

单词 集中于


使注意力集中于 v

centre v

See also:

集中 v

focus on v
centraliseBE v
channel v

External sources (not reviewed)

而且指出,数据过集中于单一 数据库可能妨碍调查和其 他执法相关活动期间的数据检索。
Moreover, it was noted that over-concentration of data in a single database might hinder data retrieval during investigations and other enforcement-related activities.
还有一些组织则认为,教科文组织应将其行 集中于 实 地 的重大和具 体项目。
Others felt that UNESCO should focus its action on major, concrete projects in the field.
在这方面,委员会获悉,设想的一个控制费用方案是审查本 组织的风险概况和重新评估申报资格标准,以将方案的重 集中于 高 风 险群体。
In this connection, the Committee was informed that one option envisaged for containing costs was to review the risk profiles of the Organization and to
reassess the filing eligibility criteria,
[...] with a view to concentrating the focus of the programme on higher-risk groups.
这项行动包含了若干关键性目标:调整法定的四年一度的全国委员会会议的目标,使集中于重大 计划行动;在总干事就计划与预算草案进行地区磋商工作中,要采取先多国、 [...]
后地区会议的方式,以在制定 C/4 和 C/5 文件时真正落实自下而上的计划编制原则;许多各
个层次的全国委员会工作人员培训班或研讨会举办地点将既要考虑总部也要考虑总部外办事 处,尤其要注意提升作为非集中化进程基石的“多国”概念;以参与计划为主要渠道,向全 国委员会提供办公设备,以提高它们的管理能力。
This action has included a number of key objectives: refocusing the Statutory
and Quadrennial Conferences of National
[...] Commissions to concentrate on major programme [...]
initiatives; streamlining the Director-General’s
regional consultations on the draft programme and budget by basing these first on cluster and then on regional meetings so as to assure a bottom-up approach to planning on the draft C/4 and draft C/5 documents; the holding of numerous training seminars and workshops for all levels of National Commission staff both at Headquarters and in the field with particular attention to promoting the cluster concept that underpins the decentralization process; and the provision of office equipment, mainly via the Participation Programme, to support the managerial capacities of National Commissions.
改善母亲健康的活动主集中于在一 线卫生设施(综合卫生中心)和医院提 供综合产前护理;为母亲和 [...]
0-15 岁儿童免费治疗疟疾;向感染艾滋病毒/艾滋病 的患者提供免费医疗;向母亲发放经杀虫剂处理过的蚊帐;为综合保健中心和转 诊医院配置设备和必要的和急用的产科和新生儿护理药物;对产科人员和保健中
心进行必要的产科及新生儿保健和基本急救方面的现场全面培训/进修;对孕妇 和儿童正常进行免疫接种;母亲正常补铁,儿童和产后期的母亲补维生素 A。
Activities to improve maternal
[...] health include integrating prenatal follow-up [...]
care within all front-line health facilities
(Integrated Health Centres) and hospitals; making malaria treatment free to mothers and children up to 15 years of age; provision of free medical care to people living with HIV/AIDS; distributing insecticide-treated mosquito nets to mothers; provision of equipment and medication for basic and emergency obstetric and neonatal care to Integrated Health Centres and national referral hospitals; on-site training in/review of basic and emergency obstetric and neonatal care and comprehensive first-aid care for maternal health-care workers and at Integrated Health Centres; systematic vaccination of pregnant women and children; systematic administration of iron to mothers and vitamin A to children and to mothers post-partum.
由于执行委员会今后的工 作可能需要更集中于监测 这些项目的进展情况,本文件的目的是讨论如何拟定一种新的 措施以便利监测的阶段。
Since future work of the Executive Committee would probably need to focus more on monitoring the progress of already approved projects, this document was intended to address the development of a new tool to facilitate the monitoring stage.
集中于某一地区会进一步导致不公平情绪,引发分离 主义和内战。
The concentration of wealth in a particular region of the country further leads to grievances which can fuel separatism and civil war.
许多发言者指出,绝大部分外国直接投 集中于 采 矿 业和初级商品,这些 部门与国内其他经济部门的联系很少,而且没有多少创造就业的空间,很容易受 [...]
Many speakers noted that the bulk of foreign direct
[...] investment had been concentrated in extractive industries [...]
and commodities,
which were sectors with few links to the rest of the domestic economy with little space for job creation and high exposure to external shocks.
在 2010 年对国家办事处进行的审集中于三 大职能领域:(a) 治理,包括 权力和职责的下放、管理制度和操守意识;(b) 方案的管理,强调规划、伙伴关 系管理,结果的监测与评价;及(c) 业务的管理,着重于财务和资产管理及信息 和通信技术的管理。
Country office audits
[...] conducted in 2010 focused on three main functional areas: (a) governance, including delegation of authority and responsibilities, management systems and [...]
ethical awareness; (b)
management of programmes, with emphasis on planning, partnership management, results monitoring and evaluation; and (c) operations management, focusing on financial and asset management and management of information and communication technology.
亚太统计所 2009 年的培训方案主集中于开发 官方统计人员在以下 领域的官方统计国际商定标准、方法和框架方面的技能并提高其知识水平:(a) [...]
为监测千年发展目标的进展情况推动和编制高质量的可靠数据;(b) 实施 1993/2008 年的国民核算体系;并(c)
In 2009, the SIAP training programme focused on developing [...]
the skills and improving the knowledge of official statisticians
on internationally agreed standards, methods and frameworks for official statistics in the following areas: (a) promoting and generating high-quality and reliable data to monitor the progress of the Millennium Development Goals; (b) implementing the 1993/2008 System of National Accounts (SNA); and (c) processing, analysing and disseminating data.
[...] 战和脆弱性方面的行动,秘书处的工 集中于 以 下 四个主要领域:维持亚太 区域的活力;加强社会包容性和公正性;努力实现可持续发展和加强韧力; [...]
She informed the Commission that the work of the
[...] secretariat had been focused on four key areas [...]
to direct and shape efforts to deal with
the challenges and vulnerabilities: sustaining Asia-Pacific dynamism; building social inclusion and equity; pursuing sustainable development and resilience; and working for greater regional economic integration and support for countries in transition.
集中于如何克 服这些障碍,以及少数群体妇女、其社区、非政府组织、各国政府和联合国如何 共同保障少数群体妇女的有效政治参与权。
Discussions focused on overcoming obstacles and how minority [...]
women, their communities, NGOs, Governments and the United
Nations can collaborate to ensure that the right of minority women to effective political participation is realized.
这种战略应有助于优化成本和 将各种努力及现有资集中于创造 有利的条件,以便 加强政治解决、防止冲突死灰复燃和确保有效的冲突 [...]
Such strategies should help to
optimize costs and to focus efforts and
[...] existing resources on creating conditions [...]
favourable to strengthening political
settlements, preventing the recurrence of conflicts and ensuring effective postconflict peacebuilding.
赠款项集中于提 供 免费法律援助,宣传批准《经济、社会、文化权利国际公约任择议定书》,提 [...]
高对有关住房权的国家立法和国际标准的认识,以及通过创作视频和电影开展宣 传工作。
Grant projects focus on provision of [...]
free legal aid, advocacy for ratification of the Optional Protocol to the Covenant
on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, raising awareness about the relevant national legislation on housing rights and international standards as well as advocacy through creation of video reels and films.
秘书处承认表中公式可以 成为辅助审查拟议预算的有益工具,将审查注意 集中于 导 致某一职能人员配置 水平偏离有关公式所预测数字而且超过表中显示误差幅度的预算提议。
The Secretariat recognizes that the formulae shown in the table can serve as a useful tool in reviewing budget proposals, by focusing scrutiny on proposals that would cause staffing levels for a function to deviate from the number projected by the relevant formula by more than the margin of error indicated in the formulae.
中国的担集中于非常不平衡 的经济模式和需求不足。
China’s concerns were focused on the still very uneven economic model and the lack of consumption.
工发组织代表解释 说,维修行业的活集中于处理在设备维修中使用的 HCFC - 141b 的淘汰,因此与执行委 员会的指导方针相符。
The representative of UNIDO explained that the activities in the servicing sector focused on addressing the phase-out of HCFC-141b used in servicing equipment, and so were in line with Executive Committee’s guidelines.
特别是已采取哪些措施调集中于城 市 中心的医务人员,解 决护士和药剂师不足的问题?
In particular, what measures have been taken to redeploy
[...] medical staff concentrated in urban centres [...]
and address the shortage of nurses and paramedical personnel?
[...] 置,将重点放在达尔富尔安全威胁最大的地区,军事人 集中于 武 装 冲突地区, 保障地区安全,警察则集中应对境内流离失所者聚居地区的犯罪威胁,并建设支 [...]
In the light of the findings of the conflict assessment, the review recommended that UNAMID uniformed personnel be reconfigured to focus on the areas in Darfur with the
highest security threats, with the military
[...] focusing on areas of armed conflict and [...]
the provision of area security, while the
police would concentrate on threats of criminality in high IDP concentration areas and capacity-building to support returns.
批评集中于以下 事实,即证据不足以 认定 Sphinx, Ltd.的开曼程序属于外国程序、外国主要程序或外国非主要程序, 因此,应当拒绝承认,因为根据《示范法》,承认必须以管辖权和法规为基础, 而不是仅仅以礼让为基础。
Criticism also centred around the fact that the evidence was not sufficient to find Sphinx, Ltd. a foreign proceeding, a foreign main proceeding or a foreign non-main proceeding and therefore recognition should have been denied, as recognition must be upon a jurisdictional and statutory basis under the Model Law rather than on mere comity.
[...] 最不发达国家在国际贸易中的集体份额几乎增加了一倍,但仍然很低,仅略超过 世界商品贸易的 1%,而且高集中于几种出口产品。
Least developed countries’ collective share in international trade has nearly doubled over the past 10 years, but it
remains very low, at just over 1 per cent of world merchandise
[...] trade, and is highly concentrated on a few export products.
此外,还应将世界范围的努集中于 保 护儿 童和青少年不受犯罪特别是暴力所害,并保护环境和生活条件不富裕的儿童和 青少年;保护儿童免受犯罪和社会病态现象伤害;以及保护家庭暴力的儿童证 [...]
Further, worldwide
[...] effort should focus on protecting children and youth from crime, in particular [...]
from violence, and children
and youth coming from economically disadvantaged environments and living conditions; protecting children from crime and socio-pathological phenomena; and protecting child witnesses of domestic violence as well as child offenders.
我国今天上午的发言集中于三个 主要领域:安 全,选举后的政治发展,以及经济和区域合作。
Our intervention this morning will focus on three principal areas: security, political post-electoral development, and economic and regional cooperation.
项目简介: Kermeta是一种面向模型的语言填补了元语言如MOF,EMOF和Ecore的空白,这些元语言主要 集中于 结 构 上的规范说明没有内置支持对行为的定义。
Project Information: Kermeta is a model-oriented language filled the meta-language such as MOF, EMOF and Ecore blank , these meta-language is mainly focused on the structure of the specification is not built-in support for the definition of the act .
这些例 子主集中于为有 效地实施竞争法建立必要的基础,包括向政府、部门监管者、 企业及法院开展的倡导工作。
The main focus was on building the necessary foundations for effective enforcement of their competition law, including advocacy with government, sector regulators, business and the courts.
关于联阿援助团。虽然咨询委员会不反对 2010 年进行的结构调整,以使该特派团一致处理安全理事 会第 1917(2010)号决议和秘书长关于阿富汗局势的 报告(A/64/872)中所列的经过调整的优先事项,以及 精简报告关系和消除职能的重复,但委员会认为,持 续的结构调整造成不必要的注意力分散,不 集中于 所要求的任务交付,必须在某一时点找到平衡,巩固 局面。
With regard to UNAMA, while the Advisory Committee did not object to the structural reorganization undertaken in 2010, which should align the Mission’s response to the refocused priorities laid out in Security Council resolution 1917 (2010) and in the Secretary General’s report on the situation in Afghanistan (A/64/872), as well as streamline reporting lines and eliminate duplication of functions, it believed that continual restructuring exercises created unnecessary distraction and detracted from the required focus on mandate delivery.
小岛屿发展中国家为适应气候变化的措施作出了很大努力,但迄今取得的进 展似集中于公共 宣传、开展研究和政策制订,而不是执行工作。
Small island developing States have made major efforts to carry out climatechange adaptation measures, but progress thus far has seemed to focus on public awareness, research and policy development rather than on implementation.
描述:在考虑到科学和技术发展的同时,审查和制定食品质量食典标准和相关文本以确保其原属 特性自然产生的并同时保持包容性,反映全球的变化 集中于 基 本 特性以避免过度的描述和超出 必要的贸易限制,同时尊重食典委的基本目标,考虑对于所有的成员国的技术的和经济的含义, 以及发展中国家包括基础设施、资源、技术和法律的能力在内的特殊需要。
Description: Review and develop Codex standards and related texts for food quality, taking into account scientific and technological developments, to ensure that they are generic in nature and whilst maintaining inclusiveness, reflect global variations and focus on essential characteristics so as to avoidbeing overly prescriptive and not more trade restrictive than necessary, while respecting the basic objectives of the CAC, taking into consideration the technical and economic implications for all members as well as the special needs of developing countries including infrastructure, resources and technical and legal capabilities.
为此缔约国注意到,这些“个人”来 文注意的是失踪现象发生的整体背景,只 集中于 执 法当局的行为,从未提到各 种武装团伙的行为,这些团伙采用了违法的伪装技术让武装部队来承担责任。
The State party observes in this connection that these “individual” communications dwell on the general context in which the disappearances occurred, focusing solely on the actions of the security forces and never mentioning those of the various armed groups that used criminal concealment techniques to incriminate the armed forces.
1993 年中期,因特网上只有不到 200 个网站,但是到 2000 年下半年已有 2 千万个;到 2005 年因特网用户的数量可望达到 10 亿,虽然大多数集中于发达 国家(联合国开发计 划署 2001 年)。
In mid-1993, there were fewer than 200 websites on the Internet but by late 2000, there were 20 million; and the number of Internet users is expected to reach 1 billion by 2005, though most of these will still be in the developed countries (UNDP 2001).




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