单词 | 雄配子 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 雄配子—male gametesperm cellSee also:雄—grand mighty staminate imposing person or state having great power and influence 配子n—gametespl 配子—gamete sex cell
此外 , 1938L 系列并不提供电源变压器以避免无需的电子配件浪费 , 客户可另外选购。 elotouch.com.cn | Also, in order to [...] eliminate electrical waste, the 1938L is offered as a no-power-brick model, where power brickskits can [...]be purchased separately. media.elotouch.com |
毛利率 减少 主要由 於年 内利润 率相 对较低 的电子配件销售 增 加。 evoc.com.cn | The decrease in gross profit margin was mainly due to increase [...] trading business in electroniccomponents with [...]a comparatively lower margin. evoc.cn |
雄原核形成早于雌原核, 雌雄原核于卵子中央联会形成联合核。 actazool.org | The male pronucleus formation was earlier than the female's. The male and female pronuclei moved to the center of the egg, and matched into a association nucleus. actazool.org |
可以这样说:一年前的领导班子雄心壮志,一年後的人事变动则只能以守为攻。 hkupop.hku.hk | To put it this way, the leading team was full of ambitions one year ago, but any changes in the administration structure now can only be pursued prudently and cautiously. hkupop.hku.hk |
在艾鼬气味条件下, 82%的配对根田鼠产生显着的繁殖迟滞, 其雄体附睾精子计数、雌体卵巢指数及胚胎重量极显着地减低(P<0.01), 相应地, 雌体血清孕酮显着地提高(P<0.01)。 actazool.org | On the 18th day when the behavioral bioassay was completed, the voles were killed and [...] weighted, and the [...] reproductive stage of females, the weight of female ovaries, the number of embryos, the number of sperm, [...]and the weight of [...]the male testes and epididymis were measured. actazool.org |
我们一 直聚焦亚洲市场,奠定领先地位,并累积丰富的经验,配合我们雄厚的财务实力和积极进取的团 队,使我们雄踞优越位置,尽享进一步增长的机会,为股东缔造强劲及可持续的回报。 aia.com.tw | Our focus on Asia Pacific markets in which we have a leading position and depth of experience, combined with our financial strength and a highly motivated team, put us in a very strong position to optimise opportunities for further growth and generate strong and sustainable returns for our shareholders. aia.com |
人力资源管理厅在本预算年度的优先事项是执行秘书长提出的人力资源 管理“一体化服务”远景,并将继续实施雄心勃勃的联合国维和行动人力资源改 革纲领(见第 63/250 号决议),包括启用人才管理系统,这是一个新的人员配置信息技术建设,其中融入了本组织人才管理赖以为基的政策和程序。 daccess-ods.un.org | The priorities of the Office of Human Resources Management during the budget year focus on the implementation of the Secretary-General’s vision for human resources management, “serving as one”, and will continue implementing the ambitious United Nations human resources reform agenda in peace operations (see resolution 63/250), including the launch of the talent management system, a new IT construct forstaffing which integrates the policies and processes that underpin the management of talent in the Organization. daccess-ods.un.org |
配件包包括 两个扳手,与湿杯 (41) 和喉管芯子(40)配合使用。 graco.com | The kit includes two wrenches for use with the wet-cup (41) and throat cartridge (40). graco.com |
1998-2007年期间出品及制作的电视剧集逾800小时,包括「射雕英雄传」、「聊斋奇女子I及II」、「别爱我」、「少年杨家将」、「仙剑奇侠传」、「天外飞仙」、「杨门女将」、「书剑恩仇录」、「醉拳」、「天下无双」、「聊斋」、「鱼美人」、「宝莲灯」、「蒲公英」、「西街少年」及「绝代双骄」。 fso-createhk.gov.hk | The company produced over 800 hours of TV dramas from 1998 [...] to 2007, including "The [...] EagleShooting Heroes", "Strange Tales of Liaozhai", "Strange Tales of Liaozhai Part [...]II", "Till Death Do Us [...]Apart", "The Young Warriors", "Chinese Paladin", "The Little Fairy", "Legendary Fighter - Yang’s Heroine", "Book and Sword, Gratitude and Revenge", "Drunken Kung Fu", "The Luckiest Man", "The Beauty Mermaid", "Po Lien Lantern", "Dandelion", "West Side Story" and "The Legendary Siblings". fso-createhk.gov.hk |
我们一 直聚焦亚洲市场,奠定领先地位,并累积丰富的经验,配合我们雄厚的财务实力和积极进取的团 队,使我们雄踞优越位置,尽享进一步增长的机会,为股东缔造强劲及可持续的回报。 aia.com.cn | Our focus on Asia Pacific markets in which we have a leading position and depth of experience, combined with our financial strength and a highly motivated team, put us in a very strong position to optimise opportunities for further growth and generate strong and sustainable returns for our shareholders. aia.com |
我们有信心凭藉集团对亚太区市场的专注,配合我们雄厚的财务实力、无可比拟的专属分销 平台,以及家喻户晓的品牌优势,奠定强大的基础,把握未来的增长机遇。 aia.com | We remain confident that our exclusive focus on Asia-Pacific markets combined with our exceptional financial strength, unmatched proprietarydistribution platform and extensive brand reach put us in a very strong position to capitalise on opportunities for future growth. aia.com |
与其他熊类物种相比,大熊猫交配和雄性激素浓度峰值在一年中的较早时候出现。 actazool.org | Compared to other bear [...] species, giant panda mating and peak androgen concentration [...]commenced earlier in the year. actazool.org |
此次审查不仅要重申 对建设和平事业的总体承诺,还应当确保委员会得 到充分的配备以实现其雄心勃勃的任务,加强对建 设和平努力的关注,并提高其杠杆作用和效能。 daccess-ods.un.org | The review must serve not only to renew the overall commitment to the cause of peacebuilding but also to ensure that the Commission was adequately equipped to perform its ambitious mandate, enhance its focus on peacebuilding efforts and improve its leverage and efficacy. daccess-ods.un.org |
用於交配的雄性动物,和未发现进行成功交配的雌性动 物,也应在适当时候处死并进行屍体检查,作仔细的器 [...] 官组织解剖检查。 cmchk.org.hk | Males used for mating and females without [...] successful copulation should be autopsied at an appropriate time, and gross observation [...]on organs and tissues should be made. cmchk.org.hk |
通过与二十世纪福克斯电视公司(20th Century Fox Television)旗下的二十世纪福克斯特许经营和纪念品销售业务部(Twentieth Century Fox Licensing and Merchandising)之间达成的一项许可协议,WowWee公司将开发和销售人物形象机器人以及福克斯体育机器人电子配件。 tipschina.gov.cn | Through a licensing agreement with Twentieth Century Fox Licensing and Merchandising, a division of 20th Century Fox Television, WowWee will develop and market robotic figures and electronic accessories based upon the FOX Sports Robot, the recognized and celebrated icon of America's favorite spectator sport. tipschina.gov.cn |
清新的茉莉调子,配以柚子、佛手柑等果味,犹如美人鱼歌声般扣人心弦的气味,是今个夏天最出众的女士香氛。 aster.com.hk | Fresh jasmine tone, together with the grapefruit, bergamot and other fruit, like a mermaid singing exciting as the smell, is this the most outstanding women in summer fragrance. aster.com.hk |
雄蕊具5个心皮;子房上位,有5个着生子房基部的深裂且离生的分枝花柱,上面合生为头状柱头;胚珠倒生,倒弯生,单珠被,具厚珠心。 flora.ac.cn | Gynoecium of5carpels; ovary superior, [...] deeply lobed with 5 free gynobasic stylodia connected above into a capitate stigma; [...]ovules pendulous, anacampylotropous, unitegmic, crassinucellate. flora.ac.cn |
亚新顾问在这个领域中规划、 设计及施工监造的经验包括台北市捷运机厂、基隆河废河道及社子岛、 高雄南星机场、泰国曼谷第二国际机场、 越南南西贡公园大道及新加坡与上海高层大楼深开挖工程、印尼Surlaya电厂等。 maa.com.tw | Planning, design and construction supervision services carried out by MAA in this field include Keelung River reclamation and Shezihdao Development in Taiwan, Airfield Pavement and Landside Road System of Survarnabhumi Airport in Thailand, Ho Chi Ming B.T. Roadway in Vietnam, Surlaya Power Plant in Indonesia, etc. maa.com.tw |
每苞片雄花几; [...] 花萼(3-)5(-6)浅裂的,覆瓦状的裂片;花瓣小,5或6,很少无;花盘分裂为5-15离生的腺体的;雄蕊15-100; 不发育子房无。 flora.ac.cn | Male flowers several per bract; calyx (3-)5(-6)-lobed, lobes [...] imbricate; petals small, 5 or 6, rarely absent; disk divided into 5-15 [...] free glands;stamens 15-100;rudimentaryovary absent. flora.ac.cn |
这个Camera Case的款式虽然简单,但在各项细节设定都见心思 —带子配上铜色扣子,两端以细线包封,边沿亦刻意保留不规则切口,散发一种天然的粗糙美感。 think-silly.com | The minimum style camera case is a fine display of subtle [...] design — with bronze buckle [...] attached to the straps, both sides trimmed with detailed knitting andtheir [...]edges left raw. think-silly.com |
雌花: 花被筒基部贴生于子房;退化雄蕊身体杯状,难以觉察辐射状6肋; 花药不育; 子房下位 胎座10-12,不规则; 珠被1; 合蕊冠坚固。 flora.ac.cn | Female flowers: perianth tube base adnate to ovary; staminode-body cupular, inconspicuously radiately 6-ribbed; anthers sterile; ovaryinferior; placentas 10-12, irregular; integument 1; gynostegium robust. flora.ac.cn |
如果你有产品管理或市场营销的背景,具备雄厚的电子商务从业经验,有能力提供卓越的用户体验,你可能就是我们正在寻找的人。 mammals.org | If you have a product management or marketing background, a strong track record in online consumercommerce and a proven ability to deliver great user experiences, you could be the person we’re looking for. mammals.org |