单词 | 陨坑 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 陨坑 —meteorite craterSee also:陨—meteor • perish 坑 n—pit n • pits pl • hole n 坑—tunnel • defraud
一项新研究提供了希克苏鲁伯小行星撞击——它在墨西哥留下了一个巨大 的 陨 石 坑 — —与非鸟类恐龙的大规模灭绝密切相关的新证据。 chinese.eurekalert.org | A new study provides fresh evidence that the Chicxulub asteroid impact, which left a gargantuan crater in Mexico, closely coincided with the mass extinction of non-avian dinosaurs. chinese.eurekalert.org |
他的主要科学贡 献包括:中印度洋盆地主要结核矿床的划界和资源开发潜在区域的划分;发现大 型浮石场,为板内火山活动提供第一手证据;发现沸石矿床及其与中印度洋盆地 的结核和火山之间的关系;发现微 陨坑 对 澳 大利亚微玻璃陨石的影响,这是经查 明类似于月球微陨坑的第 一批陆地类似物;发现澳大利亚熔融石场中的微玻璃陨 石;绘制海底图和南极东部拉斯曼丘陵进出口航道的普里兹湾地区水深测量图。 isa.org.jm | His major scientific contributions include delineation of major nodule deposits in Central Indian Basin and demarcation of potential areas for resource development; discovery of a large pumice field, which provided first evidence for intraplate volcanism; discovery of zeolite deposits and their relation to nodules and volcanics in Central Indian Ocean Basin; discovery of impact microcrates on Australasian microtektites, the first terrestrial analogs identified akin to lunar microcraters; discovery of minitektites in the Australasian strewn field; mapping the seabed and charting the bathymetry of Prydz Bay area for approach channel in the Larsemann Hills, East Antarctica. isa.org.jm |
這個 計劃包括監察每個卸泥坑是否 符合規定,切實執行關於經營運作的合約條件,以及 [...] 對周圍環境所受到的影響進行大規模的評估。 legco.gov.hk | This programme embraces compliance [...] monitoring of individual pits to enforce contract [...]conditions on operational practice as [...]well as a wider scale assessment of impact on the surrounding environment. legco.gov.hk |
该区 40% 的领土为诺马治国家公园壮丽的山脊、茂密的森林及清澈的河流和 水 坑 所 覆 盖。 studyinaustralia.gov.au | The splendid ridges, forests and pristine rivers and waterholes of Namadgi National Park cover 40% of the territory. studyinaustralia.gov.au |
一项新的研究描述了对这一陨石的 快速重获并且这项研究报告说,这一太空岩石是一种罕 见 陨 石 ——叫做碳质球 粒 陨 石 — —的异常复杂的实例。 chinese.eurekalert.org | A new study describes the speedy recovery of this meteorite and reports that the space rock is an unusually complex example of the rare meteorites known as carbonaceous chondrites. chinese.eurekalert.org |
今年春天在加利福尼亚Sierra山脚的一个像一个火球样爆炸 的 陨 石 属 于那些已知的撞击地球速度最快、最罕见 的 陨 石 ,且它是经由一个高度偏心的轨道路线到达这里的。 chinese.eurekalert.org | A meteorite that exploded as a fireball over California’s Sierra foothills this past spring was among the fastest, rarest meteorites known to have hit the Earth, and it traveled a highly eccentric orbital route to get here. chinese.eurekalert.org |
12GB 號工程計劃的範圍包括沿現有由西( 白鶴洲) 至東( 沙頭角) 的 邊界巡邏通路( 全長約 21.7 公里) 南緣興建輔助邊界圍網,以及在落馬 洲河套及蠔殼圍、白虎山和蓮麻坑村 和 白虎山沿深圳河岸興建主圍網 和邊界巡邏通路的新段( 全長約 9.6 公里) 。 legco.gov.hk | The scope of 12GB is to construct an SBF along the southern edge of the existing BPR (approximately 21.7 kilometres) from Pak Hok Chau in the west to Sha Tau Kok in the east, and to construct new sections of the PBF and the BPR (approximately 9.6 kilometres in total) along Shenzhen River near Lok Ma Chau Loop and Hoo Hok Wai, Pak Fu Shan and Lin Ma Hang. legco.gov.hk |
他的陨落也 使这个国家及其邻国面临许多潜在的新问题,可能危及该地区的稳定。 crisisgroup.org | His fall has also left the country and its neighbours facing a multitude of potential new problems that could threaten stability in the region. crisisgroup.org |
(b) 建造一些空间望远镜,能够保证对使用地面望远镜而无法监测的小型 (面积类似于通古斯加陨石) 危险天体的轨道参数加以监测并十分准确地予以 界定,并且还能十分准确地计算阿波菲斯的轨道。 daccess-ods.un.org | (b) The construction of space telescopes capable of guaranteeing the detection and high-precision definition of the trajectory parameters of small (similar in size to the Tunguska meteorite) hazardous celestial bodies that cannot be detected using ground-based telescopes, and also for the high-precision calculation of the orbit of Apophis. daccess-ods.un.org |
这里是NASA发射中心,你可以到发射地参观,会见老航天员,接受航空训练,看巨大 的 陨 石 , 甚至可以看到真实的航天飞船发射。 abgcorp.com | Here at NASA’s launch headquarters, you can tour launch areas, meet veteran astronauts, train in spacecraft flight simulators, see enormous rockets, and even see a live launch. abgcorp.com |
小组委员会注意到 2012 年 2 月 13 日发射了搭载在欧洲新的发射装置 VEGA 上的罗马尼亚 Goliat 超小型卫星,该卫星进行了三次科学试验,其中一 次是测量陨星的通量。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Subcommittee noted the launch of a Goliath nanosatellite of Romania on board the new European launcher Vega on 13 February 2012. daccess-ods.un.org |
该研究首次在世界证明了陨石冲 撞的明确证据。 tohoku.ac.jp | This study establishes clear evidence for the first time of the meteorite impact. tohoku.ac.jp |
这是“坑”的 ,是“黑暗之家”的“不归路土地”中,“地方,灰尘是他们的面包,他们的食品是泥”,以及它与恶魔出没,谁,至少在伊什塔尔的情况下,都有权对在世界上的各种chastisements所犯的罪。 mb-soft.com | It is the "pit", the "land of [...] no return", the "house of darkness", the "place where dust is their bread, and their food [...]is mud"; and it is infested with demons, who, at least in Ishtar's case, are empowered to inflict various chastisements for sins committed in the upper world. mb-soft.com |
(d) 空间系统遭受干扰的自然原因(空间气象、太阳耀斑、 微 陨 星 等 )。 daccess-ods.un.org | (d) The natural causes of disturbances affecting space systems (space weather, solar flares, micrometeorites etc.). daccess-ods.un.org |
这项成果利用了在东北大学设置的最新的透射式电子显微镜和扫描电子显微镜等精密分析仪器,使得分析月 球 陨 石 成 为可能。 tohoku.ac.jp | The achievement was produced in collaboration with Nihon Trim Co. tohoku.ac.jp |
地球灾害包括地震、火山活动、山崩、海啸、洪水 、 陨 星 撞 击和地质材料对健康的危 害等,种类极其繁多,从泥石流、海岸侵蚀等地方性事件到威胁到整个人类的事件(如超级 火山爆发或陨星撞击)。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Geohazards include earthquakes, volcanic activity, landslides, tsunamis, floods, meteorite impacts and the health hazards of geologic materials. unesdoc.unesco.org |
这一创新一直延续到了21世纪,并由此诞生了灵感源自左轮手枪的转轮,将三种书写工具集于一身的 Revolette旋转笔;以及硬件产品中所使用的雕花猛犸象牙,以 及 陨 石 粉 末。 parkviewgreen.com | In the 21st Century this innovation has resulted in the Revolette pen which, inspired by the spinning barrel of a revolver, combines three writing instruments in one, as well as the use of carved mammoth tusk or crushed meteorite upon the brand’s hard products. parkviewgreen.com |
据一项新的研究,在我们的太阳系中形成的最早的固体——钙铝富集包涵物(CAI s) 及 陨 石 球粒,它们都是 在 陨 石 中 发现的——是在同一时期开始形成的,时间大约在45.67亿年之前。 chinese.eurekalert.org | The first solids to form in our solar system -- calcium-aluminum-rich inclusions (CAIs) and chondrules, which are both found in meteorites -- began forming at the same time, about 4.567 billion years ago, according to a new study. chinese.eurekalert.org |
今年夏天,一颗来自火星的陨石坠 落到摩洛哥沙漠之中。 chinese.eurekalert.org | Last summer, a meteorite from Mars plunged into the Moroccan desert. chinese.eurekalert.org |
一颗新发现的有21亿年历史的火星陨 石 与 来自该红色行星的任 何 陨 石 都 不同,但它与太空总署的火星探测车所分析的火星表面岩石却非常相近。 chinese.eurekalert.org | A newly discovered, 2.1 billion year-old Martian meteorite is unlike any meteorite from the red planet, but closely matches surface rocks analyzed by NASA’s Mars rovers. chinese.eurekalert.org |
察看与之相关游戏 太空 : 外星球游戏, 小行星游戏, 星星游戏, 星球游戏, 月亮游戏, 火星游戏, 航天员游戏, 舰艇游戏, 陨星游戏 cn.yupis.org | See games related to space : Aliens games, Asteroids games, Astronaut games, Mars games, Meteorite games, Moon games, Planet games, Spaceship games, Star games en.yupis.org |
从宇宙的起源和演化;星系的结构和运动;星球及恒星系统的诞生、演化 和 陨 灭 ; 到行星系统的形成及其普通的存在,对这些问题的了解都有了重大的进展。 shawprize.org | Remarkable progress has been achieved in our understanding of the origin and evolution of the universe; the structure and dynamics of galaxies; the birth, life, and death of stars and stellar systems; and the formation and ubiquity of planetary systems. shawprize.org |
东北大学理学研究科的大谷荣治(Eiji Ohtani)教授,研究生小沢信(Shin Ozawa)以及研究员宫原正明(Masaaki Miyahara),与茨城大学、东京大学、千叶工业大学的研究员进行了共同研究,确认了在受到撞击的月 球 陨 石 ( ASUKA-881757)中,柯石英、超石英、甚至是月球中罕见的石英等硅的高压多种形态物的存在。 tohoku.ac.jp | Center for Advanced and Integrated Renal Science (CAIRS), Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine has elucidated that intake of water with high levels of dissolved hydrogen produced by electrolysis reduces the progression of cardiac and renal inflammation and oxidative stress in laboratory rats suffer from chronic kidney disease (CKD), comparing to normal filtered water. tohoku.ac.jp |
由Hassan Chennaoui Aoudjehane及其同事对该陨石所 做的一项新的分析显示,该岩石是在70万年前从火星表面被弹射而出的。特别的是,研究人员发现在该岩石内有着丰富的黑色玻璃,其中可能含有火星土壤。 chinese.eurekalert.org | A new analysis of the meteorite by Hassan Chennaoui Aoudjehane and colleagues shows that the rock was ejected from the surface of Mars 700,000 years ago. chinese.eurekalert.org |
意外发现Omnitrix在森林中后的陨石下跌,本不知道,这是修改后的设备有能力将本到超级英雄的能力biet.Voi功率奔对爪子,谁想要他的machineinternal和表弟格温征服Earth.Ben要面对很多的反派角色,包括作为一个群体或,作为凯文11和魔贾斯的那些谁一起工作。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Unexpectedly found Omnitrix in the forest after the meteorite fell, Ben did not know that this is the modified device has the ability to transform Ben into the superhero abilities biet. seekcartoon.com |
他最近又考究构成行星的最小单元,提出它们的遗留物会不断地凝聚,并在新生太阳的周围融化,又重新散布形成太阳系的原 始 陨 石。 shawprize.org | Most recently, he showed that some relics of smallest planet building blocks are repeatedly condensed and melted down in the proximity of the infant Sun, redistributed and moulded into primitive meteorites throughout the solar system. shawprize.org |