单词 | 雨人 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 雨人—Rain ManExamples:天要落雨,娘要嫁人—the rain will fall, the womenfolk will marry [idiom.] something you can't go against fig. the natural order of things See also:雨n—rainn rainwatern 雨—(of rain, snow etc) fall precipitate 人n—peoplen humann mann
ITN亦开拓多媒体平台,为《吸血迷情》、《造雨人》等荷里活电影及预告片,与及德国电脑游戏《Engel》配乐,多年来创作了四百多首曲目。 think-silly.com | ITN expands music to other platforms, such as creatingmusic scores for Hollywood films and trailers such as ‘Interview with the Vampire’, ‘Rainmaker’, as well as German computer game / novel project ‘Engel’. think-silly.com |
尼 日尔本已长期遭受干旱和与此相关的食品短缺,2010 年 7 月又遭遇山洪暴发,同 [...] 时,贝宁则遭遇了 50 年来最严重的暴雨,680000人受到影响,几十万人无家可 归。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Niger, already beset by a prolonged drought and associated acute food shortages, suffered further [...] owing to flash floods in July 2010, while [...] in Benin torrentialrains andthe worst flooding [...]in 50 years affected 680,000 people [...]and rendered hundreds of thousands homeless. daccess-ods.un.org |
在欧洲人人机会均等年专题领域的框架内,与里斯本Cinemateca合作组织 放映了一轮电影:罗伯特·本顿的《克莱默夫妇》;亚利桑德罗·冈萨雷斯·伊 纳里多执导的《通天塔》;巴里·莱文森的《雨人》;安德列·泰西内的《野芦 苇》。 daccess-ods.un.org | In the framework of the thematic areas of the European Year for Equal Opportunities for All a cycle of movies was organised in cooperation with the Lisbon Cinemateca: Kramer vs. daccess-ods.un.org |
他还说,有几百名哥伦比亚人遭到绑架,其中 28 人在 6-10 年前遭劫持后一直在雨林非人的生活条件下度日。 daccess-ods.un.org | He highlighted the kidnapping of hundreds of Colombians, 28 of which are rotting in the jungle since their abduction between 6 and 10 years ago, condemned to survive in subhuman conditions. daccess-ods.un.org |
在层 状冷云及对流云人工增雨潜力区,采用人工增雨催化作业技术;建立人工增雨综合决 策技术系统。 wrdmap.org | In theartificial rain potential area of bedded cold clouds and convective clouds, adopt artificial rain-increasing [...] catalysis techniques. wrdmap.org |
它能看到并绕过障碍,经受风吹雨淋,遵照人的指示或自动根据预设的程序行进,始终背负重达50公斤的负荷。 tss.trelleborg.com | It can see and avoid obstacles, withstand blows andfalls, follow a human leader on cue or autonomously stick to a preset course, all the while carrying upwards of 50 kilograms of payload. tss.trelleborg.com |
植被有助于稳固斜坡和留住土壤中雨水,但是人们却只有在因植被消失导致发生滑坡 或洪水泛滥时才会注意到植被的损失。 teebweb.org | The loss of vegetation that helps stabilize [...] slopes and retainrainwater in soils, is only [...]noticed once the vegetation disappears [...]and landslides or flooding occurs. teebweb.org |
从雨林小径到令人着迷的博物馆,从活力四射的多文化城市到对运动的热爱,澳大利亚独一无二。 studyinaustralia.gov.au | From rainforesttrailsto fascinating [...] museums, vibrant multicultural cities to a love of sport, Australia is unique. studyinaustralia.gov.au |
至於「优质短篇或实况戏剧」方面,按照平均欣赏指数排列分别有港台的「生活逼人来」、「执法群英 [...] II」、亚视的「精彩活一生」、港台的「风雨夜归人」、「爱在瘟疫蔓延时」、无线的「廉政行动2004」、港台的「几许风雨」和「小时候」,一共八个,当中港台占六个。 hkupop.hku.hk | As with "Quality short drama series/reality dramas" sorted in terms of their average AIs, RTHK's "Difficult Life", "On the [...] Beat II"; ATV's "Awakening Stories of Drug [...] Addicts"; RTHK's "Mid-night Workers", "Love [...]at the Age of SARS", "Love at the Age [...]of SARS"; TVB's "ICAC Investigation 2004"; RTHK's "After the Rain" and "When We Were Young", altogether eight programmes are in this category. hkupop.hku.hk |
全新概念的清新香调,宛若雨後清晨般令人神清气爽,心旷神怡。 aster.com.hk | A new concept of parfume, fresh like morning after rainy. aster.com.hk |
至於「优质短篇或实况戏剧」方面,按照平均欣赏指数排列分别有港台的「生活逼人来」、「执法群英 [...] II」、亚视的「精彩活一生」、港台的「风雨夜归人」、「爱在瘟疫蔓延时」、无线的「廉政行动2004」和港台的「几许风雨」。 hkupop.hku.hk | As for the "Quality short drama series/reality dramas", according to the average appreciation indices, RTHK"s "Difficult Life", "On the [...] Beat II", ATV"s "Awakening Stories of Drug [...] Addicts", RTHK"s "Mid-nightWorkers", "Love [...]at the Age of SARS", TVB"s "ICAC Investigation [...]2004" and RTHK"s "After the Rain" were included. hkupop.hku.hk |
雨也停了,数百人聚集在诊所的院子里,其中大多数是母亲和婴儿。 unicef.org | Ithas stopped raining, and hundreds of people [...] have gathered in the clinic’s courtyard, mostly mothers and babies. unicef.org |
由于利比里亚地形复杂,雨季漫长, 加上人们期望联利特派团为 2011 年的选举提供援助,因此,特派团面临后勤方 [...] 面的挑战,需要保持足够和灵活的支助能力,包括航空、工程、运输和医疗单位。 daccess-ods.un.org | Due tothe [...] rough terrain and thelong rainyseason in Liberia, as well [...]as the expectation that UNMIL will provide assistance [...]for the 2011 elections, the Mission has logistical challenges that require it to maintain sufficient and flexible support capacity, including aviation, engineering, transport and medical units. daccess-ods.un.org |
在马普托,倾盆大雨下了整整一天,所有人都希望雨季快点结束。 unicef.org | Hard rain has been pelting the capital city throughout the day, making everyone wish therainy season were over. unicef.org |
地球的表面受到了大气压变化、海浪、雨、风和喧闹的人类活动的持续性的轰击。 chinese.eurekalert.org | The Earth’s surface is continuously bombarded by changes in atmospheric [...] pressure, ocean waves,rain,wind,andloud human activity. chinese.eurekalert.org |
在报告所述期间,虽然巴基斯坦境内的人道主义工作主要是应对 2010 年雨季洪水,但是人道主义组织继续向 Khyber Pakhtunkhwa 和联邦直辖部落地区受 冲突影响的人口提供紧急和早期恢复援助。 daccess-ods.un.org | Although the response to the 2010 monsoon floods dominated humanitarian efforts in Pakistan during the reporting period, humanitarian organizations continue to provide emergency and early recovery assistance to conflict-affected populations in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and the Federally Administered Tribal Areas. daccess-ods.un.org |
而这可能是为什么研究人员如此难以估计它们的数目——特别是它们在热带雨林中的数目的原因;在热带雨林中人们已知有如此多的繁盛的节肢动物物种。 chinese.eurekalert.org | And that might be why researchers have had such a difficult time estimating their numbers, especially in tropical forests where so many arthropod species are known to thrive. chinese.eurekalert.org |
沿海的卑诗省则属例外,气候宜人,冬天温和多雨。 scotiabank.com | Coastal British Columbia is an exception and enjoys a [...] temperate climate withamildand rainy winter. scotiabank.com |
在研究试验的基础上,安全使用部分再生水、微咸水和淡化后的海水等非常规水以及 通过人工增雨技术等非常规手段增加农业水资源。 wrdmap.org | Based on experimental research, Increase agricultural water-resources by safely using such unconventional as part of the resurgent [...] water, brackish water and desalted seawater or through unconventional means [...] such as artificial rain-increasingtechniques. wrdmap.org |
一名与会者表示,「资讯消息必须尽可能散播出去」,提到自己因为酒吧厕所里一张海报而脱离游民生活,找到遮风避雨的住处;之後人们也论及,是否可能汇整单一资讯平台,例如将所有游民支援与福利讯息都公布在同一网页,游民若能上网,即可随时找到自己所需的一切资讯。 thisbigcity.net | You have to get the information out there,” said one participant, mentioning how a poster on a pub toilet got her off the street and in sheltered accommodation. thisbigcity.net |
从列入世界遗产名录的国家公园,到奢华的雨林静居和人烟罕至的海滩,无论您以哪种方式游览无垠的海岸线,您都会很快发现为何这是澳大利亚生活方式不可分割的一部分。 australia.com | From World Heritage-listed national parks to luxuryrainforest retreats and [...] beaches where you won’t see another person; [...]whichever way you experience our infinite coastline, you’ll soon discover why it is an integral part of the great Australian lifestyle. australia.com |
两个证人云漂浮在镇雨芝士汉堡,多到大家的惊讶和幸福。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | The two witnessclouds floating over thetownthat raincheeseburgers, much [...] to everyone’s astonishment and happiness. seekcartoon.com |
气雾剂的例子包括用于作物喷 洒的农药和人工摧雨用的干化学品。 daccess-ods.un.org | Examples of aerosols include pesticides [...] for crop dustingand dry chemicals for cloud [...]seeding. daccess-ods.un.org |
目前有一个 P-3 员额专门负责支助关于 水的研究、供应和养护,评估非洲各特派团的水资源并支助特派团管理这些资源; 评估地下水和雨水容量,就恢复技术提供咨询意见,以满足特派团要求,还就环 境行动提供咨询意见,以养护、回收和补给资源,同时不对当地人口产生不利影 响。 daccess-ods.un.org | There is currently one post (P-3) dedicated to supporting water research, supply and conservation, assessing [...] water resources in [...] African missions and supporting missions in the management of these resources; assessing ground andrain watercapacities and providing advice on recovery techniques to meet mission requirements and environmental [...]action [...]to conserve, recycle and replenish resources without adversely affecting the local population. daccess-ods.un.org |
建筑之所以 被赋予坚固持久的意义,在于它不仅是一个以适当材料构成的供人遮风避雨的场所,还是一个在设 计上不辩自明的容纳丰富多样的人类行为的外壳。 chinese-architects.com | Based on the understanding, architecture earns the quality of sustainability in the sense of permanence, when not only the climatic conditions and the corresponding use of materials are accounted for, but also when the house, as an envelope for the diversity of human existence, is designed in an obvious manner. chinese-architects.com |
这 些研究和云的形成与降雨相关,具有科学和实用价值,可以据此提出人工降雨、驱雾 或加强雾的稳定性等诸方法。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The scientific and the practical importance of these studies is connected with the formation of cloud elements and precipitation and with the developing of methods for artificial precipitation, for the dispersion of mists or for their stabilization. unesdoc.unesco.org |
另一悦榕Spa 特色创新护理为醉人的热带雨露体验(每节180 分钟,定价澳门币2,600 [...] 元++),借着雨露蒸汽浴、倾泻式淋浴、身体磨砂及具疗效的按摩令感官为之一振。 galaxymacau.com | Another signature Banyan Tree Spa innovation – the indulgent Tropical Rainmist experience (180-minute [...] session at MOP 2,600++) uplifts senses with a [...] Rainmist Steam, cascading Rain Shower, invigorating [...]body scrub and therapeutic massage treatment. galaxymacau.com |
许多部受欢迎和流行的好莱坞电影的导演,包括《楚门的世界》(The Truman [...] Show)、《绿卡》(Green Card), 而且因为导演《证人》(Witness) 和《春风化雨》(Dead Poets Society),得到奥奥斯卡最佳导演提名。 studyinaustralia.gov.au | Film director of a number of critically-acclaimed and popular [...] Hollywood movies, The Truman Show and Green Card, and an Academy [...] Award nominee for directing Witness and the Dead Poets Society. studyinaustralia.gov.au |
哈格斯特龙: 从目前的情况看,将在2月5日一系 列预选之前举行的艾奥瓦州党内预选和新罕布什 尔州初选,仍会是美国人民看好那位参选人的重要晴雨表。 americancorner.org.tw | Hagstrom: So far, it looks like the Iowa caucuses and the New Hampshire primary, which will be held before these February 5 primaries, will still be important in giving a signal of whom the American people like. americancorner.org.tw |