

单词 隐显目标

See also:



目标 n

objectives pl
goal n
target n
purpose n
object n
idea n

目标 pl

aims pl

External sources (not reviewed)

它具有的功能包括:可以调整列宽,合并 标 题 , 分页,排序 显 示/ 隐 藏 表 格等。
It has the features include : You can adjust the column width ,
[...] merged column headings , pagination , sorting , display/hide the forms.
这个Menu特别适用于Web应用程序,因为它能够动态添加,删除 显 示 和 隐 藏 菜单 项 目。
The Menu especially for Web applications , because it can
[...] dynamically add, delete , show and hide menu items .
项目简介: 这个Menu特别适用于Web应用程序,因为它能够动态添加,删除 显 示 和 隐 藏 菜单 项 目。
Provide paging, filtering , sorting , drag and drop , dynamic loading and other functions .
为了实现 全目标,显然需要更高级别的资助和投资,促进 协调与合作并创造一个更加有利的环境。
In order to
[...] achieve all of those objectives, there was a clear [...]
need for higher levels of funding and investment, enhanced
coordination and collaboration, and a stronger enabling environment.
托盘图标:为应用程序使用各种不同的托盘 标 , 显 示 以 及 隐 藏 托 盘图标的气泡提示。
Tray Icons: using various tray icons for
[...] the application, displaying and hiding balloon tips [...]
for tray icons.
有关为所有人公平提供优质教育和有效学习机会的全民教 目标 ( 目标 6)显然是偏离 了轨道,因为许多国家仍然在教育程度低和不平等的质量以及无效学习中苦苦挣扎。
The EFA goal pertaining to equitable provision of quality education and effective learning opportunities for all (Goal 6) is clearly off-track, [...]
as many countries are
still struggling with low education and inequitable quality as well as ineffective learning.
保密信息"是指所有的数据(用户隐私声明的条款中定义的)存储使用的服务,包括但不限于计算机源代码,文件中包含的内容(例如,源代码,任何业务计划,概念,理念,诀窍,工艺,技术,方案,设计,公式,算法或工作正在进行中,任何工程,制造,营销,技术,财务,数据,或销售信息,定价或商业信息,以及任何其他信息或材料,无论是书面或图形,或任何其他形式),票发行,wiki内容,或任何其他专有信息,通过使用该服务,但不包括您的姓名,公司名称和 / 或 标 志 ,可用于网络经理拟用于市场营 目 的 的用 户 隐 私 声 明的条款。
Confidential Information" means all of your Data (as defined in the Terms of User & Privacy Statement) stored using the Services including but not limited to computer source code, files and content contained within (e.g. source code, any business plan, concept, idea, know-how, process, technique, program, design, formula, algorithm or work-in-progress, any engineering, manufacturing, marketing, technical, financial, data, or sales information, pricing or business information, and any other information or materials, whether written, or graphic, or any other form), issue tickets, wiki content, or any other proprietary information created through use of the Services
but excluding your
[...] name, company and/or logo which may be used by Net-Managers.com for marketing purposes as contemplated by the
默认的情况下分页符是不显示的,单击“常用”工具栏上的 显 示/ 隐 藏 编 辑 标 记 ”按钮,(如图(4)),在插入分页符的地方就出现了一个分页符标记,用鼠标在这一行上单击,光标就定位到了分页符的前面,按一下Delete键,分页符就被删除了。
Default page
[...] breaks are not displayed, click the "common" on the toolbar "Show / Hide Edit tag "button, (Figure [...]
(4)), insert a page break in place there have been a sub - Fu tag page, use the mouse to click
in this line, position the cursor on the front page breaks, click the Delete button, a page break has been deleted.
此外,用户可以对其功能进行扩展以及根据其需要使用定制的单元格编辑器控件,用户还可以对 标 和 键 盘的编辑命令进行配置,以及可编程的对编辑器进 显隐。
In addition, you can extend the functionality and use a custom built cell editor control
of your choice. You
[...] can also configure the mouse and keyboard edit commands, and programmaticly show and hide the editors.
隐含 目标是尽 量减少一个组件系统对其他组件系统的负面影响。
The implicit goal was to minimize [...]
the negative impacts of one component system on the others.
各金融服务机构都在自己经营战略的指导下通过提高运营能力来保持竞争力,而这个过程中,能否正确理解和管理风险则对最终实现经 目标显 得 尤 为重要。
As the finance institute apply operation ability which accord with their strategy to protect the
competitiveness, it becomes important for them understand and properly manage the
[...] risk to accomplish their business goal.
非法进口商所使用的工具多种多样,从进口商希望将被海关官员忽略的合法声明(如关于 混合物)的灰色地带、不透明的信息如 标 或 关 于 目 的 地 或数量的虚假实例信息(如转运), 到更多贴标签或隐藏货 物的典型欺诈行为。
The tools used by an illegal importer can be anything from the grey zone of a legally correct declaration (e.g. on mixtures) that the importer hopes will be overlooked by the customs officers,
non-transparent information
[...] such as trade names or false information for instance on destination (e.g. transit) or quality (e.g. recycled) to the more classical frauds of mislabelled or hidden goods.
显示/隐藏参数,只需在 图标签旁 点击相应的选框即可(如下所示
To show/hide parameters, simply click on the corresponding checkbox in the plot legend (shown below).
显示标签 属性用显示或隐藏数字刻度尺标签。
The Show Labels property is used to show or hide the numeric scale labels.
某些信息可能被从这些记录中删除,“删除程度 标 准 是 防止对个 隐 私 构成 明 显 的 侵 犯”, 但是在这些情形下,必须提交一份书面的说明,同时说明信息被删除的程度,除非该行为本 [...]
Information may be deleted from these records, to “the extent
required to prevent a clearly
[...] unwarranted invasion of personal privacy” but in such cases a written justification [...]
must be provided
and the extent of the deletion must be indicated, unless this itself would result in the disclosure of exempt information.
显示或隐藏单位标签之 间的垂直线,选择或清除“时间刻度线”复选框。
To display or hide vertical lines between unit labels, select or [...]
clear the Tick lines check box.
不平等对于人类发展具有负面影响, 因此联合国不应继续使用人均国内生产总值作为衡 量发展状况的主要标准,因为该 标隐 藏 了 大量不 平等现象,并未反映具有显社会经济影响并已被 纳入人类发展指数的地区收入分配等因素。
Inequality had a negative impact on human development, and the United Nations should therefore not continue to use per capita GDP as its main
measure of development,
[...] since that indicator concealed large inequalities and did not reflect such factors as geographical distribution of income that had a clear socio-economic [...]
impact and were factored
into human development indices.
Vasudhara奶厂合作社发展目经理 苏雷什.德赛(Suresh Desai)说: “自2005年以来,奶厂在瓦尔萨德区的业绩 标显 示 出 了喜人的改善,因为我们和联合国儿童基金会在那里开展了合作,包括建立额外的合作社。
Since 2005, the Dairy’s performance indicators have shown remarkable improvement in Valsad district where we are associated with UNICEF,” said [...]
Project Manager of Cooperative Development
for the Vasudhara Dairy Suresh Desai.
宣言》强调了发展问题的国家与国际层面,因而是与实现 千年发目标显然相关的。
In emphasizing both the national and international
dimensions of development, the Declaration is eminently relevant to the achievement
[...] of the Millennium Development Goals.
[...] 等和中等教育中性别不平衡的现象的目标(达喀 目标 5)显然实 现不了,最近公布的《全 民教育全球监测报告》也指出了这一点。
For example, the elimination of gender disparities in primary
and secondary education worldwide by next
[...] year (Dakar Goal 5) is clearly unattainable, [...]
as the most recent EFA Global Monitoring Report points out.
我 们也不能忽视这一流行病对穷人和发展中国家 不成比例的影响,或其对实现千年发 目标显 然 不利 的影响。
We cannot ignore, either, the disproportionate impact of this epidemic on
poor people and developing
[...] States, or its obvious negative impact on the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals.
[...] 同伴教育和提高认识的行动,从而促使人们更好地了解暴力 隐 秘 面 目 , 支持制 订对儿童问题敏感的办法,从而有助于增强预防和应对暴力的效力。
Across regions, children identify violence as a priority concern and inspire a deep sense of urgency; as agents of change, developing child rights clubs and advocacy materials, and engaging in peer education and awareness-raising
initiatives, they promote an enhanced
[...] understanding of the hidden face of violence [...]
and support the development of child-sensitive
approaches that enhance the effectiveness of violence prevention and responses.
德国认为阻止国家通过回避义务逃脱责任是 一个正目标,因此支持第 60 条草案隐含的目的。
As Germany considers it a legitimate goal to hinder States from evading their [...]
responsibility by sidestepping their obligations, draft article 60, as to its underlying aim, is to be supported.
[...] 绑架、勒索、贪污、腐蚀公职人员、恐怖主义行为、盗窃或国际贩运车辆有 关的活动,而且目的是隐藏或 掩盖其非法来源或协助逃避此种犯罪的法律 [...]
后果的,应处以 5 至 12 年监禁和 100 至 200 天的罚款。
Anyone who receives, deposits, trades in, converts or transfers money, securities, property or other financial resources in the knowledge that they are derived from activities related to drug trafficking, fraud, illicit arms trafficking, trafficking in persons, kidnapping, extortion, embezzlement, corruption of public servants, terrorist acts, theft or international trafficking in vehicles, as
provided for under Panamanian criminal
[...] law, with the aim of hiding or concealing their [...]
illicit origin or of helping to evade
the legal consequences of such crimes shall be sentenced to 5 to 12 years’ imprisonment and a fine of 100 to 200 days.
[...] 机制。它们有助于强化维和行动任务与妥善执行任务 之间的关系,显目标的达成,并有助于更明确界定 每个行动的生命周期。
In this context, we support the use by the Security Council of follow-up mechanisms, such as benchmarks, which help to improve the relationship between peacekeeping operation mandates and
their due implementation, underscore the
[...] achievement of objectives, and help to [...]
more clearly define the lifecycle of each operation.
许多国家的教目标显示其方法的可比性;例如,尼日利亚普及基础教育方案的目标 [...]
是“确保获得适当程度的识字、算术、交际能力和生活能力,以及为终生学习奠定扎实基础 所需的伦理道德和公民价值观”。
The objectives of education in many countries [...]
show comparable approaches; for example, the objective of the Universal Basic
Education Programme in Nigeria is to “ensure the acquisition of appropriate levels of literacy, numeracy, communicative and life skills as well as the ethical, moral and civic values needed for laying a solid foundation for life-long learning”.
自 2000 年以来,千年发目标显然已成为政治 行动的强大推动力。
Since the year 2000, the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) have been shown to be a powerful vector for political action, and these timebound targets, inter alia, will continue to inspire our common efforts for development.
为客观确保以上内容,同时作为得到许可使用“隐私权保护标志”及“ISMS认证”的企业,我们接受了经济产业省的授权法人― 一般财团法人
[...] 日本情报经济社会推进协会实施的第三者认证机关的审查,并通过了遵循《个人信息保护相关遵守法规 目 ( JI SQ15001)》 隐 私 权保 护 标 志 及遵循《信息安全管理项目(ISO27001)》的ISMS认证的使用许可。
Furthermore, in order to ensure these policies on an objective basis, D2C receives third-party audits by the Japan Information Processing Development Corporation (JIPDEC), an organization authorized by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), as an entity licensed to use the “Privacy Mark” and
“ISMS Certification” and has
[...] received approval for use of the Privacy Mark in accordance with the “compliance [...]
program on protection
of personal information (JIS Q15001)” and use of ISMS certification in compliance with the “Information Security Management Program (ISO 27001)”.
在一个有权作出决定的公正第三方就此问题采取立场之 前,保留的有效性问题就是一个未决问题――这 显 然 是 对的, 隐 含 于国际法 律制度之中,而且这实际上也是关于保留的对话值得关注之处。
It was obviously correct (and inherent in the international legal system) that as long as an impartial third party with decision-making authority had not taken a position on the matter, the question of the validity of a reservation remained an open one (this, in fact, is what makes the reservations dialogue something of interest).
[...] 改任务栏的颜色, 也就是项目计划的甘特表样式,显示或隐藏不同项目信息 例如关 键人物, 延迟任务或摘要任务或者改变甘特文本的细节 [...]
(字体, 大小, 颜色
Using the features inside this ribbon you can modify the color of the task bars i.e. to the
Gantt Chart style of the project
[...] plan, to show or hide different project’s information such [...]
as critical tasks, late tasks
or summary tasks or to change the details of the Gantt table’s text (font, size, color…)




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