单词 | 雄性激素 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 雄性激素—male hormonetestosteroneSee also:雄性adj—maleadj 性激素—sex hormone 雄激素n—androgenn 雄激素—testosterone male hormone
在雄性激素的影响下,当皮脂分泌过多、毛囊皮脂腺上皮中又缺乏必需脂肪酸时,就会出现痤疮形成的第二个因素——皮脂毛囊导管过度角化。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | Under the influence of “malehormones,”whensebum is [...] in excess and certain fatty acids unavailable to the cells in hair [...]follicles, a second factor contributes to the formation of acne: keratinization (build-up of excess skin cells) in the hair follicle. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
二月份雄性激素水平最高,与繁殖季节的开始相关。 actazool.org | Androgen levels were highest during [...] February, correlating with the commencement of the breeding season. actazool.org |
被称为DHT(双氢睾酮)的雄性激素的特定类型将逐步缩小敏感的毛囊,造成毛囊停止生产健康的头发。 hairlosstoregrowth.com | The DHT (dihydrotestosterone) also known as a [...] specific type ofmale hormone gradually shrinks [...]the sensitive hair follicles. hairlosstoregrowth.com |
这是典型的雄性激素,但不但如此,但这也是必要的任何体育活动实现的。 cn.500healthy.com | It's quintessential male hormone, but not only [...] that, but that is also necessary for the realization of any sporting activity. 500healthy.com |
女性雌激素缺乏,男士雄性激素缺乏 beijing.ufh.com.cn | Estrogen deficiency in women and testosterone deficiency in men beijing.ufh.com.cn |
繁殖成功与雄性激素浓度无相关, 与不同的笼养环境也无相关。 actazool.org | There was no relationship between [...] breeding success and androgenconcentrations [...]nor was there a relationship to different housing environments. actazool.org |
与其他熊类物种相比,大熊猫交配和雄性激素浓度峰值在一年中的较早时候出现。 actazool.org | Compared to other bear species, giant panda [...] mating andpeak androgen concentration commenced [...]earlier in the year. actazool.org |
此外,在快速发育的青春期,无论男女体内都会分泌雄性激素,当雄性激素增多时就容易导致皮脂分泌过多。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | Additionally, males and females produce a lot of testosteroneduring puberty. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
而成人痘的诱因则主要包括工作劳累、压力过大、休息欠佳而导致内分泌处于失衡状态,精神持续紧张或亢奋也容易使雄性激素水平升高、诱发或加重痤疮。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | Generally speaking, acne in adults is usually brought on by [...] stress-related factors: work fatigue, pressure, [...]inadequate rest, endocrine (hormonal) [...]imbalances caused by psychological tension or excitement. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
皮脂分泌过多与雄性激素增加有关,例如患有多囊卵巢综合症的人群因卵巢分泌过多雄性激素而容易产生痤疮,这类患者可以通过口服避孕药来控制雄性激素分泌。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | Excessive secretion of sebum correlates with the presence of what are typically known as “male hormones. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
这项对男性雄激素性脱发患者的研究获得了IRB批准,低强度激光疗法的初步试验结果表明,这个治疗对策是有效的。 tipschina.gov.cn | In this IRB approved study in male patients withandrogenetic alopecia, the preliminary results of low level light therapy demonstrate this treatment strategy is efficacious. tipschina.gov.cn |
这种安全、有效的雄激素性脱发症疗法与市场上的现有LLLT设备相比具有明显优势,将彻底改变治疗男性脱发症的方法。 tipschina.gov.cn | This safe and effective [...] treatmentfor androgeneticalopecia offers significant [...]advantages over other LLLT devices currently [...]on the market, and will forever change the way men's hair loss is treated," said Nicholas Brox, president and CEO, Apira Science, Inc. tipschina.gov.cn |
这项研究证实,LLLT是治疗雄激素性脱发症的一种可行的治疗方式。 tipschina.gov.cn | This study validates LLLT as a viable treatment option for [...] healthy men withandrogenetic alopecia. tipschina.gov.cn |
雄激素性脱发症最早可发生于青少年时期,并随年龄加重。 tipschina.gov.cn | The onset of androgenetic alopecia canoccur [...] as early as the teen years and progress throughout life. tipschina.gov.cn |
成体的存在促进了粪便睾酮的浓度和抑制了幼年雄鼠的性成熟(由雄激素依赖的较小的腹中腺来估计),但是同时促进了其生长。 actazool.org | Presence of adults positively affected [...] concentration of fecal corticosteroneandsuppressed maturation of juvenile males estimated by the smaller size of the mid-ventral gland asan androgen-dependent organ, [...]but at the same time accelerated their growth. actazool.org |
这项试验的目的是评估低强度激光疗法(LLLT)在促进患有雄激素性脱发症的男性头发生长方面的疗效。 tipschina.gov.cn | The trial was designed to evaluate the [...] efficacy of low level light therapy (LLLT) for promoting hair [...] growth in males diagnosed with androgenetic alopecia of the head. tipschina.gov.cn |
毫无疑问,这个生物转化促进至少雄激素性质的此类固醇,某种程度上尤其是当我们注意到在其初始状态 [...] (Anadrol 50 有值得注意的是低绑定雄激素受体的亲和。 injectable-steroids.com | There is little doubt that this [...] biotransformation contributes at least at [...] some level tothe androgenicnatureof this [...]steroid, especially when we note that in [...]its initial state Anadrol 50 has a notably low binding affinity for the androgen receptor. injectable-steroids.com |
该协会估计,美国有3500多万男子患有雄激素性脱发症。 tipschina.gov.cn | They estimate that that over 35 million men in the US are afflicted with thiscondition. tipschina.gov.cn |
雄激素与暗疮关系密切,当体内的雄激素过份活跃时,会刺激皮脂腺产生过多油份,如出口受阻,便有可能增加细菌数量,引致发炎性暗疮。 hkupop.hku.hk | Acne is caused by the [...] plugging of follicles, which is mostly due to excessive sebum production by sebaceous glands stimulatedby the influence of androgens (male sex hormones, which are also presentin females). hkupop.hku.hk |
大多数人认为脱发是一个男性的问题 - 并非如此,其实大约20%的美国妇女患有女性型秃发(技术上称为雄激素性脱发)的影响。 aspirations.nat...nesolutions.com | Most people associate hair loss as being a male problem - not so, in fact about 20% of American women suffer the effects of female pattern baldness (technically known asandrogenetic alopecia). aspirations.nat...nesolutions.com |
何医生补充,生理因素如青春期、女性经期会增加雄激素和油脂分泌,而外来因素如摩擦、空气污染则会令暗疮恶化。 hkupop.hku.hk | Dr Ho further explained, biological factors such as puberty and women's menstrual cycle will increase the levelof androgens andsebum production; while external factorssuch as rubbing and air pollution will worsen the acne. hkupop.hku.hk |
如果你有症状,如稀疏的头发和脱发最近来要看到可能是可疑 FAGA(女性雄激素性脱发)。 ikumou.drsato02.com | If you have symptoms such as thinning hair and hair loss come lately to be seen may be [...] suspicious FAGA (female androgenetic alopecia). ikumou.drsato02.com |
此外,我们最新完成的科研成果也明确验证了iGrow低强度激光疗法在治疗雄激素性脱发症上的有效性。 tipschina.gov.cn | The results from our recently completed study [...] unequivocally proved the effectiveness of the [...] iGrow's low-level lasertherapy in the treatment of androgenetic alopecia. tipschina.gov.cn |
对付轻微的暗疮,可使用温和的溶角质药物和消炎药物;对付较严重的暗疮,该针对暗疮的根源,所以女性患者可使用抗雄激素,例如唯一获香港卫生署批核为可治疗暗疮的口服避孕药Diane-35,它的有效成份醋酸环丙孕酮(CPA)能依附於雄激素受体(DHT),可阻塞受体(如同锁孔被错钥匙塞住了),令雄激素无法产生作用。 hkupop.hku.hk | Female acne sufferers canuse anti-androgen, such as Diane-35, the only [...] oral contraceptive approved by the Hong Kong Department [...]of Health for the indication of acne treatment. Its active ingredient, cyproterone acetate (CPA), attaches itself to androgen receptors in the skin and then blocks the receptors (like the wrong key jammed in a lock). hkupop.hku.hk |
皮肤科专科医生何天仪表示,暗疮是最常见的皮肤病,暗疮的成因是由於毛孔蔽塞,而毛孔蔽塞很多时是因为皮脂腺受荷尔蒙雄激素(男性体内的荷尔蒙,女性体内亦同样会产生)影响而分泌过多油份。 hkupop.hku.hk | Dr Tinny Ho, Specialist in Dermatology, explained that acne is one of the most common skin diseases. hkupop.hku.hk |
取得的成果包括:实现全民教育的综合国家承诺;广泛宣传波斯语版本的《全民教育 全球监测报告》,以激发关于素质教育的公共意识和政策辩论;建立起有关教育和科学的国 民议会对话机制;用波斯语为教师编制和宣传包容性教育的学习培训资料;就滥用药物与艾 滋病毒/艾滋病问题进行磋商;就文化多样性和人权进行高级别政策对话、交流和培训;在 新闻行业开展能力建设,以及报告与性别、环境恶化、防灾减灾以及艾滋病毒和艾滋病有关 的敏感问题。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Achievements include: consolidated national commitment toward EFA; wide dissemination of EFA [...] Global Monitoring Reports [...] (Farsi version) to stimulate public awareness and policy debates on quality education; establishment of a dialogue mechanism with the national parliament on education and sciences; production and dissemination of learning and training materials in Farsi for teachers [...]on inclusive education; [...]consultation on drug abuse and HIV/AIDS; high-level policy dialogue, exchanges and training on cultural diversity and human rights; capacity-building in journalism and reporting on sensitive issues related to gender, environmental degradation, disaster preparedness and mitigation, and HIV/AIDS. unesdoc.unesco.org |
上述所列物质,包括其他具有相似化学结构或相似生物作用的物质,诊断标识物、激素的释放因子的存在,或其他任何发现提示所检测到的物质为外源性来源,则报告为阳性检测结 果。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The presence of other substances with a similar chemical [...] structure or [...] similar biological effect(s), diagnostic marker(s) or releasingfactors of a hormone listedabove or of any other finding which indicate(s) that the substance [...]detected [...]is of exogenous origin, will be reported as an Adverse Analytical Finding. unesdoc.unesco.org |
Ljerka Ostojić及其同事设计出了一种方法测试雄性欧亚松鸦是否具有“状态归因”的能力,这种能力能够推断出其他个体拥有类似于自己的生活,但这种生活又与自己的生活相区分,而这种“状态归因”的能力又伴有诸如渴望、希望和信仰等精神促进因素。 chinese.eurekalert.org | Ljerka Ostojić and colleagues devised a method to testwhether male Eurasian jays are capable of “state attribution,” the ability to infer that other individuals possess an internal life similar to but separate from one's own, with psychological motivatorssuch as desire, hope, and belief. chinese.eurekalert.org |
这些结果表明:(1)熟悉性对棕色田鼠择偶行为的影响大于对根田鼠的影响;(2)嗅舔时间差异可反映不同田鼠的配偶识别能力,熟悉性对棕色田鼠配偶识别能力的影响大于对根田鼠的影响;(3)2种田鼠配偶识别的性别差异的一致性,提示这2种田鼠的雌性配偶识别能力均强于雄性田鼠,而雌鼠的配偶识别能力可能取决于雌鼠受交配或分娩刺激的生理状态; (4)棕色田鼠室内所表现的择偶行为的两性熟悉性特征与其单配制有关,根田鼠所表现的择偶行为的雌性熟悉性特征与其一雄多雌制有关。 actazool.org | Our results demonstrate: (1) mate choice and mate recognition based on familiarity is more intensive in mandarin voles than in root voles; (2) sniff variant can be regarded as an indication of mate recognition, and the intensity of mate recognition is related to familiarity degree; (3) differential sniff between female and male of two vole species indicates the sexual dimorphism that mate recognition of females is more sensitive than that of males in both vole species, based on familiarity; (4) mate recognition of female voles may be dependent on their physiological state stimulated by copulation and parturition. actazool.org |
由于这些研究结果,美国食品和药物管理局(FDA)宣布绝经后女性使用的所有雌激素产品上都必须有警示标签,说明长时间使用该产品会增加心肌梗塞、中风、血栓和乳腺癌的风险。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | Because of these research findings, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) [...] announced that all products for [...] postmenopausalwomen containing estrogen should have a warning [...]label stating that prolonged [...]use could increase the risk of heart attacks, strokes, blood clots and breast cancer. shanghai.ufh.com.cn |