

单词 雁过拔毛

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我們勞動者和普通人 要取得我們勞動的尊嚴,要政府當善政的政府,劫富而濟貧 拔 一 毛 而 利天 下,而非以不足奉有餘。
We labourers and ordinary people want to have dignity in toiling and want the Government to be benevolent by taking wealth
from the rich and giving it to
[...] the poor, by plucking out a single hair to benefit the [...]
whole society, not robbing those
who need more than they have to enrich those who have more than they need.
香港的長者和貧窮人口,對於政府向他們 毛 不 拔 , 但向商界或有錢的 人卻大量提供寬免,感覺很不是味道。
The old and the poor in Hong Kong feel bitter about the Government refusing to give them the slightest help but giving away generous and massive waivers to the rich or those in business.
在很多国家,法官和检察官的职业是分 开的,在两种职业间转换需要过竞 争 性的 拔 程 序
In many countries, the careers of judges and prosecutors are separate and the possibility of switching between roles is subject to a competitive selection process.
过使用可插拔和分 层结构,可以方便地容纳各种工作流语义。
Through the use of pluggable and layered [...]
architecture , can easily accommodate a variety of workflow semantics.
不过秘书长指出,需要开展下述工作:制定全面的人员流动政策,将维持和 平行动的负担在整个全球秘书处工作人员队伍中公平分配;加强在外地工作的优 秀工作人员的职业保障并提高其公平性;重新审议秘书处目前使用相 过 程 甄选 平调工作人员、拔工作 人员以及征聘合格的外部候选人的做法(A/66/679,第 69 段)。
The Secretary-General states, however, that there is need for a comprehensive mobility policy that distributes the burden of peacekeeping equitably across the entire global Secretariat workforce; greater and more equitable job security for highperforming field staff; and a reconsideration of the current practice of the Secretariat to use the same process to select staff members for lateral reassignment, movement to a higher grade level and the recruitment qualified external candidates (A/66/679, para. 69).
这些包括非毛利人与毛利人之间的差异, 《威坦哲条约》在国内立法中的地位,家庭暴力,机会平等 毛 利 人 在刑事司法 制度中比过高,以及批准新西兰尚未成为缔约国的人权条约问题。
These included the social disparities between non-Maori and Maori; the status of the Treaty of Waitangi in domestic
legislation; family violence;
[...] equality of opportunity; overrepresentation of Maori in the criminal justice [...]
system; and ratification
of human rights treaties to which New Zealand was not party.
演出嘉賓包括有被喻為 “香港鼓王” 的恭碩良、EO2、蔚雨芯、香港超級巨聲:陳國峰、曾臻及 雁 詩 , 並聯同本地樂隊Scamper,Black Sheep 和Rush & Crush。
The performers have been hailed including Jun Kung, EO2, Rainky Wai; Penny Chan, Eileen and Stephanie Ho of The Voice at TVB, and lined up with the local rocks bands: Scamper, Black Sheep and Rush & Crush.
現在已是 2008 年,還有 8 年便是 2016 年,但政府卻仍然毛不拔。
Now it is already 2008 and there are eight years to 2016, but the Government is still not willing to spend more.
根据这种 思路,最近根据行业面板数据所作的分析表明,南非在区域 雁 阵 式 中扮演着领雁的角色。
In line with this argument, recent analysis based on
industry-level panel data suggests that South Africa is playing the
[...] role of leading goose in a regional flying geese paradigm.
百加得有限公司的品牌组合由200多个品牌和商标组成,其中包括一些全球最受欢迎和最知名的产品:全球最受欢迎和获奖最多的优质郎姆酒--BACARDI®(百加得)郎姆酒;世界顶级的超尊贵伏特加GREY GOOSE®(雁); 美国最畅销的混合型苏格兰威士忌酒DEWAR'S®(帝王);全球最珍贵和发展最快的优质杜松子酒BOMBAY SAPPHIRE®(孟买蓝宝石);世界顶级的苦艾酒和汽酒MARTINI®(马天尼);全球最畅销的优质龙舌兰酒--CAZADORES®蓝色龙舌兰酒;以及其他领先品牌。
The Bacardi Limited brand portfolio consists of more than 200 brands and labels, including some of the world's favorite and best-known products: BACARDI® rum, the world's favorite premium rum and world's most awarded rum; GREY GOOSE® vodka, the world-leader in super premium vodka; DEWAR'S® Scotch whisky, the top-selling blended Scotch whisky in the United States; BOMBAY SAPPHIRE® gin, the top-valued and fastest-growing premium gin in the world; MARTINI® vermouth and sparkling wines, the world-leader in vermouth; CAZADORES® blue agave tequila, the top-selling premium tequila in the world; and other leading brands.
雁飞先生在会上做了一个讲演,题为:WRDMAP 项目进展与成果 辽宁省水文局的郭东明先生在专题会上也分别做了一个讲演,介绍了 WRDMAP 项目在辽宁省 的成果。
A presentation was also made in a separate session by Mr Guo Dongming from the Liaoning Water Resources and Hydrology Bureau where the WRDMAP Achievements in Liaoning Province were presented.
高等教育处处长回答说,教科文组织总干事指定或重新指定了六名专 家,挑选这六名专家所依据的是他们在建议书所涉主要领域内的能力以及对于实施这些建议 书可能产生的问题的了解,他们是根据有关标准(地理分配、性别) 过 选 拔过 程 选 出来 的。
The Director of Higher Education responded by saying that the Director-General of UNESCO appointed or reappointed six experts who were selected on the basis of their competence in the main fields covered by the recommendations and their knowledge of the problems that may arise in their application and drawn from a criteria (geographical distribution, gender) and a selection process.
调酒板块的推出将会加强雁在鸡 尾酒文化中的领先地位。
The mixology section reinforces Grey Goose's position as the leader in cocktail culture.
由于家禽商贩每天接触、屠宰拔家 禽 的 毛 , 他 们特别有染上病毒的危险。
Because they handle, slaughter and pluck live birds daily, poultry sellers are at particular risk of catching the virus.
大会其后又在其第 63/213 号决议中进一步强调指出,
[...] 对《毛里求斯战略》的审查工作应能向国际社会提供以下机会:(a) 评估 在执行毛里求斯战略过程中所取得的进展、汲取的教训和遇到的制 约因素;(b) [...]
就进一步解决小岛屿发展中国家脆弱性问题尚需开展哪些工 作达成共识。
In its resolution 63/213, the General Assembly further stressed that the review of the Mauritius Strategy should provide the international community with an opportunity to (a) conduct an assessment of the progress made, lessons learned and constraints
encountered in the implementation
[...] of the Mauritius Strategy and (b) agree on what needs [...]
to be done to further address the
vulnerabilities of small island developing States.
能源方面日益增长的需求和石油价格攀升促使政府采取 过 “ 毛 里 求斯岛可 持续”的概念,为毛里求斯建造一个绿色未来的战略,借以从进口化石燃料转向 利用当地可再生能源。
The rising demand in energy and the soaring prices of oil have urged the Government to adopt the strategy of building a green future for Mauritius through the “Maurice Ile Durable” concept, thereby shifting to local renewable sources of energy and away from imported fossil fuel.
又或者是否繼續採取拔㆒毛以利 ㆝㆘不為也」的態度呢?
Or is it going to continue taking the attitude of
[...] “not letting a hair be plucked even if it [...]
is benefitting the whole world”?
大家 可 也 知 道 , 雞 檔檔主 都 會 把 爐 和 煲 放在 宰雞房內, 因 為 雞販要
[...] 先 把 雞 隻 割 頸 放 血 , 然 後 拿 到 宰雞房 煲拔 毛 , 最 後 才 拿 回 檔 口出售 。
Members know that chicken stall owners all put their stoves and boilers in the slaughter room, because they will first slit the throats of their chickens and drain their blood,
and then bring the chickens to the slaughter
[...] room for de-feathering in hot water before bringing them [...]
out again for sale.
007年'月'0日 召 開 的 本 公 司'007年 第 二 次 臨 時 股 東 大 會 上,本 公 司 第 三 屆 監 事 會 股 東 代 表 擔 任 的 監 事 屈 德 乾 先 生 及雁 女 士 被 選 舉 連 任 本 公 司 第 四 屆 監 事 會 股 東 代 表 擔 任 的 監 事;本 公 司 第 三 屆 監 事 會 職 工 代 表 擔 任 的 監 事 張 太 峰 先 生、王 網 喜 先 生、何 雪 梅 女 士 已 於'007年'月'0日 由 本 公 司 職 工 代 表 民 主 選 舉 連 任 本 公 司 第 四 屆 監 事 會 職 工 代 表 擔 任 的 監 事。
Mr. Zhang Taifeng, Mr. Wang Wangxi and Ms. He Xuemei, Staff Representative Supervisors of the Third Session of the Supervisory Committee of the Company, were re-elected as Staff Representative Supervisors for the Fourth Session of the Supervisory Committee through democratic elections among staff representatives of the Company on 30 January 2007.
罗兰贝格管理咨询公司高级合伙人、大中华区副总裁 雁 指 出 :“区域性商业银行在中国银行业扮演了越来越重要的角色,但是面向未来,仍然面临着规模不足、市场单一、抵御风险能力较弱等问题。
Kang Yan, Senior Partner and Vice President at Roland Berger pointed out that, "The regional commercial banks are playing an increasingly crucial role in China's banking industry. However, looking towards the future, we can see they still need to increase their efforts in relation to their business scale, market and anti-risk capabilities.
为了确保招聘和拔过程是 公平的,并提供平等的机会,特别委员会促请 秘书处将所有维和培训材料翻译成所有联合国正式语文。
In order to
[...] ensure that the process of recruitment and selection is fair and [...]
provides equal opportunity, the Special Committee
urges the Secretariat to translate all peacekeeping training materials into all official United Nations languages.
研讨会期间,医药工业研究院的雁 博 士和Malvern公司的在线产品经理Oliver Schmitt先生分别向大家作了纳米药物的质量控制和在线粒度监测在医药行业的典型应用案例的报告。
During the meeting, Dr. Zhao Yan from SIPI and Mr. Oliver Schmitt from Malvern introduced quality control of Nano-medicine and case studies of on line particle size analysis in pharmaceutical industry respectively.
雁离开的时候,她深爱的寄养 妈妈很过,但她说:“我希望她健 康长寿,生命中充满音乐和舞蹈,并 能拥有一个属于自己的家庭。
QiuYan’s beloved foster mom was sad to see her go but says: “I wish for [...]
her a long, healthy life with lots of music and
dancing and a family of her own.
在准备进行脱毛治疗的六个星期前,应当禁 拔 扯 毛 发 或是用蜜蜡和电解 拔 除 体 毛 , 要 让毛根自然生长,因为激光会作用于这部分的毛囊。
Six weeks prior to undergoing a hair removal session, limit plucking, waxing, and electrolysis to allow hair roots to grow, as the laser will target this part of the hair follicle.
第一次检查任何一项指标超过允许率在5倍以内,可 过 种 植 者 拔 除 病 株和混杂株降低比率,第二 次检查为最终田间检查结果。
If any index in the first inspection is not more than 5 times the
allowable rate, then diseased plants and
[...] hybrid plants can be uprooted to lowering the rate, [...]
and the second inspection result
is the final field inspection result.
日前 , 我 離開辦 事 處 時,有兩名 女士對我說 , 現 時 在 內 地申請 來港的 簽 證 很快便可批 出 ─   今 天 申 請 ,明天便會 批
[...] 出 , 而這些 持 簽 證 的 內 地 訪 客可到 街 市 從拔雞毛的工作。
When I left my office the other day, two ladies told me that applications filed in the Mainland for entry visas to Hong Kong were approved very quickly — applications filed
today would be approved tomorrow, and mainland visitors holding such visas could
[...] work in markets removing chicken feathers.
律师可能是在英国、法国或毛里求斯 大学学习法律,在伦敦某一律师工会取得律师资格,或 毛 里 求斯 通 过 法 律 教育 委员会的职业考试。
Barristers may read law in Britain, France or at the University of Mauritius and are called to the Bar at one of the Inns of Court in London or, after passing the vocational examinations of the Council of Legal Education, in Mauritius.
我们,会员国的国家元首和政府首脑、部长和代表,2010 年 9 月 24 日和 25 日在纽约联合国总部召开高级别会议,对《关于进一步执行小岛屿发展中国家可 持续发展行动纲领的毛里求斯战略》1 进行五年期审查,以评估过执行《 毛里 求 斯战略》处理小岛屿发展中国家脆弱性方面的进展情况
We, Heads of State and Government, Ministers and representatives of Member States, gathered at a high-level meeting at United Nations Headquarters in New York on 24 and 25 September 2010 to undertake a five-year review of the Mauritius Strategy for the Further Implementation of the Programme of Action for the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States1 to assess the progress made in addressing the vulnerabilities of small island developing States through the implementation of the Mauritius Strategy
委员会第 17/2 号决议决定,在可持续发展委员会第十八届会议期间,将于
[...] 2010 年 9 月召开筹备委员会为期两天的高级别审查会议,评估 过 实 施 毛 里 求 斯 执行战略在应对小岛屿发展中国家的脆弱性方面取得的进展。
By its resolution 17/2, the Commission decided that the meeting of the preparatory committee for the two-day high-level review in September 2010 to assess progress made in addressing the
vulnerabilities of small island
[...] developing States through the implementation of the Mauritius Strategy [...]
for Implementation, would
be convened during the eighteenth session of the Commission on Sustainable Development.
它期待高级专员提出巩固系统但不急增资源需 求的建议,还希望关注条约机构成员的国家 拔过 程, 以鼓励各国提名独立于政府且具备协助各国履 行各自义务所需专门知识的成员。
It looked forward to her proposals to strengthen the system without adding significant resource requirements and also hoped that attention would be given to national selection processes for treaty body members so as to encourage States to nominate members who were independent from the Government and had the required expertise to assist States with the implementation of their respective obligations.




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