

单词 雏鸽

See also:


pigeon n
doves pl

External sources (not reviewed)

他们可以在笼子里找到活的母鸡、公鸡、鸭子 鸽 子。
Here they can find live hens,
[...] roosters, ducks and pigeons crammed into the cages.
最后,我要向海地政府和人 民保证,在他们努力建设正初雏形 的 新海地时,国 际社会将会继续与他们站在一起。
I wish to conclude by assuring the Government and people of Haiti that the international community will remain with them in their effort to build the new Haiti that is beginning to take shape.
该标识以象征手法,描绘砸碎的锁链,腾飞而起的和 鸽 ,体 现从奴隶制走向自由的信息。
Through the symbolism of links in a chain breaking apart to
[...] give birth to doves in flight, the [...]
logo communicates the message of passing from
a state of slavery to one of freedom.
会期文件送达各代表团鸽笼式 文件架、或可在设置于会议室 附近的文件柜台索取。
In-session documents are delivered to the delegations’ pigeonholes or at the documents counter near the meeting rooms.
[...] 年独立宪法被乌干达人民大会党废除,被 所谓的鸽子洞”共和国宪法取代。
This crisis led to the 1967 abrogation of the
Independence Constitution by the UPC faction and its replacement with
[...] the so-called “Pigeon-hole” Republican [...]
国际年活动使国际社会得以在关注人类历史上最悲惨的其中一页之际,了解到了贩卖 黑奴(全球雏形)造成的全球的深刻变革,并对它产生的文化间互动关系进行思考。
The Year has enabled the international community to examine one of the most tragic pages in the history of humanity, while taking the measure of the global and profound changes brought about by the slave trade – a form of globalization far ahead of its time –, and to reflect on the cultural interactions that it has generated.
另一个探索渠道是,加强已雏形的 性别问题区域同 业交流圈,如在西部和中部非洲区域办事处。
Another avenue to explore is to strengthen organically established regional communities of practice on gender, as for example, in the West and Central Africa Regional Office.
国家机构仅雏型, 在涉及执 行人权领域提出的各项建议时,无疑存在问题。
The embryonic state of the country’s institutions is undoubtedly a problem when it comes to implementing the various recommendations that have been made in the area of human rights.
其他创新活动继续开展,例如“发展中的艺术家”计划,其项目涉 及地方培训的发展和长久化,包括电影、摄影、艺术节和手工艺;授予“示范标识”,用手工艺作 为试点,从亚洲扩大到加勒比;以及 “创造性村庄”,其中几个专题网已经初 雏 形。
Other innovations have been pursued and include the Artists in Development programme, covering projects on development, the sustainability of local learning outcomes in film, photography, arts festivals and the crafts, the award of the UNESCO Seal of Excellence for Crafts, tested on the basis of crafts and extended from Asia to the Caribbean, and “Creative Cities” of which several thematic networks are being established.
澳大利亚柔弱的羊齿植物、日本的奇异香蕉园、阿尔卑斯山脉的报春花以及南非 雏 菊 都 在爱尔兰舒适的气候环境中茁壮成长。
Tender tree ferns from Australia, exotic banana plants from Japan, primulas from the Alps and sunny daisies from South Africa all thrive in Ireland’s renowned soft climate.
为 进 一 步 预 防 及 控 制 禽 流 感 爆 发 , 食 物 环 境 卫 生 署 与 国 家 质 量 监 督 检 验 检 疫 总 局 就 落 实 进 口 活 家 禽 接 种 禽 流
感 疫 苗 的 措 施 达 成 协 议 : 由 2004 年 1 月 15 日 开 始
[...] , 所 有 进 口 活 家 禽 ( 鸽 子 及 水 禽 除 外 ) , 必 [...]
须 接 种 农 业 部 批 准 生 产 和 使 用 的 H5 禽 流 感 灭
活 疫 苗 , 才 可 以 进 口 香 港 特 别 行 政 区 。
To strengthen the prevention and control against the outbreak of avian flu, FEHD and the State General Administration of the People's Republic of China for Quality Supervision and Inspection and Quarantine have agreed that
with effect from 15 January 2004, all live
[...] poultry (except pigeons and waterfowls) [...]
must be vaccinated against H5 avian flu
with deactivated vaccine authorized for production and use by the State Ministry of Agriculture before importing to the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.
该饲喂系统中的雏筒芯 可防止家禽在采食期间进入饲喂盘。
The starter cone in this poultry feeding system prevents poultry from entering the pan during feeding.
[...] 和推动了在和平教育方面开展的行动;制作了一个音 像载体,题为鸽子的神采”,讲述了该奖创立以来 [...]
的历史(1981--2001 年)。
Encouragement and promotion, through the award of the (annual) UNESCO Prize for Peace Education, of
initiatives taken in peace education; Making of a film
[...] Faces of the Dove on the history [...]
of the Prize since its creation (1981-2001).
雏菊联 盟与大学合作,主张将裁军教育 纳入大学课程,并与教育工作者和学生团体合作举办关于裁军和不扩散问题的客 座讲座、演讲会和讨论会。
In collaboration with universities, Daisy Alliance advocated for the inclusion of disarmament education in university curricula, and worked with educators and student groups to organize guest lectures, presentations and discussions on disarmament and non-proliferationrelated issues.
然后,他遇见了手套,一个女的野猫欺 鸽 子 他 们的食物。
He then meets Mittens, a female alley
[...] cat who bullies pigeons out of their food.
鸽传书采用TCP 方式(文件传输)和UDP 方式(即时聊天)通讯,TCP 和UDP 默认通讯端口都为:2425。
IP Messenger uses TCP for file transfer and UDP for instant messaging. Default port: 2425.
特别受欢迎的是牛奶混合饮料, 今天奶昔雏形。
Milk mix drinks, an early form of milkshakes, were particularly popular.
鸽在行为、羽饰和色彩图案上的引人注目的差异使得超过350个的品种得以确立;达尔文在很久以前就被它们所吸引,他多次 鸽 子 是生物多样性的令人瞩目的例证。
Domestic pigeons, whose striking differences in behavior, feather ornaments and color patterns have led to the establishment of more than 350 breeds, long ago captured the attention of [...]
Charles Darwin, who repeatedly referred to them as dramatic examples of biodiversity.
更惊人的是风险太多:几百个等待回复的询问,重复又自相矛盾的请求,可疑和不安全的支付方式,还有最糟糕的是临时 鸽 子 的 房客。
But using classifieds to advertise their apartment -the most accessible platform at the time- took too much effort and, more alarmingly, involved too many risks: hundreds of responses to sift through; overlapping and contradictory requests; dubious, non-secure methods of payment and worst of all, no-shows.
一并复制功能 从网格里只输入编码和名称而被做成的作 雏 形的 数据,可以一次生成很多基础表。
You can populate a lot of master records from the template data at a time by only entering the code and its name in the grid.
大约3年前,斯洛伐克鸽子受 到一次严重的沙门氏菌和大肠杆菌的感染,因为卫生保健薄弱,压力大,迫使PHARMAGAL [...]
Since there was a
[...] strong infection of pigeons in Slovakia some [...]
three years ago that strongly resembled Salmonella and EColli,
due to weak hygiene and high stress,it was necessary for PHARMAGAL BIO  to start research.
用一杯dirty martini和炒杏仁作为开场,接着上羊小排配草莓酱或者烤 鸽 伴 黄 油欧芹,最后一道则是克莱门氏小柑橘和麝香果冻。
Begin with a dirty martini and deviled almonds, enjoy lamb cutlets with Shrewsbury sauce or grilled Dover sole with parsley butter, and finish with Clementine and Muscat jelly.
日光白和中性白灯光突出了白色和 鸽 中 的 白色元素,而暖白和琥珀色则突显了黄金叶,玛丽的脸轮廓以及背景壁画。
Daylight white and neutral white emphasise the white gold elements
[...] and the white dove, while warm white [...]
and amber accentuate the yellow gold leaf,
Mary’s face and the fresco at the back.
免疫系统发育的代价主要是为B淋巴细胞和T淋巴细胞发育抗原识别多样性时的低效率过程提供能量,为开始形成白血球提供基质(如氨基酸和脂肪),并为胚胎 雏 鸟 提 供白细胞。
The costs of development of the immune system come primarily from the expenditure of energy to fuel the inefficient process of developing antigen recognition diversity in B and T lymphocytes and to provide substrates (e.g., amino
acids and lipids) for the initial burst of leukopoiesis needed to supply the
[...] late embryo and hatchling with leukocytes.
澳大利亚I期、Ib期跨国临床试验比美国、欧洲成本便宜,但由于澳大利亚人口少,而中国有大量处于“治 雏 期 ”的人口,所以最有效的策略,就是与中国合作开展III期和部分II期试验。
Inter-country collaborations on clinical trials are cheaper in Australia than the USA and Europe in phases I and Ib, but the Australian population is small and a valid strategy is to coordinate phase III and at times phase II trials in China, where there is a large ‘treatment naïve’ population.
兰博基尼最初的想法是请求使用 A8 旗舰车型的 8 缸发动机为“兰博基雏形” 提供动力,但奥迪的技术人员回到公司德国总部后,对公司的状况、新近发现的良好管理水平和开发跑车的专业水平作出了非常积极的评价。
The initial idea was to ask for the 8-cylinder engine of the 'A8' flagship to power the future 'baby Lamborghini', but Audi's technical staff went back to company headquarters in Germany with very positive reports on the status of the company, its newfound good management and the professional level of the development work being done on its cars.
雏菊联 盟每年赞助世界各地高中生、本科生和研究生的有关不扩散、裁军及 军备控制议题的学生奖学金及作文比赛。
Daisy Alliance sponsored an annual student scholarship and essay contest for high school, undergraduate and graduate students worldwide on relevant non-proliferation, disarmament and arms control topics.
相册,日志,回忆录,小说,悲剧,喜剧,科幻,爱情,故事,故事,组成,字母,点燃,文学研究,诗歌,印刷品,阅读,写作, 田径,吸引,狂欢,注意力分散,引水,享受乐趣,消遣,性能,快乐,放松,运动,探险,娱乐,商务,布特,竞争,比赛, 宝宝,炒,野孩,的婴儿,jackanapes,小子,未成年人,未成年人的前提下 雏 鸟 , 钳,刨,小的孩子,小混混,鲰,题刻,蹒跚学步,TOT,泰克,年轻人,青少年,男孩,女孩,初中,高中女生,青少年,少女,青年,鲍比soxer, 博客,网站,业余, 贵族,协会,花花公子世界,苯教吨,兄弟之情,圆,文明,文明,集团,俱乐部,英联邦,友谊,公司,友谊,合作,文化,精英,奖学金,基金会,博爱,友谊,镀金,行业协会,社会,小屋,民族,贵族,秩序,组织,组织,人口
Keywords : death, gothic, album, log, memoirs, novel, tragedy, comedy, fiction, romance, story, tale, composition, letters, lit, literary studies, poetry, printed matter, reading, writings, athletics, attraction, carousal, distraction, diversion, enjoyment, fun, pastime, performance, pleasure, relaxation, sport, adventure, amusement, biz, bout, competition, contest, baby, fry, gamin, infant, jackanapes, kiddy, minor, minor premise, nestling, nipper, shaver, small child, small fry, tiddler, tike, toddler, tot, tyke, youngster, adolescent, boy, girl, junior, schoolgirl, teen, teenage girl, youth, bobby-soxer , blog, web site, amateur, aristocracy, association, beau monde, bon ton, brotherhood, circle, civilisation, civilization, clique, club, commonwealth, companionship, company, comradeship, cooperative, culture, elite, fellowship, foundation, fraternity, friendship, gild, guild, high society, lodge, nation, nobility, order, organisation, organization, population
其他订单来源还包括APP,鸽纸业 ,恒安纸业,共计要向中国市场购进5 台福伊特卫生纸机,每台日产量都达到220 吨。
Other orders come, for example, from Asia Pulp and Paper (APP), YinGe Paper and Hengan Paper, who will commission a total of five Voith tissue machines in China each capable of producing 220 tons daily.
[...] Greccio的,这fuil的网站1224年度第一耶稣诞生的场景,抹大拉的马利亚,他画了旧金山的“牛头”,oggimbolo方济会的神圣洞穴,教堂的来源科伦坡的原始洞穴和洞穴 鸽 子 , 他写了方济各的规则的地方。
The Forest is a small hermitage; Greccio that fuil site of the first living nativity in the year 1224; Fonte Colombo with the Chapel of Mary Magdalene, San Francisco, where he painted one of the "Tau",
oggimbolo Franciscan Holy Cave, the Primitive Cave and
[...] the Cave of the pigeon, the place where [...]
he wrote the Franciscan rule.




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