单词 | 隔世 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 隔世—a lifetime agoseparated by a generationExamples:恍如隔世—like a thing of the previous generation as if it were a lifetime ago 与世隔绝—be cut off from the rest of the world [idiom.] 世隔绝—isolated from the world disconnected See also:隔v—isolatev separatev 隔—at a distance from stand or lie between after or at an interval of
爱彼“ Bolshoï”超薄表是优雅风格与超凡工艺融合的完美极品,珍贵限量发行99枚(50枚玫瑰金款,49枚白金款),数字99意味深长……它代表一个年代间隔,世界殿堂级歌舞剧院Bolchoï(莫斯科大剧院)创立于1776年,而世界顶级制表品牌爱彼则创立于1875年,二者相差99年。 audemarspiguet.com | The decision to produce 99 pieces (50 in pink gold and 49 in white gold), is no coincidence, since this number represents the number of years between the creation of the two Houses that have subsequently become prestigious institutions in their respective spheres: dance and opera for the Bolshoi theatre, founded in 1776 and Fine Watchmaking for the Manufacture Audemars Piguet, founded in 1875. audemarspiguet.com |
帕西发尔在与世隔绝的森林中长大,对世界一无所知,因此在其成为武士的冒险过程中发生了很多悲伤的事情。 wdl.org | It tells the story of the juvenile fool Parzival who, having grown up in the seclusion of the forest, is ignorant of the world and causes much grief as he ventures out to become a knight. wdl.org |
把当地人民同邻居隔开的隔离墙 使他们与世隔绝,迫使他们过着痛苦的生活,并剥夺 他们建立自己家园的权利。 daccess-ods.un.org | The wall that separates that population from its neighbours isolates them, forces them to live in misery and denies them the right to a homeland of their own. daccess-ods.un.org |
为避免青少年与成年人一起 服刑或与世隔绝地服刑,挪威正在为青少年犯罪者建立两个单独的监狱区。 daccess-ods.un.org | To avoid juveniles serving their sentences together with [...] adults or intotal isolation, Norway was establishing [...]two separate prison units for young offenders. daccess-ods.un.org |
同样,在金斯顿,“促进加勒比地 区与世隔绝群体的社会融入”项目由于缺乏计划专家而被推迟。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Similarly, in Kingston, the project on “Social [...] inclusion for isolated communities [...]in the Caribbean” experienced delays due to [...]the absence of a programme specialist. unesdoc.unesco.org |
Mourad Chihoub 还是侵犯第九条第4 款的受害者,因为他们自1996 年以来被与世隔绝地拘留,剥夺了与外部世界的全部联系,因而他们实质上不可能对他们 拘留的合法性提出争议或者要求法官释放他们。 daccess-ods.un.org | 3.6 Given that Djamel and Mourad Chihoub were not promptly brought before a judge or other judicial authority, the authors maintain that article 9, paragraph 3 was also violated with regard to the victims.13 Lastly, the authors maintain that Djamel and Mourad Chihoub are also victims of a violation of article 9, paragraph 4, given that they were detained incommunicado since 1996 and deprived of all contact with the outside world, and that it was therefore physically impossible for them to contest the legality of their detention or ask a judge to set them free. daccess-ods.un.org |
皮特凯恩与世隔绝,出入困难,影响了本来可迅速发展的速度,人们 希望能在 2009 年启动风力发电项目。 daccess-ods.un.org | While Pitcairn’sisolation andaccessconstraints [...] have an impact on the speed with which progress can be made, it is hoped [...]that implementation of the wind generation will start in 2009. daccess-ods.un.org |
这个新的职能 范围要求委员会一方面要更好地定义它与其合作伙伴共同开展的专题辩论,以提高效率和促 [...] 进公民社会新成员参与它的工作;另一方面要本着开放的精神去推动新《指示》的落实,尤 其是在世界上那些公民社会仍处于隔绝或脆弱状况的地方的落实。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The new terms of reference include, on the one hand, improvement in the Committee’s thematic debates with its partners in order to increase efficiency and the participation of new civil society stakeholders in the Committee’s work and, on the other hand, the implementation of the new [...] Directives in a spirit of openness, in particular, in [...] those parts of theworld where civil societyremains isolated or fragile. unesdoc.unesco.org |
在预算执行情况报告和关于拟议预算的报告中,秘书长都提到,达尔富尔混 合行动由于生活条件艰苦、任务区与世隔绝以及安全局势动荡等原因,在招聘和 留住高素质的工作人员方面遇到了很多困难(该行动的一些区仍然处在第四阶 段)(见 A/65/631,第 17 段,以及 A/65/740,第 28 段)。 daccess-ods.un.org | In both the performance report and the report on the proposed budget, the Secretary-General alludes to the difficulties experienced by UNAMID in terms of the recruitment and retention of qualified staff owing, inter alia, to the harsh living conditions and isolation in the mission area, as well as the volatile security situation (some sectors of the Operation remain in phase IV) (see A/65/631, para. 17, and A/65/740, para. 28). daccess-ods.un.org |
这 增加了土着社区的脆弱性,尤其是那些自愿与世隔绝者的脆弱性。 daccess-ods.un.org | That increases the vulnerability of indigenous communities and in particular of [...] those living involuntaryisolation. daccess-ods.un.org |
经社会指出,太平洋小岛屿发展中国家所面临的结构性挑战使其面对 [...] 环境和经济突变时更加脆弱,诸如生产、运输和提供服务费用高昂,以及与世隔离、幅员小和人口稀少。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Commission noted that the structural challenges faced by the Pacific island developing countries had heightened their vulnerability to environmental and economic shocks, such as high production, transport and service delivery [...] costs, as well as the [...] challenges of isolation, size and small [...]populations, all of which hadmade establishing strong economic bases [...]and economies of scale very challenging. daccess-ods.un.org |
我不再感 到孤独和与世隔绝,即使当我的女儿感觉不好,需要再次被收住医院治疗的时候,我也可以勇 敢面对。 hongfook.ca | We go through thick and thin as a family in the group. I no longer feel alone and isolated, even if my daughter is not feeling well and needs to be in the hospital again. hongfook.ca |
您需要根据自身情况做出周密的决策和计划,但您没有理由放弃生命和与世隔绝。 cmn.beyondtheshock.com | You will need to make careful decisions and plans regarding your condition, butthere is no reason to give up on life and relationships. beyondtheshock.com |
蜥蜴岛(Lizard [...] Island)是蔚蓝色大洋中一座具有险峻之美的岛屿,您在此将真正感受到何谓与世隔绝。australia.com | Lizard Island is a ruggedly beautiful island in the clear blue ocean where you will feel truly secluded [...] from therest of theworld. australia.com |
与往年一样,特别报告员收到的投诉涉及影响到世界各地土着人民的共同问 [...] 题,其中包括:土着人民拥有土地、领土和自然资源的权利被剥夺;协商权及自 由、事先、知情同意的权利受到侵犯,特别是在自然资源开采或驱逐土着社区等 [...] 方面;土着个人和社区,包括人权扞卫者受到威胁或暴力;与承认土着司法系统 有关的问题;以及与世隔离的土着人民的状况。 daccess-ods.un.org | As in previous years, complaints received by the Special Rapporteur have related to common issues that affect indigenous peoples throughout the world, including the denial of the rights of indigenous peoples to their lands, territories and natural resources; violations of the right to consultation and to free, prior and informed consent, especially in regard to natural resource extraction or the eviction of indigenous communities; threats or violence against indigenous individuals and communities, including human rights [...] defenders; issues related to the recognition of indigenous justice systems; and the situation [...] of indigenous peoples inisolation. daccess-ods.un.org |
24 小时被锁在屋子里。这不仅 是一种侵权行为,这也意味着他们是与世隔绝的,无法向有关当局汇报剥削情 况,也无法从他的同龄人、朋友或工会代表获得支持。 daccess-ods.un.org | This is not only a violation, but also means that they are isolated, unable to report exploitation to the authorities and incapable of obtaining support from peers, friends or labour union representatives. daccess-ods.un.org |
应让与自愿与世隔离和初步接触外界的土着人联系最 为密切的组织参与准则的制定工作。 daccess-ods.un.org | The organizations in closest contact [...] with those indigenous peoples that remain [...] in voluntary isolation or initial contact [...]should be involved in the elaboration of these guidelines. daccess-ods.un.org |
a. 西伯伦地区处境艰难,与世隔绝,开展该项活动将能使这一地区已加入巴勒斯坦 国际青年联盟(IPYL)(1997 年成立于西伯伦)的青年人有更多的机会掌握和接 触信息传播技术。 unesdoc.unesco.org | (a) This initiative will increase the opportunity of the young people who belong to the International Palestinian Youth League (IPYL), established in Hebron in 1997, to master and access ICTs in the Hebron area, which, due to the difficult situation there, is particularly isolated. unesdoc.unesco.org |
造 成这一问题的原因包括:财务管理经验不足,为了维继这样一个偏远、与世隔绝的社区需要支付相应的高额资本支出,以及医疗服务费用,包括岛民的海外医疗 [...] 救治费用。 daccess-ods.un.org | Contributing factors include inexperience in financial management, the amount of [...] capital expenditure needed to maintain such [...] a remote and isolatedcommunity and [...]the cost of medical services, including offshore [...]medical treatment for islanders. daccess-ods.un.org |
审评指出,因其幅员小和与世隔离而构成的许多原有挑战持续 存在。 daccess-ods.un.org | The review noted the persistence of many old [...] challenges of smallness andisolation. daccess-ods.un.org |
3.7 提交人进一步认为,鉴于其儿子Djamel和 Mourad Chihoub 被与世隔绝地拘 留,因而他们的待遇是非人道的或者没有尊重他们作为一个人的固有尊严。 daccess-ods.un.org | 3.7 The authors further maintain that, given that their sons Djamel and Mourad Chihoub were detained incommunicado, they were not treated humanely or with respect for the inherent dignity of a human person. daccess-ods.un.org |
波光粼粼的水面与深红色的悬崖将勒韦克角映衬得光彩夺目,这里真正与世隔绝,只能从布鲁姆(Broome)坐飞机或驾驶四驱车抵达此处。 australia.com | Resplendent with sparkling waters and rich red cliffs, it is [...] truly isolatedfrom the rest ofthe world and only accessible [...]by air or four-wheel drive from Broome. australia.com |
(f) 促进老年人对民政和文化的参与,将其作为消除与世隔绝和协助增强能 力的策略 monitoringris.org | (f) Promote civic and cultural participation of older persons as strategies [...] to combatsocial isolationand support empowerment monitoringris.org |
此项行动于5月1日启动,其间得以进入达尔富尔三个州 13 个边远和与世隔绝的地区,开展了人道主义评估和运送援助等 10 次任务。 daccess-ods.un.org | During the operation, which began on 1 May, they gained access to 13 remote andisolated areas across the three states of Darfur, and 10 humanitarian assessment and aid delivery missions were conducted. daccess-ods.un.org |
(d) 为保健和社会服务及护理专业人员提供培训和奖励措施,以 建议和指导 进入老年的人采取健康的生活方式和自我护理; (e) 注意与世隔绝和精神疾病造成的危险,通过支持社区扶持和互助组织, 包括同龄互助和邻居互访方案以及帮助老年人积极参加志愿活动,减轻其对老年 人健康的风险 monitoringris.org | (e) Pay attention to the dangers arising from social isolation and mental illness and reduce the risk they pose to the health of older persons by supporting community empowerment and mutual aid groups, including peer outreach and neighbourhood visiting programmes and by facilitating the active participation of older persons in voluntary activities monitoringris.org |
在她师傅的建议之下她离开了 修道院并到了印度喜马拉雅山脉的 Lahaul,在这里她最终进入了山洞并开始了与世隔绝,高强 度的精神历练。 anhglobal.org | Then she left the monastery upon her teacher's suggestion to go to Lahaul in the higher reaches of the Indian Himalayas, where she would eventually enter the cave and launch herself into uninterrupted, intense spiritual practice. anhglobal.org |
虽然这些国家在很大程度上仍然面对着幅员小和与世隔绝的持续挑 战,但与气候变化和自然灾害、以及粮食、燃料和能源危机相关的新的全球威 [...] 胁更加剧了太平洋小岛屿发展中国家的脆弱性,同时削弱了它们的应对能力。 daccess-ods.un.org | While the perennial challenges [...] of smallness and isolationremain toa large [...]extent, new global threats associated with climate [...]change and natural disasters, and food, fuel and energy crises have worsened the vulnerability of Pacific small island developing States while reducing their response capacity. daccess-ods.un.org |