

单词 隱睾

See also:

(prefix) crypto-
lean upon

External sources (not reviewed)

這些製 劑用於治療缺睾酮的男性。
These preparations are used for
[...] the treatment of testosterone deficiency in men.
我們會向您發出書面的隱私權 聲明通知」,其中說明相關權利以及我們如何為您的健康資訊保密。
We give you a written notice, called a “Notice of Privacy Practice,” that tells about these rights and explains how we protect the privacy of your health information.
如果实验室报告尿样睾酮和表睾酮 的比值大于 4,将强制要求进行追踪调查,以确定该 比值是否由于病理或生理原因所致,只有一种情况例外,即实验室通过可靠的分析方法表明该 禁用物质为外源性的。
If the laboratory has reported the presence of a T/E ratio greater than four (4) to one (1) in the urine, further investigation is obligatory in order to determine whether the ratio is due to a physiological or pathological condition, except if the laboratory reports an Adverse Analytical Finding based on any reliable analytical method, showing that the Prohibited Substance is of exogenous origin.
但最可怕的是 他的施刑者用瓶子、警棍和金属物体插入他的肛门、撕扯他 睾 丸 和 阴毛。
The worst part, however, was when the torturers penetrated his anus with bottles, truncheons and metal
[...] objects, pulled his testicles and pubic hairs.
鑒於政府當局未有採取有效行動,對15條約束政府的有關條 例作出修訂使其亦約束中央政府駐香港特區機構,以及仍未 完成就《個人資料(私隱)條例 》是否適用於中央政府駐香港特 區機構所進行的覆檢,以致該等機構無須遵守該等條例;而 政府當局又遲遲未將明文規定對" 官方" 具約束力或適用的35 條有關條例作適應化修改,本會表示高度關注,並促請政府 當局解釋此方面工作進展緩慢的原因,以及加快對有關條例 作出修訂和適應化修改的工作。
That, in view of the Administration's failure to take effective action to amend the 15 relevant Ordinances which bind the Government so that they also bind the offices of the CPG in the HKSAR and to complete the review of the applicability of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance to the CPG offices in the HKSAR, resulting in these offices not being required to abide by these Ordinances, and as the Administration has delayed the adaptation of the 35 relevant Ordinances which are expressed to bind, or apply to, the "Crown", this Council expresses serious concern and urges the Administration to explain the reasons for the slow progress of the work and to expedite amendment and adaptation of the relevant Ordinances.
一小部分的男病人会在盆腔的放射治疗后 睾 酮 的 分泌变缓慢,造成性欲 减低。
In a small
[...] group of men, testosterone production slows [...]
after pelvic radiation that results in lowered sex drive.
本人確認:(i)會就使用自動增值服務及 /
[...] 本人之個人資料將連繫至本人持有之八達通;(iii)已細閱、明白及同意自動增值協議條款第 33 至 40 關於個人資料(隱)條例的通知;(iv) 同意及 授權恒生可將閣下於申請表所提供及留存於恒生其他紀錄之個人資料披露予八達通卡有限公司;並同意此授權將於取消自動增值服務或八達通或 [...] [...]
I confirm that I agree: (i) to be bound by the Terms of Application, the AAVS Agreement and the Conditions of Issue of Octopus in the use of the AAVS and/or the Personalised Octopus; (ii) acknowledge and agree that upon the approval of the Automatic Add Value Service, my personal data provided in this application will be associated with my Octopus; (iii) agree that I have read,
understood and agreed with the notice
[...] relating to the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance [...]
contained in clauses 33 to 40 of the
AAVS Agreement; (iv) agreed and authorised Hang Seng to disclose the Octopus Cards Limited your personal data set out on the Application form and your data which Hang Seng may have from its other records, and agreed that this authorization shall survive, and continue after, the cancellation of the AAVS or cancellation of the designated Octopus or Personalised Octopus.
關於梁美芬議員就企業合併中使用及轉移 個人資料的規管事宜所提出的關注,署理副隱 專 員 回應時表示,由於企業合併是普遍的商業活 動,條例草案建議,為商業合併作盡職審查而轉移 或披露個人資料,可免受第3保障資料原則管限, 唯須符合下述情況:(a)將要轉移的個人資料屬必 需;(b)資料受讓人會與原先的資料使用者一樣,向 資料當事人提供相同的產品或服務;(c)儘管已採取 所有合理地切實可行的步驟,但仍無法取得資料當 事人同意轉移資料;以及(d)有關的資料轉移並不包 括售賣資料。
In response to Dr Priscilla LEUNG's concern about the regulation of the use and transfer of personal data in corporate mergers, Acting Deputy Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data advised that as corporate mergers were common commercial activities, the Bill proposed to exempt from Data Protection Principle 3 the transfer or disclosure of personal data for use in due diligence exercises in connection with mergers provided that (a) the personal data to be transferred were necessary; (b) the data transferee would provide the same products or services to the data subjects as did the original data user; (c) the consent of the data subjects to the data transfer could not be obtained despite the taking of all reasonably practicable steps; and (d) the data transfer did not include sale of the data.
结果发现:(1)随着密度的升高,布氏田鼠的体重和雄 睾 丸 的 重量有所降低;(2)中密度和高密度饲养条件下雌性的免疫水平高于低密度个体,但密度对雄性个体的免疫状况影响不大;(3)不同密度饲养条件下布氏田鼠血清中的皮质醇含量没有显著差异。
Body weight, spleen weight, testis weight, levels of [...]
serum antibodies and serum cortisol were measured. We found that: (1)
final body weights and male reproductive organ weights decreased with increasing density; (2) female Brandt〖DK1〗's voles in the moderate and high density groups had better immune function than those at low density, but the immune functions of male individuals were not significantly affected by density; (3) density had no significant effect on the serum cortisol levels of both male and female voles.
雖然 Dianabol
[...] 不會轉換為通過與 5 α 還原酶酶 (負責轉換為雙睾酮睾酮的 同一酶) 的互動更有力的類固醇,它有極小的親和力,這樣做在人的身體。
While Dianabol does convert to a more potent steroid via interaction with the 5-alpha reductase
anzyme (the same enzyme responsible for
[...] converting testosterone to dihydrotestosterone), [...]
it has extremely little affinity
to do so in the human body's. The androgenic metabolite 5alpha dihydromethandrostenolone is therefore produced only in trace amounts at best.
一些疾病在不同年龄事都可能表现出初期症状,应尽早检测出这些疾 病并且给予专业治疗,从而使儿童获益,例如应尽早检测代谢疾病、 听力损失、髋关节发育不良、睾症 、 斜视、视力问题、青春期发育 问题、肥胖、自闭症、注意力缺陷及多动症,对于有生理残疾或心理 残疾的儿童进行检测及跟踪治疗,对于患有慢性疾病儿童进行跟踪治 疗。
Detection of health problems (with ab initio presentation at the different ages) which may benefit from early detection coordinated with specialist care by means of activities designed to ensure early detection of metabolopathies, hypoacusis, displasia of the hip joint, cryptorchidism, strabism, vision problems, puberal development problems, obesity, autism and attention deficiency and hyperactivity disorders, and also identification and monitoring of children with physical and psychological disabilities and chronic diseases
这次我们不会停止在所有的这些,但是,我们将会做什么是专注于体育活动的角度 睾 丸 激 素的作用。
This time we will not stop at all
of them, but that what we will do is focus on
[...] the function of testosterone from the point [...]
of view of sporting activity.
本人/我們/本號並授權房委會負責 採 用 《 個 人 資 料 (隱 ) 條 例 》 所 界 定 的 比 較 程 序 , ( 以 人 手 或 其 他 方 法 ) 將 本 投 標 表 格 所 載 的 個 人資料,與房委會或從其他途徑取得*本人/我們/本號的個人資料,互相比較,以作調查及核實 之用,而房委會可利用比較所得資料,採取不利於*本人/我們/本號的行動。
I/We hereby further authorize HA to carry out matching procedures as defined under the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance to compare (whether by manual means or otherwise) the personal data in this Form of Tender with *my/our personal data collected for any other purpose by HA for investigation and verification and such comparison may be used for the purpose of taking adverse action against *me/us.
多项研究表明,雌激素对环境的污染与男性生殖健康恶化(如精子数量下降,生殖器畸形增多 睾 丸 癌 和前列腺癌病例增多)有关。
There are a number of studies suggesting a link between oestrogen contamination of the environment and adverse changes in male
reproductive health (eg decline in sperm counts, increase in genital malformations,
[...] increase in testicular and prostate [...]
[...] 段包括通过让水淹到鼻子,用塑料袋罩住脸,用湿布蒙住脸同时电击身体其他部 位,用部分包裹着布的棒球棒击睾 丸 , 将人关在温度很低的牢房中却不给他们 [...]
The techniques used included attempted suffocation by forcing water up the nose, covering the face with plastic bags, placing cloths soaked in water over the face while applying
electric shocks to other parts of the
[...] body, striking the testicles with a baseball [...]
bat partially covered with cloth and holding
people in cells at low temperatures without blankets or covers.
15 时 30 分,警官 Mahmud Subhi Hajj Najib(母亲名叫 Hajir;1922 年出生 于 Idlib 的 Jisr
[...] Shughur;隶属于特别行动股)在警察总部楼前执勤时被身份不 明的抢手开枪击中右大腿睾丸, 随后被送往霍姆斯军警医院。
At 1530 hours, police officer Mahmud Subhi Hajj Najib (mother’s name Hajir; born in Jisr Shughur, Idlib in 1922 [sic]; of the Special Operations Unit) was taken to the Homs military
police hospital after being shot in the
[...] right thigh and testicle by an unknown [...]
sniper as he was carrying out his duties
in front of the police headquarters building.
此外,委员会还听到指控对被拘留者采用以下做法:不许 睡觉;殴打,包括殴打头部;辱骂国籍及家庭成员;剥夺事奉宗教的能力;多达 30
[...] 天不让洗澡;不让律师探视;被迫长时间保持尴尬姿势;往牢房里放各种昆虫; 裸体检查,包括使劲睾丸以 及企图将物件放入肛门;泼溅滚烫的液体,包括泼 油。
Furthermore, the Committee heard allegations of treatment of detainees that involved such practices as deprivation of sleep; beatings, including on the head; insults regarding nationality and family members; denial of ability to observe religious practices; prevention of bathing for periods of up to 30 days; denial of visits from lawyers; being forced to remain in awkward positions for long periods of time; filling cells with insects;
naked inspections, including the
[...] aggressive grabbing of testicles and attempts to [...]
force objects into the anus; and the spilling
of hot liquids, including oil.
TUNEL结果显示热应激和超生理剂睾 酮 能 够诱导生精细胞出现凋亡信号,它分别于处理后第5天和第30天达到最强,表明热应激 睾 酮 干 扰精子发生可能是通过生精细胞凋亡的方式来实现的。
The TUNEL results showed that the apoptotic signals after treatment increased and the strongest apoptotic signals appeared in the germ cells
of the cryptorchid
[...] testes on day 5 or the TU-treated monkey testes on day 30,suggesting that the failure of spermatogenesis in the testes of monkeys after treatment may be due [...]
to the germ cell apoptosis
induced by heat stress or high TU.
肺癌症状 肝癌症状 胃癌症状 血癌症状 乳腺癌症状 卵巢癌症状 宫颈癌症状 脑癌症状 结肠癌症状 胰腺癌症状 前列腺癌症状 淋巴瘤症状 骨癌症状 皮肤癌症状 阴茎癌症状 舌癌症睾丸癌症状 口腔癌症状 食道癌症状 鼻咽癌症状 甲状腺癌症状 胆管癌症状 胆囊癌症状 阴道癌症状 肠癌症状 膀胱癌症状 喉癌症状 眼癌症状 肛门癌症状 肾癌症状 肾上腺癌症状 子宫内膜癌症状 多发性骨髓瘤症状 软组织肿瘤症状 十二指肠癌症状
Breast Cancer Symptoms Cervical Cancer Symptoms Leukemia Symptoms Lung Cancer Symptoms Lymphoma Symptoms Colon Cancer Symptoms Prostate Cancer Symptoms Brain Tumor Symptoms Skin Cancer Symptoms Pancreatic Cancer Symptoms Liver Cancer Symptoms Bone Cancer Symptoms Ovarian Cancer Symptoms Stomach Cancer Symptoms Oral Cancer Symptoms Esophageal Cancer Symptoms Nasopharyngeal Cancer Symptoms Thyroid Cancer Symptoms bile duct cancer symptoms Gallbladder Cancer Symptoms Bowel Cancer Symptoms Bladder Cancer Symptoms Throat Cancer Symptoms Eye Cancer Symptoms Kidney Cancer Symptoms Adrenal Cancer Symptoms Multiple Myeloma Symptoms Soft Tissue Cancer Symptoms Duodenal Cancer Symptoms Testicular Cancer Symptoms Penile Cancer Symptoms
与癌症相关的辐射效应出现在直接受到辐射的人体器官上,而遗传效应则源 于受辐射个体的生殖器官(男性睾 丸 和 女性的卵巢)中的生殖细胞(精子和卵 子)中 DNA 的损伤。
Whereas the cancer-related effects of irradiation arise in the organs of people directly exposed, heritable effects originate from damage to the DNA of germ cells (sperm and eggs) in the reproductive organs (testes in males and ovaries in females) of these exposed individuals.
防范酷刑小组委员会认为,受访的被拘留者提到的一些做法―― 比如“干 淹”法和挤睾丸― ― 并非孤立的事件,而是国家警察在拘留发生最初数小时内 [...]
The SPT considers that some of the practices related by the detainees
interviewed, such as the “dry submarine” method
[...] and squeezing of testicles, are not simply [...]
isolated incidents but represent common and
established practice by the National Police during the initial hours of detention.
睾酮不 仅因而影响我们的身体,但在该控件的一些物质,是目前在正文中,如胆固醇,因为这种激素有助于有效地调节他们的水平也有了至关重要的作用。
But testosterone not only affects [...]
thus our body, but also has a crucial role in the control of some substances that are
present in the body, as in the case of cholesterol, since this hormone helps regulate their levels effectively.
无可争议,BP的工作(由Good Year calendar和大剂量睾酮主 导)是一个“男性化的”工种,既通过材料的选择(废油、金属鼓,加油站,汽车引擎盖,金属板,头盔等),通过他们的环境(某些作品如1986年的 [...]
Stock exhibited
in Hamburg就是从研讨会得到灵感的)。
There seems to be no ambiguity in the fact that BP’s work
(headed by the Good Year calendar and its
[...] heavy dose of testosterone) is of a "masculine" [...]
sort, both by the choice of materials
(waste oil, metal drums, petrol pumps, car bonnets, metal sheets, crash helmets, etc) as by their surroundings (certain works such as Stock exhibited in Hamburg in 1986 evoked the theme of a workshop).
个别农药在无论是实验室的或流行病学的研究中, 都已有证据表明它和许多癌症和肿瘤有关,这一长串的癌症包括:多发性骨髓瘤、软组织肉瘤、尤文氏
[...] 视网膜母细胞瘤(眼部肿瘤)以及食管,胃,前列腺 睾 丸 , 乳腺,卵巢,宫颈,膀胱,甲状腺,肺, [...]
Individual pesticides have been linked, either by laboratory evidence or epidemiological studies, to a long list of cancers, including multiple myeloma, soft tissue sarcoma, Ewing’s sarcoma, lymphoma, non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, leukemia, melanoma, neuroblastoma or Wilm’s tumor, germ-cell tumors, retinoblastoma (eye
tumor); and cancer of the esophagus,
[...] stomach, prostate, testis, breast, ovary, [...]
cervix, bladder thyroid, lung, brain, kidney,
pancreas, liver, colon and rectum.10,11
如果实验室报告尿样睾酮和表睾酮 的 比值大于 4,将强制要求进行追踪调查,以确定 该比值是否由于病理或生理原因所致,只有一种情况例外,即实验室通过可靠的分析方法表 明该禁用物质为外源性的。
Unless two thirds of the States Parties express their objection, the proposed amendment shall be deemed to be approved by the Conference of Parties.




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