单词 | 雨量 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 雨量 —rainfall雨量 noun —precipitation nExamples:降雨量—precipitation • quantity of rainfall 低雨量 n—low rainfall n See also:雨 n—rain n • rainwater n 雨—precipitate • (of rain, snow etc) fall
实际上,即使气温和雨量 发生 小小的变化,也会改变谷类、纤维和饮料作物以及水果的质量,结果也会影 [...] 响到它们的价格和贸易。 daccess-ods.un.org | Indeed, even small changes in [...] temperature and rainfall could generate changes [...]on the quality of cereals, fibre and beverage [...]crops and fruits with consequences on their prices and trade. daccess-ods.un.org |
香港能在節約用水方面為地區出一分力,將有利地區整體 應付氣候變化及低雨量等不確定因素。 legco.gov.hk | This will be beneficial to the whole region to cope with uncertainties, such as [...] climate changes and low rainfall. legco.gov.hk |
即使雨量充沛,由于缺乏足够的储水设施和有效的运 输系统,清洁水的获取受到制约。 daccess-ods.un.org | Even where rainfall is abundant, access [...] to clean water has been restricted by the lack of adequate storage facilities and effective delivery systems. daccess-ods.un.org |
其他正在 实施的倡议涉及关于降雨量、土 壤水分和地下水的信息产品。 daccess-ods.un.org | Other ongoing initiatives relate to information products on precipitation, soil moisture and groundwater. daccess-ods.un.org |
北方畜牧人因 2009 年降雨 偏迟和雨量稀少 而过早向苏丹南方移徙,对安全局势的恶化有一定影响,并直接 [...] 导致边界各州发生暴力行为。 daccess-ods.un.org | Early migration of northern pastoralists in Southern Sudan owing [...] to late and poor rains in 2009 have contributed [...]to the decline in security and have [...]directly led to violence in the border States. daccess-ods.un.org |
堪培拉阳光充足,年均降雨量 630 毫米,降雨大部分落入该地区西部。 studyinaustralia.gov.au | Canberra gets a lot of sunshine and receives an [...] annual average rainfall of 630mm, most [...]of it falling in the west of the territory. studyinaustralia.gov.au |
12 如秘书长在关于气候变化的报告中指出的 (E/CN.18/2009/4),气候变化造成的气温和 降 雨量 的 变 化会改变森林的生理、结 构、物种构成及其健康,从而预计对森林产生不利影响。 daccess-ods.un.org | By the end of the twenty-first century, climate change and its impacts may be among the dominant global drivers of biodiversity loss and variations in ecosystem services.12 As noted in the report of the Secretary-General on forests and climate change (E/CN.18/2009/4), climate change is projected to adversely affect forests through changes in their physiology, structure, species composition and health, resulting from changes in temperature and rainfall. daccess-ods.un.org |
降雨量少且 降雨不规律、气温高通常导致常年干旱的灾难性后果,这些不利 [...] 的气候条件对国民经济和公民生活造成严重影响。 daccess-ods.un.org | Djibouti’s harsh climatic conditions, marked by low [...] and erratic rainfall and high temperatures [...]that often bring catastrophic recurrent [...]droughts, seriously affect the country’s economy and the life of its citizens. daccess-ods.un.org |
范 例之一是生计早期评估和保护软件平台,此项服务利用地面和卫星 降 雨量 数据 监测水量要求满意度指数并量化埃塞俄比亚各行政区干旱 或 雨量 过 多 的风险。 daccess-ods.un.org | One such example is the Livelihood Early Assessment and Protection (LEAP) software platform, a [...] service using ground [...] and satellite rainfall data to monitor the water requirement satisfaction index and quantify the risk of drought and excessive rainfall in different administration [...]units of Ethiopia. daccess-ods.un.org |
波兰全国平均年降雨量达到600毫米, 尽管在偏僻山区一年降雨量可能 达到1300毫 米。 paiz.gov.pl | The average annual rainfall for the whole country is 600 mm a year, although isolated mountain [...] locations may receive as much as 1300 mm a year. paiz.gov.pl |
(一 ) 過去5年,有否就氣候變化和一些中長期的氣候現象(例如厄 [...] 爾尼諾現象)可能對內地東江水水源和本港 降 雨量 造 成 的影 響進行研究,並就未來可能出現水資源減少的情況制訂應對 [...]策略;若有,結果為何;若否,當局會否進行相關研究 legco.gov.hk | (a) whether it had, in the past five years, studied the possible impact of climate change and some medium to long-term climate phenomena, such as the El Nino phenomenon, [...] on the water source of Dongjiang on the [...] Mainland and the rainfall in Hong Kong, and [...]formulated strategies in response to [...]possible reduction in water resources in the future; if it had, of the outcome; if not, whether the authorities will conduct the study concerned legco.gov.hk |
例如, 安托法加斯塔地区的年均降雨量仅为 1 毫米(0.04 英寸), 而该地区的一些气象站从来没有降雨记录。 volvospiritmagazine.com | The average annual rainfall in the region of [...] Antofagasta, for instance, is just 1 millimeter (0.04 inches), while some weather [...]stations in the area have never recorded any rain. volvospiritmagazine.com |
主要依赖地表水的太平洋岛屿(库克群岛、斐济、密克罗尼西亚联邦、帕劳、 巴布亚新几内亚、萨摩亚、所罗门群岛和瓦努阿图)在安 装 雨量 计 和 评估主要河 流的水资源方面取得进展,依赖地下水的太平洋小岛屿发展中国家(基里巴斯、 马绍尔群岛、瑙鲁、纽埃、汤加和图瓦卢)侧重于监测和数据质量,而那些主要 靠收集雨水的国家(图瓦卢和瑙鲁)侧重于优化雨水的收集和储存。 daccess-ods.un.org | Those dependent on groundwater (Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Nauru, Niue, Tonga and Tuvalu) focused on monitoring and data quality, and those primarily harvesting rainwater (Tuvalu and Nauru) focused on optimizing its capture and storage. daccess-ods.un.org |
颱風來臨時,電視及廣播電台會播送颱風警報消息,報導颱風的強度、最新位置及熱帶氣旋中心位置預測路徑、風力相關資訊、 降 雨量 及 陸 地海平面。 seagate.com | When a typhoon is approaching, warnings are broadcast on TV and radio, and signals indicate its significance, the latest position and expected [...] movement of the centre of the tropical cyclone, information on the [...] wind strength, rainfall and sea level in [...]the territory. seagate.com |
斯特恩气候变化经济学评论认为 该数字将达到 2 [...] 亿。在太平洋地区,气候变化引起 的迁移主要是由于雨量减少 、盐水侵入淡水层造成 饮用水缺乏,水灾增加或耕地受侵蚀和盐渍化造成 [...] 粮食不安全,海洋酸化,海平面上升以及自然灾害 引起的。 daccess-ods.un.org | In the Pacific region, climate-induced displacement [...] factors included the loss of freshwater [...] through reduced precipitation and salt water [...]intrusion into freshwater reserves, food [...]insecurity due to increased flooding, erosion and salinization of arable land, ocean acidification, rising sea levels and natural disasters. daccess-ods.un.org |
深圳地處中國 亞熱帶地區,靠近 北迴歸線,氣候溫和,全年均有充沛的日照 及 雨量。 seagate.com | Shenzhen is situated in the subtropical part of China, [...] located at about the Tropic of Cancer and has a mild climate as well as [...] plentiful sunshine and rainfall all year round. seagate.com |
数字的减少部 分是由于季节性降雨量较高 、政府重新努力促成和解协议,以及达尔富尔混合行 [...] 动军事和警察的安全和保护巡逻。 daccess-ods.un.org | The decrease is partially a result of higher [...] levels of seasonal rainfall, the renewed effort [...]by the Government to broker reconciliation [...]agreements, and UNAMID military and police security and protection patrols. daccess-ods.un.org |
因子分析表明, [...] 影响沙鼠亚科空间分布的决定因素是以土壤、植被、地貌和高度差为主的要素所构成的基本景观因子, 其次是体现年总辐射量、年均降雨量 和 沙 漠化程度的干旱和沙漠化程度因子, [...]以及温度因子。 actazool.org | The factor analysis on the environmental variables which affect the distribution of gerbil revealed that diversity of soil, vegetation and geomorphologic and altitude difference played a dominant role as a basic landscape factor, [...] that total annual solar radiant energy [...] and mean annual rainfall consisted of another [...]principal factor, a factor of aridity [...]and desertlization tendencies, and that the third was temperature. actazool.org |
塞拉利昂自然资源和矿产 [...] 资源丰富,拥有大片未使用的肥沃土地,是世界上降 雨量最大的国家之一,拥有一个大型天然深海港口和 [...]富饶的海滨。 daccess-ods.un.org | It is well endowed with natural resources and rich in mineral resources; it has large stretches of [...] unused fertile land, one of the world’s [...] highest rates of rainfall, a large natural [...]deep-sea harbour and a rich seafront. daccess-ods.un.org |
气候变化是对整个的Girondine区:山谷温暖 , 雨量 略 高 于法国的平均水平。 leapfrog-properties.com | The climate is on the whole that of the Girondine area: the valleys are [...] warm, and the rainfall is somewhat above [...]the average for France. leapfrog-properties.com |
這種地中海式的氣候使夏季乾燥炎熱,秋季和暖但偶爾潮濕,短暫的冬季涼快而 降 雨量 充 足。 homeandaway.hsbc.com | The climate is typically Mediterranean, with hot, dry summers, warm and sporadically wet autumns, and short, cool [...] winters with adequate rainfall. homeandaway.hsbc.com |
該等積極因素受到降雨量較正常雨季較多的輕微抵銷。 glencore.com | These positive factors were slightly offset [...] by a heavier than normal rainy season. glencore.com |
全球变暖、雨量稀少 ,以及工业化 国家的农业补贴,导致了最贫穷国家的农作物生产 每况愈下,并增加了它们对粮食进口的依赖。 daccess-ods.un.org | Global warming, low rainfall levels and agricultural [...] subsidies in industrialized countries had led to the deterioration [...]of local crops in the poorest countries and increased their dependency on food imports. daccess-ods.un.org |
此增幅因 Sepon 電解銅之產量較低而有一部分被抵銷。電解銅產量較六月半年期下跌 12%及較前一個十二 月半年期下跌 [...] 12%,此跌幅由於 Sepon 高于預期的降雨量較以 及相關擴建項目停工後延遲復工所致。 mmg.com | This was partially offset by lower copper cathode production at Sepon, down 12% compared to the June half year and 12% below the [...] previous December period, the result of [...] higher than expected rainfall and delayed resumption [...]after a scheduled shutdown associated with the expansion project. mmg.com |
上海属北亚热带季风性气候,四季分明,日照充分 , 雨量 充 沛。 shanghaibiennale.org | Shanghai belongs to the northern subtropical maritime monsoon climate and benefits of four distinct seasons, generous [...] sunshine and abundant rainfall. shanghaibiennale.org |
太平洋小岛屿发展中国家主要依赖地表水(库克群岛、密克罗尼西亚联邦、 [...] 斐济、帕劳、巴布亚新几内亚、萨摩亚、所罗门群岛和瓦努阿图),这些国家在 安装雨量计以及评估主要河流水资源方面取得了进展。 daccess-ods.un.org | Pacific small island developing States primarily dependent on surface water (the Cook Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, Fiji, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Solomon [...] Islands and Vanuatu) have progressed with [...] the installation of rain gauges and water resources [...]assessments of major rivers. daccess-ods.un.org |
2003年,全年平均气温17.4℃,日照1699.8小时, 降 雨量 9 3 1 .2 毫米。 shanghaibiennale.org | In 2003, the temperature averages 17,4deg C; 1,699.8 yearly hours of sunshine; the annual rainfall is registered to be 931.2 millimeters, half of these during the [...] May-September season which is [...] divided into three rainy periods: the Spring Rain, the Plum Rain and the Autumn Typhoon Rain. shanghaibiennale.org |
最大降雨量出现 在 山区和山麓地带-平均为 398 毫米,最低降水量在卡拉博加兹戈尔湾(95 毫米)和 土库曼斯坦东北部(105 毫米)。 daccess-ods.un.org | Precipitation is greatest in the mountains and foothills, averaging up to 398 millimetres (Koine-Kesir), and lowest in the Kara-Bogaz-Gol bay (95 millimetres) and north-east Turkmenistan (105 millimetres). daccess-ods.un.org |
图 6 丰水年、干燥年份、平水年的总氮负荷生成率比较显示了这样的趋势: [...] 单位面积的高负荷发生在墨尔本东部的很多城区和许多农业流域——这些地区的 降 雨量 比 西 部地区 高。 acedp-partnership.org | Figure 6 reveals this trend where high loads per unit area occur for much of the urban and much [...] of the agricultural catchments to the east of Melbourne – that have [...] relatively higher rainfall than the western region. acedp-partnership.org |
壓榨量及產量低於預期,此乃由於五 月及六月的降雨量出現 反常的低水平,使甘蔗的成熟期推後,因而須延後收割,該反常 降 雨量 亦 影 響巴西的主要行業。 glencore.com | Crushing volumes and production were below expectations due to a delayed start of the harvest to allow for further maturation of the sugarcane following unseasonal levels of rainfall in May and June, [...] impacting the broader Brazilian industry. glencore.com |