单词 | 雌雄 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 雌雄—male and female雌雄noun—inflorescencenExamples:雌雄同体—hermaphrodite 雌雄同体性—hermaphroditism 雌雄异色—sexual coloration See also:雌adj—femaleadj 雄—grand mighty imposing staminate person or state having great power and influence 雄adj—maleadj
雄原核形成早于雌原核,雌雄原核于卵子中央联会形成联合核。 actazool.org | The male pronucleus formation was earlier than the female's. The male and female pronuclei moved to the center of the egg, and matched into a association nucleus. actazool.org |
剂量和分组:设三个以上不同剂量,另设对照组囓齿类动物,每组雌雄各10 只。 cmchk.org.hk | In addition, rodents should be used to set up control groups for comparison. 10 [...] malesand 10females in eachgroup. cmchk.org.hk |
雌雄同株;茎松弛直立在水,通常带白色,上部的很少枝的内,基部特异地弯曲U形在幼嫩植株上;节间清楚,长约1厘米。 flora.ac.cn | Stem loosely erect in water, often whitish, few branched above, base characteristically curved or U-shaped on young plants; internodes distinct, ca. 1 cm. flora.ac.cn |
无论雌、雄个体是否来自相同或不同的的公社群,配对的个体都不是同一家庭的成员。 actazool.org | Whether pairs formed [...] from males andfemales from the same [...]or different communal groups, the individuals were not family members. actazool.org |
副花冠在一单轮内;花丝紫色的在基部,白色的在先端,3-6毫米; [...] 盖白色,折扇状,长约2毫米高,膜; 花盘棕色,2-3毫米高;雌雄蕊柄6-10毫米高。 flora.ac.cn | Corona in a single series; filaments purple at base, white at [...] apex, 3-6 mm; operculum white, plicate, ca. 2 mm tall, membranous; disk brown, [...] 2-3 mm high; androgynophore 6-10mm tall. flora.ac.cn |
雌雄异株;花下位,整齐,小,单性,4-6(23)瓣;花萼宿存; 花冠通常白色或者乳白色,很少绿色,黄色,粉红色,或者红色;花瓣覆瓦状,多数在基部合生。 flora.ac.cn | Flowers hypogynous, regular, [...] small, unisexual, by stamens or ovary abortive, [...]4-6(-23)-merous; calyx persistent; corolla [...]often white or cream, rarely green, yellow, pink, or red; petals imbricate, mostly connate at base up to half of their length. flora.ac.cn |
一年生或多年生草本,直立或者盘绕,雌雄异株或有时雌雄同体,通常有一些钟乳体(在毛状体基部的一个坚固的钙化碳酸盐结构)根状茎开展,水平,直径约1毫米,大约2 厘米叶单生节间; 叶柄5-15厘米,无毛; 叶片正面绿色的或沿脉白色,很少近中脉白色斑点的,椭圆形或卵形,很少心形, 3-7 * 2.5-6 厘米,背面无毛,正面疏生短柔毛,心形基部耳形,侧面裂片1.5-2 * 约2.5厘米,先端渐尖;芽苞叶卵形, 1-1.5 * 0.7-0.8厘米。 flora.ac.cn | Leaves solitary; petiole 5-15 cm, glabrous; leaf blade adaxially green or along veins white, rarely near midvein white blotched, elliptic or ovate, rarely cordate, 3-7 × 2.5-6 cm, abaxial surface glabrous, adaxial surface sparsely pubescent, base auriculate-cordate, lateral lobes 1.5-2 × ca. 2.5 cm, apex acuminate; cataphylls ovate, 1-1.5 × 0.7-0.8 cm. flora.ac.cn |
未见骨骼肌重量及MHC蛋白表达含量在雌雄鼠间的性别差异。 actazool.org | Skeletal muscle mass and MHC protein [...] expression were not sexually dimorphic. actazool.org |
届时,我们亦会在普选的战场上一决雌雄。 legco.gov.hk | By then, we will be fighting toe-to-toe against our rivals in the battlefield of the elections by universal suffrage. legco.gov.hk |
副花冠3或4轮,丝状;外部2轮(0.6-)1-1.5厘米,基部深紫色,白色的中间,鲜蓝色的先端; [...] 内部1或2轮的1-2毫米的,基部淡绿,先端白色的和头状;盖丝状,裂片深紫色,具环状在基部;花盘1-2毫米高;雌雄蕊柄8-10毫米高。 flora.ac.cn | Corona in 3 or 4 series, filamentous; outer 2 series (0.6-)1-1.5 cm, base dark purple, middle white, apex bright blue; inner 1 or 2 series 1-2 mm, base light green, apex white and [...] capitate; operculum fimbricate, lobes dark purple, with annular nectary at base; disk [...] 1-2 mm high; androgynophore 8-10 mm tall. flora.ac.cn |
实验结果推测,三倍体虹鳟雌鱼的不育现象看来不是由于雌雄基因组的组成差异而致,更可能是由于三组染色体造成对虹鳟卵巢发育更大的阻力。 actazool.org | These results suggest that the sterility in triploid female sterility may not be caused by genomic [...] differences between male and female. actazool.org |
在孵化过程中朱鹮的每日晾卵次数和时间逐渐增加,在育幼过程中亲鸟的喂食量在育雏中期最多,雌雄亲鸟对后代的贡献没有显着差异。 actazool.org | During breeding stage, the parents of Crested ibis provided more food at the middle stage of the incubation. actazool.org |
灌木或乔木雌雄同株或很少雌雄异株; 树皮光淡灰棕色或棕色; 宽的树冠圆锥状的或金字塔; 植株和平展向基部的上升的分枝在顶部; 小枝下垂,弄弯。 flora.ac.cn | Shrubs or trees monoecious or rarely dioecious; bark light grayish brown or brown; crown conical or broadly pyramidal; branches ascending in apical part of plant and spreading toward base; branchlets pendulous, curved. flora.ac.cn |
副花冠在2轮里的;外轮1-1.6厘米,棕色在基部,在中间白色,在尖紫色; 内轮1-3毫米,带褐色; 盖弯曲,带褐色色,折扇状的,1.5-2毫米高,膜质;暗褐色的花盘,高的长约0.5毫米;雌雄蕊柄5-10毫米高。 flora.ac.cn | Corona in 2 series; outer series 1-1.6 cm, brown at base, white at middle, purple at apices; inner series 1-3 mm, brownish; operculum incurved, brownish, plicate, 1.5-2 mm tall, membranous; disk dark brown, ca. 0.5 mm high;androgynophore 5-10 mm tall. flora.ac.cn |
苏格兰变性者联盟(STA) 称,“2004 年性别认定法”导致雌雄同体者无法获 得法律上的性别认定。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Scottish Transgender Alliance (STA) stated that the “Gender Recognition Act 2004” prevented intersex people from accessing legal gender recognition.160 86. daccess-ods.un.org |
结果揭示了雌雄棕色田鼠在同性间社会互作中攻击、防御以及亲密行为存在显着差异,而ERα在雌雄棕色田鼠脑内的分布模式也有显着性差异,社会互作和ERα免疫阳性细胞分布的两性差异都呈现单配制鼠类的特征,ERα在大脑分布模式的两性差别和不同种类间的差别可能是单配制啮齿类呈现相关生殖和社会行为的一个重要机制 [动物学报 54(6):1020 –1028,2008]。 actazool.org | These findings suggest that there is significant difference in aggression, affiliation and defense as well as distribution of ERα-IR cells between males and females for mandarin voles. actazool.org |
低密度种群内,雄性高原鼠兔的地面移动距离和频次均呈显着季节性差异,而雌性高原鼠兔的差异不显着;高密度种群内,雌、雄个体的地面移动距离和频次都具有显着季节性差异。 actazool.org | No significant seasonal variation was observed in moving distance and moving frequency of female plateau pikas in low density population, whereas moving distance and frequency varied significantly for males. actazool.org |
苏格兰变性者联盟称,雌雄同体者无法确信医疗人员将充分尊重其权利, 因为没有针对雌雄同体者的基于权利的医疗规章。 daccess-ods.un.org | STA stated that intersex people cannot be confident that their rights will be adequately respected by medical professionals, as there were no rights-based intersex healthcare protocols.188 9. daccess-ods.un.org |
雌雄异株;稀有的雄花,2-9,簇生小枝的在先端; 花梗短;雄蕊束簇4,花药2室,室纵向开裂;退化雌蕊圆锥。 flora.ac.cn | Maleflowers rare, 2-9, clustered at apex of branchlet; pedicels short;stamen fascicles 4, anthers 2-celled, cells longitudinally dehiscent; pistillode conic. flora.ac.cn |
这除 了 是 因为自 行 孵 化 会 带 来 额 外 成本 外 , 也 是 由於香 港 市 民 通 常 会 选 购 雌 性 鸡 只 , 但在鸡 只 孵 化前,根本不能分辨雌雄,因此, 在 香 港进行孵 化 , 可 能 会 令 相 当多雄 性 鸡 只 没 有 人 要 , 出现 养 两 只 鸡,但只能卖 出 1 只 的 情况,这 自然会 令 农 场 的经营 成本上 升。 legco.gov.hk | Therefore, if the hatching process is to take place in Hong Kong, we might find a situation in which only one in every two chickens can be sold, as a substantial number of male chickens might end up being unwanted. legco.gov.hk |
新西兰队的老将John Paul Clarkin,亦是圣·莫里茨雪地马球的常胜将军在今日比赛前说道,“天津雪地马球世界杯汇聚了来自世界各地的顶级球员,赛事结果的转变很可能就在瞬息之间,但我们会拼尽全力,与对手一决雌雄。 snowpoloworldcup.com | New Zealand player John Paul Clarkin, veteran of St. Moritz snow polo, stated at the opening of the day, “there are so many world-class players here in Tianjin, and in snow polo the match can change very quickly, we will play our best, and see who will win”. snowpoloworldcup.com |
在花植株,雌雄同株上寄生的灌木或亚灌木。 flora.ac.cn | Shrubs or subshrubs [...] parasitic on flowering plants, monoecious. flora.ac.cn |
我其实一直试图用男装的技术和线条来诠释女装,我欣赏拥有雌雄同体气质的女人,一直以来,YSL穿着吸烟裤的短发女人,Ann [...] Demeulemeester的女嬉皮士,Balenciaga的未来女战士,都是我所钟爱的类型。 vantageshanghai.com | I like women who have [...] a kindof hermaphrodite appearance [...]– YSL’s girl with short hair and drainpipe jeans, Ann Demesulemeester’s [...]hippy chicks, or Balenciaga’s futuristic women-warriors – these are my favorite types. vantageshanghai.com |
委员会关切,歧视和侵害男女同性恋、双性恋、变性者和雌雄同体者的行 为,并斥责一切基于性取向或性别认同,侵犯上述个人人权的行为( 第三、六、 七和二十六条 daccess-ods.un.org | The Committee is concerned at the discrimination and violence suffered by lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex persons and rejects all violations of their human rights on the basis of their sexual orientation or gender identity (arts. 3, 6, 7 and 26). daccess-ods.un.org |
例如,增加小麦根部的轴向阻力,提高小麦叶片的蒸腾效率并实现渗透调节,缩短玉米的雌雄穗开花间隔和延缓高粱叶片衰老。 australiachina.com.au | For example, increasing the axial resistance in root, transpiration efficiency and osmotic adjustment in the leaves of wheat, reducing anthesis to silking interval in maize and delaying leaf senescence in sorghum has shown to increase yields in water limited environments. australiachina.com.au |
通过记录分析雌雄棕色田鼠同性间的社会互作并用免疫组织化学方法对雌激素α受体(ERα)在雌雄棕色田鼠脑内的分布进行定位,以揭示ERα在不同性别棕色田鼠社会行为中的调控作用。 actazool.org | To explore the effects of estrogenreceptor alpha (ERα) on social behaviors of mandarin voles (Microtus mandarinus), same-sex social interaction [...] tests in mandarin [...]voles were conducted and the distribution of ERα immunoreactivity(IR) cells were examined in the brains of male and female mandarin voles by immunocytochemistry. actazool.org |
说明血清T, 11-KT水平增加,性腺芳香化酶表达及活性降低在控制雌雄同体的赤点石斑鱼的性转化和精子发生中起重要作用 [动物学报52(2): 316 –327,2006]。 actazool.org | The results suggest that the increase of serum T, 11-KT levels and gonadal aromatase expression and activity may be important to the controlled male phase in protogynous red-spotted grouper, E.akaara [Acta Zoologica Sinica 52(2): 316 –327, 2006]. actazool.org |
冠状的花丝在2轮里的;具斑点的外轮8-9毫米,花丝紫色棕色在下半部方面,在上半部里乳白色; 2-3毫米的内轮,基部棕色,先端白色和头状;弯曲的盖,褐绿色,折扇状,高的约1.5毫米,膜质; [...] 花盘略带紫色的使成褐色,约0.25毫米高;雌雄蕊柄呈棕色杂色,3-5毫米高。 flora.ac.cn | Coronal filaments in 2 series; outer series 8-9 mm, filaments purple-brown mottled in proximal half, creamy-white in distal half; inner series 2-3 mm, base brown, apex white and capitate; operculum incurved, brownish green, [...] plicate, ca. 1.5 mm tall, membranous; disk purplish brown, ca. [...] 0.25 mm high; androgynophore brown mottled, [...]3-5 mm tall. flora.ac.cn |
花序 7-20 * 3-7.5 厘米,当雄雌同序时雄花在基部和雌花在先端的;鳞片状苞片更大的在花序中部,顶部直径约5毫米。 flora.ac.cn | Inflorescences 7-20 × 3-7.5 [...] cm, when androgynous male flowers toward base and femaleflowers toward [...]apex; scale-like bracts [...]larger at middle of inflorescence, apically ca. 5 mm in diam. flora.ac.cn |