

单词 难弹

See also:

difficult (to...)
not good


difficulty n
problem n
disaster n

play (a string instrument)
pluck (a string)
(of cotton) fluff or tease
shoot (e.g. with a catapult)
elastic (of materials)
spring or leap

External sources (not reviewed)

该硅橡胶硬化后变成一难燃且自熄 弹 性 体
This silicone rubber cures to a flame-resistant, self-extinguishing elastomer.
他们担心这些电脑可能引发崩溃的经济,政治和社会 难 , 将 涉及 弹 系 统,医院设备,卫星,航空运输等重大技术故障。
They feared these computer crashes would spark
economic, political,
[...] and social catastrophes that would involve the malfunction of missile systems, hospital [...]
equipment, satellites,
air transportation, and other major technologies.
根 据联利特派团消息来源,同日 4 名科特迪难民因拥有弹药在 Pedebo 过境点附 近被捕。
According to UNMIL
[...] sources, four Ivorian refugees were arrested near the Pedebo border crossing point for possession of ammunition on the same day.
根据专家和医生的说法,在 使用一种非法并且非常危险的武器——高密度惰性金属炸弹后,总会造成这些类 型的截肢难以检测到弹片。
These types of amputations and undetectable shrapnel are consistent, according to experts and doctors, with the use of DIME, an illegal and highly hazardous weapon.
挪威像其他国家和组织一样,坚决要求在 2008
[...] 年底以前拟订一项有法律 约束力的国际文书,以禁止对平民人口 造 成巨大难的集束弹药。
Norway, like other States and organizations, was firmly committed to drafting by the end of 2008 a legally binding international instrument prohibiting cluster munitions that caused unacceptable harm to civilians; it would continue to support and participate in all processes aimed at
dealing effectively with the concerns
[...] raised by cluster munitions, in the hope [...]
of averting a grave humanitarian crisis.
从顶甲板通往舰桥甲板的逃生点很狭窄,又受到限制,因此 在这一区域的乘客难躲避实弹。
Escape points to the bridge deck from the top
deck were narrow and restricted and as
[...] such it was very difficult for passengers [...]
in this area to avoid being hit by live rounds.
快速清洁功能 水垢难积留在弹性出水嘴上,如果存 在的话,可以用手指轻松地将其擦掉。
It is very difficult for limescale to take hold on the elastic disc, and if [...]
it does, it can easily be rubbed away with a finger.
在首次使用原弹造成难以言述的痛苦近 70 年 之后,原子弹对许多国家而言仍然是国家安全政策的 [...]
Nearly seven decades after the
[...] first use of atomic bombs, which inflicted [...]
untold sorrow, that is still a mainstay of national
security policy for a number of States.
尼日利 亚还指出,它面临的主要难是未爆 弹 药 ,这一事实反映出《公约》在确保受影 响国家不仅处理地雷还要处理其他战争遗留爆炸物方面意义非凡。
Nigeria also noted that the fact
that the main challenge faced by
[...] Nigeria concerned unexploded ordnance points to how [...]
valuable this Convention is in ensuring
that not only landmines are dealt with by affected countries, but that all other explosive remnants of war are dealt with.
这类人员缺乏教育和可转化的技能,即使经济 弹 后 , 他们也 难 重新 就业。
Lack of education and lack of transferable skills make this group the last to
[...] return to employment even after the economy bounces back.
黎巴嫩承诺帮助其他人避免遭 受由集弹产生的灾难性后 果的影响,而且黎巴嫩 在制定 2008 年《集束弹药公约》方面发挥了积极作 用。
His country was committed to helping
[...] others avoid the catastrophic effects of cluster munitions and had played [...]
an active role in developing
the 2008 Convention on Cluster Munitions.
在美国基地部署的弹难道不 会危害其他国家的安全吗?
Do not the bombs deployed in the United States bases [...]
undermine the security of other nations?
作为唯一一个在战争中经受了弹爆 炸 灾 难 的 国 家,日本矢志确保人们永不 忘记广岛和长崎的惨剧。
As the only country to have experienced devastation from nuclear bombing during war, Japan is committed to ensuring that the tragedies of Hiroshima and Nagasaki will never be forgotten.
在专家小组 2011 年 7
[...] 月访问班加西期间,利比亚反对派的军方消息人士以及 国际观察人士向专家小组介绍了革命军在军事作战中面临的各种 难 : 缺 乏武弹 药、缺少组织、与冲突的一条战线保持沟通和不同战线之间保持沟通有困难,拿起 武器对抗卡扎菲部队的平民大都缺少经验。
During the Panel’s visits to Benghazi in July 2011, Libyan opposition military sources, as well as international observers, explained to the Panel the difficulties that revolutionary forces had been facing in terms of
military combat: the lack
[...] of weapons and ammunition, the lack of organization and the difficulty of communicating [...]
across a single and
between the different fronts of the conflict, as well as the lack of experience of the majority of civilians who took up arms against the Qadhafi forces.
此外,就在写这封信的 时候,以色列弹击中了 Jabaliya 难民营内的 Al-Fakhoura 学校。
Moreover, as of the writing of this
[...] letter, Israeli missiles had targeted Al-Fakhoura school in the Jabaliya refugee camp.
朝鲜人民原弹灾难的亲 身经历由来已久,而美国在朝鲜战争期间进行的核 讹诈则犹如噩梦再现。
Since Koreans had already had the first-hand experience of
[...] the calamities caused by atom bombs, the nuclear blackmail [...]
by the United States in the
days of the Korean War was perceived as a recurring nightmare.
这次核讹诈的结果是,大批“原 弹难 民 ” 从朝鲜半岛北部逃往南部。
This nuclear blackmail resulted in the mass
[...] exodus of “atom bomb-driven refugees” from the north [...]
to the south of the Korean peninsula.
气动探头极其适合用于自动测量,或者用于测量传 弹 簧 推 动探 难 以 触及的狭小空间。
Pneumatic Probes are ideal for use in automatic gauging
applications or for accessing
[...] details that would be difficult or impossible to reach using conventional spring push probes.
第三,关于地雷和其它未爆弹药问题,欧洲联盟 也要表示,我们对由于地雷和其它未爆弹药的存在而 导致的人道主义和发展挑战感到关切,这些地雷弹 药仍在阻难民和 流离失所者的返回和人道主义援 助行动。
Third, with regard to mines and other unexploded ordinance, the European Union would also like to express its concern about the humanitarian and development challenges caused by the presence of mines and other unexploded ordinance
that continue to hinder
[...] the return of refugees and displaced persons to their homes, as well as humanitarian [...]
assistance operations.
星期一夜间,以色列弹炸死了 Al-Shati 难民营 近东救济工程处一所学校内的三名平民。
[...] on Monday, Israeli missiles killed three civilians in an UNRWA school in Al-Shati’ refugee camp.
它很受鼓舞的是,智利愿意保障所有儿童,尤其是弱势群体儿童,例 难民 儿 童、农村地区家庭的儿童或贫困线以下家庭的儿童接受教育。
It was encouraged by Chile’s readiness to guarantee access to education for all children,
especially those from marginalized
[...] communities, such as refugee children and [...]
children whose families live in rural areas or below the poverty line.
弹药而言,这种检查表 登记的内容应包括批号、类型、口径、材料、数量 弹 壳 上 和包装上的标识,包弹壳和包装的详细图片及描述。
For ammunition, such inspections sheets should include the lot number, type, calibre, material, quantity, markings on the cartridge and on the packaging, including [...]
detailed pictures
and descriptions of the cartridge and the packaging.
集 束弹药公约》的生效和在《禁止或限制使用某些可 被认为具有过分伤害力或滥杀滥伤作用的常规武器 公约
[...] 》(《特定常规武器公约》)范围内就一项关于 集束弹药议定书的谈判,提高了国际上对集 弹药 的危险难以接受的影响的认识。
The entry into force of the Convention on Cluster Munitions and the negotiations on a protocol on cluster munitions to the Convention on Prohibitions or Restrictions on the Use of Certain Conventional Weapons Which May Be Deemed to Be Excessively Injurious or to Have Indiscriminate Effects (the Convention on
Certain Conventional Weapons) had raised international awareness of the
[...] dangers and unacceptable effects of cluster munitions.
[...] 家安全部队,与新组建的军队举行联合演习,按照联合国军火禁运豁免规定检查 政府获得的武器弹药库 存,供国家警察使用,开展警戒和搜查行动以收回非法 [...]
The forces of the United Nations Mission in Liberia will consolidate their locations and bases, shifting to a more mobile posture and working within the reduced strength of the military component of the Mission, in order to provide a security umbrella throughout the country, support the national security forces, conduct joint exercises with the new
army, undertake inspections of inventories
[...] of weapons and ammunition obtained by the [...]
Government in accordance with the exemptions
to the United Nations arms embargo for use by the national police, undertake cordon and search operations to retrieve illegal weapons, protect key United Nations and Government locations and installations and conduct regular air and ground patrols, in particular along the borders and in other high-risk areas.
各部提议在如下领域开展新举措:维和部,法治和安全机构领域(评价地雷 行动方案,关于武器弹药管 理的授权有所扩大);外勤部,后勤领域(审查和更 [...]
新《燃料作业手册》;财产基准研究;制定国际标界手册);管理事务部,采购领 域(审查企业道德和合规情况;采购培训)和人力资源领域(审查通用职务说明);
监督厅,检查和评价领域(多层面特派团/专题评价和检查问题咨询小组)和内部 审计领域(法治和安全机构;废物管理);道德操守办公室(制定评价标准和道德 操守问题电子学习单元)。
New initiatives are proposed by: DPKO, in the area of the rule of law and security institutions (evaluation of mine
action programmes, with an expanded mandate
[...] on weapons and ammunition management); DFS, [...]
in the area of logistics (review and
update of the Fuel Operations Manual; property benchmarking study; development of international boundary demarcation handbook); the Department of Management, in the areas of procurement (review of corporate ethics and compliance; procurement training) and human resources (review of generic job profiles); OIOS, in the areas of inspection and evaluation (advisory panel on multidimensional mission/thematic evaluations and inspections) and internal audit (rule of law and security institutions; waste management); and the Ethics Office (development of evaluation criteria and an e-learning ethics module).
会议还呼吁所有缔约国即使在目前这种财政难的情 况下也坚定地致力于实现一个无杀伤人员地雷的世界,让人人的权利都得 [...]
The Meeting also called on all States Parties to
[...] recommit, even in difficult financial times, [...]
to realising a world without anti-personnel
mines, where the rights of all are respected and where all women, girls, boys and men can live in dignity and prosperity.
为了在近期解决多国办事处补充人力资源方面的 难 , 确保工作人员的能力与其岗位 职责,应发挥的作用和总部、地区办事处、多国/国家办事处及上述机构之间协同完成任务 [...]
的要求相适应,向本国执行局会议提交了长期人事战略(本文件 B 部分),在制定这一战略
In order
[...] to offset the difficulty in filling resource [...]
gaps in cluster offices in the near future, and so as to ensure that
staff skillsets are in line with the profiles, roles and task-sharing between Headquarters, regional bureaux, cluster/national offices and institutes referred to above, the overall long-term staffing strategy submitted to the Executive Board at this same session (Part IB of this document) has been elaborated taking into account inter alia the work of the Decentralization Review Task Force.
这八项原则是:缔约国对于在其 管辖下登记或开展业务的私营军保公司的军事和安全活动负有责任;私营军保公
司应尊重法治;私营军保公司要尊重国家主权;缔约国有义务禁止私营军保公司 直接参与敌对状态、恐怖主义行为和违反国际法的军事行动;禁止将国家的固有
[...] 职能外包给私营军保公司,包括使用某些具有过度或过分伤害性的武器;禁止私 营军保公司及其人员非法取得、占有或贩运武器 弹 药。
The eight principles are: that the State party bears responsibility for the military and security activities of PMSCs registered or operating in their jurisdiction, respect for the rule of law by PMSCs, respect of State sovereignty by PMSCs, the State party’s obligation to prohibit PMSCs from directly participating in hostilities, terrorist acts and military actions in violation of international law, the prohibition on outsourcing inherently State functions to PMSCs, including the use of certain weapons of a nature to cause superfluous injury or unnecessary suffering and the
prohibition on PMSCs and their personnel with regard to illegally acquiring, possessing or
[...] trafficking in arms and ammunitions.
联合国共同国家方案的发展面临着一些挑战:首先是国内的政治形势,特别是对人权 问题的日益关注以及政府对人权的敏感,所以 难 制 订 由国家工作队和政府共享的共同国家 方案;其次,伊朗的捐助情况很差, 难 形 成 信托基金资源和联合国联合计划;第三, 在 国家工作队成员在集中财务和人力资源开展联合行动方面仍然存在不情愿和技术障碍。
Several challenges were encountered in the development of United Nations common country programmes: firstly, the domestic political situation, especially the growing concern over human rights issues and the government’s
sensitivity on human rights,
[...] have made it very difficult to develop a common United Nations country programme for which UNCT and the government would have shared ownership; secondly, the profile of the donor community in Iran is very low and it has been very difficult to generate FIT resources [...]
and joint United
Nations programming; and, thirdly, there is still reluctance and technical barriers among UNCT members to put together financial and human resources for joint activities.




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