

单词 随着

随着 ()

along with
in the wake of



over time

See also:

comply with
varying according to...
surname Sui

External sources (not reviewed)

虽然渔业的贡献随着时间 的推移不断下降,但 它对经济仍然是至关重要的,因为它是一些环礁食品和就业的主要来源。
While the contribution of fisheries has
[...] been declining over time, it still [...]
remains vital to the economy, as it is the main
source of food and employment in a number of atolls.
随着所需 服务的减少,从该中心得到的唯一 剩余支持是由两名借调的 P-3 工作人员提供的现场支持。
With this reduced level of service requirements, the only remaining support received from the Centre was on-site support provided by its two seconded P-3 staff.
随着您在 澳大利亚待的时间越久,您会发现自己越来越熟悉和喜爱澳大利亚文化中最初可能让您不解的各个方面。
As your time in Australia continues, you’ll find yourself becoming more familiar and comfortable with aspects of Australian culture that may have initially confused you.
随着时间 的推移,这些政策有助于提高知识水平和技术转让水平,并创造 [...]
Over time, these policies [...]
have helped to increase the level of knowledge, transfer of technology and create the necessary
skills, to establish a competitive workforce.
随着临时 宪法的出台,已形成了一个临时议会,它代表了与政府,尤其是地方一 级的政府更加密切地合作的新的机会。
With the introduction of the interim constitution, an interim parliament has been constituted which presents new opportunities for working more closely with the government, particularly at the local levels.
在直接供应系统中,通过为泵和管路填料,并且供 应足够的空气压力和空气量,泵 随着 喷枪 / 阀打 开和关闭而启动和关闭。
In a direct supply system, with the pump and lines primed, and with adequate air pressure and volume supplied, the pump will start and stop as the gun/valve is opened and closed.
教科文组织伊拉克办事处在获得政府项目供资方面最成功的机构之一,预随 着本组 织作为执行机构的附加值得到展现,这还将有所增加。
UNESCO Iraq is one of the most successful agencies in obtaining government funding for projects, and this is expected to increase as the Organization is demonstrating its added value as implementing agency.
随着管理 和结构改革 成果的巩固,重点将转向监督和评估各项结构和管理改革的实施上,并进一步完 [...]
With the
[...] consolidation of the management and [...]
structural reforms, the focus will now shift to monitoring and assessing the
implementation of the various structural and management changes, and fine-tuning processes to improve further delivery capacity.
但如果随着更高 的燃料效率,例如 通过改进船体、螺旋桨和齿轮设计,这类投资会很快被补偿。
However, if accompanied by greater fuel efficiency, e.g. through improved hull, propeller and gear design, this investment could quickly be recouped.
诱发不稳定的潜在因素包括:在这些省持续存在人道主义危机以及 保护平民方面的挑战;卢民主力量、上帝抵抗军以及残余刚果武装团体继续存在, 他们仍有军事能力给平民和国家机构以及在更广泛的次区域内制造普遍的不安 全状况;在 3 个省的大部分地区,缺乏有效的国家权力;在联刚特派团缩编的过 程中,如果国家法治和安全机构没有及时部署到战略地区,有可能产生安全真空; 执行《3 月 23 日协定》不彻底随着境内 流离失所者和难民回返,可能重新爆发 土地冲突和其他族裔间冲突;无证件人员跨界流动;以及持续非法开采自然资源。
The potential triggers of instability include the continuing critical humanitarian crisis and challenges related to the protection of civilians in those provinces; the continued presence of FDLR, LRA and residual Congolese armed groups that still have a military capacity to cause widespread insecurity for the civilian population and State institutions, as well as more broadly in the subregion; the absence of effective State authority in most areas in the three provinces; a security vacuum that may be created if national rule of law and security institutions are not deployed to strategic areas in a timely manner as MONUC draws down; the incomplete implementation of the Agreements of March 23; the possible resurgence of land and other intercommunal conflicts as internally displaced persons and refugees return; the cross-border movement of undocumented persons; and the continuing illegal exploitation of natural resources.
随着不动产的交付,永久使用权的转让 才实现。
As a consequence of the new entry of the buyer, the perpetual usufruct is transferred.
随着最近 广大中东和北非地区出现的一系列要求提高政治和经济权利的人民 [...]
起义,这种事态发展给西撒哈拉的稳定与安全带来了新的挑战,可能改变冲突的 现状。
The situation, reinforced by the recent series
[...] of popular uprisings in the wider [...]
Middle East and North Africa region, which
called for increased political and economic rights, has given rise in Western Sahara to new challenges to stability and security that have the potential to alter the conflict’s status quo.
联委会指出随着基金 不断成熟,今后将越来越 依赖投资收入而不是靠雇主和雇员的缴款支付养恤金和相关补助金。
The Board notes that as the Fund continues to mature, it will rely more on investment income for the payment of pensions and related benefits rather than employer and employee contributions.
在海地随着为地 震受害人提供一般粮食配给的工作逐渐减少以及该国进入 [...]
重建阶段,粮食署的工作换现金和粮食方案为 70 000 名参与者提供了就业机会, 惠及 350 000 人,而且有助于清除瓦砾和重建基础设施。
In Haiti, as general food distribution for
[...] earthquake victims wound down and the [...]
nation turned to reconstruction, WFP cash- and
food-for-work programmes provided employment opportunities to 70,000 participants, benefiting 350,000 people and helping to clear rubble and rebuild infrastructure.
按预算“支柱”订立的初步预算指标 随着 收 入 的增加而定期调整, 以完成逐步执行。
Initial budget targets, set by budgetary “Pillar”, are adjusted periodically in line with income received, to enable this process of progressive implementation.
虽然秘书处每年提 供服务的会议总天数并没随着扩展 至六个工作组而改变,但筹备会议所需的 [...]
工作量包括编写的文件数目大大增加,秘书处为期限一周的会议编写的材料往 往与以前为期限两周的会议编写的材料一样多。
Although the total number of meeting
days serviced by the Secretariat per year did
[...] not change with the expansion to six [...]
working groups, the amount of work required
to prepare for meetings, including the number of documents prepared, has increased considerably and the Secretariat is generally preparing as much material for a one week meeting as was previously prepared for a two-week meeting.
调查结果显 示:(a) 随着越来 越多的国家认识到统计信息在制订和监督发展政策方面的核 心作用,对统计培训的需求日益高涨;(b) 统计所将其 2010 - 2014 学年战略计 划中的三个主要领域(千年发展目标、国家核算体系以及信息和通信技术)确定 为重点优先领域;而且 (c) 培训方案应当在更大程度上侧重于包括高级别官员 在内的政府官员的技能(能力)开发。
The results showed that: (a) the demand for statistical training is increasing as more and more countries realize the critical importance of statistical information in formulating and monitoring development policies; (b) the three focus areas (the Millennium Development Goals, SNA and information and communications technology) in the strategic plan of the Institute for the academic years 2010-2014 were identified as high priority areas; and (c) the training programme should have a greater emphasis on the skills (competency) development of government officials, including higher level officials.
随着鱼粉 价格继续上涨,浓缩的植物蛋 白(大豆蛋白浓缩、加拿大油菜蛋白浓缩、豌豆蛋白浓缩和玉米/小麦麸皮)将在 高营养层养殖物种和甲壳类水产饲料中得到比一般植物蛋白粉更显著的地位。
With the
[...] continued rise in the fishmeal price, plant protein concentrates (soybean protein [...]
concentrate, canola protein concentrate,
pea protein concentrate and corn/wheat gluten meals) will gain increasing prominence over regular plant protein meals within aquafeeds for high-trophic-level cultured species and crustaceans.
随着整 个 国家经济的复兴兵提高到更高水平,他们的权利和福利也将进一步提高。
Their rights and welfare would be further promoted as the overall economy was revitalized and raised to a higher standard.
随着技术 能力的提高,各国可以 提供更加详尽的报告和绘图,反映其他分类数据,例如土地利用类型和植被覆盖 [...]
As technical capacity improves, [...]
countries can provide more detailed reports and mapping, reflecting the other classifiers,
such as land utilization types and vegetation cover measurements along with production and biomass data, as appropriate to the type of cover.
随着她的 名气在全球日益增长,夏奇拉于2001年受邀在首次西语版MTV不插电演唱会 [...]
As her popularity grew worldwide, [...]
Shakira was invited to appear on the first Spanish language edition of MTV’s Unplugged
in 2001 and won her first Grammy for Best Latin Pop Album based on that performance.
泰国承诺将与文莱达鲁萨兰国密切 合作,增进和保护人权,尤其随着 最 近 建立东南亚国家联盟政府间人权委员会 而在区域层面上密切合作。
It pledged close cooperation with Brunei Darussalam to promote and protect human rights, particularly at the regional level, with the recently established ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights.
随着新《 宪法》的制定,马尔代夫自豪地宣称,它拥有现代权利法案,《宪 [...]
With the enactment of the new Constitution, [...]
the Maldives proudly boasts a modern bill of rights and constitutionally guarantees
the very fundamental rights and liberties it has ascribed to under its international legal obligations.
(e) 适用的产品和服务随着业务模式的创新使更多的穷人能够使 用银行服务,至关重要的是要确保所提供的产品和服务能够满足穷人的需要, 而且适合穷人的情况。
(e) Appropriate products and services: Along with innovating on business models to improve the access of the poor to banking services, it is critical to ensure that the products and services on offer meet the needs, and circumstances of the poor.
正如秘书长在 早先的报告(A/60/539-S/2005/701)中所说的 随着 以色 列定居点活动的继续,建设隔离墙对在两国解 决办法的基础上实现全面解决冲突的路线图目标构 成了严重挑战。
As the Secretary-General had said in an earlier report (A/60/539-S/2005/701), along with continued Israeli settlement activity the construction of the wall constituted a key challenge to the fulfilment of the road map’s goal of a comprehensive settlement of the conflict based on a two-State solution.
随着这一 进程继续回应市场主导 的“廉价”开采需求,目前一个越来越明显的趋势是,采矿项目的规模越来越大, 所涉及的区域也越来越广,从而给这些地区造成更大的影响,并使环境和那些依 赖环境的行业受到更深层的长期破坏。
As this process continues to respond to market-dominated demands for “cheap” extraction, there is now a growing trend for mining projects to increase in scale and to extend over wider areas, thus inflicting a greater impact over these areas and deepening long-term disruption to the environment and to those who depend upon it.
土耳其还说随着一个 现代弹药处置设施于2007 年启用,得以在很短期间内销毁大量的杀伤人员地 雷,而该设施的建造和配备完全靠的是本国资金。
Turkey also stated that, with the opening of a modern munitions disposal facility in 2007, destruction of a great number of anti-personnel mines was made possible within a very short period of time and that this facility was built and equipped entirely with national financial resources.
随着第二 次世界大战爆发七十周年的日益临近, 并且考虑到反希特勒同盟的胜利为联合国的创建铺 [...]
平了道路,各会员国以协商一致的方式通过该决议 草案是特别适宜的。
As the seventieth anniversary of the
[...] beginning of the Second World [...]
War approached, and given the victory of the anti-Hitler
coalition which had paved the way for the founding of the United Nations, it would be especially fitting for Member States to adopt the draft resolution by consensus.
随着多国部队作用的缩减,联伊援助团的作用将 扩大,特别是在保安方面,正如秘书长的报告 (S/2009/102)所示,为援助团提供一个新的作业基 地,建立可靠的后勤支助基础设施,实属可取,以加 强援助团的自主性,及其充分有效地履行职责的能 力。
With the reduced role of the multinational force, which will lead to an enhanced role for UNAMI, particularly with respect to security, it would be highly advisable, as indicated in the Secretary-General’s report (S/2009/102), to provide the Mission with a new operational base endowed with a reliable logistical infrastructure in order to strengthen its autonomy and its capacity to discharge its mandate effectively and fully.




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