

单词 难分难舍

External sources (not reviewed)

难以知道舍舍利是 否会提出辩护,因为他为辩护提出了 5 个条件,包括 追讨违反审分庭 2010 年 10 月 29 日裁决而没有提供的辩护资金。
So far, it is difficult to know whether Šešelj will raise a defence, since he has set five conditions on doing so, including the retroactivity [...]
of the financing
of his defence, contrary to the decision issued by the Trial Chamber on 29 October 2010.
事实证明,不同的问题之间的权衡舍十分困难,因 为这样做需要一种最低限度的立场趋近。
Trade-offs between different
[...] issues proved to be difficult, as they necessitated [...]
a minimum convergence of positions.
已开始的活动包括以下几个方面:(i)建造学校与社区参 与;修复舍和学校设备分发教 科书和文具;动员女青年入学;师资培训。
Actions embarked upon include the following: school building and community
participation; rehabilitation of schools
[...] and school equipment; distribution of textbooks and supplies; [...]
enrolment of girls, and teacher training.
联盟通过一项长期运动为莫斯塔尔 237 所难民房舍/ 公寓的计划重建做出了贡献。
Through a long-term campaign, the Union has contributed to the planned
[...] reconstruction of 237 refugee houses/ apartments [...]
in Mostar.
八.101 赠款和捐款项下的经费表明,与 2010-2011 相比,该办事分摊的房舍 管理费用所需经费增加。
VIII.101 The provision under grants and contributions reflects increased requirements for the Office’s share of building management costs compared to the 2010-2011 level.
公司成立二十年,之所以能做到一路辉煌、一路美誉,是和公司当家人李维德和他的父亲李安华两代人对照明有 难 以 割 舍 的 特 殊情怀密不 分 的 ;他们父子有着科学工作者同样的执着,有着振兴中国照明事业共同的梦想和追求,有着敢为人先、勇于创新核心价值观和目标。
Since 1989 when Hongyuan was established, the glory and honors she has attained are inseparable from the insistence on lighting industry of two generations—Mr. Li Weide, president of Hongyuan, and his father.
我们发现经常是没有工作计划,即使有的话,制订得也不够 分 , 难 以 很 好地用于 管理行动或工作重点。
We found that work plans often did not exist, and
[...] where they did, they were not prepared well [...]
or used well to manage actions or main lines of action.
一些法律规定允许有限的例外,若为以下情况则允许将单一申请延及集团 其他成员:所有相关当事方都同意将集团一个以上成员列入在内;集团一个成 员的破产可能会影响集团其他成员;申请所涉及的各当事方经济上一体化紧难分,例 如资产相互掺合,或者控制权或所有权达到了一定的程度;或将集团 视作单一实体具有特殊的法律意义,尤其对重整计划而言。
Some laws make provision for limited exceptions that allow a single application to be extended to other group members where, for example, all interested parties consent to the inclusion of more than one group member; the insolvency of one group member has the potential to affect other group members; the parties to the application are closely economically integrated, such as by intermingling of assets or a specified degree of control or ownership; or consideration of the group as a single entity has special legal relevance, especially in the context of reorganization plans.
为了在近期解决多国办事处补充人力资源方面的 难 , 确 保工作人员的能力与其岗位 职责,应发挥的作用和总部、地区办事处、多国/国家办事处及上述机构之间协同完成任务 的要求相适应,向本国执行局会议提交了长期人事战略(本文件 B 部分),在制定这一战略 时考虑到负责审查非集中化情况的特设小组的工作。
In order
[...] to offset the difficulty in filling resource gaps in cluster offices in the near future, and so as to ensure that staff skillsets are in line with the profiles, roles and task-sharing between Headquarters, regional bureaux, cluster/national offices and institutes referred to above, the overall long-term staffing strategy submitted to the Executive Board at this same session (Part IB of this document) [...]
has been elaborated
taking into account inter alia the work of the Decentralization Review Task Force.
该学校 为加沙儿童及其家人提供了保护,他们在 舍 中避 难,认为自己是在安全的地方。
The school provided protection for the children of Gaza and their families,
[...] who took refuge in the premises, believing they [...]
were in a safe haven.
(c) 将对监察局的支援方案,包括重建其 舍 的 部 分 , 提 交临时海地恢复 委员会,以表明对监察局在旨在重建法治的重建中的作用的重视。
(c) The support programme for the Office, including the section on rebuilding of its premises, should be presented to the Interim Haiti Recovery Commission in order to demonstrate the importance that is attached to the Office of the Ombudsman in reconstruction aimed at re-establishing the rule of law.
作为在信息管理 投入的重要组成分,难民署 在埃塞俄比亚和肯尼亚 建立了运行信息门户网站,及时提供有关索马里难民 [...]
As part of its investment in information [...]
management, it had set up operational data portals in Ethiopia and Kenya to provide
updated registration statistics, maps and sectoral reports on Somali refugees.
舍分配委 員會在 眾多其他的申請中選出哈羅有限公司,是考慮到哈 [...]
羅在營運國際學校方面的豐富經驗,包括於曼谷和 北京營運國際學校的經驗。
The SAC selected HISHKL among [...]
many other applications, having taken into consideration, among other things, Harrow's ample
experience in operating international schools, including the experience in the operation of international schools in Bangkok and Beijing.
余議 員 詢問舍分配委員會的成員組合、邀請和甄選辦 學團體興建國際學校的準則,以及有興趣的機構有 何途徑取得有關尋求政府資助興建國際學校的程 序和準則的資料。
Ms EU enquired about the composition of the SAC, the criteria for inviting and selecting school operators for development of international schools, and the channels available for interested parties to access the relevant information regarding the procedures and criteria for seeking government assistance in developing international schools.
除了这些可以具体确认为支持南南合作的活动外,检查专员认为 难分清 技术援助方案中有哪些成分是属于对南南合作的支持。
Apart from these activities which can be specifically identified as support to South-
South cooperation, the
[...] Inspectors found it difficult to differentiate which [...]
component(s) of technical assistance programmes constituted support to SSC.
特派团苏呼米总部拆装设施所需经费低于预算,因为这些 舍 由 联难民事务高级专员办事处(难民署)“按现状”接管,节省了联格观察团 [...]
Lower-than-budgeted requirements for dismantling and restoring the
facilities at the Mission headquarters in
[...] Sukhumi because the premises were taken over “as [...]
is” by the Office of the United Nations
High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) at a significant saving to UNOMIG.
尽管如此,虽然负责前战斗员 事务的国务秘书 Fodé
[...] Cassamá准将也于 4 月 28 日获 释,但必须指出,仍有若干政府官员在比绍的外交使 团舍内寻求避难,或躲藏在外。
Notwithstanding, while the Secretary of State for Former Combatants, Brigadier General Fodé Cassamá, was also released on 28 April, it is important to
note that several Government officials are
[...] still seeking refuge in diplomatic compounds in Bissau or [...]
are still in hiding.
作为其监督责任的一分, 难民署 积极为各国政府起草和谈判法律与政策提供咨询意见。
As part of its supervisory responsibility, UNHCR has been active [...]
in providing advice to Governments as they draft and negotiate their laws and policies.
在 2007 年,内部监督办公室对教科文组织总部进行了一次“绿色审计”,该审计制定 了一项了有关以下活动和程序对环境影响,健康及安全方面的基 线 分 析 : 楼 舍 翻 新 和维修保 养、采购和办公用品、印刷车间、大会、餐饮服务、小卖部、公差访问、运输、能源消耗及 废物管理等。
In 2007 IOS conducted a “green audit” of UNESCO Headquarters which sets out a baseline analysis of the environmental impact, health and safety aspects of the following activities and processes: renovation and maintenance of buildings, procurement and office supplies, Print Shop, General Conference, restaurant services, Commissary, official missions, transport service, energy consumption and waste management.
宿舍的装饰,分美观 ,并且这一特殊亚洲厄瓜多尔放松盛传。
He hostel is beautifully decorated and has [...]
this particular Asian-Ecuadorian relaxing vibe.
此外,从非常实用的角度来 看,随着法庭工作量减少,其分房 舍 供 法 学院使用,拘留设施用来收容包括青 少年以及“普通”刑事法庭判处徒刑的妇女等弱势被拘留者。
Moreover, from a very practical
point of view, as the Court’s workload
[...] decreased, part of its premises were being used [...]
for the law faculty and its detention
facilities to accommodate vulnerable detainees including juveniles and women serving sentences imposed by the “ordinary” criminal courts.
实际达到的分均四舍五入到最近 的整数。
Points earned are rounded to the nearest whole number.
Our hostel is located to 8 minutes away to [...]
the Main Square in the Old Town and 20 minutes away to the night life (walking distances).
[...] 尤其是曾经发生过族裔间冲突或独立候选人和在位者之间竞 难分 胜 负 的地区 发生了一些事件。
While the elections process has thus far proceeded without any major violence, there were incidents in some areas in Southern Sudan, particularly where
inter-communal conflict has occurred in the
[...] past, or where close races took place [...]
between independent candidates and incumbents.
解决这个舍难题需 要改变在“日子好”的时候的行为:减少外债,增加储 备,采取政策限制货币升值。
The solution to this trade-off requires a change of behaviour during “good times”, with less external debt, more reserves and policies aimed at limiting currency appreciation.
不尊重单一审计原则可能导 致若干不良影响:个别资金的审查同一般的账户审计和控制制度 难分 开 ; 关于具 体活动的资料同关于其他活动的机密资料亦 难分 开 ; 单一领域的审查可能导致对 整个会计制度的错误看法;特别审计在使用资源方面效率差,特别是在性质几乎相 同的活动方面(A/48/587, 第 3 段)。
Failure to respect the single audit principle could lead to a number of
undesirable effects:
[...] the difficulty of separating examinations of individual funds from the audit of accounts and control systems in general; the difficulty of segregating information on [...]
individual activities
from confidential information on other activities; the misleading perception of the accounting system as a whole which may result from the examination of a single area; and the inefficiency of special audits in relation to the use of resources, especially where activities of a largely similar nature are concerned (A/48/587, para. 3).
在拥有资金的情况下,于 2005 年也为其他会员国记入一笔款项,实际相当于将它们根据 2003 年临时分摊比额表应缴纳的该年度会费临时降至 2000 年通过的且已调整到最分难比率为 22%的比额(如果后者更低的话)。
to the extent that resources are available, other Member States shall be given in 2005 a credit equivalent in effect to an ad hoc reduction of their 2003 contribution as per the interim scale for that year to the 2000 adopted scale adjusted to the 22% maximum ceiling if lower.
[...] 称道的举措,应对众多挑战带来的 分难 题 ,但特别报告员认为,在立法、政策 [...]
While the Government has taken commendable initiatives in recent years to address some of the
numerous challenges, the Special Rapporteur
[...] believes that much remains to be done in [...]
terms of legislation, policies and their effective
implementation, as well as in terms of human rights education.




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