单词 | 隐患 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 隐患 noun —pitfall n隐患 —misfortune not visible from the surface • hidden damage • a danger concealed within sth See also:隐—concealed • (prefix) crypto- • lean upon 患—worry • misfortune • contract (a disease) • suffer (from illness) 患 n—danger n
也要消除家中安全隐患,要 特别防止儿童 和老人摔倒。 daccess-ods.un.org | So is the elimination of home hazards to prevent falls, especially among children and the elderly. daccess-ods.un.org |
它能够帮助克服在一个共享主机环境下固有的安 全 隐患 , 保 护你和你的访问者不受恶意代码的威胁。 javakaiyuan.com | It can help to overcome in a shared hosting environment, the inherent security risks , protect you and your visitors from malicious code threats . javakaiyuan.com |
很多当地人 (尤其是在邦特兰)认为,来自索马里南部和中 部的境内流离失所者对当地安全构成 了 隐患 , 这 仍然是一个重大担忧。 daccess-ods.un.org | The perception by many locals, especially in Puntland, that internally displaced persons from south and central Somalia represent a security risk, also remains a major concern. daccess-ods.un.org |
劳务纠纷,包括 工资和离职费纠纷,在 Guthrie 和 Cavalla [...] 种植园导致示威游行,关于西诺种植 园控制权的冲突继续是一个重大的安 全 隐患。 daccess-ods.un.org | Labour disputes, including over salary and severance payments, prompted demonstrations at the Guthrie and [...] Cavalla plantations, with the conflict over control of rubber at Sinoe Plantation continuing to be [...] a major security concern. daccess-ods.un.org |
如果说意大利政府提供的资金(外加物质支持如提供 Palazzo Zorzi 的使用权并承担其 [...] 维护)为办事处的运作带来了某种安全感,但假如意大利政府不再逐年对其出资金额进行重 估,在一定程度上,这也成为一种 隐患。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Although the Italian contribution (which also includes the use of the Palazzo Zorzi and its maintenance costs) offers a certain amount of security for the functioning of the Bureau, there is equally an [...] element of fragility in the assumption that the Italian Government will not reevaluate its [...] contribution over the years. unesdoc.unesco.org |
解决青年就业问题,安置前战斗人员,对消除社会 稳定的隐患,防 止重陷冲突,具有关键影响,应给 [...] 予高度重视。 daccess-ods.un.org | It is critical to address the issue of youth employment and [...] the reintegration of ex-combatants in [...] order to eliminate hidden threats to social [...]stability and to prevent relapse into [...]conflict, and these matters should receive heightened attention. daccess-ods.un.org |
2010年,曼海姆行政法院驳回了施瓦本地区一个农民反对建造南德乙烯管线(EPS)的起诉,法院认为EPS的管道铺设不存在安 全 隐患 ; EPS和巴登-符腾堡州之间的公共法合约继续有效。 reports.wacker.com | In 2010, Baden-Württemberg’s Higher Administrative Court in Mannheim overruled a local farmer’s objection to the construction of the EPS. reports.wacker.com |
所有这些 问题都相互关联,是向任何借贷人,特别是小额金融交易借贷人提供信贷和金 融普惠的隐患。 daccess-ods.un.org | All issues are linked and pose potential pitfalls for the availability of credit and financial inclusion of any borrower, and in particular borrowers in microfinance transactions. daccess-ods.un.org |
当然同样需要留心控制手柄及密封部位是否有泄露 的隐患。 sauer-danfoss.com | It should also be checked whether unsuitable piston rod seals or leaks are the cause. sauer-danfoss.com |
邦特兰官员则说,许多越境者不是“真正的境 内流离失所者”,而是“经济移民”或“安 全 隐患 ”。 daccess-ods.un.org | Puntland officials responded that [...] many crossing their border were not “genuine internally displaced persons”, but “economic [...] migrants” or “security risks”. daccess-ods.un.org |
保障回返的权利就等于斩钉截铁地否认 通过种族清洗和教派暴力获取的利益,为背井离 乡者也讨回一些公道,从而消除可能导致未来对 峙和冲突现象的一个隐患”(S /2007/643,第 55 段)。 daccess-ods.un.org | ensuring the right to return constitutes a categorical rejection of the gains of ethnic cleansing ... and offers some measure of justice to those displaced from their homes and land, thereby removing a source of possible future tension and conflict” ( S/2007/643, para. 55). daccess-ods.un.org |
从国家生活一开始这就为随后的不稳定和侵犯基本人权埋下 了隐 患。 daccess-ods.un.org | This became a recipe for subsequent instability and violations of fundamental human rights from the start of the nation’s life. daccess-ods.un.org |
在发展中国家,缺乏基本便利的非正规住区(“贫 民窟”)已成为外来人员的固定状态和生活方式,有害健康并形成安 全 隐患 ,容 易遭受自然灾害和其他环境风险。 daccess-ods.un.org | Informal settlements (“slums”) with no basic amenities are becoming a permanent fixture and a way of life for migrants in some developing countries, leading to health and security risks, exposure to natural disasters and other environmental risks. daccess-ods.un.org |
受教良好的存储社区是实现顺利过渡的关键,从而消除潜在的性 能 隐患。 seagate.com | The key to a smooth transition is a well-educated storage community, so that potential performance pitfalls can be avoided. seagate.com |
以下一些工程已经在 2005 年启动,并将在 2006 年完成:更换卫生 [...] 间热水供水设备,以消除受到感染的 隐患 ; 确 保冷热供水设备用房符合目前的安全标准;以 [...]及更换米奥利斯大楼公用场所的地面。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The following works have been launched in 2005 and will be completed during 2006: the replacement of the sanitary [...] hot water production intended to eliminate [...] contamination risks; ensuring conformity [...]of the technical rooms for hot and cold [...]water production with existing safety norms; and replacement of the common areas flooring in the Miollis building. unesdoc.unesco.org |
肥胖症不仅影响外形和生活质量,更可导致许多健 康 隐患 , 如高血压、糖尿病和睡眠呼吸暂停。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | Obesity not only affects appearance and quality of life, it also leads to [...] serious health risks such as high blood [...]pressure, diabetes, and sleep apnea. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
但是,有成员指出,包括通货膨胀、劳工成本上升和不利的汇率 在内的若干金融因素正在形成隐患, 可 能使体制建设项目无法继续取得成功,而且需要为 各国国家臭氧机构进一步提供资金,以确保在体制建设方面继续取得进展。 multilateralfund.org | It was stated, however, that a number of financial factors were threatening to compromise the continued success of institutional strengthening projects, including inflation, rising labour costs and disadvantageous exchange rates, and further funding was required for national ozone units to ensure that progress in institutional strengthening was maintained. multilateralfund.org |
注:这些评级大多为估算而得,源自原材料供应商数据,并不用于反映在实际发生火灾情况下材料的危 险 隐患。 quadrantplastics.com | Note: These mostly estimated ratings, derived from raw [...] material supplier data, are not intended [...]to reflect hazards presented by materials under actual fire conditions. quadrantplastics.com |
本文将介绍此迁移的环境,并将指出为客户带来的长期利益,同时介绍从 512 字节迁移到 4K 扇区过程中要避免的潜在隐患。 seagate.com | This paper provides the context for this migration as well as pointing out the long-term benefits to customers and potential pitfalls to be avoided in the move from 512 bytes to 4K sectors. seagate.com |
改动或修改会导致机构认证失效并造成安 全 隐患。 graco.com | Alterations or modifications may void agency approvals [...] and create safety hazards. graco.com |
及时发现需要维修的区域能有效避免昂贵的维修费用并消除安 全 隐患。 voith.com | Timely identification of an area needing repair prevents expensive repairs and potential accidents. voith.com |
贮藏温度波动和违规操作所引起的食品腐坏变质和安 全 隐患 将 受 到严格监管。 emerson.com | Food spoilage and safety due to fluctuating storage temperatures and mishandling will come under increased scrutiny. emerson.com |
其工作气压和微水含量的高低对设备的安全可靠工作具有直接的影响,如果SF6气体泄漏导致密度下降或气体中微水含量超标,高压电气设备就会存在安 全 隐患 甚 至导致事故发生。 csinstrument.com | The work pressure and the level of water content have a direct impact on the equipment safety and reliability. If the density of SF6 was decreased because of the gas leakage or [...] excessive water content in the gas, high-voltage electrical equipment will [...] have security risk and even lead to [...]accidents. csinstrument.com |
错误地组装或使用坏了的或已锈蚀的零部件 将会严重影响膜壳端部的密封性能,留下安 全隐患。 codeline.com | Misuse, incorrect assembly or use of damaged or corroded components can result in explosive release of the end closure. codeline.com |
因此,他呼吁支持非洲和平 与安全构架,支持设在肯尼亚的东非预备队 (EASBRIG)、国际和平支助培训中心和国际排雷行 动培训中心,从而加大区域努力,消除冲 突 隐患。 daccess-ods.un.org | He therefore called for support for the African Peace and Security Architecture (APSA) and for the Eastern Africa Standby Brigade (EASBRIG), the International Peace Support Training Centre and the International Mine Action Training Centre all based in Kenya, in order to augment regional efforts to mitigate conflicttriggering incidents. daccess-ods.un.org |
(g) 使用没有保护装置的简易劳动设备;这些设备通常造成工业事故或存在 造成工业事故的重大隐患。 daccess-ods.un.org | (g) Use of improvised labour equipment without protection mechanisms; these in general create situations of eminent danger of industrial accidents or generate them. daccess-ods.un.org |
确保工厂安全、消除个人和环境安全 隐患 是 我 的职责。 reports.wacker.com | I help ensure that our plants are safe for people and the environment. reports.wacker.com |
另一个季节性隐患是包装纸,千万不能在木柴炉或壁炉中焚烧这类纸张,因为它们能够引起烟道着火。 cn.lubrizol.com | Another seasonal concern is wrapping paper, which should never be burned in a wood stove or fireplace because it can cause a flue fire. lubrizol.com |
2011年公司进行了多项创新工作:开展消防安全“四个能力”建设,建立消防安全奖惩制度,将装修、改造 验收结果列入到季度评审范畴,建立消防安 全 隐患 分 级 预警机制,组织多项专项安全检查,针对日本地震事件开 展全国性应急演练及核辐射防护常识宣传,尝试火灾事故危机管理计划桌面演练,开发H&S新的IT管理系统,E化 安全审批流程等。 zte.com.cn | In 2011, the company carried out a number of safety initiatives including the establishment of fire protection safety regulation, establishment of a potential fire protection early warning mechanism, organization of a number of special safety inspections, promotion of national emergency exercises and general knowledge on nuclear radiation protection, development of fire crisis management plans using computer software, development of a new IT management system for H&S, and establishment of an electronic safety approval process. wwwen.zte.com.cn |
各班组由领班负责,每天对所属区域的设备、电器、仪表和易燃物料进行一次安全检查,发现问题及时解决、发现事 故 隐患 及 时 处理,处理不了及时上报。 elantas.cn | He/she carries out daily safety inspection of equipment, instruments and flammable materials within related area so that problems and dangers are detected, eliminated and reported in a timely manner. elantas.com |