

单词 隐函数

See also:

lean upon
(prefix) crypto-


letter n


External sources (not reviewed)

对于非线性行为的映射,比函数 x^2-y^2,隐藏层是必不可少的。
The hidden layers are necessary to map non-linear [...]
behavior, for example the function x^2-y^2.
[...] 约的,也就是说,它们是由凭借权力予以建立的国家投资的,其限制是这些国家委托它促进 的共同利益函数。
International organizations are governed by the ‘principle of speciality’, that is to say, they are invested by the States which create
them with powers, the limits of which are a function of the common interests whose
[...] promotion those States entrust to them.
并非全部格式类型均允许进行 这些设置,如果数据限制已隐式定义,则更是如此。
Not all format types honor these settings,
[...] particularly if their data limits are implicitly defined.
它的特点包括多数据库管理,创建和连接;表格,数据,索引操作;视图,触发器,和自定 函数 管 理
Its features include multi-database
management, creation and
[...] connection ; tables , data, index operations ; views, triggers , and custom function management.
函数生成的变量可以与标签对象间建 立链接,或用于其函数中。
The function-generated variable can be linked to label objects or used in other functions.
在这 方面,特别注意了社会网络的持续增长,以及随后出现的治理问题,特别是需要 关于保隐私和数据的 新办法、适用于用户制作的内容和版权保护的资料的规 [...]
In this context, special attention was paid to the continued growth of social networks, and the ensuing governance issues that are emerging,
in particular, the need for new
[...] approaches regarding privacy and data protection, rules [...]
applicable to user-generated content
and copyrighted material, and issues of freedom of expression and illegal content
奉我国政府指示,谨函附上隐瞒叙 利亚当局非法入境叙利亚的四名外国记 者的名单(见附件)。
On instructions from my Government, I have the honour to transmit herewith a table listing the names of the four foreign journalists who entered Syrian territory illegally without the knowledge of the Syrian authorities (see annex).
函数后即打开函数参数输入 ”对话框,然后单击“折叠对话框”按钮(即Number1右边的按钮),此时对话框消失,接着选取单元格区域,选取方法(单击C4拖曳至G4或单击C4按Shift键同时单击G4),最后必须按“回车键”加以确认, 函数 参 数 输 入 ”对话框再次出现,单击对话框中的“确定”按钮退出后即可得到第一名学生总分。
Select function after open "function parameters" dialog box, and then click "fold dialog" button (that is, the right button Number1), when the dialog box disappears, and then select the range, select the method (click to drag C4 C4 by G4 or click Shift key while clicking the G4), the last must press the "Enter" to confirm that the "function parameters" dialog box [...]
appears again, click
the dialog box "OK" button can be obtained from the following Total students first.
此操作可调函数参考里的任函数 或 编 写操作章节里的数据修改运 算符,还可运行一个程序。
This action may invoke any of the functions from
[...] the Function Reference or the data modification operators described [...]
in the Writing Actions section, or it may run a program.
保密信息"是指所有数据(用户隐私 声 明的条款中定义的)存储使用的服务,包括但不限于计算机源代码,文件中包含的内容(例如,源代码,任何业务计划,概念,理念,诀窍,工艺,技术,方案,设计,公式,算法或工作正在进行中,任何工程,制造,营销,技术,财务,数据,或销售信息,定价或商业信息,以及任何其他信息或材料,无论是书面或图形,或任何其他形式),票发行,wiki内容,或任何其他专有信息,通过使用该服务,但不包括您的姓名,公司名称和/或标志,可用于网络经理拟用于市场营销目的的用户隐私声明的条款。
Confidential Information"
[...] means all of your Data (as defined in the Terms of User & Privacy Statement) stored [...]
using the Services
including but not limited to computer source code, files and content contained within (e.g. source code, any business plan, concept, idea, know-how, process, technique, program, design, formula, algorithm or work-in-progress, any engineering, manufacturing, marketing, technical, financial, data, or sales information, pricing or business information, and any other information or materials, whether written, or graphic, or any other form), issue tickets, wiki content, or any other proprietary information created through use of the Services but excluding your name, company and/or logo which may be used by Net-Managers.com for marketing purposes as contemplated by the
支持的面向对象的功能有:构函数 , 类方法,实例方法,类变量等等。
Support for object-oriented
[...] features are: constructor, class methods, [...]
instance methods , class variables , and so on .
开发者利用它可以在自己的应用程序中创建TIFF文件,但其应用程序只可供终端用户使用(不作为软件开发商工具的一部分),不可作为独立的产品销售重分发——TIFF-XChange SDK必须作为开发者所创建套包的一部分,而不是将创建TIFF文件作为主 函数 — — 其只是一个增值选项。
The TIFF-XChange SDK is available on a Royalty Free distribution basis (for the Run Time Driver) to software developers to build in TIFF file creation into their software applications provided only that they are for end user use (not as part of a tool for software developers) and may not be redistributed in a standalone sale - but must form part of a package the developer has created and for which TIFF file creation will not be the primary function - but an added value option.
审查和更新由于新信息和通信技术迅速发展并 且由于依赖这些新技术而可能过时或失效的法律依 据(包括有关网络犯罪隐私、数据保 护、商业法、 数字签名和加密的法律依据),在审查过程中利用区 域和国际公约、安排和先例。
Review and update legal authorities (including those related to cybercrime, privacy, data protection, commercial law, digital signatures and encryption) that may be outdated or obsolete as a result of the rapid uptake of and dependence upon new information and communications technologies, and use regional and international conventions, arrangements and precedents in these reviews.
策的研究和共享工具,也是该司用来进行能力建设分析的数据库,其第一阶段内 容的技术平台即将完成,包括公共行政行为守则和公务员可能也隶属的那些专业
[...] 的专业守则;公民参与的宪法权利;电子政务政策、法律框架和战略;经济和社 会理事机构;信息主任简介;和关于信息自由 数 据 隐 私 和 保护的立法。
The technical platform for the United Nations Public Administration Country Studies — a tool for research and sharing to assist Governments in making evidence-based decisions in public administration and a database for analysis by the Division on capacity-building — is near completion for the first phase of content, including public administration codes of conduct and codes of professions to which civil servants may also belong; constitutional rights on citizen engagement; e-government policies, legal frameworks, and strategies; economic and social
councils; profiles of chief information officers; and legislation on freedom of
[...] information and on data privacy and protection.
民法典》规定私人生隐私权、秘密 函 、 亲 属记事及其他秘密文书的权 利,非秘密书函的使用及个人经历保密权;并且规定任何人都有权知悉载于资料 库或纪录内有关其本人之资料及该等资料之用途,并得要求就该等资料作出更正 或更新,但关于司法保密方面另有特别规定者除外;《民法典》还规定个人资料 的保护、肖像权和言论权,并禁止透露他人的私人生活。
The Civil Code establishes the right to intimacy of private life, of confidential communications, of family memories and other private scripts, the use of non-confidential communications, the right to personal history, the right to know about one’s personal data contained in database or record as well as the use thereof and to request for rectification or update of such information, unless otherwise provided for in the provisions as to judicial secrecy as well as the protection of personal data, the right to one’s image and words, and forbids the disclosure of private life of others.
(b) 采纳明确考虑到儿童权利和在发展方面特殊需要的法律援助法规、政
[...] 策和条例,其中包括:在准备和陈述其辩护方面有权得到法律援助或其他适当 援助;在对其有影响的所有司法诉讼程序中的听审权;确定根本利益的标准程 序隐私和对个数据的 保护;以及在移交上得到考虑的权利
(b) Adopting legal aid legislation, policies and regulations that explicitly take into account the child’s rights and special developmental needs, including the right to have legal or other appropriate assistance in the preparation and presentation of his or her defence; the right to be heard in all judicial proceedings affecting him or her; standard
procedures for determining
[...] best interest; privacy and protection of personal data; and the right [...]
to be considered for diversion
此版本具有一个现代化的用户界面,一个修改选项对话框以及一个用 隐 藏 不使 用 数 据 域 的新功能。
This release comes with a modernized user interface, a revised option dialog and
[...] with a new function to hide unused data fields.
其语法形式为IRR(values,guess) 其中values为数组或单元格的引用,包含用来计算内部收益率的数字,values必须包含至少一个正值和一个负值,以计算内部收益率 函数 I R R 根 据数值的顺序来解释现金流的顺序,故应确定按需要的顺序输入了支付和收入的数值,如果数组或引用包含文本、逻辑值或空白单元格,这些数值将被忽略;guess为 函数 I R R 计 算结果的估计值,excel使用迭代法计 函数 I R R 从guess开始 函数 I R R 不 断修正收益率,直至结果的精度达到0.00001%,如 函数 I R R 经 过20次迭代,仍未找到结果,则返回错误值#NUM!,在大多数情况下,并不需要 函数 I R R 的 计算提供guess值,如果省略guess,假设它为0.1(10%)。
Its grammatical form of IRR (values, guess) in which values for the array or cell reference, including the internal rate of return used to calculate the figures, values must contain at least one positive and one negative,
to calculate the
[...] internal rate of return, IRR function Based on the numerical order to explain the order of cash flow should be determined by the need to enter the order of payment and income values, or if the array reference that contains text, logical values or blank cells, these values will be ignored; guess as to the function IRR calculation of the estimated value, excel using the iterative method to calculate IRR function to start from the guess function and constantly modify the rate of return IRR, until the results of the accuracy of 0.00001%, if the IRR function after 20 iterations, is still unable to find results, return error [...]
value # NUM!
显示标签 属性用于显示隐藏数字刻度尺标签。
The Show Labels property is used
[...] to show or hide the numeric scale labels.
关于反对收集数据问题,一名非政府组织观察员表示,收集分 数 据 并 不侵隐私, 而仅是询问人们的姓名或性别。
One NGO observer, on the subject of objections to data
collection, stated that
[...] disaggregated data collection was no more an invasion of privacy than asking people [...]
for their name or gender.
虽然脆弱海洋生态系统可能有各种定义,但脆弱性是某区域的具 体物理及生态特征的一函数。
While there may be various definitions of vulnerable marine ecosystems, vulnerability is a function of the specific physical as well as ecological characteristics of an area.
当然,我们还是内置了一个函数向 导 ”和“代码向导”,因此,即使完全得初学者也可以创建功能强大的安装包,甚至是那些要求异常苛刻的程序打包任务。
Of course, we’ve also built in an “Action Wizard” and “Code Wizard” so even complete novices can create powerful installers that handle even the most demanding installation tasks.
正如多项建议所指出,由于提交公约与建议委员会每届会议的新 函数 量 并不多,没有必要 每年两次对同一来函进行系统审议。
As some proposals indicate, the number of new communications presented at each session of the Committee is not very high, so it is not necessary to systematically review the same communications twice a year.
一系列其他项目建议由奥地利负责的全民信息计划信息保存工作组起草,其中主要包 括:(a) 保护语言和文化多样隐藏文件;(b) 数字保存和数据管理开源软件;(c) 促进格式登 记系统方面的国际合作。
A number of other project proposals were drafted by the IFAP Information Preservation Working Group led by Austria and these include,
among others: (a)
[...] safeguarding the Hidden Documents of Linguistic and Cultural Diversity; (b) open source software for digital preservation and data management; [...]
and (c) promoting international
cooperation in format registries.
通过向我们提供数据,您承认并同意,由于本公司开展国际合作,我们可能会收集、使用和披露双方履行商业和营销关系时收集的个 数 据 , 或按照 隐 私 政策向 QUADRANT 内的其他企业以及您所属司法管辖区以外的其他 QUADRANT 企业、附属公司和选定的第三方提供信息。
By providing us with data, you acknowledge and agree that due to the international dimension of our company we may
collect, use and
[...] disclose personal data collected in the course of our relationship for commercial and marketing purposes, or to provide the information in accordance with this Privacy Policy to other [...]
enterprises within QUADRANT,
other QUADRANT businesses, affiliated companies and selected third parties which may be outside your resident jurisdiction.
许多国际法律文书都认可了保护隐私权的重要性,如经济合作与发展组织 1980 年通过 的“保隐私权和个数据跨 境流动问题的指导原则”、有关在自动处理私人数据时保护个 人权利的公约、欧洲议会和欧洲委员会 [...]
1995 年 10 月 24 日通过的有关在处理个人数据时保
护个人权利和有关此类数据自由流动问题的 95/46/EC 号指令。
The importance of privacy has been recognized in numerous legal instruments, such as the
OECD Guideline on the
[...] Protection of Privacy and Transborder Flows of Personal Data adopted in 1980; [...]
the Convention for the
Protection of Individuals with Regard to Automatic Processing of Personal Data; and the Directive 95/46/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 24 October 1995 on the Protection of Individuals with Regard to the Processing of Personal Data and on the Free Movement of Such Data.
埃及坚信, 该决议草案不仅试图根据某些国家本国立法的发展
[...] 来重新解释《公民及政治权利国际公约》的条款,而 且还寻求把新的解释和约束性办法强加于广大会员 国,以推隐藏在跨区数字背后的 数 一 些 国家的 标准。
Egypt firmly believed that the draft resolution not only tried to reinterpret provisions of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights in the light of developments in the national legislation of certain countries, but also sought to impose new interpretations and
restrictive approaches on the general membership that advanced
[...] the standards of a select few hiding behind cross-regional numbers.
董事共同及個別 對本函所載 資料的準確性承擔全部責任,並在作出一切合理查詢後確認,就彼等所知及 所信,本函所載 意見乃經審慎週詳考慮後始行作出,且本 函 概 無 遺漏任何其他事實致 令本函所載任何聲明產生誤導。
The Directors jointly and individually accept full responsibility for the accuracy of
the information
[...] contained in this circular and confirm, having made all reasonable enquiries, that to the best of their knowledge and belief, opinions expressed in this circular have been arrived at after due and careful consideration and there are no other facts the omission of which would make any statement in this circular misleading.
香港交易及結算所有限公司及香港聯合交易所有限公司對本 函 之 內 容概不負責,對其準 確性或完整性亦不發表任何聲明,並明確表示,概不就因本 函 全 部 或任何部份內容而產 生或因倚賴該等內容而引致之任何損失承擔任何責任。
Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited and The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited take no responsibility for the contents of this circular, makes no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and expressly disclaims any liability whatsoever for any loss howsoever arising from or in reliance upon the whole or any part of the contents of this circular.
董事於作出一切合理查詢後,確認據彼等深知及盡信本 函所 載 資料在各重大方面均屬準確完備,並無誤導或欺詐成份,本 函 並 無遺漏其他事項, 以致本函或其任何陳述有所誤導。
The Directors, having made all reasonable enquiries, confirm that to the best of their knowledge and belief the
[...] contained in this circular is accurate and complete in all material respects and not misleading or deceptive, and there are no other matters the omission of which would make any statement herein or this circular misleading.




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