单词 | 雨後春笋 | ||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 雨后春笋—many new things emerge in rapid successionlit. after rain, the spring bamboo (idiom); fig. rapid new |
立法会选举尘埃落定,各路专家的分析文章开始如雨後春笋。 hkupop.hku.hk | The Legislative Council election is over and commentaries are flooding in. hkupop.hku.hk |
政 府 放 松 了 对 政 治 活 动 的 监 管 ﹐ 各 种 要 求 自 由 改 革 的 会 议如雨 後 春 笋。 hkahe.com | The relaxation of governmental control over political activities resulted in numerous meetings demanding liberal reforms. hkahe.com |
1992 年以来,中国大地如雨后春笋般出现了无数的科技工业区(STIP),以经济激励措施和完备的科技基础设施,吸引中小型企业入驻其中。 australiachina.com.au | Since 1992, numerous Science and Technology Industrial Parks (STIPs) have been established to lure small and medium-sized enterprises with financial incentives and ready technological infrastructure. australiachina.com.au |
这种情 [...] 况由于 2001 年未发生特别强烈的飓风和洪水以及 2002 年春季的暴雨而雪上加霜。 unesdoc.unesco.org | This situation has been compounded by an exceptionally active hurricane season and flooding in late 2001 [...] and exceptional heavy spring rainsin2002. unesdoc.unesco.org |
然而,随着 时间的推移,与阿拉伯国家联盟的合作如雨后春笋般 地发展,现已囊括了西亚经社会所 覆盖的所有实质性领域。 regionalcommissions.org | Over the years, however, cooperation with LAS has mushroomed and encompasses all substantive areas covered by ESCWA. regionalcommissions.org |
制品可來自单一种蔬菜(例如甘笋),或以多种蔬菜(例如甘笋、西芹)混合而成。 cfs.gov.hk | Products may be based on a single vegetable (e.g. carrot) or blends of vegetables (e.g. carrots, celery). cfs.gov.hk |
例子包括罐头栗子、罐头栗子泥、以玻璃瓶包装的蘆笋、罐头和已烹 煮粉红豆、罐头番茄糊(低酸),以及罐头番茄(一块块、楔形或原个)。 cfs.gov.hk | Examples include: canned chestnuts, [...] canned chestnut puree, asparaguspacked in glass jars, [...]canned and cooked pink beans, canned [...]tomato paste (low acid), and canned tomatoes (pieces, wedges or whole). cfs.gov.hk |
苹果的这一突破性举动很快就被效仿,类似的在线商店如雨後春笋般涌现,令非法的在线音乐互换急剧锐减,因用户可以合理的价格下载他们喜欢的、质量更好的歌曲。 youngchinabiz.com | Apple’s breakthrough was followed by the opening of similar online stores, resulting in a sharp reduction in illegal online music swapping as consumers opted for better quality, reasonably priced legal copies of their favorite music. youngchinabiz.com |
同时如果能实现这些进展,AT&T与沃达丰等国际运营商以及韩国SKTelecom、新加坡Singtel和台湾中华电信(Chunghwa [...] Telecom)<2412.TW>等地区性运营商的新电信项目,将从2013年开始在中国市场如雨後春笋般 崛起。 youngchinabiz.com | If that happens, look for a flurry of new telecoms projects from the likes of globla players like AT&T and Vodafone, as well as regional players like Korea’s [...] SKTelecom (Seoul: 107670), Singapore’s Singtel (Singapore: ST) [...] and Taiwan’s Chunghwa Telecom(Taipei: [...]2412) starting in 2013. youngchinabiz.com |
许多部受欢迎和流行的好莱坞电影的导演,包括《楚门的世界》(The Truman Show)、《绿卡》(Green Card), [...] 而且因为导演《证人》(Witness) 和《春风化雨》(Dead Poets Society),得到奥奥斯卡最佳导演提名。 studyinaustralia.gov.au | Film director of a number of critically-acclaimed and popular [...] Hollywood movies, The Truman Show and Green Card, and an Academy Award nominee for [...] directing Witness and the Dead Poets Society. studyinaustralia.gov.au |