

单词 难解难分

See also:


hard solve
hard dispel
hard understand
hard undo


break down

External sources (not reviewed)

它们是难解决的部分,除 非碰巧其中的 细节是完全一样(即不考虑编辑或格式等重要问题)。
They will be the most difficult to address unless [...]
by chance the details are virtually identical (i.e. ignoring significant
matters of editorial expression or format).
至於其他物質(例如添加劑、雜質、反應產物 分解 產物 ),亦可能從即食杯麪容器的食物接觸層或非食物接觸層遷移到食物。
Other substances such as additives, impurities,
[...] reaction product and decomposed product might [...]
also be migrated from the contact or non-contact
surface of instant noodle cup container to food.
我们发现经常是没有工作计划,即使有的话,制订得也不够 分 , 难 以 很 好地用于 管理行动或工作重点。
We found that work plans often did not exist, and
[...] where they did, they were not prepared well [...]
or used well to manage actions or main lines of action.
为了在近解决多 国办事处补充人力资源方面的 难 , 确 保工作人员的能力与其岗位 职责,应发挥的作用和总部、地区办事处、多国/国家办事处及上述机构之间协同完成任务 的要求相适应,向本国执行局会议提交了长期人事战略(本文件 B 部分),在制定这一战略 时考虑到负责审查非集中化情况的特设小组的工作。
In order
[...] to offset the difficulty in filling resource gaps in cluster offices in the near future, and so as to ensure that staff skillsets are in line with the profiles, roles and task-sharing between Headquarters, regional bureaux, cluster/national offices and institutes referred to above, the overall long-term staffing strategy submitted to the Executive Board at this same session (Part IB of this document) [...]
has been elaborated
taking into account inter alia the work of the Decentralization Review Task Force.
研讨会的目 的还包括确保负责分析请求的那些缔约国代表 分 了 解分 析 小组的工作方法。
The workshop was also intended to ensure that the
representatives of States Parties mandated to analyse requests were
[...] fully aware of the analysing group’s working [...]
顺便提一下,Pangolin的专业观众安全系统(Professional Audience Safety
[...] System,简称PASS)不仅提供了颜色信号和位置信号的差分接收功能,还整合了延时和手动重置功能模块,所以,这个多用途的激光灯控制板可以帮 解 决 在 组装激光灯过程中遇到的大 分难 题。
As a point of interest, Pangolin’s Professional Audience Safety System (PASS) incorporates differential receivers for both the color signals and position signals, and also implements the time delay and manual reset features, thus, this
multi-purpose projector control
[...] board can help to solve some of the most difficult problems in constructing [...]
a projector.
4 国际条约的领域 斯德哥尔摩条约
[...] 上述法律限制的目的等 化审法(日本): 旨在为防止具难分解性的 性状,且恐会损害人体健康或者恐会影响到动物和植物的生息或者生 [...]
In order to prevent environmental pollution by chemical
[...] substances that do not decompose readily and which [...]
may threaten human health or existence
and the growth of animals and plants, the law seeks to apply compulsory controls on the manufacture, import and use etc. of these substances.
此外,这种 有 形
[...] 的基础设施还对柬埔寨的经济发挥 了重要作 用,是经济增长的发动机,是减贫、排 解难 的 最 有效手段。
Moreover, for Cambodia economic, the physical infrastructure has an important role as a locomotive of the economic
growth and as the most effective means for poverty reduction and
[...] for relieving the difficulties and sufferings of [...]
the people.
小组成员指出了若难解决的 问题,譬如,缺乏反对种族主义的意识和动 员,遭受歧视的工人在参与工会活动上空缺和不足,这些工人在决策实践中的代 表性不足,以及这个主题在社会对话过程中纳入不够。
The panellist pointed out a number of problematic issues, such as the lack of awareness and mobilization against racism, the absence or inadequate involvement of workers from discrimination groups in trade union activities, the poor representation of those workers in decision-making instances and the inadequate integration of the subject in the social dialogue process.
在这一假定情况中,难解释为 什么此 类默认接受保留只是因为国家继承就被推翻。
In these
[...] circumstances, it would be difficult to conceive why [...]
such a tacit acceptance of the reservation should be called
into question merely because a succession of States has taken place.
阿根廷的请求书附有一项指明临时措施的请求,请法院命令乌拉圭在法院 做出最后裁决之前,暂不批准建造纸浆厂和所有建筑工程,为保护和养护乌拉圭 河的水生环境同阿根廷合作,并且不要为建造两个纸浆厂采取任何与 1975 年《规
[...] 约》不符的进一步单方面行动,也不要采取任何其他可能加剧争端或使争端难 解决的行动。
Argentina’s application was accompanied by a request for the indication of provisional measures, whereby Argentina asked that Uruguay be ordered to suspend the authorizations for construction of the mills and all building works pending a final decision by the Court; to cooperate with Argentina with a view to protecting and conserving the aquatic environment of the River Uruguay; and to refrain from taking any further unilateral action with respect to construction of the two mills incompatible
with the 1975 statute, and from any other action which might aggravate the dispute
[...] or render its settlement more difficult.
这将使人们更好地解难民和 流离失所的儿童,在对其认证方面采取更好 的做法。
This will lead to greater awareness and better practice on
[...] certification for refugee and displaced [...]
一些法律规定允许有限的例外,若为以下情况则允许将单一申请延及集团 其他成员:所有相关当事方都同意将集团一个以上成员列入在内;集团一个成 员的破产可能会影响集团其他成员;申请所涉及的各当事方经济上一体化紧难分,例 如资产相互掺合,或者控制权或所有权达到了一定的程度;或将集团 视作单一实体具有特殊的法律意义,尤其对重整计划而言。
Some laws make provision for limited exceptions that allow a single application to be extended to other group members where, for example, all interested parties consent to the inclusion of more than one group member; the insolvency of one group member has the potential to affect other group members; the parties to the application are closely economically integrated, such as by intermingling of assets or a specified degree of control or ownership; or consideration of the group as a single entity has special legal relevance, especially in the context of reorganization plans.
[...] 尤其是曾经发生过族裔间冲突或独立候选人和在位者之间竞 难分 胜 负 的地区 发生了一些事件。
While the elections process has thus far proceeded without any major violence, there were incidents in some areas in Southern Sudan, particularly where
inter-communal conflict has occurred in the
[...] past, or where close races took place [...]
between independent candidates and incumbents.
以核果烈酒為例,果 核所含的氰甙經酵素作用分解為氰 化物,氰化物氧化後成為氰酸酯, 再與乙醇發生化學作用而產生氨基甲酸乙酯。
For example, in stone fruit spirits, cyanogenic glycosides from the stones may be degraded through enzymatic action to cyanide which is then oxidised to cyanate and reacts with ethanol to form EC.
审计复核中发现了工程处在财务报表中已纠正的一些漏洞和错误, 包括一些若干编辑错误;附注 2
[...] 未说明注销政策;未对财务报表正文中若干新的 列项(报表的编列、补充资料)作 分解 释 ; 报表 5 需做修订,但未重新提交;有 些披露附注未对变动作出充分说明,或未对财务报表中新的列项提出充分理由; [...]
对会计政策、会计估算的变动未作出充分的详细资料和披露;财务报表的注释性 说明中未作披露。
The audit review identified gaps and errors in the financial statements that were corrected by UNRWA, including a number of editing errors; lack of policy concerning write-off in note 2; several new items in the financial statements (statement
presentation, additional
[...] information) that were not adequately explained; statement 5 required [...]
revision and had to be resubmitted;
some disclosure notes were not complete/adequate for changes made or to support new line items included on the face of the financial statements; insufficient detail and disclosure regarding changes in accounting policies, changes in accounting estimates; and disclosures were left out in the explanatory notes to the financial statements.
[...] 伦理原则,但是这些原则却没有被整合在一项全面声明之中或在这样一项声明中加以阐述, 因此世界科学知识与技术伦理委员会(COMEST)在 2009 年第六届常会上建议教科文组织 制定一项与气候变化有关的伦理原则框架,使教科文组织会员国,笼统地说是使国际社区得 以分解决全 球气候变化所带来的多方面挑战。
Noting this point, as well as the fact that ethical principles in relation to climate change, while explicit or implicit in many existing legal instruments, have not been consolidated or articulated in a single comprehensive statement, the World Commission on the Ethics of Scientific Knowledge and Technology (COMEST) at its 6th Ordinary Session in 2009 recommended that UNESCO develop an ethical framework of principles in relation
to climate change, in
[...] order to enable UNESCO Member States, and the international community generally, to address adequately the multidimensional [...]
challenge of global climate change.
除了这些可以具体确认为支持南南合作的活动外,检查专员认为 难分清 技术援助方案中有哪些成分是属于对南南合作的支持。
Apart from these activities which can be specifically identified as support to South-
South cooperation, the
[...] Inspectors found it difficult to differentiate which [...]
component(s) of technical assistance programmes constituted support to SSC.
[...] 西九管理局和其他相關各方的主要領導角色,就各項影響西九計劃的 事宜提出意見,促進各方了解相關問題、 解分 歧 , 並且制訂各方接 受並且切實可行的工作方案,以處理西九計劃與鄰近基建計劃的各項 [...]
發展區( 包括西九) 的未來發展而引致的交通需求、廣深港高速鐵路( 下 稱「高鐵」) 臨時工地在適當時間交還西九管理局以配合西九計劃甚為 緊迫的發展時間表、高鐵上蓋發展可能對西九造成的各項影響,以及 為盡量減低有關影響而所需採取的緩解措施。
Project Manager (HAB) will play a leading role in coordinating inputs from senior directorate officers in Government bureaux/departments, the WKCDA and other concerned parties on all matters affecting the development of the WKCD
project, keeping them apprised of
[...] related problems, resolving differences and formulating [...]
workable action plans acceptable
to all to tackle interface issues between the WKCD project and all infrastructure projects in the vicinity of the WKCD. The interface issues include traffic improvement works in the West Kowloon district to meet the traffic demand arising from the future development in the entire West Kowloon New Development Area including the WKCD; timely handover of XRL temporary works area to the WKCDA to meet the very tight development schedule of the WKCD development; and the possible impact of the topside developments of XRL on WKCD as well as the mitigating measures needed to minimise such impact.
作为其监督责任的一分, 难民署 积极为各国政府起草和谈判法律与政策提供咨询意见。
As part of its supervisory responsibility, UNHCR has been active [...]
in providing advice to Governments as they draft and negotiate their laws and policies.
从产生的压力上升推断出是否发 分解反 应
Whether a decomposition reaction has [...]
occurred is deduced from the pressure rise produced.
在其他市场上,程度较低的纵分 解,例 如对联合经营决策或企业间信息流动的限制,被用于限制歧视能力。
In other markets, lesser
[...] degrees of vertical unbundling, such as restrictions [...]
on joint operational decision-making or on
information flow between the businesses, are used to restrict the ability to discriminate.
权力共 享和安全安排仍是难解决的问题。
Power-sharing and security
[...] arrangements remain the most difficult issues to resolve.
对于与不履约情形有关的难解决的 技术、政策或提高认识的 问题,援助可采取环境规划署提供援助的形式,方法是帮助查明和联系其他国家的组织或 [...]
The assistance could take the form of UNEP offering assistance
[...] with particularly difficult technical, policy [...]
or awareness-related questions related
to the non-compliance situation, by helping to identify and match organisations or individual experts in other countries.
不尊重单一审计原则可能导 致若干不良影响:个别资金的审查同一般的账户审计和控制制度 难分 开 ; 关于具 体活动的资料同关于其他活动的机密资料亦 难分 开 ; 单一领域的审查可能导致对 整个会计制度的错误看法;特别审计在使用资源方面效率差,特别是在性质几乎相 同的活动方面(A/48/587, 第 3 段)。
Failure to respect the single audit principle could lead to a number of
undesirable effects:
[...] the difficulty of separating examinations of individual funds from the audit of accounts and control systems in general; the difficulty of segregating information on [...]
individual activities
from confidential information on other activities; the misleading perception of the accounting system as a whole which may result from the examination of a single area; and the inefficiency of special audits in relation to the use of resources, especially where activities of a largely similar nature are concerned (A/48/587, para. 3).
現時有環保公司研究如何把廚房的剩餘食 物,透過生物科技的技術,例如利用蚯蚓,將原本被浪費的殘餘食物 分解 轉化為有用的植物肥料。
At present, some environmental protection companies are studying ways to decompose and transform the otherwise wasted food waste by way of biotechnology, such as through the use of earthworm, into useful fertilizers for plants.
[...] 提供资金给专家,以协助各国解决审计方面的问题,并 分解 决 审 计费用之需要 以及为处理审计中发现的问题提供技术援助。
The IMO ITCP contains programmes to provide support to member States, including funding for experts
to assist States on matters related to the
[...] audit, to meet part of the cost of [...]
the audit, and the general availability of
technical assistance to address findings from audits.
[...] 的四项核心职能,即:向驻地协调员和联合国国家工作队提供协调一致的技术支 助;联合国发展援助框架/联合国方案的质量保证;驻地协调员和联合国国家工 作队的业绩管理解难和解决争端。
The regional United Nations Development Group teams continue to support the resident coordinator system, with particular emphasis on the four core functions of the management and accountability system, namely, the provision of coherent technical support to resident coordinators and United Nations country teams, quality assurance of the United Nations Development Assistance Framework/United Nations programme,
performance management of resident
[...] coordinators and United Nations country teams, troubleshooting and dispute resolution.
作为在信息管理 投入的重要组成分,难民署 在埃塞俄比亚和肯尼亚 建立了运行信息门户网站,及时提供有关索马里难民 [...]
As part of its investment in information [...]
management, it had set up operational data portals in Ethiopia and Kenya to provide
updated registration statistics, maps and sectoral reports on Somali refugees.
此 外,由于各项特别政治任务所需经费的波动往往大大 高于经常预算其他活动所需经费,因此 难分 析 , 由 于这个原因,应考虑采取不同的预算列报方式。
Moreover, as the financial requirements for special political missions tended to fluctuate considerably more than requirements for other activities
included in the regular budget and
[...] were therefore difficult to analyse, a different [...]
method of budgetary presentation should be considered.




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