

单词 集部

External sources (not reviewed)

对大多数技术集部投资低下与传统部门的衰退直接相 关,有碍旨在发展高附加值新部门的多样化工作。
Such underinvestment in most technology-intensive sectorsis directly associated with the decline of traditional sectors and has hampered efforts to diversify into new, high-value-added sectors.
由虚拟走到实体化,SLAMXHYPE集部的杂志《The New Order》,正是这种风格的深化和延伸。
From virtual to reality, the latest offering of SLAMXHYPE is ‘The New Order’ magazine, an in-depth extension of this body of work.
(c) 成立一个小组,并就每一能源或碳 集部立分组,以便通过转让 和推广技术,支持发展中国家的行动(日本,MISC.5/Add.2)。
(c) Establishingagroup with sub-groups for each energy- or carbon-intensive sector tosupport [...]
actions of developing countries
by promoting transfer and dissemination of technology (Japan, MISC.5/Add.2).
This mechanism, which has contributed to the rapid development of
[...] labour-intensive sectors, hasbeen expanded [...]
in the past few years to include personal computer assembly.
用酒精清洗血液集部 ,要让其干燥以防止溶血。
Allow the bloodcollection site to dry after being cleansed with alcohol to prevent hemolysis.
目前,由可回收产品集部 偿管理废物的适当分拣和收集,致 使在过去十年中人均废物产生量减少了 23%。
Proper sorting and
[...] collection of waste is administered by collectionservices for recyclable [...]
products at no cost, resulting
in a 23 per cent reduction of per capita waste generation over the past 10 years.
相比全数通过配售代理进行配售筹集资金,基於 贵公司需就此支付相当於所得款项
[...] 总额3%的配售佣金, 贵公司认为通过大唐认购事项集部金将可减低融资成本, 对 贵公司及其股东整体而言较具成本效益。
Comparing with raising the entire amount of required fund through placing by the Placing Agents which requires the Company to pay the placing commission of 3% on the
gross proceeds, the Company
[...] considers that raising part of the fund through the Datang [...]
Subscriptions will reduce the finance
cost and be more cost-effective to the Company and its Shareholders as a whole.
It may also convene sector-specific meetings [...]
to assess practical aspects of the plan.
在回到马西西后,恩塔甘达将军、Zimurinda、Ngaruye 和 Kaina 上校修筑阵 地,集部试图占领和占领 Mushaki、Karuba、Kilolirwe、Kitchanga 和 Bwiza 的前全国保卫人民大会阵地(见附件 31)。
Zimurinda, Ngaruye and Kaina built up positions, organized theirtroops and sought to occupy former CNDP positions in Mushaki, Karuba, Kilolirwe, Kitchanga and Bwiza (see annex 31).
[...] 项,被认为是在国家经济和社会契约下获得惠益的一个条件,促进对从国家优惠 能源收费标准获益的能源集部 资就是一个例子。
The development of small and medium enterprises to support large-scale projects is also a priority, and it is considered one of the criteria for receiving benefits under the National Economic and Social Pact, for
instance, with regard to promoting
[...] investmentin energyintensivesectors that benefit [...]
from the national preferential rates for energy.
至於THINK SILLY集部欢的Book Tote,可以放置大量书籍杂志,放满以後虽然份量十足,可是两边的手柄仍然可以让人将这个「杂志架」轻易搬移,放在家里或工作间都是很好的室内摆设。
The Book Tote isthe favourite of THINK SILLY editorial, as it allows plenty of space for book and magazine storage. The handles are placed as such that a full bag can be easily lifted, making it a fine object for home and office.
(c) 规定发达国家的绝对排减量,实现的方式为:部门减排目标,纳入能 源集部具有跨界排放的部门,税收和强制措施,并为排放确定 市场价值;加强清洁发展机制使欧盟-排放量交易计划与其他碳市场 挂钩。
(c) Setting absolute reductions in developed countries, achieved via sectoral emission targets, via inclusion of energy intensive sectors and sectors with cross-boundary emissions, via taxation and mandatory measures, and via establishing a market value for FCCC/AWGLCA/2008/16/Rev.1* Page 31
每次当您浏览产品全集的时候, 心水类别会部集起, 方便再次订购。
When you browse the product catalogue, all your favourite aisles are conveniently centrally located for your easy access.
未能归属个别分部之项目,例如总部开支(主要为 部集供予所有经营分部的支援功能费用),并未分配至各须予呈报分部。
Items not specifically attributable to individual segments, such as corporate expenses (mainly costs of supporting functions that are centrally provided by head office to all operating segments), are not allocated to the reportable segments.
一旦蓄电池的电压超出了容许的范围,其 部集 继 电器将跳开,以便把蓄电池同负载隔离开。
If the battery voltage is out of the acceptable range, the integrated relay switches off and separates the battery from the consumers.
我们必须将我们的所有努力部集这一 点,并支持海地政府、海地当局和美洲国家组织。
We must focus all our efforts on this end and support the Haitian Government, its authorities and the Organization of American States.
拟编列 2 168 300 美元的经费,用于支付下列费用:由执行办公室为维和 部和外部集管的信息技术设备维护和修理经常费用,这些费用根据信息 和通信技术厅订立的标准服务级别协议确定,其中维和部和外勤部的数额分别 为 757 500 美元和 657 000 美元;为两个部购置标准信息技术设备的费用,包括 新购和更换台式计算机、膝上型计算机、网络打印机(387 300 美元);根据过去 支出情况计算的中央信息技术基础设施费用(信息储存和备份、应用程序托管服 务、部门服务器等服务)中支助账户的分摊额(366 500 美元)。
The amount of $2,168,300 is proposed to provide for recurring requirements, centrally administered by the Executive Office on behalf of both DPKOand DFS, for the maintenance and repair of information technology equipment based on the standard service-level agreement established by the Office of Information and Communications Technology, in the amounts of $757,500 and $657,000 for DPKO and DFS, respectively; the acquisition of standard information technology equipment, including new and replacement desktop computers, laptop computers and network printers, for both Departments ($387,300); and the support account share ($366,500) of central information technology infrastructure costs (information storage and backup, application hosting, departmental servers and other services) as derived from past expenditure patterns.
剩余 1 233 000 美元的估计数将用于执行办公室代表管理事部 集理的按信息和通信技术厅确定的标准服务级别协定计算的信息技术设备 保养和维修费用(465 000 美元)、按根据过去支出格局推算的中央信息技术基础 [...]
额(471 000 美元)以及购置新标准信息技术设备和取代旧设备的费用(297 000 美 元)。
The estimate of $1,233,000 would cover requirements,
[...] centrallyadministered by the Executive Office on behalf of the Department ofManagement, [...]
for the maintenance and
repair of IT equipment based on standard service-level agreements established by the Office of Information and Communications Technology ($465,000) and the support account share ($471,000) of central information technology infrastructure costs (information storage and backup, application hosting, departmental servers) derived from past expenditure patterns as well as the acquisition of new and replacement standard information technology equipment ($297,000).
MPR083 是部集路通信 (I2C) 驱动的电容式触摸传感器控制器,优化用于管理 8 位回转型电容阵列。
The MPR083 is an Inter-Integrated Circuit Communication (I2C) driven Capacitive Touch Sensor Controller, optimized to manage an 8-position rotary shaped capacitive array.
可以利用软件通过内置的USB接口配置开启授权和开关时间参 数, 并读取部集事件存储器.
Via software and built in USB interface Master Key Plans and time
[...] profiles canbe entered and internal eventmemory [...]
can be read out.
在此职位之前,Mussallem 在 Baxter 所担负的责任越来越大,曾担任过工程、产品开发和高级管理方面的多项职务,其中包括:1994 - 2000年担任心血管事部集总裁、1998 - 2000年担任生物制药事部集总裁。
Prior to his current position, Mussallem held a variety of positions with increasing responsibility in engineering, product development and senior management at Baxter, including groupvice president of its cardiovascular business from 1994 to 2000 andgroup vice president of the biopharmaceutical business from 1998 to 2000.
在此期间,一直在采取过渡措施,拨给总部外的资金均由 部集收处理。
In the meantime, transitional measures have been put in place whereby field funds reservations are received and
[...] processed centrally at Headquarters.
该芯片有丰富的资源:RTC模块可以计算年、月、日、时、分、秒,可以自动进行闰年计算,时间精度可以通过软件修改寄存器调节;有外部晶振和内部RC振荡时钟可以选择,32.768kHz晶振可以使用 部集容;UART模块可以方便用户跟计算机等设备通讯;多种可选择的输出电源可以给外部器件提供稳定的电压; ADC最大可以选择6个通道,输出频率可以选择,可以满足多通道的使用需要,也可以在速度和精度之间做合理的选择;16K字节的OTP,可以当EERPOM使用;频率可设置的BUZ输出;可编程脉冲输出的TIMER模块等。
The IC has a wealth of resources: Up to three differential or six single-ended input channels; adjustable ADC output rate for choice between speed and precision; can select external crystal oscillator or internal RC oscillator as clock source; built-in capacitors for the 32.768kHz crystal circuit; ultra low power LCD driver has high drivingcapacity, gray level is adjustable, programmable boost module allows brightness to be maintained during low voltage condition; selectable voltage source provides a stable excitation to external transducer; RTC module calculates the year, month, week, day, hour, minute, second, and automatically makes the leap year adjustment; time precision can be adjusted by modifying the register through software; UART module for communication with computer or other equipments; 16K bytes OTP can be used as EERPOM; BUZ output frequency selectable; and TIMER module produces programmable pulse output.
除上文披露者外,於最後可行日期,董事并不知悉任何其他人士於本公司的股份或 相关股份中拥有权益或淡仓,而该等权益或淡仓根据证券及期货条例XV 2及3文须向本公司作出披露,或直接或间接拥有面值10%或以上任何类别股本 权益(或与该等股本有关的购股权),而该等股本附有权利可於任何情况下在何其他成员公司的股东大会上投票。
Save as disclosed above, as at the Latest Practical Date, the Directors are not aware of any other person who had an interest or short position in the Shares or underlying Shares of the Company which would fall to be disclosed to the
Company under the provisions
[...] of Divisions 2and 3 of Part XV of the SFO, or who was, directly or indirectly, interested in 10% or more of the nominal value of any class of share capital, or options in respect of such capital, carrying rights to vote in all circumstances at general meetings of any other member of the Group.
在其第 1856(2008)号决议中,安全理事会请我就联刚特派团如何在该国西部
[...] [...] 向联合国国家工作队和双边及多边伙伴逐步移交任务提出建议,以便加强联合国 建设和平机制在刚果民主共和国境内的行动,并使联刚特派团得以在该国部集展工作;向安全理事会通报战略工作计划的制订情况;考虑到当地不断变化 [...]
重返社会方案所面临的挑战以及特派团支助解除武装、复员和重返社会工作的情 况提出建议。
In its resolution 1856 (2008), the Security Council requested me to present recommendations on the progressive handover of tasks from MONUC to the United Nations country team and bilateral and multilateral partners, as far as the western part of the country is concerned, with a view to reinforcing the action of United Nations peacebuilding mechanisms in the Democratic Republic of the
Congo and in order to
[...] permit MONUCto concentrate itsefforts on the eastern partofthe country; [...]
to inform the Security Council
on the development of a strategic workplan; and to provide recommendations on how to address challenges facing the Mission’s disarmament, demobilization, reintegration and resettlement or repatriation programme and its support for disarmament, demobilization and reintegration efforts in view of the evolving political and security situation on the ground.
[...] 域和国际组织的代表、各国议会、国家人权委员会和非政府组织以及专家在 部集筹备 将于年底在开罗举办的第二次论坛。
In contributing to the Dialogue of Cultures and Civilizations, the Steering Committee of the Permanent Forum of Arab-African Dialogue on Democracy and Human Rights, with representatives of regional and international organizations, parliaments, National Human
Rights Commissions and NGOs, as well as
[...] experts, metatHeadquarters in preparation of [...]
the Second Forum to be held in Cairo at the end of the year.
为客户提供从功能需求描述到所需SAP解决方案的定义到方案部署规划和管理的咨询支持,包括 部集的管理和未来IT组织的定义 为大型合并后的一家领先物流供应商管理业务流程及IT系统的全球整合。
Supported the client from the delineation of the functional requirements to the definition of the required SAP solution to the planning and management of the deployments, including the management ofexternal integrators and definition of the future IT organization.
我们一直致力于了解本地客户的需求,如今我们已拥有一支本地的研发团队,能够对这些需求作出响应,”艾默生过程管理流量业总裁 Larry Flatt 谈道,“新的研发中心对我们现有的制造和配送中心是一个补充,将研发工程师与市场、制造和供应链资源放在同一个地方,这种强有力的人才整合将大大增强我们推出创新型解决方案的能力,为我们的客户创造价值并为他们带来无与伦比的工厂绩效。
We continuously strive to understand local customer requirements and now have the ability to respond to those needs with a local design team," said Larry Flatt, Emerson Process Management, vice president, Flow Group.




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