為重要。 thisbigcity.net | This is an] interesting and innovative idea, especially the use of advertising for an extra revenue stream”, says Kumi Abeysuriya, a sanitation expert from the Institute for Sustainable Futures at the University of Technology, Sydney. thisbigcity.net |
現時報紙和刊物是登記制,所以我以前辦《癲狗日報》也可以, 辦一份《雪梨日報》也無妨,對嗎? legco.gov.hk | At present, a registration system is in place for newspapers and publications. [...] That is why I could publish Mad Dog Daily back then, and I can still publish another [...] newspaper now, say Pear Daily, right? legco.gov.hk |
無論是因為政治野心,或是為了平息城市間的爭端(例如墨爾本 與 雪梨 的 澳 洲首都之爭),未來還是會出現此種行政首都,為了產業、環境永續等單一目標而建的城市,將來也會持續增加,但是否能逐漸超越原有的單一目的,發展出多元文化? thisbigcity.net | Whether it’s political ambition or a compromise between bickering cities (Melbourne, Sydney – calm down), capitally cities built specifically for the purpose of governance will continue. thisbigcity.net |
另 外一個個案則 更 為香港 人 熟悉, 就是去 年 7 月 至 9 月 間 , 在 私營化已進 行 了一段 時間的 澳 洲 雪梨水 務公司所 提 供 的 食水中 ,發現大量寄 生 蟲 。 legco.gov.hk | During the period between July and September last year, a lot of parasites were found in the drinking water supplied by the long-privatized Sydney Water Supplies Company of Australia. legco.gov.hk |
梨行”是专为雪梨交易而设的特殊商业机构,买卖双方洽商好价格以后,有梨行代表——“牙郎”做公人过秤,明明实秤是一百斤,司秤的人却高喊一百二十斤,这叫“二花秤”;喊一百三十斤的,叫“三花秤”;甚至有“斤抛斤”即一百斤叫二百斤,最高的有斤抛斤加二,也就是一百斤叫二百二十斤,俗叫“牙郎口”。 lsxggy.com | Pear line" is designed for Yunhe Snow Pear trade and set [...] special commercial organizations, both parties, with good price [...]and after pear line represent - "tooth lang" do workers were weighing, clearly real scale is one hundred jins, company scale but they shouted one hundred and twenty jins, this is called "two flowers balance"; Shout one hundred and thirty jins, called "three flowers balance"; There is even "jin cast jin" is one hundred jins call two hundred jins, the highest have thrown jin jin plus two, namely one hundred jins call two hundred and twenty jins, common call "tooth lang mouth". lsxggy.com |
貧民窟觀光團頗具爭議性,也常受批評,不過相較 於 雪梨 與 布 里斯本民眾固守後院隱私,總在郊區室內空調環境中購物,街道在晚上九點後杳無人跡,就我們所見,印度街道充滿生氣,澳洲Heart Foundations基金會所主張的設計原則,以及人民導向的街頭出版也已實現。 thisbigcity.net | Slum tourism is controversial, contentious and criticized, but what we observed, as residents of Sydney and Brisbane where people retreat to the privacy of their backyards, shop in out-of-town air conditioned inward facing shopping malls and where the streets are deserted after 9pm, was that here the streets are alive. thisbigcity.net |
澳洲雪梨的口 號意指市區範圍內眾多特色社區,但也可能代表愈來愈廣泛的低密度建築環境,由於新南威爾斯省首長歐法瑞爾(Barry O’Farrell)打算進一步開發城市邊緣 , 雪梨 很 可 能會出現更多村落。 thisbigcity.net | And with Barry O’Farrell, the Premier of New South Wales, eager for further development on the the city edges, Sydney may soon have more villages within its boundaries. thisbigcity.net |