

单词 随身碟

See also:


(carry) on one's person
(take) with one



plates pl


plate n

External sources (not reviewed)

UDK149提供了强大的归档功能,使结果被下载 随身碟 或 直 接连接到电脑,符合GLP(实验室规范)。
The UDK 149 offers powerful archiving features. In compliance
with GLP (Good Laboratory Practice), the interfaces enable results to be
[...] downloaded to a pen drive or directly to a PC.
已產生的報告將被儲存在 USB 隨身碟上。
The generated report will be
[...] saved on the USB flash drive.
会上向与会者播放了关于联合国条约机构系统的数字 碟 , 随 后 非 洲人权机 制的代表们简短介绍了各自的任务。
A DVD on the United Nations treaty body system was shown to
[...] participants, followed by short presentations [...]
by representatives of the African
human rights mechanisms on their respective mandates.
要安全地移除硬體,請在系統匣圖示上按兩下,然後選擇您要從清單中移除的 USB 隨身碟,再按一下「停止」按鈕。
To Safely Remove Hardware, double-click on the system tray icon, then
[...] select the USB Drive you want to remove [...]
from the list and click on the “Stop” button.
此外,透過附加的USB連接埠可讓使用者將他們從網路上下載的資料儲存置U SB 隨 身碟 中。
With the added USB port, users can save work or the information they download from the internet
[...] to their USB flash drives.
越南就其身而言, 将制订行动计划,有效落实普遍定期审议的建议, 随 时 准 备与所有国家和国际 组织讨论和分享经验,以在越南和世界范围更好地确保人权。
For its part, Viet Nam would develop a plan of action to implement effectively the universal periodic review recommendations and would stand ready to discuss and share experience with all countries and international organizations to better ensure human rights in Viet Nam and the world.
随身携带的护照也被没 收”。21 这类案件中更令人惊异的是,受到这种强迫回返的是欧盟公民,他们本 [...]
Those who were in possession [...]
of their passports had them confiscated”.21 These forcible returns are all the more striking
because the victims are European citizens who enjoy the right of free movement and residence within the European Union.
1) 如果您於下載程式後購買,請務必依照使用指南或程式說明中的建議建立可開機救援 CD (或 其他救援媒體,例如 USB 隨身碟) ,並 確保此救援媒體在您的電腦上是可開機的。
1) If you purchased the program after downloading it, you absolutely must create a bootable rescue CD (or other rescue media, for example, a USB stick) following the recommendations given in the User's Guide or program's Help and then make sure this rescue media is bootable on your computer.
从沙特阿拉伯、哥伦比亚到印度,Scott去过全球很多地方 随身 携 带 笔记本和 LAN-XI 数据采集系统,以执行各种不同的任务,从现场解答客户问题到指导和培训通用电气医疗保健的印度员工如何使用 PULSE,帮助安装在班加罗尔的实验室,或在北京使用振动器进行振动测试。
From Saudi Arabia to Colombia to India, Scott travels the world with his laptop and LAN-XI data acquisition system, performing a multitude of different tasks ranging from troubleshooting at customer's sites to teaching and training GE Healthcare’s Indian staff how to use PULSE, helping set up a laboratory in Bangalore or performing vibration testing using shakers in Beijing.
无论是在别人的办公室快速开始电话会议,还是将它装进特别设计的旅行保护 随身 携 带 着上路,沟通协作因它而变得无比轻松。
Whether it's setting up a quick conference call in someone's office, or taking it along on the road in a specially designed protective travel case, collaboration is made easy.
随着蓝光光碟、DV D电影和高清电视节目的日受欢迎,电视机上的数码影像效果越来越好。
With the growing popularity of Blu-ray disc, DVD movies [...]
and HDTV programs that are available today, the digital images on
your TV can look better than ever before.
耳机具有蓝牙功能,您可以将其与任何支持蓝牙的设备互连使用: 手机、电脑、笔记本电脑和平板电脑等,不管使用什么设备,您都可以将 随身 携 带
With Bluetooth connectivity, you can use these headsets with any Bluetooth-enabled device: mobile phone, PC, laptop, tablet, whatever the device, you can enjoy mobility.
若您採用 “FAT32-format” 格式化的 USB 隨身碟來作 影像備份,則可能導致電腦無法判讀備份的檔 案。
If you use the “FAT32-format” USB device to store the backup images, a PC may not be able to read the backup flies.
CL5808/CL5816前端面板提供一個額外的USB埠可連接周邊設備,如 身碟 、 CD-ROM等,USB周邊設備可用以針對CL5808/CL5816所連接的電腦進行軟體安裝、作業系統修補、或系統備份。
There is an additional USB port on the front
panel to connect peripheral devices
[...] such as flash drives, CD-ROM drives, etc. USB [...]
peripherals can be used to install software
and OS patches, or make system backups to computers connected to the installation from the CL5808/CL5816.
透過COB專利技術,不僅能讓身碟本 體 更加輕盈,也達到防水防震防塵的目的,更能避免因為攜帶及讀取插拔時的磨損而造成資料損毀無法讀取。
The patented COB technology ensures that the device is
lightweight, waterproof, shockproof and
[...] dustproof; the exterior design is also [...]
resistant to wear and tear to prevent data loss or corruption.
(i) 配偶双方都是工作人员,而且各享有本条细则所规定的搬运个人财物和 家用物品的权利或托运随身行李 的权利时,考虑到工作人员细则 4.7(d)的规 [...]
定,配偶双方应由联合国支付的搬运费的最高数额,为有配偶或受扶养子女同住 在正式工作地点的工作人员可领取的数额。
(i) Where both spouses are staff members and each is entitled
to removal of personal effects and
[...] household goods or unaccompanied shipment under [...]
the present rule, and taking into account
staff rule 4.7 (d), the maximum entitlement to removal at United Nations expense for both spouses shall be that provided for a staff member with a spouse or dependent child residing at the official duty station.
可鼓励各位代随身携带 其膝上型个人电脑与会,以便于查阅 会议文件,或可携带其自行印制的纸页文件与会。
Delegates would be encouraged to bring [...]
laptops in order to view the documents or print their own copies of the documents to bring to meetings.
(e) 大屠杀和联合国外联方案还为 13 岁及以上学生们编制了一份 32 页的研 究指南,作为观看影片随身参考
(e) The Holocaust and the United Nations Outreach Programme also produced a 32-page study guide for students aged 13 and up that serves as a companion to the film.
根据安全理事会第 1933(2010)号决议,联科行动将在不妨碍科特迪瓦当局承 担的主要责任的情况下,根据自身能力在部署区内保护 身随 时 可 能遭受暴力威 胁的平民,包括在联科行动根据全面保护平民战略和 2010 年 5 月 20 日的秘书长 报告(S/2010/245)提到的威胁评估所确定的高风险地区。
In accordance with Security Council resolution 1933 (2010), UNOCI is to protect, without prejudice to the primary responsibility of the Ivorian authorities, civilians under immediate threat of physical violence, within its capabilities and its areas of deployment, including in high risk areas identified by UNOCI on the basis of the strategy for the comprehensive protection of civilians and the threat assessment referred to in the report of the Secretary-General of 20 May 2010 (S/2010/245).
随身携带新加坡在当地的大使馆电话号 码 及 其 它 紧 急 电 话 号 码 , 以 备 不 时 之 需。
Carry your country’s embassy phone number and any other emergency numbers at all times.
[...] USB 連接埠連接硬碟或 USB 隨身碟,或 透過乙太或無線網路連接至音樂伺服器,更可插入任何音樂播放器或具有線路輸出插座的裝置,如 [...]
iPod、藍牙接收器或 Apple AirPort Express,重新探索您的數位音樂檔案。
Attach a hard drive or USB stick directly [...]
via USB, connect by Ethernet or wirelessly to a music server, or plug in any music
player or device with line out socket - for example an iPod, a Bluetooth receiver or Apple AirPort Express.
在您從電腦的 USB
[...] 連接埠拔除可攜式儲存裝置之前,您必須使用系統匣上的「安全地移除硬體」選項,否則您 USB 隨身碟上的資料會有損毀的風險。
Before you unplug your portable storage device from the USB port of your computer, you have to
use the “Safely Remove Hardware” option from the system tray, otherwise you risk
[...] corrupting the data on your USB Drive.
词汇表 链接和文献一览表以随附光碟 中多媒体资料的解说词 多媒体资料中还 包含音频报道 mp3数据文件 该报道 对相关主题做了生动介绍 从声音上带领 听众前往中国南部山区和项目所在地 了 解当地的农业生物多样性 教师可在开始 上课时 利用这些资料激发他们的学习兴 趣 本书的使用对象是在发展学科和环境
They contain inter alia an audio-reportage (mp3-data file) which provides a stimulating introduction to the topic and takes the audience on an audiophonic journey into the mountain regions of Southern China, the location of the agrobiodiversity project.
[...] 勤、通信和非致命的人群控制装备,这样安全理事会就需考虑对武器禁运作出有 关的豁免规定,以便能进口包随身 武 器在内的防暴装备。
Several interlocutors also raised the need to properly equip the Integrated Command Centre and the mixed units, especially in logistical, communications and non-lethal crowd control equipment, which would require
the Security Council to consider making an exemption to the arms embargo to import riot
[...] control gear, including side arms.
根据第 8 条规定,在任何情况下,承运人对每位乘 随身 行 李 损失或损坏的赔偿责任将不得超过每件行李 833 SDR,若损失或损坏的是行李运载工具(包括其内及上的运载行李),则承运人对每运载工具(包括其内及上 的运载行李)的赔偿责任为每件3,333 SDR;若损失或损坏不是本段提及的行李,则赔偿限额为每位乘客每件 行李 1,200 SDR,但需扣除第 8 条第(4)款规定的全部可扣除金额。
Article 8 whereby the liability of the Carrier for the loss of or damage to cabin luggage shall in no case exceed 833 SDR per passenger per carriage, and in the case of loss of or damage to vehicles including all luggage carried in or on the vehicle, 3,333 SDR per vehicle per carriage, and in the case of loss of or damage to luggage other than those mentioned in this paragraph, 1,200 SDR per passenger per carriage, subject to the full amount deductible as set out in Article 8(4).
(b) 在停火线两侧各设一个区,大小相当于 1994 年《莫斯科协定》规定的
[...] “安全区”,除执法人员外,任何武装部队和装备都不得进入,执法人员配带个随身武器,每方的执法人员不超过 600 人;并在停火线两侧另设一个区,大小 [...]
(b) A zone, equivalent in its territorial expanse to the “security zone” provided under the Moscow Agreement, on both sides of the ceasefire line, where the presence of armed forces and equipment will not be allowed, with the exception of law enforcement personnel,
the number of which should not exceed
[...] 600 on either side, armed with personal and side [...]
arms, and additional zones, equivalent
in their territorial expanse to the “restricted weapons zone” under the Moscow Agreement, on each side of the ceasefire line, where heavy military equipment would not be allowed, including tanks, armoured personnel carriers, all types of artillery and mortars
PQI Nano 隨身碟,首 創業界最大容量,一舉提升至 128GB,可儲存高畫質影片約 [...]
160 小時、 20,000 張精彩張照片以及 32,000 首動人歌曲,在傳輸速度上則擁有絕佳的效能表現,最高可達讀入 195 MB/Sec,寫入 100
MB/Sec,複製一部 HD 電影不用一分鐘,水庫般大容量,傳輸僅需一眨眼。
PQI Nano Thumb Drive leads the industry [...]
with the largest capacity of up to 128GB (up to 160 hrs of HD movie, 20,000 photos,
and 32,000 songs) and extreme performance at 195 MB/Sec read and 100 MB/Sec write (transfer a whole HD movie within one minute), even PQI Nano's large capacity can be filled up in a blink of an eye.
當您啟動 VisualStation 時,您便能直接操作即時影像、執行 PTZ
[...] 動作或是換到「事件時間線」的功能輕鬆觀看所錄製的事件,您也可以拍攝即時影像的快照,將其儲存至 USB 隨身碟上並使用。
When you turn it on, you are directly on Live View, so you can perform PTZ actions, or switch
to Timeline to watch recorded events, take snapshot and export to an external storage
[...] device - all by using an USB mouse.
[...] 處所的任何部分唱歌、跳舞或演奏任何樂器或其他器具,亦不得使用收音機、卡式機、雷 碟機 或 類似的設備、電視或任何其他電氣或機械設備,而相當可能對他人造成煩擾、不便或騷擾。
No person unless authorized in writing by the Corporation or any of its officials while upon any bus or vehicle of the North-west Railway or any part of the railway premises shall sing, dance or perform on any musical or
other instrument or use a radio, cassette
[...] recorder, compact disc player or similar [...]
device, television or any other such electrical
or mechanical device which is likely to cause annoyance, inconvenience or disturbance to any other person.




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