

单词 随之而後

See also:






after that

External sources (not reviewed)

4.48 阁下可向本行发出不少於 5 个营业书面通後而随止使用网路/电话银行服 务。
4.48 You may terminate the use of the Internet/Phone Banking Services at any time by giving to us not less than 5 Business Days' prior written notice.
笔记型电脑需求量提之後随而 ,就是对於提高效能的需求。
Along with a rise in demand for notebook computers is a demand for increased performance.
在该电费检讨内,如有需要,政府和 港灯应议定在最近一次获批准的发展计划 内当年随後关於本附表 A 部第(3)段 的主要项
In the Tariff Review, the Government and HEC shall agree on any revision, if necessary, of major items of the latest approved
Development Plan as detailed in
[...] paragraph (3) of Section A, in respect of the then current Year andnext followingYear.
就按摊销成本计融资,如 随後 ,减值亏损金额减少,而有关减少客观上与确认减值亏 损後发生之事件有关,则先前已确认之减值亏损将於损益账拨回,惟该资产於减值被拨回当日之账面值不 [...]
For financial
[...] assets measured atamortised cost,if, in a subsequent period, theamount [...]
of impairment loss decreases and
the decrease can be related objectively to an event occurring after the impairment losses was recognised, the previously recognised impairment loss is reversed through profit or loss to the extent that the carrying amount of the asset at the date the impairment is reversed does not exceed what the amortised cost would have been had the impairment not been recognised.
在年底的时间内,该方法是中描述的巴列维文学方面惊人地类似我们的启示,将来到知, Saosyant (救世主)的人都发生,死人复活( Frashokereti )中,总体判断或续期的apokatastasis对整个世界的巨大冲突的地球随之而洪水焚烧问题。
At the end of time, the approach of which is described in the Pahlavi literature in terms strikingly like those of our Apocalypse, will come to the
last Prophet, Saosyant (Saviour)
[...] under whom all occur the Ressurection of the Dead (Frashokereti), the General Judgment the apokatastasis or renewal of the whole world by the great conflagration of the earth andconsequent floodof burning matter.
随後销成本列账;所得款项(扣除交易成本)与赎回价值差额,按实际利率法於借款期间之收 益表内予以确认。
Borrowings aresubsequently stated at amortised cost; any difference between the proceeds (net of transaction [...]
costs) and the redemption
value is recognised in the income statement over the period of the borrowings using the effective interest method.
为隆重其事,政府破天荒成立了一个「民意汇集处」,负责蒐集和整理市民的意见,及委托商业机构进行民意调查,到131,589份意见书,及多项民意调查和签名运动,随之而 民意汇编工作却令公众哗然。
To show the importance of the consultation exercise, the Government made an unprecedented move to set up a "Survey Office" for the collection and organization of public opinion, and a commercial market researchfirm was commissioned to conduct public opinion surveys.
你在本表格提供的个人资料(随後的资料),以及以登记用户身分透过道路货物资料系统提交的个人资料(如有的 话),香港海关可能会为上文第 1 段所提及的任何一个目的,或因有关资料已获授权披露,又或因法例规定他政 府部门/决策局或海外执法机关披露。
The personal data you provided in this form (aswellassubsequent updates)and the personal data, if any, to be submitted by you through Road Cargo System as a registered user may be disclosed to other Government departments / bureaux and overseas enforcement agencies for any of the purposes [...]
mentioned in paragraph 1 above; or where
such disclosure is authorized or required by law.
(F) 若本公司或其任何附属公司以任何方式修订任何股份或借 贷资权利,以致将有关股份或借贷资本全部或部 份兑换或可兑换为普通股,或附带可购买普通股的任何权 利,本公司须委任认可商人银行,考虑对换股价作出任何 调整是否恰当可商人银行核实任何有关调整属恰则换股价须相应调整。
(F) If the
[...] Company or any of its subsidiaries shall in any way modify the rights attached to any share or loan capital so as wholly or partly to convert or make convertible such share or loan capital into, or attach thereto any rights to acquire, Ordinary Shares, the Company shall appoint an approved merchant bank to consider whether any adjustment to the Conversion Price is appropriate (and if such approved merchant bank shallcertify [...]
that any such adjustment
is appropriate the Conversion Price shall be adjusted accordingly).
30 如股份(非缴足股款的股份)涉及任何已催缴或於规定时间应缴付的款项 (不论是否现时应缴付),公司就该款项对该股份拥有首要留置权;本公司
[...] 亦就股东或其财产或遗产欠本公司的所有债务与负债而对登记於该股东名下 (不论单独或与他人联名)的全部股份(缴足股款股份除外)拥有首要留置 权及抵押权有关债务与负债是否於通知本公司任何人士(该股东除 外)的任何衡平权益或其他权益之前 之後 ,以及不论有关债务与负债 的付款或解除期间是否已实际到临,即使有关债务与负债为该股东或其承继 人及任何其他人士(不论该人士是否为本公司股东)的共同债务或负债。
30 The Company shall have a first and paramount lien on every share (not being a fully paid up share) for all moneys, whether presently payable or not, called or payable at a fixed time in respect of such share; and the Company shall also have a first and paramount lien and charge on all shares (other than fully paid up shares) standing registered in the name of a member (whether solely or jointly with others) for all the debts and liabilities of such member or his estate to the Company and
whether the same shall
[...] have been incurred before or after notice to the Company of any equitable or other interest of any person other than such member, and whether the period for the payment ordischarge of thesame [...]
shall have actually arrived
or not, and notwithstanding that the same are joint debts or liabilities of such member or his estate and any other person, whether such person is a member of the Company or not.
(B) 倘任何股东交出代表其所持股股票予以注销,并要求本 公司按该股东可能指比例另发两张或以上代表该等股替代,则董事 会可於就首张股票以外每张股票支付董事会不时厘定的有关费用(倘为任何於香港证 券交易所上市的股本,则该费用不得超过有关证券交易所不时规定或准许的最高金 额任何其他股本,则为董事会就有关股东名册所在地 属合不 时厘定的以有关货币计值的有关款项,或否则於各情况下董事会可能不时厘定的有关 其他款项遵照有关要求。
(B) If any member shall surrender for cancellation a share
certificate representing
[...] shares held by him and request the Company to issue in lieu two or more share certificates representing such shares in such proportions as hemay specify, the Board may, if it thinks fit, comply with such request subject to the payment of such sum (not exceeding, in the case of any share capital listed on a stock exchange in Hong Kong, the maximum amount prescribed or permitted from time to time by such stock exchange, and, in the case of any other share capital, such sum in such currency as the Board may from time to time determine to bereasonable inthe territory in which the relevant register is situate, or otherwise in each case such other sum as the Board may from time to time determine) for every certificate after the first, as [...]
the Board shall from time to time determine.
根 据 收 购 建 议 将 收 购 之 收 购 股 份 将 为 全 数 缴 足 , 并不附 带 一 切 留 置 权 、 押 记
、 产 权 负 担 、 优先购买权 及 任 何 性 质 之任何 其 他
[...] 第 三 方 权 利 , 且 连 带 於 完 成 日 所随 之权 利 , 包 括 於 完 成 日之 後派 、 作 出 或 派 付之所 有 股 息 及 分 派 。
The Offer Shares to be acquired under the Offers shall be fully paid and free from all liens, charges, encumbrances, rights of pre-emption and any other third party rights of any nature together with all rights attaching
thereto as at the Completion Date,
[...] including all dividends and distributions declared, made or paid on or after the Completion Date.
不管本协议在那日开始生效,如果在本协议签订之日被废除或 有任何修改 (除按照政府於 2007 年 12 月 17 日发出的立法会环境事务小 组编号 CB(1) 418/07-08(07)文件(“立法建议”)中建议修改条例以设置污 染物的排放上限及便利使用排放交易),或任何指明工序牌照有任何更新 或更改(对初始上限所作的更改或按照立法建更改除外),机制或港灯的排放表现或遵守所有污染物的总许可排放量的情况造 成重大影响,则此机制不适用於 该适用年度之後用年度,直至港 灯与政府达成协议,对本附表作必要的修改以令机制继续生效爲止。
Notwithstanding the date on which the Agreement comes into effect, if from the date of this Agreement
there is any repeal or amendment tothe APCO (other than pursuant to the Government’s proposal to amend the APCO to cap the emissions of the Pollutants and to facilitate the use of emissions trading as described in a Legislative Council Panel on Environmental Affairs Paper
[...] reference CB(1) 418/07-08(07) dated 17 December 2007 (“Legislative Proposal”)) or any renewal of or change to any Specified Process Licence (other than to the amount of the Initial Cap or pursuant to the Legislative Proposal), which has a material effect on the Mechanism or HEC’s emissions performance or compliance with the Total Permissible Emissions, the Mechanism shall not apply to that Applicable Yearand any subsequent Applicable Years until HEC and the Government have reached agreement asto the amendments to this Schedule that are required to give continued effect to the Mechanism.
The potential risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to, such factors as rapidly changing technology and product obsolescence, potential cost increases, variations in customer order preferences, weakness
or competitive pricing environment of
[...] the marketplace, uncertain demandfor and [...]
acceptance of the company's products, adverse
circumstances in any of our end markets, results of in-process or planned development or marketing and promotional campaigns, difficulties foreseeing future demand, potential non-realization of expected orders or non-realization of backlog, product returns, product liability, and other potential unexpected business and economic conditions or adverse changes in current or expected industry conditions, difficulties and costs of protecting patents and other proprietary rights, inventory obsolescence and difficulties regarding customer qualification of products.
(c) 按中华人民共和国(「中国」,就本报 不包括香港、澳门及台湾)之规则及法规之规定,本公司於中国成立之附属公司须提取 其税後溢利(经对销往年亏10%为一般储备金,直至储备金结余达至其注册股本之50%为止,其後,可自愿作出进一步拨 款并经由各公司之董事会厘定。
(c) As stipulated bythe rulesand regulations in the People’s Republic of China (the “PRC”, for the purpose of this report does not include Hong Kong, macau and Taiwan), the subsidiaries of the Company established in the PRC are required to appropriate 10% of their after-taxprofit (after offsetting [...]
prioryears’ losses) to a general reserve
fund until the balance of the fund reaches 50% of their registered capital thereafter any further appropriation is optional and is determinable by the companies’ boards of directors.
就每年的电费检关於当年度的估计会考虑估计的年终 电费稳定基金结余上限,随後度作 出一次性回扣或电费调整,使估计结余减至 或低於该上限。
For each Year’s Tariff Review, projectionsfor the then current Year will take into account an upper limit on the projected year-end Tariff Stabilisation Fund balance, with oneoff rebate or tariff adjustment applied in the Year next following to reduce any excess to or below the upper limit.
在 土 耳 其 的 政 策 , 加 上 德 国 为 土 耳 其 人 重 组 军 队、海 峡 问 题、巴 尔 干 战 争 的 影 响、德 国 人 的 焦 虑、 罗 马 利 亚 与 三 国 同 盟、奥 匈 帝 国 与 塞 尔 维 亚 的 关 系 以随 之 而导 火 线:裴 迪 南 大 公 被 刺 及 列 强 对 此 事 的 不 同 态 度 ---所 有 这 些 危 机 是 互 相 关 连 的 , 都 是 一 次 世 界 大 对 的 痕 蹟 。
Then Russian policy in Turkey, plus German reorganization of the Turkish army, the Straits question, the military effect of the Balkan Wars, the anxieties of the Germans, Rumania and the Triple Alliance, the relationshipbetween Austria-Hungary and Serbia and then the immediate spark: the assassination [...]
of the Franz Ferdinand
and the different attitudes and moves of the Great Powers towards this - all these piles of crisis stepping and overlapping one after another, were the trace of First World War.
该等前瞻性陈述,包括持续的经济复苏是否已经开始,中 芯国际於 2009
[...] 年第四季度通过 45 纳米低功耗完整的技术认证的计划,中芯国际於加强技术 和全面産品组合的能力,中芯国际在 2009 年的预期资本支出总额,中芯国际於 2010 年的总 折旧和摊销费用将比去年同期下降的预测,中芯国际於第三季度持续双位数收入增长的复苏 势头,以及随後旧和摊销”,“资本概要”和“二零零九年第三季度指引”等陈述乃 根据中芯对未来事件的现行假设、期望及预
These forward-looking statements, including statements concerning whether a sustained recovery in the economy has begun, , SMIC’s plan to pass full-scale technology qualification for our 45nm low-power process by the fourth quarter of 2009, SMIC’s ability to strengthen our technology and overall product mix, SMIC’s expectations regarding the amount of its capital expenditures in 2009, SMIC’s forecasted decline in total depreciation and amortization expense year-on-year in 2010, current momentum for continued
recovery in the
[...] third quarter with double-digit revenue growth , and statements under “Depreciation and Amortization”, “Capex Summary” and “Third Quarter 2009 Guidance”, are based on SMIC’s current assumptions, [...]
and projections about future events.
随 之 而问 题 是 在 上 述 情 况 下 , 当 有 关 公 司 不 兑 现 该 支 [...]
票 时 , 而 假 如 受 款 人 和 获 授 权 签 署 人 在 支 票 的 签 署 之 时 有 停 下 来 想 一 想 的 话 , 他
们 都 会 意 识 到 签 署 人 只 是 以 该 公 司 的 高 级 人 员 或 雇 员 的 身 分 而 非 个 人 身 分 牵 涉 在 内 , 则 要 求 获 授 权 签 署 人 承 担 个 人 法 律 责 任 在 商 业 上 是 否 适 切 或 公 帄 ; 又 或 在 如 此 情 形 下 是 否 应 令 受 款 人 承 担 有 关 损 失 。
The questionthen arises astowhether in such circumstances, [...]
when the cheque is dishonoured by the company, it is commercially
desirable or equitable for the authorised signatory to be personally liable in circumstances where perhaps both the payee and himself would have appreciated, if they had paused to think at the time of signing, that he was only involved as an officer or employee of the company, and not in his personal capacity; or whether in such circumstances it is the payee who should be made to bear the loss.
h) 有业界代表建议包括营养资料标签制度实施之前 之後上附有营养声称 的产品數目,以找出可能因营养标签规例生场上消失的产品數目。
market before and after theimplementation of the NL scheme, to find out the number of products that might be eliminated from [...]
the market after the NL regulation taking effect.
(v) 本集团任何成员公司因赔偿契诺日 之後时间未能履行其根据遗 产税条例第42(1)节向税务局局长或根据香港以外任何司法权区相等法 律向有关之相等机关提供资料之任何责 遗产税条例第42节或 根据香港以外任何司法权区相等之法律被施加任何罚款。
(v) for any penalty imposed on any member of the Group under section 42 of the Estate Duty Ordinance or the equivalent thereof under the laws of
any juridiction
[...] outside Hong Kong by reason of any member of the Group defaulting, at any time after the date of the deedof indemnity, inany obligation to give information to the Commissioner under section 42(1) of the Estate Duty Ordinance [...]
or the equivalent
authority thereof under the laws of any jurisdiction outside Hong Kong.




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