

单词 集中的



focus strategy

注意力集中的 adj

focused adj

See also:

集中 v

focus on v
centraliseBE v
channel v


hit the target
hit the nail on the head

External sources (not reviewed)

選舉事務處應考慮 推出更集中的宣傳 活動,藉此提醒選民盡速在選舉事務處的指 [...]
The REO should consider
[...] launching more focused publicity programmes [...]
to remind electors of the importance of promptly reporting
their new addresses within the deadline specified by the REO.
[...] 括哥伦比亚在内,是世界上非洲人后裔 集中的国 家,他希望国际社会能够支持该草案。
While some of the sponsors of the draft resolution,
including Colombia, were among the countries with
[...] the highest concentration of people of [...]
African descent, he hoped that the entire
international community would support the draft resolution.
由於本集團之客戶數目眾多,且分佈於全球各地,在貿易應收賬項方面並 集中的 信貸 風險。
There is no concentration of credit risk with respect to trade
[...] receivables, as the Group has a large number [...]
of customers that are internationally dispersed.
集中的、国家控制的、指挥和控制的系统依然普遍,但最近 几十年有越来越多地分散渔业管理的趋势。
While centralized, state-controlled, [...]
command-and-control systems are still common, there has been a trend towards increasingly
decentralized fisheries management in recent decades.
为 使所有人都能接受治疗,以色列根据病人的性别、
[...] 年龄、文化和宗教背景提供很大的选择余地,并确 保治疗后集中的社会融入工作。
To provide universal care to its citizens, Israel offered a wide array of options tailored to the gender, age and
cultural and religious background of patients and ensured that treatment
[...] was followed by intensive social rehabilitation work.
[...] a)保证有一个更具战略性、政策 集中的 工 作 方法,b)加强在计划的设计和制定中实行的 [...]
自下而上的方法,c)促使总部和总部外之间、以及多国办事处之间的计划资金分配更加合 理。
He highlighted recent revisions of the programme management cycle by the
Secretariat, designed to: (a) ensure a more
[...] strategic and policy-focused approach; (b) [...]
strengthen the bottom-up approach to programme
design and formulation; and (c) to facilitate a more rational allocation of programme resources between Headquarters and the field as well as between the various cluster offices.
目前涉及食物权的多边贸易制度的主要特点包括:(a) 日益依赖国际 贸易,这种情况在出口商品下跌时会造成出口收入的损失;廉价进口品一旦进入国 内市场,对当地生产者造成威胁,这些生产者无法与其竞争,以及粮食价格一旦上 涨,粮食净进口国的国际收支就会出问题;(b) 在日集中的全球 粮食供应链中可能 会出现滥用市场支配力的情况,以及国内农业部门可能进一步双元化;(c) 对环境及 人的健康和营养的可能影响,虽然这种影响与适足食物权密切相关,但在国际贸易 讨论中一般无视这种影响。
The main impacts of the current multilateral trade regime on the right to food include: (a) increased dependency on international trade which may lead to loss of export revenues when the prices of export commodities go down, threats to local producers when low-priced imports arrive on the domestic markets, against which these producers are unable to compete, and balance of payments problems for the net food-importing countries when the prices of food commodities go up; (b) potential abuses of market power in increasingly concentrated global food supply chains and further dualization of the domestic farming sector; and (c) potential impacts on the environment and on human health and nutrition, impacts that are usually ignored in international trade discussions, despite their close relationship to the right to adequate food.
只有在指挥系集中的阿比 让,合作才令人满意。
Only in Abidjan, where the
[...] chain of command is centralized, was the cooperation [...]
刪 除 “近期流感盛 行”, 並以“面 對 流感的 持 續 威 脅 ” 代 替 ; 在 “加強傳染 病 防控工 作 ” 之 後 刪
除 “ , ” , 並以“;”代 替 ;
[...] 在 “ 所 有長者 ” 之 後 加上“和兒童”;及在“新的 疫 苗 ” 之 後 加上“; 檢 討現時在幼稚園、 學 校 、 老 人 院 舍 、 醫 療 機構及人集中 的 公 共 設施內的 防 感 染措施, 增 撥 資 源 為 這些機構完 善 傳 染 病 的 防控工 作 ; 改 善 環境衞生,包括加 強 滅 鼠 和 滅蚊的工作 ;以及 [...]
加 強教育 ,提升 個 人衞生意 識 ” 。
To delete "as influenza has been prevalent recently and there is" after "That," and substitute with "in the face of continuous threat of influenza and"; to delete "," after "strengthen the prevention and control of communicable diseases" and substitute with ";"; to add "and children" after "all elderly people"; and to add "; review the
existing infection
[...] control measures in kindergartens, schools, residential care homes for the elderly, medical institutions and public facilities with high pedestrian flow and allocate more [...]
resources for these
institutions to improve the prevention and control of communicable diseases; improve environmental hygiene, including strengthening anti-rodent and anti-mosquito efforts; and step up education to enhance the awareness of personal hygiene" after "diseases and vaccines".
考虑以下项目是数 据集中的良好 做法:一览表(注明数据报告的方式、时间、报告 人和接收人,以及什么类别的数据是可接受的);收集数据使用的 标准形式;详细的数据限制条件(用于记录数据值是否以计量、计 算或估计为依据);不确定和限制性数据(检测范围详情、现有样 本数);作业环境详情(现行过程操作和/或环境条件详情)。
Considerations of the following items are good practice in data collection: schedules (stating how, when, by whom and to whom the data are to be reported, and what types of data are acceptable); use of standard forms for collecting data; data qualification details (used to record whether data values are based on measurements, calculations or estimations); uncertainties and limitations data (details of detection limits, numbers of samples available); operational context details (details of the prevailing process operations and/or environmental conditions).
根据多份报告,正如科威特国家臭 氧机构非常明确地表述的那样,任何在设备供应、时机选择和专业知识方面 缺集中的行为 都会造成重大拖延、分歧和问题,而这些又可能会在很大程 度上对项目的执行工作产生负面影响。
According to a number of reports, as expressed very clearly by the NOU of Kuwait, any lack of convergence in equipment supply, timing and expertise leads to significant delays, discrepancies and problems that may, to a considerable extent, adversely affect the implementation of the project.
至于塞尔维亚的整体竞争 水平,该国的一些市场是高集中的 , 尤 其是食品零售业和奶业。
As to the overall level of competition in Serbia, several markets in
[...] Serbia were highly concentrated, in particular [...]
food retail and milk.
与研究和政策相关的工作涉及当前 的一些重要问题,从初级商品市场的管理和生产与贸易高 集中的 问 题 ,到外国 直接投资的作用、官方发展援助的有效性、债务挑战、区域和多边层面的贸易谈 判,以及南南合作发挥的日益重要的作用等,不一而足。
The research and policy work has addressed current and priority issues ranging from, inter alia, the management of commodity markets and high concentration of production and trade, to the role of foreign direct investment, the effectiveness of official development assistance, the debt challenge, trade negotiations at the regional and multilateral level, and the increasing importance of South-South Cooperation.
然而,美国商业部 长骆家辉(Gary Locke)在总统科学技术顾问委员会的讲话中曾 经这样评论:“美国的创新生态系统有失完整,从而不能有效地激 励人们或者分配资源去产生新的创意并在这些创意的基础上进集中的研究 ,之后再把它们商业化进而创造好的工作机会。
However, as Gary Locke, U.S. Secretary of Commerce, remarked to the President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology, “America has a broken innovation ecosystem that does not efficiently create the right incentives or allocate enough resources to generate new ideas; develop those ideas with focused research; and turn them into businesses that can create good jobs.
柬埔寨的发展成果的评估提出,开发署应与其他机构合作,更多地参与农 村发展,因为农村是贫穷现象 集中的 地 方 [3 ]。
The Cambodia ADR suggests that UNDP should be more involved
in rural development, in cooperation with other agencies, because that is where
[...] poverty is most heavily concentrated [3].
委员会关切地感到,现有数据库和统计数字 使得缔约国难以继续采取更集中的 方 式 扩大社会投资,尤其是针对儿童和青少 [...]
The Committee is concerned that the existing databases and statistics make it difficult for the State
party to continue expanding social
[...] investment in a more focused way and especially [...]
with regard to targeting investment to
children and adolescents, in particular children in disadvantaged provinces and groups.
[...] 与公共工程部合作,确定人口和农业中心,以便修建支线公路,将农业生 集中 的地区 与利比里亚市场连接起来;提供独立的仓库和与技术中心相连接的仓库, [...]
为农业部工作人员提供了有关规划、收获、食品储存和渔业现代技术方面的广泛 培训。
Some noteworthy initiatives include: providing technical and training support to farmers around the country; providing seeds, fertilizers, and farming equipment to farmers; in collaboration with the Ministry
of Public Works, identifying population
[...] and agricultural centers to build feeder [...]
roads connecting areas with high agricultural
production with Liberian markets; providing freestanding warehouses and warehouses connected to technology centers for the safe storage of agricultural products; and, appreciating the lack of trained personnel in all areas of the agricultural sector, extensively training Ministry of Agriculture staff in modern techniques relating to planting, harvesting, food storage, and fisheries.
在这种情况下,更有前途的是发展中国家的公私合伙企业网络,它们利用了公共部门机集中的研究 资源,并抓住机会建立私营领域的研究能力。
More promising in this context might be a network of public-private partnerships in developing countries, taking advantage of the concentration of research resources in public sector institutions but also the opportunity to build research capacity in the private sector.
[...] 卫生主管单位似乎不可能比照所有信息;其次,这样一个权 集中的 机 构似乎也 不可能为促进、恢复及保持健康的水平在世界各地任何地点任何时间以适当的方 [...]
Firstly, it is unlikely that such an authority would be able to collate
full information, and secondly, it is
[...] unlikely that a centralized authority could [...]
take all appropriate actions in the appropriate
way to promote, restore and maintain health at any given time everywhere in the world.
交易被记录在一集中的“分类账簿”中,记录买进的物品价值(贷方)及卖出的物品价值(借方)——类似于数据交 [...]
Transactions are recorded in a centralized“ledger”which records [...]
the value of the items purchased (debit) and sold (credit)
- much like a clearinghouse does for stocks, or a commercial bank does for checks.
为增强并促进为在武装冲突期间遭强迫失踪的受害者伸张正义、寻求真相和争取 赔偿的机制,缔约国应通过第3590
[...] 号法律草案,组建国家调查失踪人员的委员 会,为之提供必备的人力和物质资源,并建立单 集中的 失 踪 人员登记处。
In order to promote and facilitate the mechanisms for justice, truth and reparation for victims of forced disappearances committed during the armed conflict, the State party should adopt draft act No. 3590 on the establishment of a national commission to investigate the whereabouts of disappeared persons,
provide it with the necessary human and material resources and
[...] establish a single centralized registry of disappeared [...]
有了 Dell
[...] 開創的彈性運算解決方案,即隨選桌上型電腦串流,這些問題便能迎刃而解,並在安全性與可用性之間取得平衡,為 IT 管理員提集中的資料控制,以確保安全性與遵循法規,而不影響使用者的作業方式。
With Dell’s initial Flexible Computing Solution, On-Demand Desktop Streaming, those issues can be resolved with a balance
between security and usability, offering IT
[...] administrators centralized data control to [...]
help ensure security and compliance without
affecting the way end-users work.
为了保证 此 IT 系统全天候 24
[...] 小时不 间断运作,公司将逐步使用 IGEL 的集中式瘦客户 机替换现有的本地 PC 机。
To ensure the availability of this IT
system 24 hours a day, the company is gradually replacing its existing
[...] local PCs with centralized thin clients from IGEL.
它们是:利息收入;通过国家办事处预算外账户流动的当地管理 的项目费用的分派(以前为执行支助服务);通 过 机 构 预算外账户流的集中管理 的项目费用的分派(见第93-94 段)。
They represent: interest income; the attribution of project costs that are locally managed and flow through country-office extrabudgetary accounts (formerly implementation support services); and the attribution of project costs that are centrally managed and flow through corporate extrabudgetary accounts (see paragraphs 93 to 94).
人力厅也将确保在和平行动和总部维和部/外勤部部署学习管理系统,这 将提供一个用于管理秘书处全球各地的学员、课程、教师、场所以及实时和虚拟 学习活的集中化和标准化的平台。
The Office of Human Resources Management will also ensure the deployment of the learning management system in peace operations and DPKO/DFS at Headquarters, which will provide a centralized and standardized platform for the management of learners, courses, instructors and venues, and both live and virtual learning events in all locations of the global Secretariat.
关于国际合作的未来,进一步的工作可能需要包括建立一个 合作联络的集中名单 ,信息共享的博客,网上讲座,案例警示,以及合作价值 [...]
Future work on international cooperation could include
[...] the creation of a centralized list of cooperation [...]
liaisons, blogs to share information,
webinars, case alerts and the development of guidelines and advocacy materials on the value of cooperation.
剩余 1 233 000 美元的估计数将用于执行办公室代表管理事务集中管理的按信 息和通信技术厅确定的标准服务级别协定计算的信息技术设备 保养和维修费用(465 000 美元)、按根据过去支出格局推算的中央信息技术基础 设施(信息储存和备份、应用程序托管服务、部门的服务器)费用中的支助账户份 额(471 000 美元)以及购置新标准信息技术设备和取代旧设备的费用(297 000 美 元)。
The estimate of $1,233,000 would cover requirements, centrally administered by the Executive Office on behalf of the Department of Management, for the maintenance and repair of IT equipment based on standard service-level agreements established by the Office of Information and Communications Technology ($465,000) and the support account share ($471,000) of central information technology infrastructure costs (information storage and backup, application hosting, departmental servers) derived from past expenditure patterns as well as the acquisition of new and replacement standard information technology equipment ($297,000).
从介绍非中化战略实施问题的点击信息上一下便能清楚地看出,非 中 化 不 应被理 解为一中央集权的整体 的解体,而应当被看作是一个以系统概念为基础的新机制的建立。
It was immediately clear from the information on the implementation of
[...] decentralization strategy that it should not be seen as the dismantling of a centralized bloc, but rather as the establishment of new arrangements based on the [...]
system concept.
一些具体意见如下:营销母乳代用品方面的法典参考很重要;法典应该通用,着重 保护一些尚无适当食品质量控制措施国家的消费者;法典 集中 在第 3 条的核心 规则方 面,不应当用来解决与遵守有关的问题,遵守问题应由食品进出口检验和认证系统委员会 来处理;一些发展中国家的文盲问题对向消费者提供信息和提高他们对食品安全问题的认 识来说可能是个挑战;该法典不应重申法典文本或世界贸易组织协议里现有的规定。
A number of specific comments were made as follows: the reference of the Code on the Marketing of Breast Milk Substitutes is important; the Code should be generic and focus on the protection of consumers in countries which do not have adequate control measures for food quality; the Code should concentrate on the core provisions in Article 3 and should not be used to resolve issues dealing with compliance, which should be addressed by the CCFICS; the problem of illiteracy in some developing countries may be a challenge in order to provide consumer information and raise their awareness on food safety issues; and the Code should not reiterate existing provisions in Codex texts or the WTO agreements.
部分委員反映中小企對競委會權力過 集中 所 表 達 的關 注 ,因為競委會將負責就詮釋違反行為守則的行為制訂指引、進行 調查及提出檢控的職能。
Some members have relayed the concerns of SMEs about the concentration of too much power in the Commission, which would be playing the roles of drawing up guidelines on interpretation of contravention of conduct rules, investigation and prosecution.




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