

单词 隔开

See also:

at a distance from
after or at an interval of
stand or lie between

External sources (not reviewed)

(b) 限制在警察局的留置期限,以可能的逮捕程序及将驱逐针对的 外国人与普通法罪行疑隔开程序 绝对需要的时间为限”。
(b) Limit the length of detention in police stations to
[...] the amount of time strictly necessary [...]
for any arrest and to separate foreigners
awaiting expulsion from people being questioned for common law crimes.
例如对传统知识的保护体系是一个与现存的知识 产权体系隔开来的保护体系。
A sui generis system of protection for example for traditional knowledge would be a system of protection separate from the existing IP system.
管道运营时,阀门用隔 开要维修的管道或应对紧急状况。
The valves are used once the line is operational to isolate the pipeline for maintenance or in the event of an emergency.
在这方面,敦促各国通过各自国家法律框架确保宪法或等效法律包含重要 的儿童权利原则和保护措施,包括剥夺自由应仅作为最后手段,期限应为最短的 适当时间,确保儿童与成人分开监禁,女童与男 隔开 ; 有 效保护儿童免受残 忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或任何其他形式的暴力,包括作为惩罚、待遇或刑 罚形式的暴力。
In this light, States are urged, through their national legal frameworks, to ensure that the Constitution, or its equivalent, contains key child rights principles and safeguards including the consideration of children’s deprivation of liberty only as a measure of last resort and for the shortest appropriate period of time, the separation of children from adults, and of girls from boys; the effective protection of children from torture or cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or any other form of violence, including as a form of punishment, treatment or sentencing.
多个电子邮件地址可以使用分隔开 输 入 ,从而创建简单邮件 列表。
Multiple email addresses can be entered by separating them by semicolons, allowing simple mailing lists to be created.
我们要强调,我们重视各国国家元首和政府首脑 在联合国通过的具有历史意义的《千年宣言》(第 55/2 号决议),他们藉此承担集体责任挑战,作出了缩小 不平等差距的承诺,这种不平等就像是一个人类尊严 被剥夺的深渊,把较贫穷国家与更幸运的国家 隔开 来。
We wish to stress the importance that we attach to the historic Millennium Declaration (resolution 55/2), adopted by heads of State and Government here at the United Nations and by which they assumed, as a challenge of collective responsibility, the promise of closing the gap of inequality that, like a deep abyss of denied human dignity, separates the poorer countries from the more fortunate.
表格每“页”的动态数据(动态字段、数据和覆载数据) 必须使用换页符号与下一页新动态数 隔开。
Each “page” of dynamic data (the
dynamic fields, data, and overlay data) for the form
[...] must be separated from the next page of new dynamic data by a form feed.
会议提及尼科西亚这个城市的例子,这个城市尽管被分成两个部分,由一堵 隔开, 但在两个市长的同意下就只建了一条污水处理下水道。
The example of the town of Nicosia was mentioned, where a single sewerage system has been established for the two parts of the town, despite the wall separating them, with the agreement of the two mayors.
他的政党正致力于通过 GPA 来解除制裁,但与 ZANU-PF 不同的是,他们不认 为解除制裁是无条件的,他的政党也还需要对此问 题进行更深入的讨论。46 美国认为津巴布韦的政治领导人应当负起责任,实 施其承诺作出的改革,这些改革包括“举行自由、 公平和受到国际监督的选举”,以及将国家机构与 ZANU-PF 分隔开来。
His party is committed through the GPA to removal, but not to ZANU-PF’s position that this should be unconditional, and it has yet to debate the topic thoroughly.46 The U.S. holds Zimbabwe’s political leaders responsible for implementing the reforms to which they have committed.
如果感染是由细菌引起,可能会传染至中耳,这里有一层耳膜将外耳与中耳 隔开 , 受 感染的液体会蓄积在耳膜后。
If the infection is caused by bacteria, this may spread to the middle ear where infected fluid builds up behind the eardrum, a membrane that separates the outer ear from the middle ear.
亚美尼亚政府官员报告说,大约 1 000 个来自亚美尼亚的定居家庭居 住在纳戈尔诺-卡拉巴赫和拉钦走廊,后者是一条将纳戈尔诺-卡拉巴赫与亚 美尼亚隔开来的狭长土地……。
Government officials in Armenia have reported that about 1,000 settler families from Armenia reside in Nagorno-Karabakh and the Lachin Corridor, a strip of land that separates Nagorno-Karabakh from Armenia….
又表示严重关切以色列继续推行政策,特别是在东耶路撒冷及其周边地区 拆毁住房和驱赶居民,以及采取措施,包括通过加速修建定居点,修建隔离墙 和强制设立检查点,进一步将该城市同其自然的巴勒斯坦环 隔开 , 使 巴勒斯 坦人民面对的悲惨社会经济情况更加严重恶化
Expressing grave concern also over the continued policy of home demolitions and displacement of the population in and around occupied East Jerusalem in particular, as well as over measures to further isolate the city from its natural Palestinian environs, including through the accelerated construction of settlements, the construction of the wall and the imposition of checkpoints, which have seriously exacerbated the already dire socio-economic situation being faced by the Palestinian population
正是本着这种精神和根据同样的承诺,我 向安理会重申,苏丹南方的分离绝不意味着我们 将筑起一堵地理上的高墙,将苏丹南北双 隔开 或割裂双方的纽带和关系。
It is in that spirit and with the same commitment that I reaffirm to the Council that the secession by the Sudanese South in no way means that we would establish a geographic wall that would separate the North and the South, or sever the links and relations between the North and the South.
该区域设有大面积洗衣区,一道双层墙将其与男囚犯居住隔 开,使犯人每日可进行户外活动。
This wing has a large laundry area that is divided from the facilities housing the male prison population by a double wall, allowing inmates to spend time outdoors every day.
[...] 必须遵循严格的语法要求,命令树中不允许多余的字符,命令树与参数之间只允许一个 空隔开,参 数后不允许多余的字符等,否则蜂鸣器会报警,表示当前命令产生了错误。
The compatible commands must follow the syntax strictly, for instance, unwanted characters are not allowed
in command trees; command trees and
[...] parameters should be separated by a space, unwanted [...]
characters are also not allowed to
follow parameters, or else the instrument will beep to alarm for an execution error.
为此,人道主义任务应当尽可能同更广泛的区域事态发展隔 开来,确保得以有效的实施。
For this reason, the
[...] humanitarian mandate must be insulated as much as possible [...]
from wider regional developments to ensure its effective implementation.
土著人民,特别是被国际边界隔开 的 土 著人民,有权与边界另一边的 同民族人和其他民族的人保持和发展接触、关系与合作,包括为精神、文化、 政治、经济和社会目的开展活动。
Indigenous peoples, in particular
[...] those divided by international borders, have the right to maintain and develop contacts, [...]
relations and cooperation,
including activities for spiritual, cultural, political, economic and social purposes, with their own members as well as other peoples across borders.
十榀木构架最西边的两跨是画廊,由一堵到顶不到地的隔墙把它和开敞的大空 隔开。
The west end two bays of timber frame were made into a
[...] gallery, and is separated from the large main area by a partition wall.
以色列仍然对东耶路撒冷执行侵略性的非法政 策,旨在改变该地的人口组成、地位和独特的巴勒斯 坦性质和特征,并把该城同领土的其他部 隔开。
East Jerusalem remains the target of an aggressive and illegal Israeli policy aimed at altering its demographic composition, status and distinctly Palestinian character and identity, and at severing the city from the rest of the territory.
[...] 地点,参加新书发布的可能有几十人到几百人,女性 和男性听众由挂隔开。
Depending on the topic of the book, the popularity of the speaker, and the location of the
mosque, a book launch can draw anywhere from a few dozen to several hundred people, with
[...] women and men separated by a curtain.
它是后者的事实,印度教的又一显着特点,主要是由于,即在世界上没有其他系统是更为广阔的鸿 隔开 , 较高的宗教,培养,从类的周到低,没有文化,不懂事群众中去“(婆罗门教和印度教,1891年,第11页)。
And it is to this latter fact that yet another remarkable peculiarity of Hinduism is mainly due-namely, that in no other system in the world is the chasm more vast which separates the religion of the higher, cultured, and thoughtful classes from that of the lower, uncultured, and unthinking masses" (Brahmanism and Hinduism, 1891, p. 11).
通过将一切最具体的""""工作""""汇集于圆岛区域,从而与厨房本身 隔开 来。
The strategy of concentrating all the most specifi cally "working" functions in a round island, separate from the kitchen itself.
车身底部平稳转换至牢固的扩散器框架,四支大小合适的排气管由拆分 隔开 , 以增加下压峰值。
The smooth underbody transitions into a substantial diffuser framing the four sizable exhaust pipes divided by a splitter to increase the level of downforce peak.
希伯伦老城与该城市的其他地区仍然被 122 个封闭障碍隔开,某 些街道仍然不准巴勒斯坦人开车,甚至步行,严重限制数 [...]
The old city of
[...] Hebron remains segregated from the rest [...]
of the city by 122 closure obstacles, while the movement of Palestinians
by car, and in some cases on foot, remains prohibited along certain streets, severely undermining the access of thousands of Palestinians to basic services.
背光是照亮背着镜头方向一面的光源, 我们主要用背光把主体 和背景隔开 来。
We use a back light to separate the subject from the background and to enhance the feeling of depth.
由于其没有滑动面,且抽气腔室 与驱动腔室完全密封隔开,所以非常 适合应用在需要消除火花源的环境中。
Since there are no sliding surfaces and as the expansion chamber is hermetically sealed against the drive system, they are just right for use in environments in which it is important to eliminate ignition sources.
应配备设施,如安置各种入口检查装置(出入卡阅读器)以将某地列为要地和/或将某 些场所隔开。
Physical facilities need to be installed, such as various access control devices
[...] (badge readers) to secure and/or separate [...]
certain areas.
(e) 将单个企业人为地划整为零,分成几个不同的实体,目的是把单一企隔开,使 其免受潜在负债的影响;未照例将集团各成员当作独立的法律实 [...]
体,包括无视集团成员的有限责任或者把个人资产与公司资产混在一起;企业 集团结构纯属伪装或幌子,例如,以公司的形式为手段,逃避法定义务或合同
义务; (f) 实体的资本投入不足,因而无法以足够的资本作为其经营的基础。
(e) Artificial fragmentation of a single enterprise
into several different entities for
[...] the purposes of insulating the single enterprise [...]
from potential liabilities; failure to
follow the formalities of treating group members as separate legal entities, including disregarding the limited liability of group members or confusing personal and corporate assets; or where the enterprise group structure is a mere sham or facade, such as where the corporate form is used as a device to circumvent statutory or contractual obligations
叶柄0.5-7厘米; 叶片纸质到革质,通常不具腺,3脉,次脉5-12配对;
省略的不裂叶片,长方形,卵状椭圆形,椭圆状披针形,或者卵状披针形,到狭披针形, 2.5-18(-24) * 1-7 厘米,基部楔形在近圆形,先端渐尖或长渐尖,很少突然锐尖;
[...] 倒三角形的浅裂叶片,深深2或3半裂,裂片披针形到椭圆形的;边缘全缘,通常具不规 隔开 的 , 狭三角形齿给到约1毫米。
Petiole 0.5-7 cm; leaf blade papery to leathery, usually not glandular punctate, 3-veined, secondary veins 5-12 pairs; unlobed blades elliptic, oblong, ovate-elliptic, elliptic-lanceolate, or ovate-lanceolate, to narrowly lanceolate, 2.5-18(-24) × 1-7 cm, base cuneate to nearly rounded, apex acuminate or long acuminate, rarely abruptly acute; lobed blades obtriangular, deeply 2- or
3-cleft, lobes lanceolate to elliptic; margin entire, often
[...] with irregularly spaced, narrowly triangular [...]
teeth to ca. 1 mm.




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