

单词 隔離

See also:

at a distance from
after or at an interval of
stand or lie between


partition n

External sources (not reviewed)

(a) 應向隔離/檢 疫的人提供司法覆核等法律途 徑以外的保障
(a) safeguards should be provided for
[...] persons placed under isolation/quarantine other [...]
than judicial means such as judicial review
我們在2003年應付SARS爆發的經驗顯示,控制感染蔓延 的有效措施包括及早偵測個案以及迅速實 隔離 、 檢 疫和消毒等 控制措施。
Our experience of the 2003 SARS outbreak showed that effective measures to control the spread of
the infection include early detection of cases and swift control
[...] measures such as isolation, quarantine and [...]
(e) 政府會否因應其他司法管轄區的做法,考慮補 償隔離/檢疫的人在隔離/檢 疫期間蒙受 的財政損失。
(e) whether consideration would be given to providing compensation to people isolated/quarantined for the financial loss they suffered during the period of isolation/quarantine, having regard to the practice in other jurisdictions.
在 IT 的電源網路上, 配電系統中性點(N)完全沒有連接至接地端,或是經由高阻抗的接地,於此 種電源系統需使隔離式的 量測儀器來測試電阻。
In the IT network, the power distribution system Neutral is either not connected to earth or is earthed via a high impedance.
基於以上考慮因素,並鑒於該隔離 或 檢 疫令是為促進公眾 利益而作出,事關重大,政府當局認為,儘管不會就有關的經濟損失給予 補償,但因作隔離或檢 疫令而對財產權造成的任何侵擾,均符合上文第 16段所述的公正平衡要求。
In view of these considerations and the
importance of the public
[...] interest which such isolation or quarantine orders serve to advance, the Administration considers that, notwithstanding the absence of compensation for such financial loss, any interference with property rights arising from the making of these isolation or quarantine orders [...]
meets the fair balance
required referred to in paragraph 16 above.
(c) 對財產權的有關侵擾在沒有支付補償的情况下仍然符合公
[...] 正平衡原則,例如衞生主任檢取未經許可而被帶進 隔離 地方 的物品一段非常短暫的時間(例如幾分鐘),又 [...]
或 被 檢 取 的物品是導致公共衞生緊急事態的起因。
(c) the relevant interference with property rights meets the fair balance test without payment of compensation, for instance, a health officer, for a very short period of time, say of only a few minutes,
seizing an article that is brought into a
[...] place placed under isolation without the requisite [...]
permission; or where the seized article
being the cause of a public health emergency.
由於核電站的設計巳採用多層密封保護隔 離,反 應堆冷卻水與外界沒有任何接觸,因此不會對公眾構成任何影響。
The reactor cooling
[...] water is totally isolated on its own according [...]
to the design and excluded from any contact with the
external environment, thus causing no impact to the public.
當衞生 主任認 為該人不 具傳染性(例 如 醫學測試結果顯 示 該人已獲有效治療,或 有關疾病的潛伏期已過), 又 或有關隔離/檢疫可由限 制性隔 離/檢 疫為小 的 醫學監察代 替 ,該人即 會 免隔 離/檢疫。
The person will be released from isolation/quarantine as soon as a health officer considers that he is not infectious, for instance, when he has been effectively treated as indicated by medical test results or on the lapse of the
incubation period for the
[...] disease concerned, or the isolation/quarantine can be placed by medical surveillance, which is less restrictive than isolation/quarantine.
如下圖展示中有很多洞洞的金屬籠子,看起來似乎並沒有完全遮住裡面的收音機,可是只要金屬 的導電性夠好,還是可以形成很好的屏蔽效果,所以可以把電磁 隔離 而 使 收音機收不到訊號。
In the picture below, the radio appears to be not fully covered by metal but if the conductivity of the metal is high, radio waves are completely blocked and the radio will not receive any signal.
[...] 競賽"和“百萬青年志願者助殘"行動等提高認識活動尤感關切,這些活動將殘 疾人刻畫成無助、依賴他人隔離於 社會其他部分的人。
It is especially concerned with awareness-raising events such as the “AllChina Occupational Skills Contest for Persons with Disabilities” and the “Million Young Volunteers to Help Persons with Disabilities”
programme that depict persons with disabilities as helpless and dependent
[...] human beings segregated from the rest [...]
of society.
漁護署應與農戶商討,考隔離飼養種雞與肉雞的最佳 方法,以降低感染病毒的風險。
AFCD to consider, in consultation with the
[...] farmers, how best to segregate the operations [...]
relating to the rearing of breeder flocks
and broiler flocks to minimize the risk of spread of infection.
委員詢問,政府當局會否對被命 隔離 的 處 所或運輸工具的擁有 人,以及被命隔離或接受檢疫的人所蒙受的經濟損失,提供補償。
Members have asked whether compensation would be paid to cover financial loss suffered by owners of premises or conveyances ordered to be isolated, as well as people ordered to be isolated or quarantined.
(a) 第 6(1)條賦權衞生主任、警務人員、獲委任的公職人員、醫 院或用隔離/檢 疫的地方的員工,以及醫療輔助隊或民 眾安全服務隊(下稱"民安隊")的隊員,逮捕 離隔離 / 檢 疫 的地方(屬第6(2)條所訂的犯罪行為)的任何人
public officers, staff of hospital
[...] or a place of isolation/quarantine and members of the Auxiliary Medical Service (AMS) or Civil Aid Service (CAS) to arrest a person who escapes from a place of isolation/quarantine (which [...]
is an offence under clause 6(2))
[...] 簡單的檢查,如發現有懷疑受疾病感染的魚類,必須立刻將隔 離及盡 早尋求漁護署獸醫師協助進行合適的治療。
Apart from the fish health inspections conducted by the AFCD, fish farmers should also carry out simple inspection on their fish every day. Should there
be any suspected infection, the fish
[...] concerned must be isolated immediately and [...]
assistance from the Veterinary Officers
of the AFCD should be sought for proper treatment as soon as possible.
任何員工,如曾與沙士患者( 或懷疑個案)
[...] 有密切接觸,均被要求根 據衞生署的規定進行檢隔離。
The staff who has been in close contact with the
SARS (or suspected SARS) patient should then be alerted to the need for
[...] quarantine as required by [...]
the Department of Health.
政 府 當局進 而 表示,隔 離/檢疫的人除了 接受衞生主任規定其 須 接受的檢驗 [...]
或 測試外,也 可要求 由其自行選擇 的 醫 生為其進行醫學檢 驗 或 測試。
The Administration has further advised that a
[...] person placed under isolation/quarantine may request [...]
a medical examination or test to
be performed by a medical practitioner of his choice, in addition to the examination or test to which a health officer subjects the person.
追查曾與患者接觸的人士、對接觸者進行健康監測,以及因應情 況的需要執隔離措施
Conduct contact tracing, medical surveillance
[...] and enforce quarantine measures on [...]
contacts of cases as appropriate to the situation.
政 府 當局表示,不
[...] 會就這類損失給予 補償,因為相關隔離 或檢 疫 令只會在一段短時間內有效,讓 [...]
衞生當局進行疾病管 制措施及/ 或 醫學 監察,以防止疾病蔓延。
The Administration has advised that no
compensation will be provided for such loss since
[...] the relevant isolation or quarantine [...]
orders will only last for a short period
of time to enable the health authority to carry out disease control measures and/or medical surveillance to prevent the spread of disease.
(b) 保持高度警覺,採取病人分流及員工自 隔離 措 施
(b) Adoption of high index of suspicion by patient triage and self-exclusion of staff.
除非與父母分離是為了兒童的利益,沒有兒 童會因本身或其中一位或雙親的殘疾而被迫與父母分開; 同時我們亦會防止殘疾兒童被匿藏、遺棄、忽略 隔離。
23.4 To this end, we cater for family needs through the provision of a continuum of preventive, supportive and remedial services to ensure that parents with disabilities are provided with adequate support in their child-rearing responsibilities, that no child is separated from his / her parents because of the disability of either the child or one or both of the parents unless the separation is for
the benefit of the child, and to prevent concealment,
[...] abandonment, neglect or segregation of children with disabilities.
當證實香港境內的禽鳥感染高致病性禽流感,衞生署便會追查曾 與證實帶有禽流感病毒的染病或死亡禽鳥接觸的人士,並根據風 險評估的結果,考慮對曾與染病或死亡禽鳥直接接觸的人士提供 預防藥物及進行家隔離。
When there is confirmation of HPAI in birds in Hong Kong, DH will conduct contact tracing and medical surveillance for persons who come into contact with sick or dead bird(s) confirmed to be HPAI positive. Depending on the risk assessment, antiviral chemoprophylaxis and home confinement may be considered for persons who have direct contact with the sick or dead bird(s).
這份報告書建議立例 訂立專門針對侵犯私隱行為的侵權行為,如
[...] 個人在有合理私隱期望的情況下,其獨處隔離境況 被侵擾,又或其私生活被無理宣 [...]
This report recommended the creation by statute of specific torts of invasion of privacy to enable an individual to seek civil remedies for intrusion upon his solitude or seclusion in
circumstances where he had a reasonable expectation of privacy, and for
[...] unwarranted publicity given to his private life
(I) 任何人如在另一人有合理私隱期望的情況下,蓄意或罔 顧後果地侵擾該另一人的獨處或與外 隔離 的 境 況或干 擾該另一人的私人事務或業務,則不論他的侵擾或干擾 有沒有干擾實物,他仍應負上侵權法上的法律責任,惟 他的侵擾或干擾必須會嚴重冒犯一個有正常感覺的合理 的人或會令這樣的一個人非常反感。
(I) Any person who intentionally or recklessly intrudes, physically or otherwise, upon the solitude or seclusion of another or into his private affairs or concerns in circumstances where that other has a reasonable expectation of privacy should be liable in tort, provided that the intrusion is seriously offensive or objectionable to a reasonable person of ordinary sensibilities (para. 6.84)
CDO 抵押品的發行人 Zenesis SPC 為一在開曼群島註冊成立的獲豁免有限責任公司及登記 隔離 組合公司(其每一系列的不同組合的資產與責任互 隔離 )。
The issuer of the CDOs is Zenesis SPC, which is an exempted company incorporated in
the Cayman Islands and
[...] registered as a segregated portfolio company (where different portfolio of assets and liabilities for each series are segregated from one another).
迪慶發展項 目位於香格里拉縣小中甸明峻地區,總規劃面積約為 1,773 萬平方米(17.73 平 方公里),包括 966 萬平方米保護面積、349 萬平方隔離帶和總建築面積約為 76 萬平方米的旅遊休閒度假村。
The proposed Diqing development plan in Ming Jun Area, Xiao Zhong Dian Town, Shangri-La County will cover an area of approximately 17.73 million sq.m. (17.73 sq.km), including a protection area of 9.66 million sq.m., a buffer zone of 3.49 million sq.m., and a tourist and leisure resort with a GFA of approximately 760,000 sq.m. The Lijiang development is planned to be a new village and leisure resort development in La Shi Hai Pian Area, Yulong County with a GFA of approximately 1.2 million sq.m.
應收帳款債權之移轉,係依照財務會計準則公報第三十三號「金融資產之移轉及 負債消滅之會計處理準則」之規定,相對之金融資產及負債於同時符合下列所有條件 時予以除列: 1.應收帳款債權已經與移轉隔離, 亦 即推定已脫離移轉人及其債權人之控制,即使 移轉人破產或被接收時亦然。
The Group adopts SFAS No. 33 “Accounting for Transfers of Financial Assets and Extinguishments of Liabilities” and derecognizes the related financial assets and liabilities when all of the following conditions are met
監察措施、出入境管制隔離措施 、公眾教育、危機溝通、以及社區預防都是其 中一些預防及控制傳染病的重要公眾健康措施。
Surveillance, port and border control, quarantine directives, public education, risk communication, and community prevention are some of the important public health measures for infectious disease control and prevention.
不應 不得在凌晨 1 時 30 分(0130 時) 至早上 8 時(0800 時)的一段時 間內營業;設於真正會所或酒 店(註:會所及酒店必須與其他 處所完隔離)或設於純商業 樓宇的按摩院,則另作別論。
Any change to the approved layout, shop sign, permitted operating hours, size of premises and business mode requires the prior written approval from the Commissioner of Police.
主架上每 隔 120
[...] 公分內須設置一條懸吊線,且在距牆壁側(或地 隔離 縫 )2 0 公分內須設置第一條懸吊線;搭配前節所述骨架收邊之要求,由 [...]
The wires need to be spaced at less than [...]
120 cm along each main runner. The first suspension wire should be laid to support
each runner within 20 cm of each wall (or seismic separation joint).
使用可攜式和行動化 RF 通訊設備 時,設備和 A&D 裝置任何部位(包 含連接線)的距離,不得少於依據 傳送器頻率方程式計算所得的建議隔距離。
Portable and mobile RF communications equipment should be used no closer to any part of the A&D unit, including cables, than the recommended separation distance calculated from the equation applicable to the frequency of the transmitter.




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