

单词 隐身草

See also:


hide oneself
invisible (person or online status)

(prefix) crypto-
lean upon


grass n
straw n
grasses pl
hay n
manuscript n

External sources (not reviewed)

在造身体伤害、健康损害、侵隐 私 或其他人格权利的情况下,人 可以请求对侵犯者适用禁止令,管理住房或通信的使用,或适用其他类似措 施。
In the case of causing bodily injury, damage to health, violating of privacy or other personality [...]
rights, a person may request
applying of a restraining order in respect of the violator, regulating of the use of housing or communication, or applying of other similar measures.
委员会觉得,条草案本身不能 保证 对灾害作出应对,其目的是便利作出充分和有效的应对。
It was felt that while the draft articles could not [...]
by themselves ensure a response, they were intended to facilitate an
adequate and effective response.
鉴于这些隐身资源 ”的重要性,请各国考虑将这些条 草案 作为拟订一项公约的基础。
In view of the importance
[...] of these “invisible resources”, States are invited to consider the draft articles as a basis [...]
for the elaboration of a convention.
难民总局(负责管理并解决寻求庇护者、难 民及临时保护和人道主义保护受益者问题的机构)已 草 了 关 于难 身 份 证 审批 模式的政府决定。
The Main Directorate for Refugees (authority that administers and solves the issues of asylum seekers, refugees and beneficiaries of temporary and
humanitarian protection)
[...] has developed the draft Government Decision on the approval of the template of ID for refugees.
本㆟認為若根草案結身為如 此犯罪集團成員即目的在重覆犯附表 1 的罪行,應定為㆒項嚴重罪行,比㆒般 [...]
I am of the view that taking into account
[...] the construction of the Bill, being a member of such [...]
criminal syndicate, that is, repeatedly
committing Schedule 1 offences, should be a serious offence, more serious than ordinary conspiracy.
[...] 可根据其潜在效果甚至其方式等同于反对的提出,似乎符合逻辑的是,应使这一 能力的行使取决于遵守准则 2.6.13 所规定的提出反对的 12 个月期限,这在准草案 5.14 里隐含地提到地。
As the non-maintenance of an express acceptance could be likened, on the basis of its potential effects or even its modalities, to the formulation of an objection, it would seem logical to make the exercise of that capacity conditional on observance of the 12-month period
prescribed for the formulation of objections in guideline
[...] 2.6.13, which was implicitly referred to in draft guideline 5.14.
无论如何,考虑到能源政策制定问题和 各方之间本来就存在巨大的利益冲突,能够达草案本身就是一项重大成就。
Nevertheless, the draft law is a significant [...]
achievement, particularly given energy policymaking problems and the strength of competing interests.
在發言後,李議員申報他 是消費者委員會的委員,他繼而以議員個 身 份 就條 例 草案 發言。
After the address, Mr LI declared that he was a member of the Consumer Council and then spoke on the Bill in his personal capacity as a Member.
在长期照料方面,不论是机构还是家庭照料,均显示大量重要的人权问 题,老年人在实现其自由和身安 全权 、 隐 私 权 、行动自由权、言论自由权、免 遭酷刑或其他残忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇的权利、人格完整权、适足生活水 [...]
准权和可达到的最高水准的身心健康权方面面临的挑战很常见,但是没有得到适 当的应对。
Particular challenges for the realization by
older persons of the right
[...] to liberty and security of person, the right to privacy, freedom of movement, [...]
freedom of expression,
freedom from torture and other cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment, the right to personal integrity, the right to an adequate standard of living and the right to the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health, among others, are common but have often not been adequately regulated.
身為本條例草案委 員會主席,我想藉此機會謝謝委員會的同事,在 討論過程㆗所付出的時間及努力;我亦要謝謝政府當局所給與的合作,以及關注團體所 提交的意見。
As Chairman of the Bills Committee, I would like to take this opportunity to thank my colleagues in the Committee for the time and effort they put in the discussions, the Administration for their co-operation and the interested organizations for submitting their views.
其中明确规定了以下权利和自由:生命权 身 心 健 康权、个人自由、抗辩 权、迁徙自由、个人及家隐私权 、住处不受侵犯权、通信保密权、良知自由、 言论自由、知情权、教育权、接触文化的权利、健康保护权、拥有健康环境的权 利、选举权、被选举权、集会自由、结社自由、工作权与劳动社会保障权、禁止 强迫劳动、罢工权、私有财产权、经济自由、继承权、享受体面生活的权利、儿 [...]
The following rights and freedoms are expressly
provided for: right to life,
[...] right to physical and mental integrity, individual freedom, right to defense, freedom of movement, personal and family privacy, inviolability of [...]
domicile, secrecy of
correspondence, freedom of conscience, freedom of expression, right to information, right to education, access to culture, rights to protection of health, right to a healthy environment, right to vote, right to be elected, freedom of assembly, right of association, right to work and social protection of labour, prohibition of forced labour, right to strike, right of private property, economic freedom, right of inheritance, right to a decent standard of living, protection of children and young people, protection of disabled persons, right of petition, right of a person aggrieved by a public authority.
代表团认为,荷兰的政治舞台有时会广泛 讨论在不同利益之间达成平衡的必要性,因为此种平衡涉 隐 私 措 施和限 隐私 权的法草案。
In the view of the delegation, the need to strike a balance between different interests had sometimes been extensively debated
in the Dutch political arena, as it had been in the
[...] context of privacy measures and draft legislation limiting privacy.
这句话似显而易见,隐含在本条草案第 4 条中,该条提到在确定作为或不作为是否归于一国际组 织以及是否构成对国际义务的违反时均须依照国际法。
This statement may appear obvious and already implied in article 4 of the present draft articles, which [...]
refers to international
law for determining both whether an action or omission is attributable to an international organization and whether it constitutes a breach of an international obligation.
(f) 第一及第二行為守則適用於電訊業以外行業的合併活 動,與政府聲稱的政策(即這些合併活動 身 不 受草案規管)背道而馳。
(f) the application of the first and the second conduct rules to merger activities in the non-telecommunication sectors runs contrary to the stated policy that these merger activities themselves will not be regulated under the Bill.
After the address, she spoke on the Bill in her personal capacity as a Member.
(c) 協會管理局任何成員如連續缺席 3
[...] 次會議,或在任何公 曆年內缺席半數會議,主席可行使酌情權終止其成身分 (草案第 3(1)條)
(c) the Chairman of the Board of Governors will have discretion to terminate the membership of a member who
is absent from three meetings in succession or from half the meetings in
[...] any calendar year (draft Regulation section 3(1)
作为惯例( 除非有相反的迫切人权方面理由) ,确保在国家预防机制的每
[...] 次个人探访后尽快公布其报告和建议,发表在摩尔多瓦人权中心的互联网站上, 采取后续措施确保被拘留者的身安 全 和 隐 私 权,以及在整个全国预防机制内部 得到同行认可
(f) Ensure that, as a rule, and unless there are compelling human rights reasons to the contrary, the report and recommendations of each individual visit of the national preventive mechanism are made public and posted on the Internet website of the Centre for Human Rights of Moldova shortly after the visit,
following measures to
[...] ensure rights of personal security of person and privacy for detainees, and [...]
following collegial approval
within the national preventive mechanism as a whole
[...] 美尼亚人的报告不应当被作为已经停止这种歧视的证据,特别是在各种其他报告 都表明阿塞拜疆的亚美尼亚人都在试 隐 瞒 族 裔 身 份 的 时候。
The absence of new reports on discrimination against Armenians during one specific year should not be used as evidence that such discrimination has ceased,
especially when various other reports concurrently indicate that Armenians in
[...] Azerbaijan are trying to conceal their ethnicity.
(c) 采取适当措施,使受暴力侵害的妇女能够在刑事诉讼中作证, 这些措施应能通过保护妇女隐私、 身 份 和 尊严为此种作证提供便利,确保 法律诉讼期间的安全,并避免发生“二次伤害”。
(c) Women subjected to violence are enabled to testify in criminal proceedings through adequate
measures that: facilitate such testimony by
[...] protecting the privacy, identity and dignity of [...]
the women; ensure safety during legal
proceedings; and avoid ‘secondary victimization’.
Ensuring Acoustic Stealth
洛克希德的F-117“夜鹰”是美国空军曾经装备的一种单座双 隐身 对 地 攻击机。
The Lockheed F-117 Nighthawk was a
[...] single-seat, twin-engine stealth ground-attack aircraft [...]
formerly operated by the United States Air Force (USAF).
[...] 多事实上的非政府武装团体利用私营军保公司的规范进程,将自 隐身 为 私 营安 保公司,强化了人们关于私营军保公司成为阿富汗和平和稳定威胁的看法。
There was a perception among interlocutors that many de facto non-State armed groups used
the regularization process for PMSCs
[...] to disguise their groupings as private security companies, [...]
reinforcing the perception
that PMSCs were a threat to peace and the stability of Afghanistan.
可向不执行身隐式操 作的基元添加操作员按下或松开触摸屏时要执行的自定义操 作。
Primitives that do not
[...] perform their own implicit action support [...]
the addition of customized actions to be performed when
the operator presses or releases the touch-screen.
條例草案亦訂有新條文,藉以解決下述問題:某人如患有肺 塵病或間皮瘤其中一種疾病,而其後發現罹患其中的另一種疾病,並 擬申索補償,該人不須根據《肺塵病條例》第14條提出另一申索,只 須根據《肺塵病條例》第23A條要求作進一步 身 體 檢查 ( 草 案 第 17(4) 條 )。
There are also new provisions which seek to resolve the problem that where a person who suffers from either pneumoconiosis or mesothelioma is subsequently found to be suffering from the other of the 2 diseases and wishes to claim compensation, instead of making another claim under section 14 of PCO, he shall make a request for a further medical examination under section 23A of PCO (clause 17(4)).
德国认为阻止国家通过回避义务逃脱责任是 一个正当目标,因此支持第 60 条草案所隐含的目的。
As Germany considers it a legitimate goal to hinder States from
evading their responsibility by sidestepping
[...] their obligations, draft article 60, as to [...]
its underlying aim, is to be supported.
来自教科文组织 94 个会员国的专家、以私身份参与起 草 小 组 会议的一个观察员会员国的 专家、22 [...]
个非政府组织和 4 个政府间组织的专家为起草工作作出了积极贡献。
The experts from 94 UNESCO Member States and one
observer Member State participating in a
[...] private capacity in the drafting group meetings, [...]
22 non-governmental organizations and
four intergovernmental organizations actively contributed to the process.
政 府當局 告知法 案委員 會,條 例草案第 14 條 旨 在
[...] 反映當 局的政策 目 的, 即 條草案本身 並 無 授 權 當 局 在 2005 年 [...]
1 月 1 日 後 , 對 公 職 人員的薪酬或 津貼款 額 作 出 調整, 而在 2005
年 1 月 1 日 後 對 公 職 人員的薪酬或津貼款 額 作 出 調整時,將按照 現 有 安 排 予 以 落 實。
The Bills Committee has been advised by the Administration that clause 14
seeks to reflect the policy intent that
[...] the Bill does not itself authorize adjustments [...]
to the pay or the amounts of allowances
of public officers after 1 January 2005, and future adjustments to the pay or the amounts of allowances of public officers after 1 January 2005 will be implemented according to the present arrangements.
该导则草案第 1 款简要提及“《实践指南》相关导则规定的条件”,是因为 在导草案本身中很 难甚至不可能详尽列举所有适用于提具反对的导则;但这可 以在评注中做到。
The summary reference, in paragraph 1 of this draft guideline, to “the conditions laid down in the relevant guidelines of the Guide to Practice” is warranted by the fact that it would be difficult if not impossible to give an exhaustive list in the draft guideline itself of all the guidelines applicable to the formulation of objections; this could, however, be done in the commentary.
然而,在建議的定義下,他們是否屬負責人並不明 確。無論如何,建築物的所有業主,包括沒有參與 管理建築物的業主,均可能因未有履行他們在條草案下身為負 責人的責任而承擔法律責任。
In any event, all the owners of a building, including those who are not involved in the management of the building, may be liable for failure to discharge their duties under the Bill as the responsible persons.




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