

单词 雨衣

See also:


rain n
rainwater n

(of rain, snow etc) fall


clothes n
dress n


robes pl

put on (clothes)

External sources (not reviewed)

因此,現行的 強積金計劃就好像一件穿了洞雨衣 般 ,根本不能為所有退休長者提供保 障,讓他們安享晚年。
They cannot provide protection to all elderly retirees so that they can live peacefully in their old age.
Eventually, I still get wet because I still move on with the same speed for more money.
當然,有些售賣香煙的小販表示,如果這些人在校服外加穿一雨衣作遮 蔽,便很難分辨他們是否學生。
Of course, some vendors selling cigarettes said that if
[...] these people put raincoats over their school [...]
uniforms to cover them, it would be difficult to tell if they are students.
袋子內特設高級厚尼龍素材,為照相機作出最佳保護;底部還附有「防 雨衣 」 ,能完整裹藏著整個相機袋,無懼任何惡劣天氣。
It is also complete with a‘water-proof raincoat’ in the bottom, wrapping over the whole bag when required.
来自挪威的传雨衣品牌BLÆST BY LILLEBØE向我们证明了这一点。
Hundreds of best fashion destinations and thousands of fashion lovers internationally participate this grandeur event and Shanghai...
一切都是机缘巧合,又或要多亏了松开的鞋带,让他有一天如常慢跑时发现了天 雨衣 草。
It was by total chance – or rather thanks to an undone shoelace – that during one of his daily jogs
[...] he discovered alchemilla.
经过几十年的验证,佳发™牌增塑剂可安全地用于生产日常产品,例如地板、电话线、汽车仪表盘 雨衣。
Jayflex™ plasticizers are proven over decades in everyday products such as flooring, telephone cables, car
[...] instrument panels and raincoats.
PVC是一種被廣泛用於多種消費品, 例如仿皮用品雨衣、鞋履、傢俬布、地板、電線及電纜、檯布、浴 [...]
PVC is used in various consumer products such as
[...] imitation leather, rainwear, footwear, upholstery, [...]
flooring, wire and cable, tablecloths,
shower curtains, food packaging materials, medical equipment and children's toys.
主要產品用途有吹氣、電氣膠帶、廣告招牌、貼木板、貼鋼板、地磚等裝飾建材膠布及桌巾、文具 雨衣 、 購 物袋等多用途膠布。
In terms of the application, the product can be used for inflatable commodities, electrical tape, billboard and advertisement, lamination with board/steel plate substrate, floor tile, decorative building
materials, tablecloth, shower curtain, geomenbrane
[...] liner, stationery , rainwear,bag, and miscellaneous [...]
processing purpose.
为特派团总部和区域中心昼夜提供出入 管制和周边安保 是
[...] 加强出入控制和周边安保,为此更换订 约警卫公司,安装闭路电视摄像头,进 行更多国际人员安保巡逻,并为安保人 员和订约警卫提雨衣。
Provision of round-the-clock access control and perimeter security at Mission headquarters and regional centres Yes Access control and perimeter security were enhanced with a change in the contracted security guard company, the installation of closed-circuit television (CCTV) cameras, the implementation of additional
international staff security patrols
[...] and the provision of rain attire for security staff [...]
and contracted security guards.
即使下再大的雨,來不及把背包蓋 雨衣 也 不 用擔心,因為裡頭已有一層保護層。
So, if it rains, and you are not able to pull out your backpack rain shield, don’t worry, your clothes have been protected.
[...] (在挪威语中,blæst 的意思是风雷,其发音为blaist) 挪 雨衣 品 牌 在上海的第一间展示厅洋溢着积极的精神,它把天气作为生活的一部分,注入了全心全意的时尚风范。
BLÆST BY LILLEBØE (in Norwegian, blæst means wind,
storm and should be pronounced as blaist)
[...] is a Norwegian rainwear brand with its [...]
first showroom in Shanghai is all about
positive attitude, taking the weather as a natural part of life and embracing it with all of your heart and fashion style.
雨衣、防 风衣穿在身上,就像外面下大雨、里面下小雨。
When wearing
[...] normal raincoats or wind-breakers, it feels like heavy rain outside, and light [...]
rain inside.
制服是包括一個價錢很昂貴的保護頭盔、一頂鴨舌帽、一件短袖襯衣、一條 皮帶、一條保護褲(大家也知道保護褲是較一般長褲昂貴)、一雙交通皮靴
[...] (而不是一雙普通的皮鞋)、一 雨衣 和 一件保護衣等,整套制服加起來的 [...]
As for Traffic Police officers, a set of summer uniform includes a very expensive protective helmet, a cap, a short-sleeved shirt, a belt, a pair of protective breeches (Members know that
protective breeches are more expensive than
[...] conventional trousers), a pair of [...]
riding boots (instead of a pair of conventional
leather shoes), a raincoat and a protective jacket.
含有鄰苯二甲酸酯的塑膠通常用於製造建築物料、衣服、化妝品、香水、食物包裝、玩具和乙烯基產品(例如地板、浴簾 雨衣 ) ; 以 及作醫學用途,包括輸血袋、輸血管、靜脈注射液袋、靜脈注射液管和其他醫學器材。
Plastics that contain phthalates are commonly used in applications that include building materials, clothing, cosmetics, perfumes, food packaging, toys,
and vinyl products (e.g., flooring,
[...] shower curtains, and rain coats); and in medical [...]
applications that include blood transfusion
bags and tubing, intravenous fluid bags and tubing, and other medical devices.
活动类型:虚构的纺织物,除服装,玻璃及玻璃制品,陶瓷制品,瓷砖,地砖,切割,塑造和接收,录制和音频和视频家具播放,制造石,电灯及照明设备,仪器整理完成主要产品组:家用塑料制品,厨房用具和餐具,玻璃器皿,餐具,瓷器和搪瓷器皿,家用秤,清洁用品,浴室配件,婴儿用品,家用产品面料竹,金属制品为家,termokruzhek各类热水瓶,衣架,毛巾 雨衣 , 宠 物用品,不锈钢,塑料,酒店用品,箱包及皮革制品,茶具,以及设备和原材料产品产品。
Type of activity: made-up textile articles, except apparel, glass and glass products, ceramic products, tiles and slabs, cutting, shaping and finishing of stone, electric lamps and lighting equipment, apparatus for receiving, recording and playback of audio and video furniture, manufacturing finishing main groups of goods: household plastic products, kitchen utensils and tableware, glassware, flatware, porcelain and enamel ware, household scales, cleaning products, bathroom accessories, baby accessories, fabrics for home products bamboo, metal products for the
home, all kinds of termokruzhek, thermos,
[...] hangers, towels, ponchos, pet products, [...]
products of stainless steel, plastic, hotel
supplies, cases, bags and leather products, tea sets, as well as equipment and raw materials the product.
採用百分百尼龍物料製造,發揮防水防風功能之餘,卻依然比一般膠 雨衣 通 爽、輕便,剪裁細節上的配合更是產品的點睛之處 [...]
— 無手袖設計令用家穿上後仍然活動裕如,腕帶使斗蓬穩定並覆蓋雙手,避免沾濕;解除背部鈕扣後更展現大幅度的伸展效果,方便同時揹上背包;還設有暗袋方便收藏電話及錢包等小物,絕對適合經常進行戶外活動的朋友。
Made in polyester, the waterproof material is light enough for the
skin to breathe. Design details is the
[...] highlight here — sleeveless for maximum movement, [...]
wrist buckle to hold the cape in
place, back panel can be folded in for wearing backpack, hidden pockets for mobile phone or wallet.
(c) 工務計劃項目第 4111CD 號-荃灣、葵涌及衣雨水排 放系統改善計 劃-荃灣雨水排放隧道。
(c) PWP Item 4111CD – Drainage improvements in Tsuen Wan, Kwai
[...] Chung and Tsing Yi – Tsuen Wan drainage tunnel.
該份文件建議把 110CD「荃灣、葵涌 及衣雨水排 放系統改善計劃-市區雨水排放系統改善工程」和 111CD「荃灣、葵涌及衣雨水排放系統改善計劃-荃灣雨水排放隧道」 兩 項 工程計劃的一部分合併 為一個項目, 並 提升為甲級,以便進行勘 測和詳細設計工作。會上,委員對於採 用 截 [...]
流 方法解決市區水浸問題 ( 即 建造雨水排放隧道,把上游地方 的雨水截 流,再直接
引入大海 排放, 從而減低下游集水區市區地方 的水浸威脅) 是 否具成 本效益表示關注 , 並 要求政府全面 徵詢立法會有關事 務委員會、業 界和有關專業團體的 意見。
At the Public Works Subcommittee meeting held on 4 April 2001 for discussion of the
proposal to upgrade
[...] part of 110CD "Drainage improvement in Tsuen Wan, Kwai Chung and Tsing Yi – urban drainage improvement works" and part of 111CD "Drainage improvement [...]
in Tsuen Wan,
Kwai Chung and Tsing Yi – Tsuen Wan drainage tunnel", as a combined item, for investigations and detailed design, Members expressed concerns over the cost-effectiveness of the interception approach in tackling flooding problem in urban areas (i.e., the construction of drainage tunnels to intercept and convey the upland flows directly to the sea to reduce the risk of flooding in urban areas in the lower catchment), and requested the Administration to conduct more thorough consultation with the Panel, the industry and relevant professional bodies.
我們在 2002 年 3 月把 111CD 號工程計劃的一部分提升為甲級,編 定為 121CD
[...] 號工程計劃,稱為「荃灣、葵涌及 衣雨 水 排放系統改善 計劃-初步設計及勘測」,估計所需費用為 [...]
4,510 萬元,用以委聘顧問 為擬議隧道工程計劃進行初步設計及勘測。
In March 2002, we upgraded part of 111CD to Category A as
121CD “Drainage improvement in Tsuen Wan, Kwai
[...] Chung and Tsing Yi – preliminary [...]
design and investigations” at an estimated
cost of $45.1 million for engaging consultants to carry out the preliminary design and investigations for the proposed tunnel project.
回 應 各委員於 2004 年 4 月 27 日 事 務委員會會議上提出 的 關注, 本文件提供 補充資料, 闡 述 110CD 號工程計劃「荃灣、葵涌及衣 雨 水排 放系統改善計劃-市區雨水排放系統改善工程」在施 工期間建議 實施的 措施, 藉此將 工程可 能 對交通帶 來 的 影響減至 最低,以及說 明 在 德士古道、大窩口道和大廈街建議的交通安排。
to minimise possible disruption to traffic due to the construction works and on the proposed traffic arrangements at Texaco Road, Tai Wo Hau Road and Tai Ha Street during implementation of project 110CD “Drainage improvement in Tsuen Wan, Kwai Chung and Tsing Yi – urban drainage improvement works”, in response to members’ concern at the Panel meeting held on 27 April 2004.
荃灣、葵涌及衣雨水排放系統 改善計劃-荃灣 雨水排放隧道 向財務委員會建議,把 111CD 號工程計劃提升為甲級;按付 款當日價格計算,估計所需費 用為 12 億 5,950 萬元,用以 在荃灣和葵涌進行雨水排放 隧道工程計劃。
Tsuen Wan drainage tunnel To recommend to Finance Committee the upgrading of 111CD to Category A at an estimated cost of $1,259.5 million in money-of-the-day prices for the implementation of a drainage tunnel project in Tsuen Wan and Kwai Chung.
荃灣、葵涌及衣雨水 排放系統改善計劃- 荃灣雨水排放隧道 向財務委員會建議,把 [...]
111CD 號工程計劃的核准 預算費提高 2 億 2,650 萬 元,即 由 12 億 5,950 萬元增 至 14 億 8,600 萬元( 按付款 當日價格計算) 。
Yi – Tsuen Wan drainage tunnel To [...]
recommend to Finance Committee to increase the approved project estimate of 111CD by $226.5
million from $1,259.5 million to $1,486.0 million in money-of-the-day prices.
應 主席之請,環境運輸及工務局首席助理秘書長 (工務)3向 委員簡述 在 “110CD  荃灣、 葵涌及衣雨 水 排放系統改善計劃  市 區 雨 水 排放系統改善工 程 ”(下 稱 “110CD號工程計 劃 ”)項 目 下的擬議雨 水 排放系 統改善計劃。
At the invitation of the Chairman, the Principal Assistant Secretary for the Environment, Transport and Works (Works)3 (PAS/W3) briefed members on the proposed drainage improvement works under the project "110CD - Drainage improvement in Tsuen Wan, Kwai Chung and Tsing Yi - urban drainage improvement works" (Drainage project 110CD).
有關這個集水區雨水排 放系統全 面評估所得的結論是,必須改善現有的系統,以減低有關地區出現水 浸的風險,並滿足市民在改進防洪設施方面不斷提高的期望。
A comprehensive assessment of the drainage systems in this catchment area concluded that the existing drainage systems require improvement to alleviate the flooding risks in the districts and to meet the community’s increasing expectation for better flood protection.
(b) 工 貿署署長制定了 附件 B 的公告,就已根據《安 排》從香港出口往內地或擬根據該安排從香港出
[...] 口往內地,並根據《安排》符合零關稅資格,及 以在香港織造的成形針織衫片製成的織片 衣, 訂明該等織片衣須視 為在香港製造或生產。
(b) the Director-General of Trade and Industry has made the Notice at Annex B to specify that in relation to piece-knitted garments that have been exported or are intended to be exported from Hong Kong to the Mainland under CEPA, are qualified for zero tariff under CEPA, and are made from
knit-to-shape panels knitted in
[...] Hong Kong, the piece-knitted garments are to be regarded as having [...]
been manufactured or produced in Hong Kong.
[...] 就根據加工協議向達利集團提供生產服務而收取之邊際利潤(即加工費)與 其他上市衣製造 商之邊際利潤相若,吾等認為加工協議之條款對 [...]
貴公司 及獨立股東而言屬公平合理。
Having considered the above, in particular the Subcontractor is not obligated to provide the Production Service and the profit margins (being the Subcontracting Fee) for the Production Services as provided by the Subcontractor to the High Fashion Group under the
Subcontracting Agreement are comparable to
[...] other listed garment manufacturers, [...]
we consider that the terms of the Subcontracting
Agreement are fair and reasonable insofar as the Company and the Independent Shareholders are concerned.




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