单词 | 雌三醇 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 雌三醇—estriolSee also:雌adj—femaleadj 醇n—alcoholn retinoln acetaln 醇—sterols good wine wine with high alcohol content
血脂主要包括LDL("坏"胆固醇),高密度脂蛋白胆固醇("好"胆固醇)和甘油三酯。 cn.iherb.com | The overall lipid profile includes LDL ("bad") cholesterol, HDL ("good") cholesterol and triglycerides. iherb.com |
三倍体雄鱼可观察到其精子形成,但性腺成熟度较相对的二倍体差;三倍体雌鱼的生殖细胞多停留在偶线期到粗线期,未发现有性成熟个体。 actazool.org | In the testis of triploid males, spermatogenesis was observed suggesting male [...] triploids eventually mature, whereas the [...] oocytes of triploid femaleswere retarded at [...]the zygotene to pachytene (chromosome pairing) [...]stages suggesting that the ovaries of triploid females were undeveloped. actazool.org |
实验结果推测,三倍体虹鳟雌鱼的不育现象看来不是由于雌雄基因组的组成差异而致,更可能是由于三组染色体造成对虹鳟卵巢发育更大的阻力。 actazool.org | These results suggest that [...] the sterility in triploid female sterility may not [...]be caused by genomic differences between male and female. actazool.org |
上述结果说明:(1)社会影响仅对优势雌性个体的繁殖有促进作用;(2)哺乳期雌二醇水平的升高是季节性多次发情的基础。 actazool.org | The above results suggest that: (1) social influences only [...] facilitate reproduction in dominant females, and (2) the [...] elevationof estradiol in lactating [...]females is the basis for female polyestry in this species. actazool.org |
本研究试图揭示(1) [...] 社会环境影响雌性果子狸(Paguma larvata)的交配日期,(2)哺乳期母兽有雌二醇浓度升高的现象。 actazool.org | By studying captive masked palm civets, we aimed to determine if: (1) female civets will come [...] into estrous earlier when presented with homosexual [...] partners, and(2)estradiol level become [...]elevated during lactation. actazool.org |
为探讨猪发情周期不同时期卵泡发育和闭锁的规律及机理,本实验通过TUNEL原位标记、H.E. 染色以及放射免疫测定等手段研究了猪发情周期不同阶段卵巢表面各类卵泡数量的变化、各类卵泡中颗粒细胞的凋亡比例、闭锁卵泡的形态变化以及发情周期各阶段血清孕酮及雌二醇水平的变化等问题。 actazool.org | TUNEL labeling, H. E. staining and other techniques were used to elucidate the pattern of follicular development, atresia, changes in follicle number on the ovarian surface, proportions of apoptotic granulosa cells in follicles of different sizes and morphological changes of atretic follicles, as well as changes in serum estradiel and progesterone levels at different stages of the porcine estrouscycle. actazool.org |
控制血脂:有效控制血胆固醇、血脂 (如低密度和高密度胆固醇、三酸甘油脂)可减低出现心脑血管病的机会达20%至50%。 hsbc.com.hk | Control of blood lipids: Improved [...] controlof cholesterolor blood lipids (for example, HDL, LDL, and triglycerides) [...]can reduce cardiovascular complications by 20% to 50%. hsbc.com.hk |
结果发现:(1)随着密度的升高,布氏田鼠的体重和雄性睾丸的重量有所降低;(2)中密度和高密度饲养条件下雌性的免疫水平高于低密度个体,但密度对雄性个体的免疫状况影响不大;(3)不同密度饲养条件下布氏田鼠血清中的皮质醇含量没有显着差异。 actazool.org | Body weight, spleen weight, testis weight, levels of serum antibodies and serum cortisol were measured. We found that: (1) final body weights and male reproductive organ weights decreased with increasing [...] density; (2) female [...] Brandt〖DK1〗's voles inthe moderate and high density groups had better immune function than those at low density, but the immune functions of male individuals were not significantly affected by density; (3) density had no significant effect on theserum cortisol levelsof both male [...]and female voles. actazool.org |
雌花:萼片三角形;如同在男性里的花瓣; 花盘杯状,5裂; 子房有毛,3室; 胚珠每室1;花柱3,部分合生。 flora.ac.cn | Femaleflowers:sepals triangular; petalsas in [...] male; disk cupular, 5-fid; ovary hairy, 3-locular; ovules 1 per locule; styles 3, partly connate. flora.ac.cn |
通过检查是否排出交配栓并结合交配行为的发生与否确定开始交配的日期,使用放射免疫方法测定尿中雌二醇浓度。 actazool.org | We identified the first day on which copulation occured by checking for the [...] presence of the copulatory plug and mating behaviour, and determined [...] the level ofestradiol by using a radioimmunoassay kit. actazool.org |
巴基斯坦制造的计量吸入器中的活性成分为柳丁氨醇(由上述三个企业制造)、柳丁氨醇/丙酸(由 Macter 和 Zafa 制造)、丙酸(两种不同剂量)、沙美特罗/替卡松(三种 [...] 不同剂量)以及异丙托品、沙美特罗和曲安奈德 (仅由 Macter 制造)。 multilateralfund.org | The active ingredients in MDIs manufactured [...] in Pakistan are salbutamol (manufacturedby the threeenterprises), salbutamol/beclomethasone [...](manufactured [...]by Macter and Zafa), and beclometahsone (two different doses), salmetrol/fluticasone (three different doses), ipratropium, salmeterol and triamcinolone acetonite (manufactured only by Macter). multilateralfund.org |
雌羚在三类生境中花费的采食时间相似,但雄羚表现出对砂地林的偏好。 actazool.org | Female nyala spent a similar proportion of time foraging in all three habitats, whilst [...] males exhibited a preference for sand forest. actazool.org |
早在1998年,世界卫生组织首次颁布了关于代谢综合症的定义并得到了国际性认可,但在美国被最广泛接受并使用的却不是这一个标准而是ATP [...] III中作为指南的那些标准(美国胆固醇教育计划专家组成员检测、评估和治疗成年人高胆固醇血症的第三份报告)。 labtestsonline.org.cn | The World Health Organization (WHO) was the first to publish an internationally accepted definition for metabolic syndrome in 1998, but the criteria that have received the most widespread acceptance and use in the United States are those established as guidelines in the ATP III (the third report of the National [...] Cholesterol Education Program expert panel on Detection, Evaluation, and [...] Treatment of High Blood Cholesterol in Adults). labtestsonline.org.uk |
利用四重用于相对和绝对定量的等量异位标签(isobaric tags for relative and absolute quantification, iTRAQ)标记结合二维液相色谱-串联质谱(two-dimensional liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry, 2D-LC-MS/MS)对雌二醇(17β-oestradiol, E2)和血清各自以及共同作用对MCF7乳腺癌细胞内蛋白质表达的影响进行了比较,共鉴定到置信度在95%以上的蛋白质576种,其中各组相对于正常培养组的细胞共找到26种差异在1倍以上的蛋白质,其中10种上调,16种下调。 chrom-china.com | In this study, isobaric tags for relative and absolute quantification (iTRAQ) labeling coupled with two-dimensional liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (2D-LC-MS/MS) was employed to compare the differential protein expressions in MCF7 cells upon 17β-oestradiol (E2) stimulation or serum deprivation (SD) versus in normal conditions. chrom-china.com |
杂项 此分類包括食物添加剂、调味剂料及调味糖浆、酶、香精油及香精油浓缩 [...] 物的分離物、食物面层流质泡沫物、明胶、明胶制药囊、矽酮抗泡沫乳狀 液 、 液 体 果 胶 及部分丙三醇酯。cfs.gov.hk | This food category comprises of food additives, flavourings and flavouring syrups, enzymes, essential oils and isolates from the concentrates of essential oils, [...] liquid foam headings, gelatin, gelatin capsules, silicone antifoam emulsion, liquid [...] pectin andpartial glycerol esters. cfs.gov.hk |
第二层次为 合成气加工, 合成气加工工艺主要有三条路线:醇类、烃类和其他碳氧化台物 的合成。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The second level is the synthetic gas processing, which [...] mainly includes three routes: synthesis of alcohol, hydrocarbon and [...]other carbon oxidized compound. unesdoc.unesco.org |
如果你血中的胆固醇或甘油三酯水平增高,你需要减少脂肪的摄入,增加 体力活动并且控制体重。 world-heart-federation.org | If you have high cholesterolortriglyceride[...] levels in your blood, you need to eat less fat, stay active, and control your body weight. world-heart-federation.org |
甘油, 丙三醇 cosdna.com | Glycerine cosdna.com |
由于这些研究结果,美国食品和药物管理局(FDA)宣布绝经后女性使用的所有雌激素产品上都必须有警示标签,说明长时间使用该产品会增加心肌梗塞、中风、血栓和乳腺癌的风险。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | Because of these research findings, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) [...] announced that all products for postmenopausal [...] women containing estrogenshouldhave [...]a warning label stating that prolonged use [...]could increase the risk of heart attacks, strokes, blood clots and breast cancer. shanghai.ufh.com.cn |
这些结果提示,HSP70可能与蜕膜反应中基质细胞增殖密切相关,雌二醇对子宫HSP70的表达具有明显的诱导作用 [动物学报 49(3):345~352,2003]。 actazool.org | These results suggest that there is a significant relationship between HSP70 and the proliferation of uterine stroma cell during decidualization, and that dihydroxyestrin has a significant effect on the expression of HSP70 in mouse uteri that is not dosage dependent. actazool.org |
19 世纪早期,在他在牛津大学的最后一年中,他带来一只名为 Trump 的体型小巧、白色和棕黄色相间的雌性梗犬。 eukanuba.com.cn | In his last year at Oxford University in the early 19th century, he bought a small white and tan terrier bitch, which he called Trump. eukanuba.fr |
就在她被发现并嘲笑她的同学,另外两个雌缺乏可爱,Scootaloo,亲爱的美女,站起来,为苹果布鲁姆,保证她仍然有巨大的潜力在她的生活中,其余的社交聚会常客,很快采取更多的在苹果布鲁姆和她的新朋友比钻石头饰和银勺的兴趣。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Just as she is discovered and teased by her [...] classmates, twoother fillies who lackcutie [...]marks, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle, stand [...]up for Apple Bloom, assuring that she still has lots of potential in her life; the rest of the partygoers soon take more interest in Apple Bloom and her new friends than Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon. seekcartoon.com |
Sulfochem™烷基硫酸盐(AS)和烷基醚硫酸盐(AES)的化妆品成分国际命名(INCI)名称包括:十二烷基硫酸铵、十二烷基硫酸钠、月桂醇硫酸镁、椰油基硫酸钠、十二烷基硫酸三乙醇胺、月桂醇聚醚硫酸铵、月桂醇聚醚硫酸钠、肉豆蔻醇聚醚硫酸铵、肉豆蔻醇聚醚硫酸钠和十三烷醇聚醚硫酸钠。 cn.lubrizol.com | Sulfochem™ alkyl sulfates (AS) and alkyl ether sulfates (AES) are also known by their International Nomenclature of Cosmetic Ingredient (INCI) names such as ammonium lauryl sulfate, sodium lauryl sulfate, magnesium lauryl sulfate, sodium cocosulfate, TEA-lauryl sulfate, ammonium laureth sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, ammonium myreth sulfate, sodium myreth sulfate, and sodium trideceth sulfate. lubrizol.com |
计量吸入器的有效成份有沙丁胺醇(由三家企业制造)、沙丁胺醇/倍氯米松(由 Macter [...] 和 Zafa 制造)以及倍氯米松、沙美特罗/氟替卡松、异丙托品、沙美特罗和曲安奈德(仅由 Macter 制造)。 multilateralfund.org | The active ingredients in MDIs are salbutamol [...] (manufactured by thethree enterprises), salbutamol/beclomethasone [...](manufactured by [...]Macter and Zafa), and beclomethasone, salmetrol/fluticasone, ipratropium, salmeterol and triamcinolone acetonite (manufactured only by Macter). multilateralfund.org |
以上三味,加75%乙醇回流提取2小时,滤过,滤液备用;药渣加60%乙醇回流提取1小时,滤过,与上述滤液合并,滤液回收乙醇并浓缩至相对密度为1.3(60℃)的稠膏,备用;药渣再加水煎煮二次,第一次2小时,第二次1小时,滤过,合并滤液,滤液浓缩至相对密度为1.3(60℃)的稠膏,加入上述稠膏,加淀粉适量,混匀,制成颗粒,干燥,装入胶囊,制成1000粒,即得。 taipio.com | Above 3 prescription, plus75% ethanol extract 2 hours, filtration, filtrate back; dregsplus 60% ethanol extract 1 [...] hour, filtered, and the [...]combined filtrate, the filtrate was concentrated to recover ethanol and the relative density of 1.3 (60 ℃) of thick cream, spare; dregs add boiling water twice, the first two hours, the second 1 hour, filtration, combined filtrate, the filtrate was concentrated to the relative density of 1.3 (60 ℃) of thick cream, add the thick paste, add corn starch, mixing, made of particles, drying, into capsules, made 1000. taipio.com |
结果表明(1)一雄两雌组中优势雌兽开始交配的日期显着早于劣势雌兽和单雌组雌兽,劣势雌兽和单雌组雌兽之间无差异;交配期优势雌兽尿液中雌二醇浓度明显高于劣势雌兽,而与单雌组中的雌兽无差异,但单雌组中雌兽尿液中雌二醇的浓度明显高于劣势雌兽雌二醇的浓度;(2)5头母兽产后第二天雌二醇浓度开始上升,在第5天时达到高峰,其中4头母兽的雌二醇浓度共出现了两个峰值,其间隔为16.75±4.46(4)天。 actazool.org | The urine estradiol concentration of the [...] dominant females was 1 909.7±336.7(4) [...] pg/ml, significantly higher than that of the subordinate females (LSD test, P<0.05), which was 320.4±82.65 (5)pg/ml; (2) two days after the parturition, the estradiol concentrationin five mother civets urine rose peaking on the 5th day, and a second peakappeared 16.75±4.46 days later in four of the five mother civets. actazool.org |
这些结果表明:(1)熟悉性对棕色田鼠择偶行为的影响大于对根田鼠的影响;(2)嗅舔时间差异可反映不同田鼠的配偶识别能力,熟悉性对棕色田鼠配偶识别能力的影响大于对根田鼠的影响;(3)2种田鼠配偶识别的性别差异的一致性,提示这2种田鼠的雌性配偶识别能力均强于雄性田鼠,而雌鼠的配偶识别能力可能取决于雌鼠受交配或分娩刺激的生理状态; (4)棕色田鼠室内所表现的择偶行为的两性熟悉性特征与其单配制有关,根田鼠所表现的择偶行为的雌性熟悉性特征与其一雄多雌制有关。 actazool.org | Our results demonstrate: (1) mate choice and mate recognition based on familiarity is more intensive in mandarin voles than in root voles; (2) sniff variant can be regarded as an indication of mate recognition, and the intensity of mate recognition is related to familiarity degree; (3) differential sniff between female and male of two vole species indicates the sexual dimorphism that mate recognition offemales ismore sensitive than that of males in both vole species, based on familiarity; (4) mate recognition of female voles may be dependent on their physiological state stimulated by copulationand parturition. actazool.org |
结果显示,在未受孕的月经周期内,雌猴的邀配行为集中在雌二醇高峰前后,雌猴在卵泡期和黄体期邀配频次显着下降,说明邀配行为受雌二醇水平的调控。 actazool.org | The strong correlations between solicitation and estradiol level suggests thatovarian steroids modulatesexual behavior during the nonfertile cycle [...] in the Sichuan golden monkey. actazool.org |