单词 | 雕琢 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 雕琢—sculptless common: overly elaborate prose carve (jade) ornate artwork 雕琢verb—carvevSee also:雕—engrave shrewd 琢—cut (gems) 殢—fatigue
然后,宝石雕刻师一颗接着一颗雕琢成为顾客量身打造的长阶梯形造型,以让光线得以获得最理想的反射角度,尽显美钻的璀璨亮丽,总重约37.76克拉。 audemarspiguet.com | The lapidariesthen craft them one by one, shaping a customized baguette cut while achieving proportions that enable an ideal reflection of the light and impeccable brilliance through 37.76 carats. audemarspiguet.com |
从为世界呈现最为卓着的珠宝雕琢,到 掀起演艺名流的妆扮风潮,该品牌已成为精致与典雅的代名词。 hk.ashford.com | From owning the world’s most famous jewels to revolutionizing red-carpet glamour, the brand has become synonymous with sophistication and class. ashford.com |
博茨瓦纳等许多国家所关心的一个主要问题是建立坚 [...] 强的联系,它们已经开展所谓富集方案,以求掌握本国矿物资源的价值,例如建 立本地的钻石和宝石雕琢工艺。 daccess-ods.un.org | The creation of strong linkages has been a major concern in many countries such as Botswana, which have initiated so-called beneficiation [...] programmes in an attempt to capture value from their mineral resources, e.g., by instituting local [...] diamond and gemstonecutting. daccess-ods.un.org |
玻璃杯底部造型吹塑后,用激光雕琢出造型,保证买一次倒酒都是完美的。 ba-repsasia.com | The glasses were shaped and then laser etched on the bottom to ensure a perfect pour every time. ba-repsasia.com |
充沛的动感、优雅的车厢设计、用料讲究、精心 雕琢的细 节、最佳人体工程学设计,以及宽敞空间,令GL系列车厢渗出平治一贯的品牌特色。 mercedes-benz.com.hk | Powerfully dynamic and elegant interior design, fine materials and lovingly crafted details, optimum ergonomics and a generous amount of space – the interior of the GL-Class oozes the ambience of wellbeing so characteristic of Mercedes-Benz. mercedes-benz.com.hk |
我已经爱上C#语言的优雅,可能需要承受一些编写Java代码时的痛苦,从微软Office精心 雕琢的 UI切换到Google Docs时可能也会遭受些挫折。 infoq.com | I will suffer some pain when I have to write code in Java now that I've learned to love the elegance of C#. infoq.com |
集合宾利设计团队及工艺师的心血,Mulsanne诚如一件精心 雕琢的移动艺术品 — 单是车厢内饰的制作时间便已经花上170小时,令Mulsanne流露优雅华丽、卓尔不凡的英伦风格。 think-silly.com | A brainchild of the design and production team at Bentley, Mulsanne is a beloved mobile art piece — production for its interior alone takes up to 170 hours. think-silly.com |
精心雕琢的外交辞令称印 尼为“现任东盟主席国”,这赋予了印尼政府长期的 斡旋者角色,而不是轮值主席国结束后就将一切责 任转交下一任主席国。 crisisgroup.org | The carefully crafted diplomatic description of Indonesia as “current Chair of ASEAN” gave a durable facilitator’s role to Jakarta rather than suggesting it would rotate to a subsequent chair. crisisgroup.org |
本壶的风格和内容很合乎十八世纪後叶,而 雕琢水准下降的第一阶段在十八世纪出现是可以预测的。 e-yaji.com | The style of bottle and subject would fit comfortably into the latter part of the eighteenth century, when such a first stage might be expected to occur. e-yaji.com |
塑模材料(如沙子和水的混合物)可以让人自由发挥想象力:去海滩玩耍,会激发我们人人都具有的童真般的天性——无论是搭建巨型沙堡,还是 雕琢奇山 峻岭。 wacker.com | Moldable compounds, such as a combination of sand and water, are ideal for stirring the imagination: a visit to the [...] beach brings out the child in all of us – whether it's building mighty [...] sand castles or sculptingbizarredripmountains. wacker.com |
其实作为一盘生意的老板,无论你花了多 少时间去雕琢你的产品或服务,或是如何管理你的团队,若果你不懂推销产品,总不能让客人知道 你的产品或服务有多好。 gemconsortium.org | In a Chinese society, the business owner usually puts a greater focus on management than on selling techniques. However, no matter how much time you spend on perfecting your products or services, or how you manage your team, if you, as a business owner, do not know how to market your products, customers will never realize how good your products or services are. gemconsortium.org |
这款经典融合超薄镂空腕表,其设计经过 雕琢,但一眼可识别为宇舶的动感与现代要素均得以保留。 hautehorlogerie.org | This Classic Fusion, extra-thin skeleton watch, whose design has been refined while retaining the dynamic and modern codes immediately recognisable as Hublot. hautehorlogerie.org |
手表的抛光不锈钢手镯式表链经精心 雕琢且结实耐用,反映了超现代设计的本质。 hk.ashford.com | Sculpted as an impenetrable bangle in polished stainless steel, it reflects the essence of ultramodern design. ashford.com |
尊贵顶尖的时计之所以卓越出众、超群绝伦,除了其精准度要求最高的精密敏感零件外,几乎所有零件都经过巧夺天工的精心 雕琢与装饰。 audemarspiguet.com | Distinguishing high-end timepieces involves [...] decorating almost all components, except those parts most sensitive to precision. audemarspiguet.com |
本壶各个方面完美无缺,值得注意的是,凸底全部是凹进去的,虽然这可能是比较简易的形式的先声,但 雕琢水平还是很高的。 e-yaji.com | The formal integrity of the bottle, hollowing, and detailing are all impeccable, but here is another example of a superbly realized recessed convex foot where the whole foot, including the convexity, is recessed, suggesting that even if it heralded an easier option, high standards of achieving it still prevailed. e-yaji.com |
在达到最终的美学效果之前,等待铸造的模具在历 经不同的生产阶段时,就像一颗未经 雕琢的钻石。 hansgrohe.com.cn | The moulding blank is refined like a raw diamond in many individual stages until the final aesthetics are achieved. hansgrohe.hr |
Hello Kitty 钻石系列香水首度以立体Hello [...] Kitty造型作为瓶身设计,其玲珑剔透的香水瓶身,匠心独韵地在蝴蝶结上镶上闪烁的水晶,精心 雕琢的细 节,令举世艳羡。 hk.eternal.hk | From the extensive range of fashionable Hello Kitty beauty [...] items, Hello Kitty – Diamond evolves to an [...] everlasting and elegant collection of [...]a sensational fragrance along with its shower [...]gel, body lotion as well as splendid cosmetic accessories. hk.eternal.hk |
全新 911 是全新世代、全新设计的标竿跑车,扁平的车身线条,修长的轮廓、以及精细 雕琢的设计细节, 一出场将会是众人瞩目之焦点。 pap.porsche.com | The sports car icon is stepping into the limelight with its flat, stretched silhouette, exciting contours and precisely designed details, yet from the very first glance it remains unmistakably a 911. pap.porsche.com |
每个细节与每种原料都经过细意考量和精心 雕琢,尤其是流丽的铝金属机身。 mammals.org | Every detail and every material — particularly the sleek aluminum enclosure — has been meticulously considered and refined. mammals.org |
设计概念上,把煤的“自然形成,人工利用”(自然地理的层积到人力的开采和 雕琢)所反映的人与自然的关系通过建筑与大地的关系表现出来,通过对大地景观的再创造,对煤的形成和演化进行暗示,让建筑成为体现这种沉积演化的载体。 chinese-architects.com | The overall scheme seeks a metaphorical expression of the coal mining landscape, from its natural geological layered origins to the manmade opening and sculpting of the earth and its minerals. chinese-architects.com |
游客可以购买斐济本地的手工制品,如编织篮、木雕、编织垫、陶器、精雕细琢的塔努安(tanoa)碗和斐济的梳子等等。 shangri-la.com | Look out for local handicrafts such as [...] baskets,wood carvings, mats, pottery, exquisitely carvedtanoa bowls, [...]Fijian combs and much more. shangri-la.com |
遵照南泰的设计风格,度假村的设计师曼谷UKD建筑设计以高耸的拱形天花板和取自当地木材精心 雕琢的木质内饰为主,突显出每一间别墅的宽敞与奢华。 paresaresorts.com | Characteristic of Southern Thai design, Bangkok-based UKD Architects make use of soaring pavilion-style ceilings and rich timber finishes, produced from locally hewnand sustainable Thai forests, to highlight the luxurious spaciousness of every villa’s interior. paresaresorts.com |
精雕细琢的制表工艺被看成一种艺术形式,手表纯粹主义者非常欣赏精密机械的复杂特质,因而他们对自动表情有独钟。 hk.ashford.com | Fine watch making is considered to be an art form and watch purists who appreciate the complexity of a fine-tuned machine will only consider buying an automatic watch. ashford.com |
可以帮助开发者用需要的速度和效率精雕细琢他们的代码,以满足业务需求基准。 evget.com | is designed to help all [...] developers craft and sculpttheir code with [...]the speed and efficiency needed to meet their line of business demands. evget.com |
USB3.0 2.5“外接式硬碟H552V,以俐落细致的线条,刻划出如同跑车般独特流线的外观,背盖两侧双曲线勾勒出极致美形,精工 雕琢的抛 光技术与咬花处理,打造出黑色镜面与雾面的双层次质感,光滑平顺的表面触感,手感及美感兼具,隐隐散发出低调中的奢华品味。 us.pqigroup.com | USB3.0 2.5“The exterior of the 2.5" H552V USB 3.0 external hard drive features distinctive sports car-like curves and finely crafted lines along with a curved design on both sides of the back cover to create the ultimate in beauty. pqigroup.com |
双折射雕琢的华真珠,除了在2009年美国珠宝大赛Gemmys中荣登 雕琢类榜首以外,还荣获了同年的第三次“制造日本大奖”的最高奖即内阁总理大臣奖。 sciencelinks.jp | The Komatsu Flower Pearl, with the newly applied Double Reflection Cut, won first place in the jewelry cutting competition at the 2009 ”Gemmys” contest in America, and it received the highest award, the Prime Minister Prize, in the 3rd “Monodzukuri Nippon Grand Award” in the same year. sciencelinks.jp |