单词 | 隅 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 隅noun—cornernExamples:向隅—fig. miss out on sth. lit. face the corner [idiom.] 局促一隅—be cramped in a corner [idiom.] 海隅—coastal area
此外,学 生将学习更多有关简单分子物质的知識,如一些共价分子的形狀和非八隅体结构。 334.edb.hkedcity.net | In addition, students will learn more about molecular substances such as the shapes and the non-octet structures of some covalent molecules. 334.edb.hkedcity.net |
最近三隅欧洲现代信息工具,打开了目录,处理速度极快: 视频教程。 zh-tw.developmentscout.com | Has recently Misumi Europe a modern information tool that opens up the catalog handling extremely fast: a Video Tutorial. en.developmentscout.com |
1980年代他经常於台北知名文化沙龙「紫藤庐」一隅创作,以成无数画作及小说。 ravenelart.com | In the 1980s, Chiu persevered with his literary and artistic works in a well-known cultural salon "Wisteria" in Taipei. ravenelart.com |
三隅导致整个产品系列旋转动力传输的组件。 zh-tw.developmentscout.com | Misumi leads the entire product range of components for rotary power transmission. en.developmentscout.com |
日本海上自卫队全垫式气垫船作为LST大隅级坦克登陆舰的登陆艇由美国购入,用于两栖作战。 trumpeter-china.com | LCAC JMSDF The JMSDF LCAC (Landing Craft, Air Cushioned) was introduced from the US as a [...] landing craft of LSTOsumi class ships. trumpeter-china.com |
在安全方面,当地局势出现显着改观,但该国东部三个省情况除外,即:北 [...] 基伍省、南基伍省和东方省。这些省份仍存在若干不安全地区和孤立的武装团体 抵抗据点,如负隅顽抗的上帝抵抗军(上帝军)和卢旺达解放民主力量(卢民主力 量)。 daccess-ods.un.org | With respect to the security situation, the situation on the ground has shown remarkable progress, except for the three provinces in the east: North Kivu, South Kivu and Orientale where there are still [...] several areas of insecurity and pockets of [...] resistance on the part of isolated armed [...]groups such as the LRA and the Forces démocratiques [...]de libération du Rwanda (FDLR), which are struggling to survive. daccess-ods.un.org |
不论是三脚木质Stand或钢管小轮设计,放在家中一隅,想像1920年的默片时代,人们以最没花巧的机械器材纪录了文明。 think-silly.com | Be it wooden stand with three legs, or one with steel pipe and small wheels, it serves as a fine reminder of the 1920s silent film era (and how the simplest machine recorded human civilization). think-silly.com |
叛乱分子继续负隅顽抗,他们改变战术,其人员 数量及其扩散到先前被认为是安全的地区等问题都 无情地提醒我们,除非国际社会能够坚决处理位于阿 富汗境外的恐怖分子的安全避风港,否则安全成果仍 将转瞬即逝。 daccess-ods.un.org | The continued resilience of the insurgents, their changing tactics, their numbers and their spreading out to areas previously considered safe are a grim reminder that the security gains will remain transient unless the international community is able to firmly deal with safe heavens for terrorist groups outside Afghanistan’s borders. daccess-ods.un.org |
在这些因素 之上,如果我们再加上常常被边缘化了的巴勒斯坦人 民的家园要求,以及该地区在不久的将来可能开始拥 有大规模杀伤性武器这个新危险的幽灵,就能清楚地 理解世界这一隅事件的潜在爆炸性。 daccess-ods.un.org | When we add to these elements the often sidelined demand of the Palestinian people for a homeland and the spectre of a new danger in the region in the near future with the possible introduction of weapons of mass destruction, the potentially explosive nature of events in that part of the world can be clearly understood. daccess-ods.un.org |
满意地回顾建立和营运托克劳国际信托基金,以支持托克劳持续的需 求,并吁请会员国和国际及区域机构向该基金捐款,以便提供切实的支助,协助 托克劳克服面积小、独处一隅和资源匮乏等问题 daccess-ods.un.org | 11. Recalls with satisfaction the establishment and operation of the Tokelau International Trust Fund to support the ongoing needs of Tokelau, and calls upon Member States and international and regional agencies to contribute to the Fund and thereby lend practical support to Tokelau in overcoming the problems of smallness,isolation and lack of resources daccess-ods.un.org |
香港东隅与太古地产在港岛东的其他物业相辅相成,加倍彰显港岛东作为商业、休闲与生活时尚枢纽的地位。 swirepacific.com | EAST, Hong Kong complements Swire Properties' Island East portfolio and reinforces the area's status as a fully integrated business, leisure and lifestyle hub. swirepacific.com |
在尽可能少占用入口广场的前提下,带有LOGO的高耸的塔楼矗立在前,张贴海报的信息墙居于一隅,除了最大限度地利用空间之外,还被折叠开敞的屋顶所遮蔽。 chinese-architects.com | Under the premiss of using up as little space as possible of the entrance square, this proposal had an overlooking tower incorporating a logo placed in front and a corner wall where information posters could be placed. chinese-architects.com |
后室本来是有隅角的斜面的,后来路易十六命人拆了斜面,只留下了细木雕刻墙裙,以及加洛什(Galloche)和夏凡纳(Chavanne)的画作。 zh.chateauversailles.fr | The rear-cabinet originally [...] contained cut-off corners,which [...]Louis XVI took out, although he kept the carved woodwork and [...]the paintings by Galloche and Chavanne. en.chateauversailles.fr |
东北大学大学院医学系研究科的大隅典子教授、恒川雄二研究员(当时,现就职:Scripps研究所)们,发现了在发育期的哺乳类神经干细胞中,细胞周期调节因子Cyclin [...] D2 (细胞周期蛋白D2) 存在于大脑原基外侧的基底膜面前端(基底膜面突起)。 tohoku.ac.jp | A research group led by [...] Professor NorikoOsumi at Tohoku University [...]Graduate School of Medicine and Research Fellow Yuji [...]Tsunekawa (currently at the Scripps Research Institute) has discovered that Cyclin D2, a cell cycle regulation factor, localizes at the tip of the basal process, the most surface side the brain premordium, in the mammalian neural progenitor cells. tohoku.ac.jp |
使馆也感谢首都图书馆、沃克利基金、北京东隅酒店、书虫文学节、上海国际文学节和2013觉•音乐与艺术的支持。 china.embassy.gov.au | The Embassy also acknowledges support from Beijing Capital Library, Walkley Foundation, East Hotel Beijing, The Bookworm Literary Festival, the Shanghai International Literary Festival and JUE Music + Art 2013. china.embassy.gov.au |
成都望江宾馆是成都市区唯一的一家融汇南亚旖旎风光与川西民俗风格的城市森林型五星级宾馆,位于成都市东隅,毗邻东沿线金融中心,紧邻东客站及国家四A风景区三圣花乡,距市中心天府广场4公里,火车站9公里,火车东站2公里,机场9公里,交通便捷。 wangjianghotel.com | Chengdu Wangjiang Hotel is the only urban forest five-star hotel in Chengdu combining South Asian charming landscape and Western Sichuan folk culture. Located in the eastpart ofChengdu, close to the eastern financial center and the East Train Station and national AAAA scenic spot—Sansheng Flower Town, the hotel has a convenient position, 4 km to the Downtown Tianfu Square, 9 km to the Train Station and 9 km to the Airport. wangjianghotel.com |
接着是德国CMC汽车模型公司,和本地的人隅制造商Hot Toys,透过深入的介绍表达出两个於地域上相隔很远的团队,如何把玩具这个消闲产物,提升至监赏收藏的层面。 think-silly.com | Through our in-depth presentation, we have expressed how these two geographically far apart toy manufacturers have turned toys from leisure products into highly valuable collector’s items that deserve professional appreciation. think-silly.com |
此外,北方界限完全违背了《朝鲜停战协定》第十三条丑款的规定,其中规 定,除白翎岛、大青岛、小青岛、延坪岛及隅岛诸岛群将留置“联合国军”总司 令的军事控制下以外,所有其他岛屿和水域均置于朝鲜民主主义人民共和国一方 的军事控制之下。 daccess-ods.un.org | Moreover, the northern limit line is quite contrary to paragraph 13 B of the Korean Armistice Agreement stipulating that the island groups of Paengyong-Do, Taechong-Do, Sochong-Do, Yonpyong-Do and U-Do shall remain under the military control of the commander of the “United Nations forces” and all other islands and waters under the military control of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea side. daccess-ods.un.org |
该发展项目座落於北京朝阳区将台,设有一个时尚购物商场、一座甲级办公楼、一间提供三百六十九间客房的休闲式商务酒店北京东隅及逾一千二百个停车位。 swirepacific.com | Located in Jiang Tai, in Beijing's Chaoyang District, the development comprises a trend-setting shopping mall, a Grade A office tower, a 369-room lifestyle business hotel, EAST, Beijing, and more than 1,200 car parking spaces. swirepacific.com |
( 包括重型武器) 混入平民,而民兵、雇佣兵和其他亲巴博 分子则撤到与阿比让相邻的约普贡,他们在那里负隅顽抗并袭击平民。 daccess-ods.un.org | A significant number of Republican Guard soldiers melted into the population with their weapons, including heavy weapons, while militia elements, mercenaries and other pro-Gbagbo elements retreated to the Yopougon neighbourhood of Abidjan, where they held out and targeted the civilian population. daccess-ods.un.org |
徐先生自二零零八年八月起获委任北京金隅股份有限公司(一家在联交所上市的公司)的独立董事,自二零零九年四月至二零一二年四月获委任华新水泥股份有限公司(一家在上海证券交易所上市的公司)的独立董事,并于二零一二年四月起担任华新水泥股份有限公司的董事长。 crcement.com | Mr. XU has been appointed an independent director of BBMG Corporation, a company listed on the Stock Exchange, since August 2008, an independent director of Huaxin Cement Co. crcement.com |