

单词 随行



(of a price) fluctuate according the market



随时准备行动的 adj

poised adj

See also:

comply with
varying according to...
surname Sui

External sources (not reviewed)

Mirza 先生监督为 布托女士及随行人员 建造防弹车的工程,该防弹车用于计划从卡拉奇机场到巴 [...]
Mr. Mirza oversaw the construction of a bulletproof truck for Ms.
[...] Bhutto and her entourage to use in the [...]
planned procession from the Karachi airport
to the mausoleum of Pakistan’s founder Muhammad Ali Jinnah.
咨询委员会期望将最大限度地使用各委员会次区域办事处的工作人 员,以便减少差旅需要,或者在需要一名高级代表进行差旅时,提供必要的支 持,从而尽可能减随行工作 人员的差旅需要。
The Committee expects that the maximum use of staff from the subregional offices of the commissions would be made, either to reduce the need for travel or, where the travel of a
senior representative is
[...] required, to provide the necessary support and thereby minimize the need for the travel of accompanying staff.
来自世界各 地的 6 900 多名证人随行人员受法庭传唤出庭。
More than 6,900 witnesses and accompanying persons from all over the world have been called to appear before the Tribunal.
参加该联合委员会的巴勒斯坦代表团由巴勒斯坦权力机构文化部 长 Yahya Yakhlef 先生阁下带队随行人员 有巴勒斯坦驻教科文组织大使兼常驻观察员 Ahmed Abdelrazek 先生阁下、巴勒斯坦教育、文化和科学委员会副秘书长以及来自以下各部 的高级代表:规划部、教育和高等教育部、旅游和古迹部、文化部、信息部、妇女事务部、 青年部和体育部。
The Palestinian delegation to the Committee was headed by H.E. Mr Yahya Yakhlef, Minister of Culture of the Palestinian Authority, accompanied by H.E. Mr Ahmed Abdelrazek, Ambassador and Permanent Observer of Palestine to UNESCO and the Assistant Secretary-General of the Palestinian Committee for Education, Culture and Science, as well as senior representatives from the following Ministries: Planning, Education and Higher Education, Tourism and Antiquities, Culture, Information, Women’s Affairs, Youth and Sport.
国家元首和政府首脑或代表团团长 随行 媒 体 人员的核证可由本国常驻团 提交信函,列明媒体代表的姓名、职务及所属单位,向媒体核证和联络股发送传 [...]
真:212-963-4642 或电邮:malu@un.org。
All members of the media accompanying [...]
Heads of State or Government or heads of delegation can obtain an accreditation by
having the Permanent Mission concerned submit a letter listing the names of the media representatives with their functional titles and affiliation, either by fax: 212 963 4642 or e-mail: malu@un.org to the Media Accreditation and Liaison Unit.
h. 在不损害旅客行李及物品之任何留置权的情况下,旅客同意承运人有权扣押属于旅客或旅 随行 之 任 何行李或 物品,直至旅客付清结欠承运人之款项。
Without prejudice to any lien over Guest's baggage and goods, Guest agrees that Carrier shall be entitled to prevent any baggage or goods belonging to or traveling with Guest from leaving the Vessel until all sums owed to Carrier by Guest have been paid.
随行的科 学家没有足够 的资源对这些新物种进行生物分类的描述,因此它们被归类为推定物种。
Often the scientists involved do not have sufficient resources to produce taxonomic descriptions of these new species, and so they are assigned to putative species.
2012 年 4 月 22 日,在 Judaydah 地区的叙黎边界过境点,一辆黎巴嫩车从黎 巴嫩开往叙利亚,车牌号为 118893,司机是 Nidal Tarad Shuman(1977 年生于 Suwayri,黎巴嫩人),车随行人员 是 Jamil al-Sadiq bin Hasan(1954 年生于 Idlib,叙利亚人),在审查这辆车时发现车内藏有武器,其中包括 1 枚火箭榴弹、 1 个火箭榴弹发射器、53 个遥控引爆装置、多把军用左轮手枪和多发弹药。
On 22 April 2012, at the Syrian-Lebanese border-crossing point in the Judaydah region, during the search of a Lebanese vehicle, licence plate No. 118893, coming from Lebanon to Syria, driven by Nidal Tarad Shuman (born in Suwayri in 1977, a Lebanese national), accompanied by Jamil al-Sadiq bin Hasan (born in Idlib in 1954, a Syrian national), a cache inside the vehicle was discovered to contain a rocket-propelled grenade, a rocket-propelled grenade launcher, 53 remote detonators and a number of military revolvers and rounds of ammunition.
国家元首或政府首脑随行医生 如有特殊需要,或需查看医务处现有设 施,请洽负责秘书处事务的主任医官(Mike Rowell 医生,电话:917 367 8506 或 646 491 1779)。
Physicians travelling with Heads of State or Government may contact the Senior Medical Officer — Secretariat Operations if they have special [...]
needs or if they need
to view the facilities available at the Medical Service (Dr. Mike Rowell, 917 367 8506 or 646 491 1779).
然后,对于市随行的商 界领袖们,未来几日描绘出的图像可能主要来自宝莱坞 - 大量的戏剧、阴谋和情感,然后达到一个圆满的结局。
For the business leaders accompanying the Mayor, then, the picture portrayed over the next few days may owe much to Bollywood - plenty of drama, intrigue and emotions before reaching a happy ending.
关于在恩德培设立一个区域 服务中心,行预咨委会就选择该地点作为第一个区域 服务中心所使用的标准、该中心的可伸缩性、将其指 定为家随行的工 作地点、成本-效益分析、中心的 筹资机制以及治理、管理和报告安排作了评论。
With regard to the establishment of a regional service centre at Entebbe, the Advisory Committee had commented on the criteria used for the selection of that location as the first such centre, its scalability, its designation as a family duty station, the cost-benefit analysis, the funding mechanism for the centre, and the governance, management and reporting arrangements.
1789 年拿破仑入侵埃及时,他带来了一支由 160 多名学者和科学家组成随行队伍
When Napoleon Bonaparte invaded Egypt in 1798,
[...] he brought with him an entourage of more than [...]
160 scholars and scientists.
f. 每位旅客均同意在任何时候遵守承运人及其高级职员的一切规定及指示,否则旅客可能会被要求上岸,而承运 人将不承担退款或支付任何相关费用或损失给旅客或任 随行 旅 客 的责任。
Each Guest agrees to abide by all rules and follow the directions of the Carrier and its officers at all times and failure to do so may subject the Guest to disembarkation without any liability on the part of the Carrier for a refund or any other related expenses or losses to the Guest or any accompanying Guest whatsoever.
因此,他要求秘书处尽早分 发更正,正确地将阿比让列为家 随行 工 作 地点,并 对改变安全等级的做法提出书面解释。
He therefore requested the Secretariat to issue, as soon as possible, a corrigendum correctly identifying Abidjan as a family duty station, and to provide a written explanation of the change in classification.
该警告继续在他的报告CGPJ可能伤害到个人,缺乏特异性的其他权利:概念和定义,制裁 随行 制 裁 的程序,功能之间的新的权力机构要建立和倡导重复人民,充电与被“监护人抽象的合法性”繁重的任务对工会的TC和TS巩固和一致的判例,之间的权限问题,国家和自治区及发展差距可能发生,并可能导致更大的不平等。
The warning continued CGPJ in his report of possible injury to other rights of individuals, the lack of specificity: concepts and definitions, sanctions and accompanying sanctions procedure, the duplication of functions between the new Authority to be created and the Advocate the People, charging the unions with the onerous task of being “guardians abstract legality”, against a consolidated and unanimous jurisprudence of the TC and TS, problems of competence between the State and the Autonomous Communities and the disparity of development that can occur and can lead to greater inequality.
(c) 工作人员必须与高级人随行时, 如果因为旅行期间所负公务的关系, 其额外生活费用远高于规定的数额时,秘书长可在特殊和迫不得已的情况下,准 许合理增加每日生活津贴。
(c) The Secretary-General may, in exceptional and compelling circumstances, authorize a reasonable increase in the daily subsistence allowance to be paid to a staff member who is required to accompany a senior official and whose official duties while in travel status require that his or her additional living expenses be set at a rate substantially higher than the established rate.
随行有一 大批 中国高级官员,其中包括:外交部长杨洁篪,中共中央对外联络 [...]
部部长王家瑞,国家发展与改革委员会主任张平,商务部部长陈 德铭,文化部部长蔡武,国务院研究室主任谢伏瞻,中国驻朝鲜 大使刘晓明,总理办公室主任丘小雄,外交部副部长武大维及中
He was accompanied by an exceptionally [...]
large delegation of Chinese senior officials, including: Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi,
Chinese Communist Party International Department head Wang Jiarui, National Development and Reform Commission Minister Zhang Ping, Minister of Commerce Chen Deming, Minister of Culture Cai Wu, Director of the research office of the State Council Xie Fuzhan, China’s ambassador to the DPRK Liu Xiaoming, premier’s office director Qui Xiaoxiong, Vice Minister for Foreign Affairs Wu Dawei and deputy director of the General Political Department of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army Liu Zhenqi.
20天前,即6月15日,安理会让我 随行 的高 级别代表团有机会参加一次与安理会成员的互动会 议,讨论由西非经共体提出的授权依照《联合国宪 章》第七章在马里部署一支西非经共体稳定部队的 请求。
Twenty days ago, on 15 June, the Council afforded me and the high-level delegation accompanying me an opportunity to participate in an interactive meeting with the members of the Council on the request made by ECOWAS for the authorization of the deployment of an ECOWAS stabilization force in Mali under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations.
该代表团由芬兰经济部长Jyri Häkämies先生率领随行的有来自芬兰就业与经济部的代表以及芬兰在多领域领先公司和企业的负责人。
The delegation was lead by Mr. Jyri Häkämies, Minister of Economic Affairs, Ministry of Employment and the Economy of Finland and consisted of leading Business delegates from various fields of Finnish companies and trade organizations.
于2009年1 月,配偶随行子女 通行证的轮候时间,已由数年前的七年 大幅缩短至四年。
In January 2009, the waiting time for the Permit for spouses and their accompanying children was further shortened to four years, considerably shorter than the waiting time of seven years a few years ago.
第一和第 二工作组会议将再本届会议的前半段 行 , 随 后 再举 行第三工作组会议。
Also, Working Groups I and II will hold their meetings during the first half of this
[...] session, to be followed by the meetings [...]
of Working Group III.
终端用户可使用所有尺寸、测量和命名集 行随 即 分 析,他们还可用切片机和筛选器等对数据进行他们所希望的交叉分析。
End users have all the dimensions, measures, and named sets available at their disposal to perform ad hoc analysis. End users can slice and dice data as they wish with slicers, filters, and more.
行随即为你生成一个电子银行帐号(EBN)、一个电子银行密码(PIN)和一个保安编码器,你便可 登记个人e-Banking,尽享方便快捷的网上理财服务。
You will be issued an Electronic Banking Number (EBN), a PIN and a Security Device and then you can register our Personal e-Banking to start experiencing the convenient online service.
德国政府和德意志行随后将自动 正式调整财务主任和世界银行的账户。
Subsequently, the Government of Germany [...]
and the Bundesbank automatically formalize the adjustments to the accounts of the Treasurer and the World Bank.
在危机期间,尽管有充足的资本水平,但各 行随 着市 场条件的迅速逆转,仍遭遇了流动性短缺问题。
During the crisis, despite adequate capital levels, various banks suffered a shortage in liquidity with the rapid reversal of market conditions.
4.1 已经开展了国家能力自我评估(国家能力自评) 的国家行随后制 定的行动计划,即进行个体、机 构和系统层面的能力建设,从而能够在国家和地方 两级应对荒漠化/土地退化和干旱问题。
Risks/assumptions: 4.1 Countries which have carried out the national capacity selfassessment (NCSA) implement the resulting action plans to develop the necessary capacity at the individual, institutional and systemic levels to tackle DLDD issues at the national and local levels.
B行随后要 求 B 公司取得每个被许可人的“不容否认证明书”,其中应证实许可的存在、无违约 行为和到期应付数额并确认同意向有关当事人(例如 B 公司、B 银行或托管账 户)支付今后的使用费,直至收到进一步通知为止。
Bank B then requires company B to obtain an “estoppel certificate” from each licensee verifying the existence of the licence, the absence of default and the amount due, and confirming the licensee’s agreement to pay future royalties to the appropriate party (for example, company B, bank B or an escrow account) until further notice.
[...] MT25”地区实验室项目的协调员会议 2001 年 8 月在哈瓦那行,随后重 新制定了项目文件, 在此基础上,2002 年前半年执行的活动包括更新科学与人力资源培训计划以及确定可能的 [...]
Following the Meeting of Coordinators of the Project of the
Regional Laboratory “MICROTRON
[...] MT-25” held in Havana in August 2001, and the subsequent reformulation [...]
of the project document,
activities implemented in the first semester of 2002 included an updating of the scientific and human resources training programmes and the identification of possible sources of financing.
一旦安装了 RIP,需要进行一项设置来创建一个 “版基”,以供 RIP 在该版基上行, 随着时间的推移,您可能会发现需要对您的设置进行更新或修改,以适应不断变化的 需求。
Once the RIP is installed, a one-of set up is required to create a “base” from which the RIP will operate, and from time to time you may find it necessary to update or modify the settings to suit your ever-changing requirements.
目前,这些职能没有得到充分行, 随 着 喀 土穆和金沙萨区域分支机构的 成立,预计持续处理和跟踪案件的需求会增加。
Currently these functions are not sufficiently performed, and with the set-up of the regional branches in Khartoum and Kinshasa, the need for consistent caseprocessing and tracking is expected to increase.




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