

单词 随行就市

See also:


quotation on market price

External sources (not reviewed)

在这种情况下,制定现金规划、对满足本组织现金需求所需 的周转基金行估值就非常随机。
As a result, cash-flow forecasting and thus the appraisal of the working-capital amount required to meet the Organization’s cash-flow requirements remain very moot.
在危机期间,尽管有充足的资本水平,但各 行随 着市 场条 件的迅速逆转,仍遭遇了流动性短缺问题。
During the crisis, despite adequate capital levels, various banks suffered a shortage in liquidity with
[...] the rapid reversal of market conditions.
有充分证据的一个成功实例是美市 场 随着 1993 年的一行政命令而转变; 这项命令规定联邦政府只购买 Energy Star 的电脑器材。
A well-documented
[...] success story is the market transformation in the United States following a 1993 Executive [...]
Order which required
that the Federal Government purchase only Energy Star computer equipment.
随着金融市场条 件改善以及逐步复苏的迹象增强,大多数短期流动资金措施 到 2010 年第一季度末已逐步撤消,而中央 行 购 买 的大多数长期证券依然留在 其资产负债表上。
As financial market conditions improved and signs of a gradual recovery have strengthened, most shortterm liquidity measures have been wound down by the end of the first quarter [...]
of 2010, while most
long-term securities that central banks purchased remain on their balance sheets.
文章主要透過闡述「七一遊行」當日的現場調查結果,剖釋參與 行市 民 的 各種訴求, 就 其 人口特徵作出分析。
The article discussed the on-site survey findings of the "July 1 Demonstration", pointed out the various demands of the people who marched, and analyzed their socio-demographic characteristics.
鑒於政府曾在證券市場採取市行動 、 未經進行恰當投標程序而 將數碼港的發展權批給盈科集團,以及近 就 發 展 香港迪士尼樂園與 華特迪士尼公司達成協議,政府應制訂政策指引或公開有關指引,說 明政府在哪些情況下會參與私人機構的投資項目。
Given the Government's operations in the securities market, the granting of development right for the Cyberport to Pacific Century Group [...]
without going through a proper tendering
process and its recent agreement with The Walt Disney Company on the development of the Hong Kong Disneyland (HKD), the Government should draw up or make known policy guidelines on the circumstances under which Government would take part in private sector investment.
於首次確認資產退廢義務後,負債的賬面值隨時間流逝而增加, 就 現 行市場 基 準的折現率、清償該義務的所需相關現金流量的金額或時機的變動作出調整。
Following initial recognition of the asset retirement obligation, the carrying amount of the liability is increased for the
passage of time and adjusted for
[...] changes to the current market-based discount rate, [...]
amount or timing of the underlying
cash flows needed to settle the obligation.
我们充分了解了重大计划 II(自然科学)和 III(社会科学及人文科学)审查委员会的建议、教科文组织 总干事的评论以及行局随后就此作 出的决定(176 EX/7 号文件)和各计划就审查委员会的建议向总干 事提出的意见和看法。
We have taken full cognizance of the recommendations of the Review Committee on Major Programmes II (Natural sciences) and III (Social and human sciences), of the comments of UNESCO’s Director-General and of the decision of the Executive Board thereon (176 EX/7), and the views of each programme on the Review Committee’s recommendations as expressed to the Director-General.
中国政府为获取投资而介入商行为,随着市场各 方对这种不公平行为怨气日 深,紧张局势可能会继续升级。
Tensions are likely to continue to rise as its practice of state involvement as a means to obtain investments is increasingly seen as unfair by market players.
但是随着市局12 315工作职能的不断拓展,以及国家工商总局对全国12315工作提出了新的工作目标和工作规范,北京市工商局12315现有系统功能已经不能完全满足新形势下的新需要,因此,亟需 行 1 2 3 15 系统的软件改造和系统升级。
[...] as function expansion of 12315 and work objectives and new work norms for nationwide 12315 required by State administration of industry and Commerce (SAIC), the existing 12315 system of Beijing Municipal Administration for Industry and Commerce can not fully meet the new situation, therefore, it's urgent necessary to renovate [...]
12315 system and upgrade software.
根据书面请求,雇员可以休一个工作年度的年假, 如随后其个人就业合同中止或终止,可获得所有未休假期的补偿。
Based on a written request, the employee may use the annual leave for one working year, with the
subsequent suspension or termination
[...] of the individual employment contract, receiving [...]
compensation for all other unused leave.
委员会欢迎发布题为“权利和责任:建设宪法框架”的绿皮书,并欢随 后就《权利和责任法案》行的公 共协商。
The Committee welcomes the launching of the Green Paper “Rights and responsibilities: developing our
[...] constitutional framework” and the ensuing public consultation on a bill of [...]
rights and responsibilities.
瑞聲新能源租賃補充協議修訂的租金與瑞聲新能源租賃協議項下的租金相同,乃經 參考瑞聲新能源在訂立瑞聲新能源租賃協議之前於2011年對鄰近地區類似物業的租金估值所 進行的市場研究而獲取的行市場租 金而釐定,且低於瑞聲新能 就 鄰 近地區類似物業的租 金估值所行的市場研究獲取的近期 行市 場 租 金。
The rental rate as revised pursuant to the Supplemental AAC New Power Lease Agreement is the same as the rental rate under the AAC New Power Lease Agreement, which was determined with reference to prevailing market rental rates obtained by market research on rental valuation of similar properties in the vicinity carried out by AAC New Power in 2011 before the entering into of the AAC New Power
Lease Agreement and are
[...] lower than the recent prevailing market rental rates obtained by market research on rental valuation of similar properties in the vicinity carried out by AAC New Power.
尽 管公立学校和大学的数量相当稳定,但是私立 院校的数随着近来的市场需 求一直在增加。
Although the number of state-owned
schools and Universities is rather stable, the number of private institutions
[...] is growing in response to recent market demand.
在研讨会 结束后的六个月后,即 2009 年秋,渣打银行返回每个市,对研讨会参与者行随访, 并收集有关培训计划效果 的反馈。
Six months after the completion of the workshops, in the fall
of 2009, Standard Chartered
[...] returned to each of the cities to follow-up with workshop participants [...]
and to gather feedback
on the effectiveness of the training program.
关于在恩德培设立一个区域 服务中心,行预咨委就选择 该地点作为第一个区域 服务中心所使用的标准、该中心的可伸缩性、将其指 定为家随行的工 作地点、成本-效益分析、中心的 筹资机制以及治理、管理和报告安排作了评论。
With regard to the establishment of a regional service centre at Entebbe, the Advisory Committee had commented on the criteria used for the selection of that location as the first such centre, its scalability, its designation as a family duty station, [...]
the cost-benefit
analysis, the funding mechanism for the centre, and the governance, management and reporting arrangements.
奉我国政府指示,随函转递就利比亚政权指示其控制下的团体冲击的黎波 里西部的黎巴嫩大使馆的一封指控信(见附件)。
On instructions from my Government, I transmit herewith a complaint against the Libyan regime, which directed groups under its control to storm the Lebanese Embassy in western Tripoli (see annex).
金管局的法律顧 問 表 示
[...] ,擬議的修正 案 是可取的,因 為該修正 案可消除 金管局職能範圍的 不 明 確之處, 使 金 管局能 有 效地行對“註 冊 機構”的前線 規管職能,亦與 條例草就市 場中介人制訂的擬議規管制度相符 。
According to the legal advisors of HKMA, the proposed amendment is desirable to remove any uncertainty about the scope of HKMA’s functions for the effective performance of its front-line regulatory role
in respect of “registered
[...] institutions” and is consistent with the proposed regulatory regime for market intermediaries enshrined in the Bills.
同樣是由1997年7月開始,我們就市 民 對特區政府表現的滿意程度調查 行 分 項 調查,提問方式為「你對特區政府維持經濟繁榮/改善民生/推行民主步伐/維護人權自由/處理與中央政府關係方面既表現滿唔滿意?
Also from July 1997, we began to survey people's satisfaction with the government's performance in five policy areas using the following questions: "Are you satisfied with the performance of the HKSAR Government in maintaining economic prosperity / improving people's livelihood / developing democracy / protecting human rights and freedom / handling of its relation with the Central Government?
新常州光電租 賃協議項下的租金乃經參考常州光 就 鄰 近地區類似物業租金的租金估值所 行 的 市 場 研究 獲取的行市場租金而釐定。
The rental rate under the New Microtech Changzhou Lease
Agreement has been
[...] determined with reference to prevailing market rental rates obtained by market research on rental valuation of similar properties [...]
in the
vicinity carried out by Microtech Changzhou.
联合国减少发展中国家因森林砍 伐和退化所产生的排放合作方案是非洲与发达国家 缔结合作伙伴关系的基石,特别是保护碳汇及加强市场等 领域,今后订立的协定要做到切实 行, 就必须考虑该合作方案。
The UN-REDD programme, as the cornerstone of the partnership between Africa and the developed countries, particularly in the area
of preserving
[...] carbon sinks and the need to strengthen carbon markets, must be taken into account for future agreements [...]
to be viable.
(e) 采购:我对采购权力下放到外地办事处的工作所进行的评估突出表明,由于总部和外地办事处监
[...] 测不当,存在很多缺陷,其中包括:没有遵守工发组织的规则、手册和行政指示;采购过程效率低下、效 果不佳;没有对不守规行为作出问责安排;采购物品时并不总能展开充分和公开的竞争;物品采购价格高市场或竞争价格;没有行就近采 购;强制供应商履约的情况有限;没有遵守供应商名册机制;没有建 立可进行统计分析和例外情况报告的独特的供应商编号制度;以及没有披露相关方交易。
These weaknesses included: non-compliance with UNIDO rules, manuals and administrative instructions; inefficient and ineffective procurement processes; no accountability arrangements for incidents of non compliance; full and open competition for procured items not always achieved;
items purchased at
[...] prices in excess of market or competitive prices; purchases not made at arm’s length; limited enforcement of vendor performance; vendor roster mechanism not complied with; no unique vendor [...]
numbering system
that would allow for statistical analysis and exception reporting; and related party transactions not disclosed.
答覆 : 在分目 5101DX 的各個項目中,就市區和將軍澳堆填區的環境審查行 可行性研 究」一項所涵蓋的部分範圍位於觀塘及黃大仙區。
Reply : Among items under Subhead
[...] 5101DX, part of the “Feasibility study on the environmental review of urban landfills and Tseung [...]
Kwan O landfills”
is in Kwun Tong and Wong Tai Sin districts.
然而,近几十年来的经济政策一直强调短期宏观经济稳定——其定义是低通 货膨胀率(通常低于
[...] 5%)和低预算赤字(通常低于国内生产总值的 3%)——假就 业将随之出 现,把与工作质量和工作保障有关的劳动标准、政策和法规视为竞争 [...]
However, economic policy in recent decades has emphasized short-term macroeconomic stability — defined as low inflation (usually below 5 per cent) and low budget deficits (usually below
3 per cent of gross domestic
[...] product) — assuming employment would follow and viewing labour [...]
standards and policies and
regulations concerned with work quality and job security as potential hindrances to competitiveness.
(2) 上文第(1) 段所指费用应为不高于指定证券交易所不时所厘定有关最高款额 的数额,惟董事会随时就该费 用厘定较低款额。
(2) The fee referred to in paragraph (1) above shall be an amount not exceeding the relevant maximum amount as the Designated Stock Exchange may from time to time determine provided that the Board may at any time determine a lower amount for such fee.
此外,根據閣下與本公司的協議,本公司可以將閣下的個人身份識別資料披露及轉移,並可將有關個人身份識別資料存入本公司或順豐速運為上文所述目的而持有的一個或多個資料庫(可能載有本公司或順豐速運收集的其他資料),以 行市 場 研 究、信用評估、推廣本公司及/或順豐速運的商品及/或服務並用以比較閣 就 上 述目的而向本公司及/或順豐速運提供的其他資料。
In addition, in accordance with your agreement with us, we may disclose and transfer your Personal Data (whether in Hong Kong or abroad) to any company within S.F. Express and to include that Personal Data in one or more databases held by us or S.F. Express (which
may contain other
[...] information collected by us or S.F. Express) for the carrying out of market research, credit assessments, the marketing of goods and/or services [...]
by us and/or S.F.
Express and for the performance of procedures for comparing Personal Data with other information supplied by you to us and/or S.F. Express for the above purposes.
由於「香港人」、「中國的香港人」、「中國人」、及「香港的中國人」四者可能意識重疊,四擇其一未必能夠反映各項身份認同的強弱,民意研究計劃一早便同 就市 民 的 身份認同感 行 單 項 測試,以0至10分評價其對「香港人」及「中國人」的認同程度。
Because concepts of "Hong Kong Citizen", "Chinese Hong Kong Citizen", "Chinese Citizen" and "Hong Kong Chinese Citizen" may overlap with each other, and making a one-in-four choice may not reflect the actual strengths of one's ethnic identities, POP has
therefore conducted parallel tests on
[...] the strengths of people's separate identities as "Hong Kong Citizens" [...]
and "Chinese Citizens" using a scale of 0-10.




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