单词 | 随口 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 随口 —speak thoughtlessly (or casually)blurt out what's on one's mindExamples:随口胡诌—talk random nonsense (idiom); to say whatever comes into one's head 随口漏出 ... v—drop sth. v See also:随—allow • comply with • varying according to... • surname Sui
但是往往前后矛盾,漏洞百出,别人指出他的错误或提出质疑,他也满不在乎,甚至不假思索 , 随口 更 改。 chinesestoryonline.com | Legend has it that he looked extremely elegant when he gave a lecture in public with a whisk made of white jade in his hand which was as white as the whisk. chinesestoryonline.com |
我们再也不能一边随口 做着 实现平等的承诺,一边继续剥夺妇女的平等权利了。 daccess-ods.un.org | We can no longer afford to simply [...] make promises of equality while continuing to deprive women of equal rights. daccess-ods.un.org |
随着人口从赤 道往远处迁移,更多的人拥有了较浅的肤色,因而在这些缺少阳光照射的环境中维生素D的合成变得更为有效。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | As populations migrated further [...] from the equator, lighter skin became more prevalent resulting in more efficient Vitamin [...]D synthesis in these less sun-exposed environments. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
随着人口基金 的重组,从 2008 年起,人口基金将阿拉伯国家、欧洲和中亚地域司分成两个 区域办公室,分别负责:(a) 阿拉伯国家;(b) 东欧和中亚。 daccess-ods.un.org | Effective 2008, with the Fund’s reorganization, the UNFPA geographical [...] division for Arab States, Europe and Central Asia [...]was split into two regional offices covering, respectively: (a) Arab States; and (b) Eastern Europe and Central Asia. daccess-ods.un.org |
随着人口增速 的放缓,巴拿马的人口结构已经出现了轻微的老龄化趋势。 daccess-ods.un.org | The population structure exhibits a slight trend towards ageing and a slowing of population growth. daccess-ods.un.org |
因此,在经济和 人力方面的损失仍然很高,而且随着 人 口 城 市 化及老 龄化发展在增加。 daccess-ods.un.org | As a result, losses in economic and human terms remain high and rise [...] in step with the population’s urbanization, [...]as well as its ageing. daccess-ods.un.org |
随着人口的不断增长,人们对 饮用水的需求也与日俱增,这就引导我们应用专业知识为反渗透研发 [...] 新的创新型织物,这是净水和脱盐的一种主导方法。 glenraven.com | As populations swell, the need [...] for drinkable water is becoming acute, which led us to apply our expertise to the development [...]of innovative new fabrics for reverse osmosis, a leading method for water purification and desalination. glenraven.com |
也许应该指出,墨西哥直到 [...] 2005 年中期之前都是 CTC 生产国, 随后则进口大量的 CTC ,以用作原料。 multilateralfund.org | It might be noted that Mexico was a CFC producer until mid-2005 [...] and consequently imported large quantities [...]of CTC as feedstock. multilateralfund.org |
IDE代表着硬盘的一种类型,但在实际的应用中,人们也习惯用IDE来称呼最早出现IDE类型硬盘ATA-1,这种类型的 接 口随 着 接 口 技 术 的发展已经被淘汰了,而其后发展分支出更多类型的硬盘接口,比如ATA、Ultra ATA、DMA、Ultra DMA等接口都属于IDE硬盘。 bsdrc.com | IDE hard drive represents a type, but in practical applications, people also used to refer to the earliest use IDE IDE type hard drive ATA-1, this type of interface with the interface technology development has been eliminated, and its After spending more development of sub-types of hard disk interface, such as ATA, Ultra ATA, DMA, Ultra DMA IDE hard drives, etc. are all interfaces. bsdrc.com |
对其在巴西与ArcelorMittal公司共同拥有的铁矿石港口基础设施的不断建设,将是公司在完成其确立的拥有最低200万吨铁矿石吞吐量, 并 随 着 港 口 规 模 扩大吞吐量不断提高的目标过程中,实现的一个重要里程碑。 tipschina.gov.cn | The continued development of its iron ore port facility in Brazil, jointly owned by ArcelorMittal, will be a significant milestone in advancing that goal with [...] Adriana having access to a minimum of 2 million tonnes of iron ore capacity [...] that will grow as the Port develops in size. tipschina.gov.cn |
1900 年以来,随着人口、收 入和产量的增长,全球材料的使用(总额和个人 平均)以及一次能源的总供应量一直增加,从 [...] 1960 年起,有显著的增加(见图 1)。 daccess-ods.un.org | In line with the growth of population, income and output, [...] global material use (both aggregate and per capita) as well as [...]total primary energy supply (TPES) have been increasing since 1900, with marked increases since 1960 (see figure 1). daccess-ods.un.org |
委员会建议大会通过 35 C/62 号文件第 5 段中所载的,随后经委员会口头修 改的决议,并将其收入《大会 记录》(35 [...] C/32 号决议)。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The Commission recommended that the General Conference adopt, for the Records of the General [...] Conference, the resolution contained in paragraph 5 of [...] document 35 C/62 as amended orally by the Commission (35 [...]C/Resolution 32). unesdoc.unesco.org |
此外,该国应随时准备向出口产品的 出 口 商 和 加工商提供咨询和指导,以帮助 他们了解并遵循已按照第 5.A 条的规定之一承认一项通用标准的进口国的要求。 codexalimentarius.org | In addition, the [...] country should be prepared to offer advice and guidance to exporters and processors of products for export to promote [...]understanding of and [...]compliance with the requirements of importing countries which have accepted a general standard according to one of the provisions of paragraph 5. codexalimentarius.org |
部长们也注意到,随着商品出口的国 际需求减弱,危机的第二波冲击可能体现为生产和贸易的放缓,私 人资本流入、外国直接投资与政府开发援助(ODA)的下降。 unesdoc.unesco.org | It was noted that beyond a weak international demand for commodity exports, the second [...] round effects of the crisis may now [...]take the form of slowdowns in production and trade as well as a decline in private capital flows and foreign direct investment (FDI) and official development assistance (ODA). unesdoc.unesco.org |
上图垂直坐标轴表示不同 地区人均排放,而人口随水平 坐标轴逐渐累加。 undpcc.org | The upper graph shows the emissions per capita for different regions on the [...] vertical axis, with the population added along the horizontal axis. undpcc.org |
随着世界人口和消 费的增加,以及经济增长,货物运输预期也将增加,基 于有效利用能源、清洁能源和环境友好的运输方式的环境可持续性运输发展也日 [...] 趋重要,鉴于运输严重依赖石油,以及需要减少各类排放量,例如污染物和碳的 排放量,则情况尤其如此。 daccess-ods.un.org | With freight transport expected to grow in tandem with [...] the growing world population, consumption and economic [...]growth, the issue [...]of environmentally sustainable transport development that is based on efficient energy use, cleaner energy sources and environmentally friendly modes of transport is becoming increasingly important – and even more so, given the heavy dependence of transportation on oil and the need to reduce emissions of all kind, for example, pollutants and carbon. daccess-ods.un.org |
每次充电后可通话 10 小时,充电器可轻松放入衣服口袋随 身 携带,在您需要充电时可随时使用。 jabra.cn | Each charge gives you 10 hours of talk time, and the charger slips easily into your pocket, so it’s always with you when you need to recharge. jabra.com |
离底浮捕笼使 捕笼随海流反转,入口始终面对海流,捕捞鳕鱼效率更高,还避免捕捞非主捕的 螃蟹,与放在海底的捕笼相比,其还减少了对海床的影响。 fao.org | It also avoids non‐target catch of crabs and may also reduce the seabed impacts compared with a pot sitting on the bottom. fao.org |
可 卡因贩运是对塞拉利昂安全最大的一项威胁,特别是因为贩毒往往 伴 随 着 武 器和 人口贩运 、腐败和对合法国家机构的颠覆。 daccess-ods.un.org | Cocaine trafficking represents the biggest single threat to the security of Sierra Leone, especially since drug trafficking tends to be accompanied by arms and human trafficking, corruption and the subversion of legitimate State institutions. daccess-ods.un.org |
随着通过 USB 接口供电 的设备日趋增多以及设备对功率的要求不断提高,全新的 3.0 标准产品为需要更大电力支持的设备提供了更好的支撑,与之前的 USB 2.0 相比供电能力提升高达 80%。 digikey.cn | With the increase in USB powered devices and the amount of power they demand, the new 3.0 standard elevates the power available to these devices by up to 80 percent from USB 2.0. digikey.ca |
输入选择”功能设定为“自动”时,U SB 端 口随 着 输 入信号的切换而自动切换。 eizo.com | When the “Input Selection” function is set to “Auto”, the USB port automatically switches according to the switch of the input signal. eizo.nl |
国家臭氧机构制定了各种活动,例如: 全部淘汰氟氯化碳、实施许可证和配额制 [...] 度、审查适用法律、培训海关检查人员和制冷空调行业技师、在 港 口随 机 检查消耗臭氧层 物质的装运情况、及时向秘书处提交消耗臭氧层物质消费量报告、为海关实验室购买纯净 [...] 和混合气体设备、为消耗臭氧层物质进口商提供协作,并让其了解包括设备在内的相关情 [...] 况、在国际臭气日开展了若干活动、在学校做专题报告、培训教师实施奥兹臭氧包、氟氯 烃淘汰管理计划进程结束以及核准程序正在进行之中。 multilateralfund.org | The NOU developed various activities such as: total CFC phase-out, implementation of the licensing and quota system, review of applicable laws, training of customs inspectors and [...] technicians of the refrigeration [...] air-conditioning (RAC) sectors, random inspections have [...]been carried out to ODS shipments at [...]ports, ODS consumption reports have been timely filed to the secretariats, purchased pure and combination gases equipment for the customs laboratory, ODS importers coordinated and kept informed, including equipment, several activities carried out for International Ozone Day, presentations at Progress report 8 schools, teachers trained in the implementation of the Ozzy Ozone Package, the HPMP process concluded and approval process is underway. multilateralfund.org |
因此,按照不变 [...] 式假设,非洲、亚洲、拉丁美洲和加勒比以及大洋洲的 人 口 , 随 着 预 测期间的推 移变得愈来愈年轻,即便由于生育率低于更替水平的人口众多国家的影响,有些 [...]主要地区的中位年龄略有上升。 daccess-ods.un.org | Consequently, according to the [...] no-change scenario, the populations of Africa, Asia, Latin [...]America and the Caribbean, and [...]Oceania become younger over the projection period even if, initially, the median age increases slightly in some major areas owing to the influence of populous countries that have below-replacement fertility. daccess-ods.un.org |
几个对话者也提出必须使统一指挥中心和各混编旅有适当的装备,特别是后 [...] 勤、通信和非致命的人群控制装备,这样安全理事会就需考虑对武器禁运作出有 关的豁免规定,以便能进口包括随身 武 器在内的防暴装备。 daccess-ods.un.org | Several interlocutors also raised the need to properly equip the Integrated Command Centre and the mixed units, especially in logistical, communications and non-lethal crowd control equipment, which would require [...] the Security Council to consider making an exemption to the arms embargo [...] to import riot control gear, including side arms. daccess-ods.un.org |
使用不同系统提供这些核心功能势必需要整合 这些系统并为在各系统之间交换及合并数据而开发定制 接 口 , 而 且这些 接口今后还必须随着各 系统的演变进行更新和调整,从而增加成本(另见 上文第 62 和 63 段)。 daccess-ods.un.org | The use of different systems to provide such core functions will generate additional costs for the integration of those systems and the development of customized interfaces to exchange and merge data between systems, which will then need to be updated and aligned as the systems evolve (see also paras. 62 and 63 above). daccess-ods.un.org |
但在 2005 年以后,根据《与贸易有关的知 识产权协议》,一些新型医药和那些 [...] 1994 年以后提交的专利申请就可以获得专利保护,这 些进口的机会就会随着时 间的推移而逐渐消失。 iprcommission.org | But thereafter, under TRIPS, new drugs and those for which patent applications were [...] submitted after 1994 will be patentable, and the [...] opportunity for these imports will diminish correspondingly [...]over time. iprcommission.org |
在打击贩卖人口方面,须强调随着第 6/2008 号法律的生效,确立了遏止贩 卖人口犯罪和订定保护和援助受害人的必要措施。 daccess-ods.un.org | In the field of the fight against trafficking in persons, it should be highlighted the adoption of Law 6/2008 that criminalizes autonomously trafficking in persons and establishes a comprehensive victim assistance and protection regime. daccess-ods.un.org |
随后, 奥地利、比利时、保加利亚、克罗地亚、塞浦路斯、捷克共和国、丹 [...] 麦、爱沙尼亚、芬兰、法国、德国、希腊、匈牙利、冰岛、爱尔兰、意大利、拉 脱维亚、立陶宛、卢森堡、马耳他、荷兰、波兰、葡萄牙、罗马尼亚、斯洛伐 克、斯洛文尼亚、西班牙、瑞士和美利坚合众国加入为提案国。 daccess-ods.un.org | Subsequently, Austria, Belgium, [...] Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, [...]Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland and the United States of America joined the sponsors. daccess-ods.un.org |
随着临 时宪法的出台,已形成了一个临时议会,它代表了与政府,尤其是地方一 级的政府更加密切地合作的新的机会。 unesdoc.unesco.org | With the introduction of the interim constitution, an interim parliament has been constituted which presents new opportunities for working more closely with the government, particularly at the local levels. unesdoc.unesco.org |
任职者将为外 地业务和负责为上述领域提供支助的各实体提供持续的安全问题和政策指导,以 确保各项努力的统一和整合;与总部和特派团有关工作人员、会员国(特别是部 队和警察派遣国)和外部组织安全专家合作,以澄清多种危害的安全标准和特派 团实施指南;制定通用外勤安全报告和事故数据库,供外地业务和总部用于全球 安全监测,并支助高级管理人员和部队和警察派遣国提高认识及决策 ; 随 时 向 会 员国通报消防安全情况,因为它影响到部队和警察派遣国的人员。 daccess-ods.un.org | He or she would offer continual guidance on safety issues and policy both to field operations and the various entities responsible for the delivery of support in the areas mentioned above to ensure unity and integration of effort; work with relevant Headquarters and mission staff, Member States (in particular troop- and policecontributing countries) and safety specialists of external organizations to clarify multi-hazard safety standards and guidance for implementation in missions; develop a generic field safety reporting and incident database for use by field operations and Headquarters in monitoring global safety and to support senior management and troop- and police-contributing countries in their awareness and decision-making; and keep Member States informed on fire safety as it affects personnel from troopand police-contributing countries. daccess-ods.un.org |