单词 | 难於接近 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 难于接近—(of people) difficult approachinaccessibleSee also:接近adj—closeadj closeradj 接近adv—nearadv 接近n—proximityn 接近—approach get close to
我们界定灾难或接近灾难的环保事故为A类,A类表示该事故对环境产生长远重大影 响,该损害需要长期的补救措施方可以复原。 glencore.com | We classify disastrous or closeto disastrous [...] environmental accidents as Class A. Class A stands for incidents or spills [...]with a major environmental impact that have a long-term effect reversible only by long-term remediation with aftercare. glencore.com |
此外,由於我们在运作中卫星队伍的容量已经接近饱和,使我们难以在二零一三年填补预期下 降的收入。 asiasat.com | However, [...] withour operating satellite fleet nearingfull capacity, it will bedifficult for us to make up this [...]anticipated revenue decrease in 2013. asiasat.com |
这是我们对灾难或接近灾难的事件的分类标准,并涉及意外事故或会对环境产生长远重大影响,该损 [...] 害 需 要 长 期 的 补 救 措 施 方 可 以 复 原。 glencore.com | This is our [...] classification for disastrous or closetodisastrous [...]incidents and involves accidents or spills with a major [...]environmental impact and a longterm effect, reversible only by longterm remediation with aftercare. glencore.com |
不过,有关数字亦可能出现接近一成的偏差,原因包括:会场的群众密度不一,我们的数据就显示南方的场区密度较高,每九平方公尺的方格平均人数要比北方场区的高6人;球场内外的密度有差距,而球场以外的人数更难点算;由於不断有人流出入,群众占用的高峰面积难以判断,而以高峰面积推算人数亦会低估数字。 hkupop.hku.hk | Possible reasons include: uneven density of the crowd in the court, as our figures has revealed that the density of courts in the southern side was higher, with 6 people more per square than those in the northern side; the density in [...] the inner and outer [...] parts of the court also varied, while it is even difficult to count the number of participants outside the court; sincepeople kept on coming in and out from the court, it is hard to judge the maximum size of court occupied by the crowd, while figures would also be underestimated if the turnout was estimated [...]basing on the maximum area occupied. hkupop.hku.hk |
本公司可以普通决议案在发行任何新股份之前厘定於第一批中须提呈 发售该等股份或任何该等股份(无论按面值或溢价)予任何类别股份的所有现有持股 人,发售比例按接近该等持股人分别持有有关类别股份的数目,或作出任何拨备以发 行及配发有关股份,惟在违反任何有关决定或有关决定不得延续的情况下,有关股份 可予处理,犹如有关股份於发行有关股份之前构成本公司现有股本的部份。 asiasat.com | The Company may by ordinary resolution, before the issue of any new shares, determine that the same, or any of them, shall be offered in the first [...] instance, and either [...] at par or at a premium, to all the existing holders of any class of shares inproportion as nearly asmay be tothe number of shares of such class held by them respectively, or make any provisions [...]as to the issue [...]and allotment of such shares, but in default of any such determination or so far as the same shall not extend, such shares may be dealt with as if they formed part of the capital of the Company existing prior to the issue of the same. asiasat.com |
本公司之细则偏离守则条文A.4.2条,该细则规定於股东周年大会上,当时在任之三分一(或若董事总数并非 三或三之倍数,则为最接近三分一之数)之董事(主席及董事总经理除外)应退任,并可符合资格於会上膺选连 任,而任何於年内获董事会委任之董事须於接受委任後之下届股东周年大会上退任,并可符合资格於会上膺 选连任。 equitynet.com.hk | The Company’s bye-laws deviate from Code Provision A.4.2 as it provides that one-third of the directors for the time being (save for the Chairman or Managing Director), or if their number is not three nor three nor a [...] multiple of three, then [...] the number nearest to one-third, shall retire from office and being eligible, offer themselves for re-election at the annual general meetings and that any new director appointed by the Board during the year shall hold office until [...]the next following [...]annual general meeting after appointment, and he/ she shall be eligible for re-election. equitynet.com.hk |
於二零一二年十二月三十一日,由於收购於接近年底完成,购买价分配及商誉尚 未 最 终 确 定。 glencore.com | As at 31 December 2012, the purchase price allocation, including the allocation of the goodwill to CGUs, has not been finalised, as the acquisition completed close to year end. glencore.com |
本公司之公司细则规定,任何因填补临时空缺而获委任之董事或任何新增之董事会成员可任职至下届股东周年大会为 止,届时彼可膺选连任,且三分之一或数目接近三分之一之董事须於每届股东周年大会上轮席退任(主席或董事总经理 除外)。 wingtaiproperties.com | The Company’s Bye-laws provide that any director appointed by the Board either to fill a casual vacancy or as an addition to the Board shall hold office only until the next following annual general meeting of the Company and shall then be eligible for [...] election at the meeting, and [...] that one third or the number nearest to onethird of directors [...]shall retire from office by rotation [...](save for Chairman or managing director) at each general meeting. wingtaiproperties.com |
当我们使用GPS接收机於车内、接近於高建物或隆起之高地,这都会造成卫星讯号被阻挡,所接收到的卫星数目减少,当接收机周边越多阻碍物时,接收机就越难定位。 gfec.com.tw | When installing a GPS receiverinside a car, satellite signals will be blocked when the caris approaching atall building or high land; i.e. it will receive signals from fewer satellites. gfec.com.tw |
倘董事会未有於 接获要求後 21 日内正式召开须於其後 21 天内召开的大会,提出要求的人 士或当中持有彼等投票权过半的任何人士可自行以与董事会召开大会同 样的方式(尽可能相近)召开大会,惟如此召开的大会不可迟於提交要求 当日起三个月後召开,而提出要求的人士因董事会未能完成有关要求而涉 及的所有合理开支,将由本公司向彼等作出补偿。 sitoy.com | If the Board does not within 21 days from the date of deposit of the requisition proceed duly to convene the meeting to be held within a further 21 days, the requisitionist(s) themselves or any of [...] them [...] representing more than one-half of the total voting rights of all of them, may convene the general meeting in the samemanner,as nearly as possible, as that in which meetings may be convened by the Board provided that any meeting so convened shall not be held [...]after the [...]expiration of three months from the date of deposit of the requisition, and all reasonable expenses incurred by the requisitionist(s) as a result of the failure of the Board shall be reimbursed to them by the Company. sitoy.com |
融入社区是体育馆设计一大难题,但近期澳洲南部阿得雷德的板球兼足球场似乎相当成功,虽然地点并非都会区或市中心,但白色屋顶更突显周遭公园环境,而不觉得突兀,相较於德国慕尼黑体育馆如同巨大的建筑宣言,阿得雷德的场馆只想发挥互补功能。 thisbigcity.net | One recent redevelopment that seems to be working is that of the Adelaide Oval, a cricket and football stadium in the southern Australian city. thisbigcity.net |
於 最 後 实 际 可 行 日 期 , 广 发 融 资 、 广 发 证 券 、 卓 亚 及 戴 德 梁 行 概 无 於 本 集 团 任 何 成 员 公 司 中 持 有 任 何 股 权 , 亦 无 任 何 权 利( 不 论 是 否 可 依 [...] 法 强 制 执 行 )认 购 或 提 [...] 名 他人认 购 本 集 团 任 何 成 员 公 司 之 证 券 , 或 直 接 或间接 於本集团 任 何 成 员 公 司 自 二 零 一 零 年 十 二 月 三 十 一 日( 本 公 司最近期公布 经 审 核 财 务 报 表 之 编 制 日 期 )以 来 所 购 入 或 出 [...]售 或 租 赁 或 拟 购 入 或 出 [...]售 或 租 赁 之 资 产 中 拥 有 任 何 权 益 。 cigyangtzeports.com | As at the Latest Practicable Date, none of GF Capital, GF Securities, Asian Capital and DTZ had any shareholding in any member of the Group nor any right (whether legally enforceable or not) to subscribe for or to nominate persons to subscribe for securities in any member of [...] the Group, or had any [...] interest, either directly or indirectly, inany assets which had been, since 31 December 2010 (the date to which the latest published audited financial [...]statements of the [...]Company were made up), acquired or disposed of by or leased to or are proposed to be acquired or disposed of by or leased to any member of the Group. cigyangtzeports.com |
在此基础 [...] 上,控股公司现金流量报表於营运层面上除特殊现金流量外余额一般应接近於零,惟在适时自业务经营额外汇入款项,使本集团 [...]企业中心的财政更为靈活。 prudential.co.uk | On this basis, the holding company [...] cash flow statement at an operating [...] level should ordinarilybalance close to zero before [...]exceptional cash flows, but from time [...]to time additional remittances from business operations will be made to provide the Group with greater financial flexibility at the corporate centre. prudential.co.uk |
此外在叙利亚问题上 目前阿拉伯联盟正 准备对叙利亚采取一连串的制裁措施 可能进 一步导致该经济体内部产生更严重的政治不稳 定 甚至引发内战 加上利比亚与埃及目前处 於权利过渡的真空阶段 内部经济也尚处於相当困难的状况 因此近期阿拉伯半岛以北周边 与北非地区的政治稳定仍是一大问题 这也将 使得明年的全球原油市场价格仍存在一定程度 的风险 若进一步纳入明年欧盟景气不振对中 东北非地区原油 原材料产品 设备产业与观 光产业等等的影响 2012 年上半年中小企业在 中东与北非地区的经营风险预计仍是相对较高 的 作者为台湾经济研究院副院长 apecscmc.org | Also, the Arab League is ready now to take a series of sanctions against Syria, which may probably make the economy’s domestic politics more seriously unstable, even to the extent of civil war. Moreover, as Libya and Egypt are currently at a transition period with a “power vacuum” and rather difficult domestic economy, the political stability remains a serious problem for the northern part of the Arabian Peninsula and for North Africa. apecscmc.org |
2012年5月16日,香港 ━ [...] 近90名儿童今天齐集九龙木球会,一起参加「AEGON阿积士星级足球训练班」,接受荷兰甲组足球联赛劲旅阿积士明星队的培训,共享与国际顶尖职业球员近距离接触的难忘体验。 ipress.com.hk | Hong Kong, 16 May 2012 - About 90 children attended the :AEGON Ajax All Stars Football Clinic; at the Kowloon Cricket Club [...] today, to experience world-class football training by the legends from Ajax, [...] the leading football club ofDutch Eredivisie. ipress.com.hk |