

单词 隔天



lit. a gulf between heaven and earth
wide difference of opinion [idiom.]

See also:


isolate v
separate v

at a distance from
stand or lie between
after or at an interval of

External sources (not reviewed)

現時須天或隔天領取診症籌額的主要為偶發性病人,正如 上述他們大部分均通過電話預約取得診症籌額。
Currently, patients who need to obtain consultation
[...] slots on the same day or the previous day are mainly those [...]
with episodic illnesses, who,
as mentioned above, do so mostly through the telephone booking service.
對於這些日本人而言,政黨管治只是宣揚自私自 利與貪污,及隔天皇與 人民;政黨內的政客也被視為饑餓的權力渴求者。
To these people, party rule only encouraged selfishness, corruption and separation of the Emperor from the people.
后来马儿的体烧退了,鲁医生也看见了那马儿如何战胜了病菌并 隔天 就能 若无其事的站起来吃东西。
The doctor watched as the horse fought off the germs
[...] and by the next day was standing and [...]
eating as if nothing had ever been wrong.
若您透過電子郵件寄資料,隔天 開始 到未來數週時間,您可以做後續電話追蹤。
If you email the information, you can begin to place your follow up
[...] calls the very next day and subsequent [...]
weeks thereafter.
两人把流浪儿带到她们的旅馆过夜,准 隔天 将 其 送到孤儿院。
During their visit, they encountered homeless children wandering the streets.
安全理事会第 1916(2010)号决议规定在 12 个月 内不对向 索马里 运送的人道主义援助适用第 1844(2008)号决议第 3
[...] 段规定的资产冻结,并请联合 国索马里人道主义驻地协调员隔 120 天向安 理会报 告在索马里提供人道主义援助遇到的任何障碍。
By resolution 1916 (2010), the Security Council established for a period of 12 months an exemption to the assets freeze imposed by paragraph 3 of resolution 1844 (2008) in connection with the delivery of humanitarian assistance to Somalia, and requested the United Nations Resident and
Humanitarian Coordinator for Somalia to
[...] report every 120 days to the Council on [...]
any impediments to the delivery of humanitarian assistance in Somalia.
同一决议第 11 段要求委
员会开展以下工作:在监察组的支助下监测旅行禁令和冻结资产规定的执行情 况;向所有会员国、特别是该区域各国索取关于它们为切实执行旅行禁令和冻结
[...] 资产规定而采取的行动的信息;至少隔 120 天向安理会报告其工作以及第 1844 (2008)号决议的执行情况。
By paragraph 11 of the same resolution, the Committee was entrusted with, inter alia, the tasks of monitoring the implementation of the travel ban and assets freeze, with the support of the Monitoring Group; of seeking from all Member States, in particular those in the region, information regarding the actions taken by them to implement effectively the travel ban and assets
freeze; and of reporting to the Council
[...] at least every 120 days on its work and on [...]
the implementation of resolution 1844 (2008).
我的午餐便当盒都会在前一个晚餐准备好,也就是说我把晚餐 隔天 午 餐混起来住,然后再分为两大部分。
My lunch box is prepared on the night before.
本报告是根据安全理事会第 1881(2009)号决议第 6
[...] 段(c)提交的,其中安理 会请我隔 90 天报告 非洲联盟-联合国达尔富尔混合行动(达尔富尔混合行动)在 [...]
达尔富尔各地执行任务的进展以及政治进程所获进展、安全和人道主义局势和各 方遵守其国际义务的情况。
The present report is submitted pursuant to paragraph 6 (c) of Security Council resolution 1881
(2009), by which the Council requested me
[...] to report every 90 days on progress made [...]
towards implementing the mandate of the
African Union-United Nations Hybrid Operation in Darfur (UNAMID) across Darfur, as well as on the political process, the security and humanitarian situation and compliance by all parties with their international obligations.
示范谅解备忘录还应要求部 队派遣国同意在一案件转交给它后 120
[...] 天内通报秘书长,说明它根据本国法律采 取的措施,并在此后隔 120 天向秘 书长通报进展情况,直到结案为止。
The model memorandum of understanding also ought to require the troop -contributing country to agree to inform the Secretary -General within 120 days after a case has been referred to it of measures it has
taken under its national law and to inform him of progress
[...] achieved every 120 days thereafter until [...]
the case is finalized.
隔 180 天(6 个月),每位医疗服务 提供者提供 1 次牙科检查和 1 次洗牙 服务。
For more information on your child’s dental benefits, please call Keystone Mercy’s Member Services at 1-800-521-6860.
Though the interval between the classical period and their own days was regarded by the [...]
Humanists as barbarous and destructive
alike of art and science, Humanism (like every other historical phenomenon) was connected with the past.
循环冷却水系统中用优氯净作杀生剂时,夏季 隔 2 - 3 天 投 加15-20mg/L,春秋两季 隔 3 - 5 天 投 加 一次,冬季 隔 5 - 7 天 投 加 一次。
When euchlorine is used as biocides in circulating cooling
water systems ,in
[...] summer every2-3days, adding15-20mg / L, in spring and autumn ,every3-5days, adding once,in winter,every5-7days,adding once.
安排隔 25 天清洗 一次喷头将很有可能解决此问题,您可以在接下来的第 [...]
30、60 和 90 天进行检查,验证是否显著减少或消除了 EHT/HV 跳 闸事件,从而确保解决方案可持续。
Scheduling a printhead
[...] cleaning every 25 days will most likely [...]
solve the problem, and you can ensure the solution is sustainable
by checking over the next 30, 60 and 90 days to verify a significant reduction or elimination of EHT/HV Trip events.
在纽西兰上班的日子,准隔天的便 当是晚上必做的事。
During the working holiday times in New Zealand, preparing a
[...] lunch pack for tomorrow was a must do [...]
task in the night.
That was not the liners’ only drawback, either – in the winter, for example, they were often simply too hard at the start of milking.
法案委員會曾商議的 主要事項包括醫生核證規定;註冊醫生核證與律
[...] 師及授權人簽署持久授權書之間隔 28 天 的建 議時限;持久授權書的生效時間;不完備的持久 [...]
授權書能否作為普通授權書而生效;以及共同及 各別受權人的委任等。
The major issues deliberated by the Bills Committee
included the medical certification requirement;
[...] the proposed 28-day time limit between [...]
medical certification by a registered medical
practitioner and the signing of an EPA by the solicitor and the donor; commencement of EPAs; whether a defective EPA could take effect as an ordinary power of attorney; and appointment of joint and several attorneys.
1天的耗水量 如果是隔几天由附近各个地区 的主水网供水,则必须把供水隔天数计算在内。
If water is distributed from
[...] the mains supply on alternate days in different neighbourhoods, the number of days between distributions must [...]
be taken into account.
郵寄方式:廣東省內市區一律發順豐快遞------ -- - - - 隔天到 廣 東省外順豐快遞到不了的地方一律發EMS(郵局特快專遞)----------2至4天到為保障買賣雙方的權益,發順豐快遞所寄物品需購買保險! ! 保險費按產品總金額的千分之五收取,買方必須配合賣方在簽收貨物前仔細檢查貨物是否完好產品外包裝上有我公司負責人簽名的封條請注意封條是否完整(必須當面拆開檢查, 親自簽收),有任何異常請立即與我們取得聯繫,否則所產生的良後果將由買方承擔。
Premium one half of one per cent of the total amount charged to the buyer with the seller before sign for the goods carefully check whether the goods are intact product packaging on the signature of the person in charge of the company seal Please note that the seal is complete (must be present to open the inspection, personally sign), if there are any abnormalities immediately get in touch with us by the buyer to bear the the benign consequences arising otherwise.
聚会结束後隔天,各办 公室的主任继续聚集,分享及讨论彼此的相关事务。
The day after the gathering finished, [...]
the base directors stayed on to meet together to share and discuss mutual concerns.
它通过减少两次生育之间的隔天数 以 及每次授精的配种次数,大幅降低繁殖成本。
It reduces reproduction costs
[...] significantly, by reducing days open and services [...]
per conception.
除了現場上萬名抗議群眾,網路上亦發起連署,要求市長下令停工,累積逾6.4萬人加入,市長 隔天 回 應 抗議人士,也認為移除圍牆「並無必要」,承諾會「推動恢復牆面」。
Mr. Wowereit, a Social Democrat, responded to the public
[...] protest the following day, saying he thinks [...]
the removal of the wall section is “not
necessary” and promising to “advocate for the preservation of the wall piece.
記 得我們剛剛擁有自己的堂,她還是第一批用
[...] West Front St.的教 會裏浸池,受浸後隔天,教 堂才得以過戶。
She was one of the first to be baptized at the West Front Street sanctuary; the building
[...] purchase closed the day after her baptism.
[...] 包括本决议第 1 和第 2 段的执行情况及新的指挥和控制构架和部队在这一构架下 进行整合的情况,并最迟在本决议通过后 30 天内并在此后隔 60 天向安理会提 交书面报告; 22.
the African Union to keep the Security Council regularly informed, through the Secretary-General, on the implementation of AMISOM’s mandate, including on the implementation of paragraphs 1 and 2 in this resolution and on the new command and control structure and integration of forces under this structure and report to the Council, through
the provision of written reports,
[...] no later than 30 days after the adoption of this resolution and every 60 days thereafter
(iii) 若上述廣告在不同日期刊登,則其刊登日期最多只可 隔 30 天; ( iv) 於上述廣告刊登日(或,若廣告於不同日期刊登,則以較遲者為準)隨後 之三個月內,並在行使出售股份之權力前,本公司仍未收到股東或有權承 繼該等股份者就該等股份所發出之通訊;及
(iv) during the further period of three months following the date of publication of the said advertisements (or, if published on different dates, the later thereof) and prior to the exercise of the power of sale the Company has not received any communication in respect of such share from the member or person entitled by transmission; and
RF:我覺得應該要有所考量,並非出於急迫,但也許關乎這座公園對紐約的意義,是否能成為環境永續象徵,任何在紐約的事物總會在全球放大,當地也許啟用一座小型的新廣場 隔天 早 上網路就會出現2000篇相關部落格文章,紐約市應利用「高架公園」宣傳可再生能源,例如在公園沿途劃定綠色區域,鼓勵建築物與公園相連,增添幾分綠意,這會對全球傳達很明確的訊息。
RF: I think that is going to become something that needs to be considered. Not out of a sense of urgency, but in terms of perhaps the evolution of what the High Line can mean for New York and as a symbol of environmental sustainability.
请联合国索马里人道主义援助协调员隔 120 天向安全理事会报告上文 第 4 和 5 段的执行情况以及在索马里提供人道主义援助遇到的任何障碍,并请相 [...]
关的联合国机构以及在联合国大会具有观察员地位的提供人道主义援助的人道 主义组织提供与上文第
4 和 5 段相关的信息,以协助联合国索马里人道主义援助 协调员编写上述报告
the United Nations Humanitarian Aid Coordinator for Somalia
[...] to report every 120 days to the Security Council [...]
on the implementation of paragraphs
4 and 5 above and on any impediments to the delivery of humanitarian assistance in Somalia, and requests relevant United Nations agencies and humanitarian organizations having observer status with the United Nations General Assembly that provide humanitarian assistance to assist the United Nations Humanitarian Aid Coordinator for Somalia in the preparation of such report by providing information relevant to paragraphs 4 and 5 above
關於發貨: 一般情況是今天拍,天或隔天發貨 ...陶瓷包裝複雜我們已經增加人手,您一定要給我們充足的時間,如您時間急,請您和我們說明,我們會慎重考慮... [...]
? About shipping: Generally shoot
[...] today, the same day or next day delivery ... [...]
complex ceramic packaging we have to increase
manpower, you must give us plenty of time, such as your time is urgent, and we show, we will seriously consider ... if there are special circumstances, we could not send the goods, we will notify you.
委员会敦请缔约国针对家天隔一方,特别是 被占领叙利亚戈兰上叙利亚居民家庭分隔问题寻找出一个令人满意的解决办法。
The Committee urges the State party to find a satisfactory solution to the issue of family separation that particularly affects Syrian residents of the Occupied Syrian Golan.
工程計劃的核准範圍包括(a)擴闊仁愛廣場與皇珠路之間一 段長約 1.5 公里的屯門公路市中心段,由雙程雙線分隔車道改為雙程三 線隔車道;(b)興建 1 條長約 450 米的單線行天橋,由屯興路沿青 海圍延伸,最終與屯門公路往九龍方向行車道連接;(c)拆卸及重建 4 條 現有行人天橋,並在施工期間提供 2 條臨時行天橋;(d)安裝相關隔音屏障及隔音罩;以及(e)進行相關的土木、結構、環境美化和土力 工程,重置現有設施,以及進行緩解環境影響、渠務、道路照明、水管 和交通輔助設施的工程。
The approved scope of the project comprises (a) widening of 1.5 kilometres long of Tuen Mun Road (TMR) between Yan Oi Town Square and Wong Chu Road from a dual two-lane to a dual three-lane
carriageway; (b)
[...] construction of a single-lane flyover of approximately 450 metres long, which extends from Tuen Hing Road and runs along Tsing Hoi circuit to merge eventually with the TMR Kowloon-bound carriageways; (c) demolition and reconstruction of four existing footbridges, and provision of two temporary footbridges during the construction [...]
period; (d) installation
of associated noise barriers/enclosures; and (e) associated civil, structural, landscaping and geotechnical works, reprovision of existing facilities, environmental mitigation, drainage, road lighting, water mains and traffic aids works.




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