单词 | 雅美族 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 雅美族—Tao or Yami, one of the indigenous peoples of TaiwanSee also:雅adj—elegantadj 族—race ethnicity nationality clan
根据上市规则第14A章,加美-美雅主协议项下拟进行之交易构成本公司之持续关连交易。 equitynet.com.hk | The transactions contemplated by the Kimberly-Mayer Master Agreement constitute continuing connected transactions for the Company under Chapter 14A of the Listing Rules. equitynet.com.hk |
在过去的岁月 [...] 里,Biltmore 饱经沧桑,包括在二战后期成为 VA 医院,但如今它再一次代表了优雅、美丽和平静。 igel.com | Over the years, the Biltmore has passed through many [...] incarnations, including a post-World War II stint as a VA hospital, but today it is [...] againaplace of elegance,beauty and calm. igel.com |
玛雅族领导人 联 盟在美洲人权委员会以及联 合 国 消 除 种族歧视委员会 上 ,并向 [...] 土 着 人权利问题特别报告员提出了 引 人关注 的 问题。 daccess-ods.un.org | The MLA has raised issues of [...] concern at the Inter AmericanCommission on Human [...]Rights and the United Nations Committee for [...]the Elimination of Racial Discrimination and with the Special Rapporteur for Indigenous Rights. daccess-ods.un.org |
必须说的是我发现这些歌曲有很多的贵族、优雅和美丽。 zh.cantorion.org | It must be said that I find that these songs [...] have a lot of nobility, Grace and beauty. cantorion.org |
有四个民族在危地马拉领土内共同生活,因此也 具有多样化和复杂的特点:玛雅族、加 里福那族、新卡族和西班牙裔/美斯蒂斯 索族,彼此之间通过 23 种不同的语言交往。 daccess-ods.un.org | It is also diverse and complex, with four peoples coexisting in its territory: Maya, Garífuna, Xinka and non-indigenous, interacting in 23 separate languages. daccess-ods.un.org |
随后,阿尔巴尼亚、安道尔、亚美尼亚、 多民族玻利维亚国、喀麦隆、加拿大、萨尔瓦多、芬兰、危地马拉、冰岛、印 度、日本、马达加斯加、马尔代夫、黑山、尼泊尔、尼加拉瓜、巴拉圭、摩尔多 瓦共和国、俄罗斯联邦、塞内加尔、塞尔维亚、斯洛伐克、土耳其、美利坚合众 国和赞比亚加入为提案国。 daccess-ods.un.org | Subsequently, Albania, Andorra,Armenia,Bolivia (Plurinational State of), Cameroon, Canada, El Salvador, Finland, Guatemala, Iceland, India, Japan, Madagascar, Maldives, Montenegro, Nepal, Nicaragua, Paraguay, the Republic of Moldova, Russian Federation, Senegal, Serbia, Slovakia, Turkey, the United States of America and Zambia joined the sponsors. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们信仰安拉和他启示给我们的,和他赐给伊 布拉欣、伊斯马义、伊斯哈克、雅谷 跟各部族的天启,以及他们的主赐给姆撒和尔撒同先知们的 [...] 经典”(《古兰经》,II:136)。 daccess-ods.un.org | We believe in God and in what has been revealed [...] to us and what was revealed to [...] Abraham, Ismail,Isaac,Jacob and thetribes and in [...]the books given to Moses, Jesus and the [...]prophets from their Lord” ( The Holy Koran, II:136). daccess-ods.un.org |
S.M. 的兄弟显然与他们的亚美尼亚族母亲住在一起,但却未因其 族裔遇到任何困难。 daccess-ods.un.org | Moreover, it seems very contradictory that S.M.'s brother, who apparently [...] lives with their Armenian mother, has not [...]experienced any difficulties due to his ethnicity. daccess-ods.un.org |
就其本身而言,汽车行业的增长,豪雅家族对这个新的运动方式,是充满激情的检测,将彻底改变世界,是一个巨大的成功。 zh.horloger-paris.com | For its part, the automotive industry [...] also grew,and Heuerfamilyis passionate [...]about this new way of moving, sensing that [...]will revolutionize the world, be a resounding success. en.horloger-paris.com |
为增强维护亚美尼亚族、马龙派教徒和拉丁人的身份、文化和历史,所有各区均 各自开设了不同的学校,而来自上述各群体的学生都得到了国家的补助。 daccess-ods.un.org | To promote the preservation of the identity, culture and history of theArmenians,Maronites and Latins, respective schools are operating in all districts and students from these groups are subsidized by the State. daccess-ods.un.org |
俄罗斯族人、雅兹迪人、库尔德人和亚述人均向教育和科学部申请了采用 本民族语言教学。 daccess-ods.un.org | Russians, Yezidis, Kurds, Assyrians [...] applied to the Ministry of Education and Science with a request of conducting teaching in their national languages. daccess-ods.un.org |
托莱多区的其他 38 个村也向最高法院提出了类似的诉讼,要求各法院承 认这些村子玛雅族的习惯土地权。 daccess-ods.un.org | Thirty-eight other villages in the Toledo District have initiated a [...] similar action in the Supreme Court seeking to have the [...] Courts recognize the Maya’s customary land rights in these [...]villages. daccess-ods.un.org |
另外,表盘上还显示黑色的Jack签名以及可追溯到15世纪的豪雅家族盾徽。 hautehorlogerie.org | In addition it shows on its back Jack’s signature [...] together with theHeuer familycoat ofarms, [...]that date back from the 15th century. hautehorlogerie.org |
另一个正面的发展情况是,6 月 14 日,伊拉克联邦法院通过一项裁决,根据 最近一次全国人口普查的数字,按照雅兹迪人口的比例,增加雅兹迪 少数民族群体在国民议会中的席位。 daccess-ods.un.org | In a further positive development, on 14 June the Iraqi Federal Court passed a ruling increasing the number of seats in the Council of Representatives for the Yezidi minority group in proportion to their population in accordance with the figures from the most recent national census. daccess-ods.un.org |
这些裁决 类 似于美洲人权法院 关 于根据习惯用途和 惯 例 对玛雅族的公共财产划定范围,划界 线 , 给予所有权或者 进行保护的建 议。 daccess-ods.un.org | These findings were similar to the [...] recommendations of the Inter American Commission on Human Rights with respect to delimiting, demarcating, titling or otherwise protecting Mayan communalproperty [...]based on customary use and practice. daccess-ods.un.org |
国际危机组织在其 2005 年 9 月的报告中指出,“据独立评估,军队中的亚美尼亚族人有8 500 名来自卡拉巴赫,10 000 名来自亚美尼亚”,而且“许多从亚 美尼亚应征入伍的士兵和雇佣兵继续服役于纳卡[纳戈尔诺-卡拉巴赫 ]”,而以前 从埃里温和亚美尼亚其他城镇应征入伍的士兵则告诉危机小组,他们在前往招募 局报名后,似乎就立即被不分青红皂白地送到纳戈尔诺-卡拉巴赫地区及被占领 地区。 daccess-ods.un.org | The International Crisis Group noted in its September 2005 report that “[a]ccording to an independent assessment, there are 8,500 Karabakh Armenians in the army and 10,000 from Armenia” and that “many conscripts and contracted soldiers from Armenia continue to serve in NK [Nagorny Karabakh]”, while “[f]ormer conscripts from Yerevan and other towns in Armenia have told Crisis Group they were seemingly arbitrarily sent to Nagorno-Karabakh and the occupied districts immediately after presenting themselves to the recruitment bureau. daccess-ods.un.org |
例 如,一个民权团体立即向联合国提交了关于蓄意部分消灭美国的非裔美国人群体 的案件,但没有收到任何回复。4 出现一些明显的问题,诸如美国之所以尚未批 准该公约就是因为对非裔美国人的种族暴力犯罪不受惩罚等问题;5 另外还指 出,根据《公约》,只有国家才有权向联合国,特别是向国际法院提出对其他国 家的灭绝种族指控,因为该法院是《公约》规定的具有管辖权的国际法院(第八 [...] 和九条)。 daccess-ods.un.org | For example, a civil rights group immediately submitted to the United Nations the case of the intentional partial destruction of the African American group in the United States but received no response whatsoever.4 Obvious problems [...] arose, such as the [...] fact that the United States had yet to ratify the Convention precisely because of issues such as the question of impunity for crimes of racialviolence against [...]African Americans;5it [...]was also pointed out that, under the Convention, only States were entitled to submit complaints of genocide against other States to the United Nations, and particularly to the International Court of Justice as the international court with jurisdiction under the Convention (arts. 8 and 9). daccess-ods.un.org |
而咖啡色皮表带则为表款画龙点睛,成就经典的高 雅美学。 oris.ch | The full effect is achieved with the addition of a brown leather strap. oris.ch |
在 2007 年 10 [...] 月伯利兹的一个具有里程碑意义的胜诉中, 最高法院裁定两个玛雅族村落(科内霍和圣克鲁斯)胜诉,确认土着社区对其土地 [...]和资源的集体权利。 daccess-ods.un.org | In a landmark legal victory in Belize [...] in October 2007, the Supreme Court ruled in [...] favourof two Mayan villages, Conejo [...]and Santa Cruz, affirming the collective [...]rights of the indigenous communities to their land and resources. daccess-ods.un.org |
现代人对产品的需求不再只局限於优异的功能性,同时也追求设计与美感的外观;因此,精湛工艺技术与优 雅美学设计是LUXA2对客户的承诺。 taiwanexcellence.com.tw | Exquisite [...] craftsmanshipwith aestheticand elegant design style [...]is a promise and commitment from LUXA2. taiwanexcellence.com.tw |
据理解,这种规定开放了根据本国批准的国际条 约或协定适用普遍原则的可能性(例如亚美尼亚 、多民族玻利维亚国)或适用于严 重到影响并针对本国利益或影响本国国民权利和自由的罪行的可能性(例如亚美 尼亚)。 daccess-ods.un.org | It was understood that such provision left open the possibility of applying the universal principle in accordance with international treaties or agreements ratified by the State (e.g.,Armenia,the Plurinational State of Bolivia) or to crimes which were so grave and directed at the interests of the State or affect the rights and freedoms of its nationals (e.g., Armenia). daccess-ods.un.org |
厄瓜多尔决定成为决议草案 A/AC.109/2010/L.8 的共同提案国,反映了其对波多 [...] 黎各人民的承诺,以及对波多黎各不久将作为一个 具有民族特征的拉丁美洲和加勒比国家加入独立自 主国家行列的希望。 daccess-ods.un.org | Ecuador’s decision to co-sponsor draft resolution A/AC.109/2010/L.8 reflected its commitment to the Puerto Rican people and its hope that Puerto Rico would soon join the [...] community of independent and [...] sovereign States, asaLatin American and Caribbean nation [...]with its own unequivocal national identity. daccess-ods.un.org |
美联航是全美少数族裔供应商发展委员会 (NMSDC)、美国全国妇女商业企业协会 (WBENC) 及其众多地方性附属委员会的成员,其中包括芝加哥少数族裔供应商发展委员会 (CMSDC)、休斯顿少数族裔供应商发展委员会 (HMSDC)、妇女商业企业联盟 (WBEA) 和妇女企业发展中心 (WBDC)。 united.com | United is a member of the National MinoritySupplier Development Council (NMSDC) and Women’s Business Enterprise National Council (WBENC) and many of their local affiliate councils such as the Chicago Minority Supplier Development Council (CMSDC), the Houston Minority Supplier Development Council (HMSDC), the Women’s Business Enterprise Alliance (WBEA) and the Women's Business Development Center (WBDC). united.com |
我们的行动是出于这样一种理解,在目前开展的 政治进程中,核心问题是结束对我国领土的非法占 [...] 领,恢复阿塞拜疆的主权和领土完整,被迫流离失所 者返回家园,确保阿塞拜疆族人和亚美尼亚族人在阿 塞拜疆纳戈尔诺-卡拉巴赫地区和平共处,在此基础 [...]上解决冲突。 daccess-ods.un.org | We proceed from the understanding that at the core of the ongoing political process is the settlement formula based on putting an end to the illegal occupation of our territories, the restoration of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Azerbaijan, the return of forcibly displaced persons to their [...] homes, and ensuring the peaceful [...] coexistence of Azerbaijanis and Armenians in the Nagorno Karabakh [...]region within Azerbaijan. daccess-ods.un.org |
海洋之心』是透过图腾、颜色的美学符号,将人、铃、线与空间的关系,交织成美丽的图画,「第一道曙光」打开了舞台序幕,精彩绝伦的「泡泡圆舞曲」和优 雅美丽的「海洋之歌」让现场充满了大海气息。 hwahsia.org.nz | Heart of the Ocean” is the aesthetic symbol of the totem, colour, the relationship between people, bell, line and space [...] are woven intoa beautiful picture. hwahsia.org.nz |