

单词 陷入绝境

See also:


sink into
get caught up in
land in (a predicament)

入境 n

entry n
immigration n
immigrants pl


desperate straits

External sources (not reviewed)

如果他们能够得到可靠的金融服 务,就将拥有一定的抵御可使贫困家 陷入绝境 的 突发事件的能力。
If they have financial services on
which they can rely, they will also have a buffer against sudden emergencies that
[...] can push poor households into destitution.
帮助中小公司陷入绝境前找 到变革之法。
It helps to find a way to improve or change the strategy if required before companies fall in the ditch.
冲突则使这一局面更加恶化,加剧了不平等和边缘化问题,使这些国 陷入绝境。
Conflicts further exacerbate this situation, reinforcing inequalities,
[...] marginalization and desperation.
然而,一旦他们的经营战略发生偏颇,则很容 陷入绝境。
Any loose strategy will let the company fall in the ditch.
大部分越过南非边境的津巴 布韦人根据《公约》的规定来说并非难民,而是逃 离经陷入绝境的本国。
The majority of the Zimbabweans who had crossed the border into South Africa were
not refugees in the sense of the Convention but were fleeing their country, where
[...] the economic situation was desperate.
气候变化的 危险和广泛影响必须使我们坚信,不顾后果的消费和 生产模式是走向万劫不复的道路,可能导致今世后代 和地球母陷入绝境。
The pernicious and pervasive effects of climate change must convince us that to follow a pattern of reckless consumption and production is to lay a path to perdition that could lead to the demise of succeeding generations and Mother Earth herself.
过去三十年来,过度的专制统治、镇压政策、系统性的严重侵犯人权、大规 模战争,以及国际社会根据《联合国宪章》第七章实施的制裁使伊拉 陷入绝 境,伊拉克共和国期待走出困境。
The Republic of Iraq looks forward to getting out of the impasse in which the country has been trapped for the past three decades owing to the excesses of dictatorial rule, repressive policies, grave and systematic human rights violations, major wars and the international sanctions imposed on Iraq under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations.
我们是在海地遭受真正毁灭性地震一年多后的 今天举行会议的。地震持续了 47 秒钟,但却造成逾 22 万人死亡,无数人受伤陷入绝境。
We are meeting today a little more than a year after Haiti was struck by a truly devastating earthquake — a blow that lasted just 47 seconds but killed more than 220,000 human beings and left countless more wounded and desperate.
[...] 多的无辜平民可能因加沙发生和源自加沙的毫无道 理的军事行动和暴力行为而遭到杀害 陷入绝 望境 地。
As this meeting of the Council is taking place, more and perhaps many
more innocent civilians may be
[...] being killed or plunged into desperate conditions [...]
by unjustified military operations and acts of violence in and from Gaza.
作为一个无望获得独立的殖民地,波多黎各及 其经陷入了绝境,失 业率高﹑公共债务沉重﹑犯 罪和贩毒活动猖獗﹑家庭暴力普遍。
As a colony, with no prospect of independence, Puerto Rico and its economy were in dire straits, with high unemployment, heavy public indebtedness, rampant crime and drug trafficking and widespread domestic violence.
边防卫兵通 过热成像摄像机发现四名外籍人试图进入西班牙境内并下令制止他们时,即已启 动绝入境的行 政程序,但这一程序未能延续。
At the time that the border guards were alerted by thermal imaging cameras of the attempt being
made by four foreign
[...] nationals to enter Spanish territory and gave the order to stop them, the administrative procedure for denial of entry was initiated, [...]
but was not continued.
此外,我们呼吁安全理事会和所有当事方作出必 要的努力和致力于确保切实执行该决议,以便结束所 有军事活动和暴力;解决加沙地带长期遭受以色列非
[...] 人道封锁的巴勒斯坦平民的人道主义和经济需要;并 帮助各方摆脱危机将我们入绝境的 局 面,重新回到 和平的道路上来。
Moreover, we call on the Security Council and all concerned parties to make the necessary efforts and work to ensure the effective implementation of the resolution in order to bring an end to all military activities and violence; to address the serious humanitarian and economic needs of the Palestinian civilian population in the Gaza Strip, who for too long have been under Israel’s
inhumane siege; and to help the parties
[...] return from the precipice to which this [...]
crisis has brought us and back to the path of peace.
任务规定的措 辞确认当选政府的主权,然而,一旦政府或其机构的某些成员被认为涉嫌腐败、 欺诈或侵犯人权,特派团就陷入困 境。
Mandate language recognizes the sovereignty of the elected Government but places the Mission in a difficult position if elements of the Government or its services are seen to be associated with corruption, fraud or human rights violations.
我们确实在竭尽全力破除阻碍,到达妇女和儿 陷入 困 境 的 地 方,但却难以为此次危机移动资源基地。
We're really trying our best – across lines, wherever children and women – people in need are, but the resource base has been difficult to mobilize for this crisis.
[...] 的社会传统偏见和陈旧观念,成为提高妇女地位的重大障碍,并且是致妇女于不境地,包括陷入劳务 市场不利境地的根源。
It expressed concerns about the pervasiveness of patriarchal attitudes, deep-rooted traditional social prejudices and stereotyped attitudes as a major
obstacle to the advancement of women and as a root cause of their
[...] disadvantaged position, including in the labour market.
因此不得对囚犯实施包括医 学或科学实验等非人道或侮辱性的对待或惩罚;对被剥夺自由者以外的任何人, 不得使陷入困境或限制其自由。
For this reason, prisoners cannot be subject to inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, including medical or scientific experimentation, nor to hardship or to constraint other than those which result directly from the deprivation of freedom.
[...] 启动一些项目,为青年提供帮助,确保这一重要人口 群体不陷入绝望、 暴力或者去发不义之财。
My country also believes that it is imperative that the international community help the Government of Yemen to initiate projects aimed at helping young people in order
to ensure that this important segment of the population
[...] does not fall into despair, violence [...]
or the quest for easy money.
(b) 阻止这些个入境或过 境,但本段的规定绝不强制任何国家 绝 本 国入境或要 求本国国民离境,本段也不适用于为履行司法程序而必须入境或过境 的情况,或委员会经逐案审查认定有正当理由入境或过境的情况,包括直接关系 到支持阿富汗政府努力促进和解的情况
(b) Prevent the entry into or transit through their territories of these individuals, provided that nothing in this paragraph shall oblige any State to deny entry or require [...]
the departure from its
territories of its own nationals and this paragraph shall not apply where entry or transit is necessary for the fulfilment of a judicial process or the Committee determines on a case-by-case basis only that entry or transit is justified, including where this directly relates to supporting efforts by the Government of Afghanistan to promote reconciliation
负责边境谈判的官员通常需等待自顾不暇的内阁来 作出决定,因此境谈判也陷入停滞
The border negotiations lost momentum, as those leading them waited for decisions from an often distracted cabinet.
以色列不仅继续绝遵守这项决议和以前通过 的各项决议的规定,它还继续实施侵犯巴勒斯坦平民 的政策,包括实行封锁、关闭过境点、拘留平民、剥 夺行动自由、不让学生接受治疗和阻挡国际援助,更 遑论使西岸和戈兰高地的平陷于恶 劣的 境。
Those include the blockade, the closing of crossing points, detentions, denial of the freedom of movement, refusing to allow students to receive medical treatment and obstacles to the flow of international assistance, not to mention the deplorable conditions of civilians in the West Bank and the Golan Heights.
[...] 坦人民的压迫与虐待,目的在于迫使他们俯首帖耳陷入绝望。
All those actions subject the Palestinian people to further intense oppression and torture, with the goal of forcing
[...] them to surrender and despair.
政府當局認為不宜在勞資審裁處入法律代表制度,主要原因如下 —— (a) 若 審裁官認為審裁處審理的案件案情 複雜, 或 僱 員會因沒有 能 力自行應付所 涉 事宜陷 於不境 ,審裁官 可 拒絕對 該 案件行使 司法管轄權,而將 案件移 交 較 高 級 的法院 審理,以 便 該僱員可自行延聘律 師或申請法律援 助 ;及
(a) should the Presiding Officer consider that the case before the Tribunal involved some complications or the employee would be at a disadvantage in not being able to deal with the matter himself, the Presiding Officer could decline jurisdiction over the case and transfer the case to a higher court so that the employee could either instruct his own lawyer or apply for legal aid; and
本法之目的在于为处理跨国界破产案件提供有效机制,以促进达到下述 目标:(a)本国法院及其他主管机构与外国法院及其他主管机构之间涉及跨
[...] 效率地实施跨国界破产管理,保护所有债权人和其他有关当事人的利益, 包括债务人的利益;(d)保护并尽量增大债务人资产的价值;(e)便于挽陷 入经济困境的企 业,从而保护投资和维持就业。
The purpose of this law is to provide effective mechanisms for dealing with cases of cross-border insolvency so as to promote the objectives: (a) cooperation between the courts and other competent authorities of this State and foreign States involved in cases of cross-border insolvency; (b) greater legal certainty for trade and investment; (c) fair and efficient administration of cross-border insolvencies that protects the interests of all creditors and other interested persons, including the debtor; (d) protection and maximization
of the value of the
[...] debtor’s assets; and (e) facilitation of the rescue of financially troubled businesses, [...]
thereby protecting
investment and preserving employment.
今天,我 还要再次提请你们关注巴勒斯坦囚犯因持 绝 食 斗争 而 陷入 的 严境。从 2011 年 9 月27 日开始的绝食斗争是为了抗议占领国对他们采取的惩罚 性非法措施,其中最主要的是单独禁闭政策。
Today, I must also call your attention once
[...] again to the critical situation of Palestinian prisoners as a result of the ongoing hunger strike, entered into on 27 September [...]
2011 in protests
of the punitive and illegal measures taken against them by the occupying Power, foremost of which the solitary confinement policy.
如是合法的,终局绝对的 驱逐(即受驱逐的有关外国人(在规定的期限内) 没有提出上诉)也构成禁入境和居 留的理由;只有在驱逐的效果受时间限制时, 才会产生返回权的问题(根据德国法律,在适用《居留法》第 11 节第 1 款第三句 的规定时经常发生),如果这一期限已过,再入境就有法律依据(如发放签证)。
A final and absolute expulsion (that is, an expulsion against which the alien concerned did not (within the prescribed period) lodge an appeal) also constitutes grounds for a prohibition on entry and residence [...]
if it is lawful; a right
to return only arises if the effects of the expulsion were limited in time (which under German law occurs regularly upon application of section 11, paragraph 1, third sentence, of the Residence Act), this deadline has passed and there is a legal basis for re-entry (for example, the issuing of a visa).
每个会员国都有 权禁止人员入境,但正如最近第
[...] 1904(2009)号决议第 1 段(b)所重申的,旅行禁 令并不强制要求“任何国家绝本 国国 民 入境 或 要 求本国国民离境”。
Every Member State has a right to forbid entry to its territory, but the travel ban, as most recently reiterated in paragraph 1 (b) of
resolution 1904 (2009), does not
[...] oblige “any State to deny entry or require the departure [...]
from its territories of its own nationals”.
(r) 鼓励受自然灾害和人为灾害及复杂紧急情况影响的儿童,特别是青少
年,参与分析他们在危机期间、危机后阶段及过渡进程中的所处境况和未来前 景,并使他们具备这种能力,同时确保这种参与同他们的年龄、成熟程度和不
[...] 同阶段接受能力相符,并且符合儿童的最佳利益,此外确认有必要适当谨慎从 事,以保护儿童免陷入可能 造成创伤或损害 境况
(r) To encourage and enable children affected by natural and man-made disasters and complex emergencies, in particular adolescents, to participate in analysing their situations and future prospects in crisis, post-crisis and transition processes, while ensuring that such participation is in accordance with their age, maturity and evolving capacities and is consistent with the best interests of the child and recognizing that
appropriate care needs to be taken
[...] to protect children from exposure to situations that are [...]
likely to be traumatic or harmful
注意到《残疾人权利公约》全面涵盖了残疾人公民、政治、经济、社会和文 化等方面权利; 又注意到残疾人估计占世界总人口 15%,30 其中 80%生活在发展中国家,31 他陷入绝对贫困的风险较高,并认识到必须开展国际合作,以支持各国尤其是 发展中国家为将残疾问题纳入发展议程的主流而作出的努力
that persons with disabilities, who face a greater risk of living in absolute poverty, make up an estimated 15 per cent of the world’s population,30of whom 80 per cent live in developing countries,31 and recognizing the importance of international cooperation in supporting national efforts to mainstream disability in the development agenda, in particular for developing countries
而其他人认为,国家不能担负预见第三方行为的责任, 这是既不能预测也无法控制的,所以不应使 陷入 这 种 境 地。
Other delegations also expressed the view that States should not be placed in the situation of being responsible for anticipating the conduct of third parties which they could neither foresee nor control.




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